Archive for the ‘Simon Yel’ Category

Hon. Salvatore Garang Mabiordit: The victim of exotic politics of egregious lies and distortions

By Simon Yel Yel, Juba, South Sudan

Minister of Finance and Economic Planning Salvatore Garang Mabiordit

Thursday, March 21, 2019 (PW) — Thought not blood, unmeasurable ink has been spilt over the Minister for Finance and Economic Planning, Hon. Salvatore Garang Mabior. But the truth remains: He is not corrupt as being misleadingly alleged. That’s the reason I don’t buy all these corruption allegations born of consummate hatred and insipid circumlocution which have been circulating on the online media for sometimes now. It’s merely a political attrition in play.

All these platitudinous sermons carry no shred of truth by any imagination. They are being purposely contrived and propagated by his political nemesis to settle political scores. However, his legacy is imprinted in a hard stone. Even if he is thrown into political oblivion by this exotic politics of subterfuge and egregious lies – and I am sure he will withstand all the odds and continue climbing the ladder of stardom and greatness, his legacy is written in the hard rock.

Upon his appointment, he has successfully managed to ameliorate the living conditions and that is why the country is now economically convalescing. Get your popcorn and let me peel your eyes. His achievements are ineffable and here are the headlines.


By Simon Yel Yel, Paloich, South Sudan

Corruption genesis.jpg

Thursday, August 30, 2018 (PW) — Unless it is breaking news, there is no civil servant in the government of South Sudan that has been derisively dragged through the mud and unreasonably disparaged more than Ateny Wek Ateny on both social and print media outlets. Unimaginably, even the Facebook is heavily littered to the brim with Ateny’s name and I am sure you too do find it; that the Presidential Press Secretary either is a wrong man in the right place or a curse to the Presidential palace in disguise.

That is their opinion. And I have mine too. The gist of writing this piece of article is neither to glorify him nor vilify his critics; nor even to put his reputations into ignominy. Rather I have picked up my pen to share my thoughts with the readership about this very man in the Presidential press room.

To jog your memory, Ateny Wek’s oath of office neither extends across the entire executive branch of government nor parliament, but just to the President Salva Kiir and his office, and thus, he doesn’t speak for the government as a whole.  It’s only once you acknowledge this fact that you can be able to fairly judge his performances and passion for work. (more…)

Gen. Akol Khor Kuch and the Spectacular Rise of the Young Turks of South Sudan

By Simon Yel Yel, Juba, South Sudan


Ambassador Gordon Buay in the foreground

Tuesday, June 12, 2018 (PW) — No sane person can contemn or condemn the government or Gen. Akol Koor for reaching the peace deal with inconsequential members of the SS-UF. This is not to say that the government dreads to confront the twonk Gen. Malong militarily in the battle field if he chooses so. It is because the government had already decided ( since the genesis of this war) to take the path of peace to salvage the country from this infinite crisis by giving out government positions to whomever has rebelled if that can make them cease from killing the innocent South Sudanese people. This is why Gen. Akol has reached this peace deal with SS-UF break-away group of Lino Ajang Ajang.

Frankly speaking, there is no a lucid person who has witnessed these destitutions and destructions brought upon this country by the ongoing senseless war is ready again to be lured by the discombobulated Malong into killing JUNUBIIN under the pretense of ‘arresting the carnage’. That is why Ajang has led this exodus of a few hundreds if not thousands youth and some elders to Juba. Their exit confirms that they want peace.

Though Malong pretended to negate Ajang’s importance to the movement by rhetorically disparaged him with all evil terms at his disposal in the press release he signed, his dearest private wish could be that for a divine thunderbolt to reduce his once poster boy into a pile of ashes. In fact, Malong is still mourning now for losing Ajang to Gen. Akol. With the return of Ajang and many others, the self-praising lion (SS-UF) to roar will soon turn into a disappointing meow.  No strength to roar again. Ajang is gone! I can now bet without fear. Most of its members will come to Juba while carrying their parts of SS-UF on their heads very soon. (more…)

This is an excerpt from the introduction to the speeches, before and after independence, of President Salva Kiir, “Salva Kiir Mayardit: The Joshua of South Sudan,” edited and published by Simon Yel Yel and PaanLuel Wel in February 2016

By PaanLuel Wel (Juba) and Simon Yel Yel (Kampala)

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Wednesday, May 16, 2018 (PW) — May 26, 1983, marked the day President Kiir revolted against Khartoum’s repressive regime and joined his comrades in the bush. By then, Captain Salva Kiir was a mid-level military intelligence officer in the Sudanese army stationed in Malakal, Southern Sudan. His rebellion came in the wake of the May 16th Bor and May 20th Ayod Uprisings led by Major Kerubino Kuanyin Bol and Major William Nyuon Bany respectively.

