Archive for the ‘Isaac Ayii Ayii’ Category

By Dr Isaac Ayii Ayii (PhD), Juba, South Sudan

After this greedy and suspicious orders of Devaluation of currency and Nationalization of jobs market by the novices of the government of South Sudan, this beautiful and precious South Sudanese Pound will turn into a Zim Dollar!

April 26, 2017 (SSB) —- When we choose the path of corruption looting public funds like no man business was it USD dollar driving us? When we choose war the most expensive business in expenses of lucrative business of peace which is less costly did USD dollar signed us that deal

It wasn’t USD Dollar preventing us to cultivate our fertile land in order to get the produce but instead we were playing cards, Dominos and gossiping only waiting for food and drinks from where we did not sweat. It wasn’t USD dollar that prevents us /our leaders in services delivery like hospitals, schools, roads, water and electricity when there was enough of from 2005 up to 2013 before December crises.


Let’s support girl-child education: A South Sudanese girl shines in the Ugandan 2016 PLE results

Authored by Dr Isaac Ayii Ayii (PhD), Juba, South Sudan

Akech Wol Ayii Madut

Akech Wol Ayii Madut: 2016 PLE RESULT: MTC-95, ENG-85, SST-97, SCI-83, CRE-89

February 12, 2017 (SSB) — In South Sudan particularly among the cattle keepers, girls are seen as wealth through acquisition of bride price popularly known as dowry paid after the girl by the boy’s family, however, the culture and belief need to change so that, we value our sisters and daughters the same way we value our brothers and sons in term of education which is an ingredient needed for development of human kind irrespective of gender.

Hence, girl education is incumbent upon us to ensure recruitment, retention and completion of educational goals for each child be it a girl or a boy although others see girl education as a waste with the belief that she would be married off to a distance family or any other reasons.