Why did it take that long—from May 16th up to May 26th —before Salva Kiir rebelled against Khartoum? This was mainly because he was the one coordinating the security and intelligence of the Underground group. For example, when Khartoum decided to launch a dawn attack on Bor, it was Salva Kiir who passed that message to John Garang in Bor informing them that Khartoum had finally decided to attack Bor. Using that insider information which only an officer in the Sudanese military intelligence could have access to, John Garang and Kerubino Kuanyin were able to strategize and repulse the dawn attack with minimal casualties on their sides.

Secondly, when Khartoum dispatched a battalion from Malakal to take reinforcement to Bor, Salva Kiir passed that crucial message to John Garang and William Nyuon. After the troops arrived in Ayod on their way to Bor, Nyuon lured their officers into a bogus meeting during which they were arrested and killed. Their soldiers were then attacked and scattered, never to reach Bor. (more…)

By Simon Yel Yel, Kampala, Uganda

Mayen Wol Jong

Mayen Wol Jong, former chief administrator in the office of the president who was sentenced to life imprisonment for allegedly using the seal of the president to steal millions of dollars from Central bank, with other accomplices

March 24, 2018 (SSB) — If the emergence of Hon. Mayen Wol Jong from within the President’s inner circle immediately after the Comprehensive Peace Agreement has taught us anything, it is that President Kiir chooses people who can do work expeditiously and efficaciously irrespective of their blood relation with him, where they hail from, and whether they were or not in the bush with him during the liberation days.

His emergence and climb to the inner circles of the Presidential Palace has been unique, however it is only matched by the collimate emergence of Dr. Riek Gai Kok. As somebody born into unschooled family but went for Laws at the prestigious Sudanese University of Khartoum and who has no blood relations with the President, didn’t join the SPLA, it’s difficult to infer how he sailed to the top as one of the most trusted administrative aide-de-camp of the President.

Such a climb would only be inferred as a trending madness of a workaholic. Indeed, his passion for work, competency clad with administrative skills for a strong and synergistic work output are apparent desired traits and thus had propelled and won him the President’s firm trust. He is a committed personality who judiciously aspires for excellence and especially on matters pertaining nation building.


By Simon Yel Yel, Juba, South Sudan

President Kiir's speeches after independence

Salva Kiir Mayaardit: The Joshua of South Sudan. Grab your copy at

January 24, 2018 (SSB) — I would want to prologue this article with a few remarks. A society that doesn’t stare the truth in the eye and call it by its correct name will perish. Such a society is always packed up under the burden of intellectual knavery and two-facedness. This is the exact situation that niches our society.

As Mr. Ahmadou Kourouma wrote in his book, “Waiting for Beasts to Vote”, “The world is for clothed peoples. We can’t enter this world unless we clothe ourselves unless we abandon our nakedness,” he writes. And so we dress up the truth in lies.

That is our problem. We dress up the truth in lies. We are economical with the truth. We shy to call things by their names. The way the current squabble over Union leadership is explained exhibits A.


By Simon Yel Yel & PaanLuel Wël, Juba, South Sudan

Kiir's speeches before independence, cover

Salva Kiir Mayaardit: The Joshua of South Sudan. Grab your copy at

July 24, 2017 (SSB) —They say if you don’t have nothing to say, say nothing. This altruism could have been realized by Kharubino Kiir to say nothing about our book in his vendetta article against J-1 and specifically against Ateny Wek and Mayiik Ayii Deng. He falsely added our book on his items of discontent to buy the brain of the readers.

That is why we have decided to pen this rebuttal of his article on the part that touched the book we edited: “Salva Kiir Mayardit: The Joshua of South Sudan

To make it crystal clear to all our beloved readers, the speeches, articles, and letters to the President that we compiled into two books (speeches before and speeches after independence) were not done with an intention to endear ourselves, and gain access, to the president of the Republic of South Sudan.

We did it using our own finite resources and limited time, solely as a tribute to the legacy of President Salva Kiir Mayardit, one of the few South Sudanese Patriots who has dedicated their entire lives to the cause of the South Sudanese people.


By Simon Yel Yel, Juba, South Sudan

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January 20, 2017 (SSB) — To prologue this response, I would like to accentuate that my response shouldn’t be translated as a flattering response aiming to achieve something. My response to Chuor’s article is merely propelled by his incoherent presentation of accusations and lack of evidences and it is fairer enough to say his psychosis has dragged him to undertake this suicidal mission.

Everyone who has read his article, “In the Cold: Is Ateny Wek Ateny being sidelined at the Presidency?” might have possibly posted some questions to himself or herself, like, Is Chuor Deng Chuor a real or an imaginary person; where does he work; how did he get the information he claims in the article; is he an insider who wants to replace Ateny; is he a student from the department of political science at the university of Juba who was a friend of Ateny but broke up; and so forth.

However, the fact of the reality is, he is a camouflaged suicide bomber who has been given a bomb by Ateny’s enemies to detonate with Ateny.


By Simon Yel Yel, Juba, South Sudan


Gen. Gregory Vassilli Dmitry (brother of Madam Ayendit), the new governor of Gogrial state

January 10, 2017 (SSB) — It was on Tuesday, the 3rd of January, the first work day of 2017 when President Salva Kiir Mayardit inked the polemical appointment of Gen. Gregory Deng at J1. It was exactly the third day of the New Year and the New Year’s wishes were still fresh in everyone’s mind. With that appointment, President has controversially coloured the wishes of the New Year.

For some in Gogrial state (Pres. Kiir’s own state) who thought that 2016 was not fair to them economically and politically because of former governor Gum being in power, and they were wishing the New Year to come with many desirable items on its menu ranging from political to economical, I want to say congratulations!

President Kiir has served you with Gen. Gregory on gubernatorial plate as your best New Year wish on the 2017 political menu. Maburuk! to those who tie their political fortunes to the political success of Gen. Gregory that, please, enjoy but don’t forget that there are many challenges lying ahead there and if you don’t work hard to maintain this seat by delivering what is expected of you to the people of Gogrial state, then be mindful what brought Gregory may take him away any time.

By Simon Yel Yel, Juba, South Sudan

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November 13, 2016 (SSB) — If anybody had told me then, or over any succeeding ten (10) years from the CPA interim period to 15th December crisis in which he was then a Governor of Unity State and later the SPLM-IO chief negotiator, that he was a future First Vice President, I would have summoned those men in white coats.  However, his unexpected rise to the country’s second top job is unprecedented political miracle which no one had ever thought of.

Gen. Taban Deng is now 100 days old in the office and it is worth looking into what he has achieved. The 100 days parameter is being used as yardstick by press and public in advanced democracies for gauging presidency take off effectiveness. This slippery terrain was first introduced into the global leadership framework in 1993 by the 32nd President of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt. Therefore, I think the South Sudanese should use this yardstick for gauging what Gen. Taban has achieved, if any, in his 100 days in the office.


By Simon Yel Yel, Juba, South Sudan

RSS coat of ARMS

South Sudan’s coat of arms, in which the eagle symbolizes vision, strength, resilience and majesty, and the shield and spear the people’s resolve to protect the sovereignty of their republic and work hard to feed it.

August 26, 2016 (SSB) — It was bound to happen sooner rather later. For the government supporters who were holding their breath, waiting to hear what is on president’s mind about the recent adopted United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions on the renewal of UNMISS Mandate and approval of 4,000 strong protection or intervention force; they got what they were waiting for on Monday 15th August when President Salva Kiir officially inaugurated the Transitional National Assembly.

The business remains as usual; and the pessimists who were speculating the business to be as usual got away with right prediction as the winners of political prediction. To their dismay, the supporters of the government who were expecting their government to be “born again” and look forward to seeing their President firing verbal missiles and incendiary rhetoric Like Hon. Michael Makuei Lueth against the UN, IGAD and US regarding the recent adopted UNSC resolution on sending 4,000 protection or intervention force to South Sudan and the renewal of the mandate of UNMISS, didn’t see any change in business.


By Simon Yel Yel, Juba, South Sudan

“No Nation has the right to make decision for another nation; No people for another people” Julius Kambarage Nyerere, from his ‘A Peaceful New Year’ speech given in Tanzania on 1 January 1968.

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August 14, 2016 (SSB) — When patriot South Sudanese look at the world, we see a swarm of threats and hatred. Threat that start from our region to the United States. Our neighboring countries including Uganda and Kenya are plausibly warming up for aggression against South Sudan any time at behest of the United States.

There is no doubt that the Washington and United Nations are extending their usual aggressions on the pretext of promoting democracy, humanitarian assistance, human rights and protection of civilians as means of ousting independently-minded governments to South Sudan. Washington did it before to the leaders of countries which had refused to show deference to the Washington such as Saddam of Iraq, Gaddafi of Libya and Assad of Syria.


By Simon Yel Yel, Juba, South Sudan

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August 8, 2016 (SSB) — Before I get into what I want to write, I would first like to preface this article with few remarks. I will begin by thanking the First Vice President H.E Gen. Stephen Taban Deng Gai and the entire SPLM-IO political bureau membership for choosing hope over despair; peace and congeniality not a boomerang of war; rebuilding a prosperous country not destruction of the  country, to continue implementing the armistice contrary to what is on Riek Machar’s mind.

This is a great marque decision ever and it will go down the history of this great nation as one of the most momentous event. Though some political and tribal antagonists are firing brads and drats against this decision and branding the SPLM-IO members under Gen. Taban as Machiavellian schemers, I personally believe that it is a right decision taken at the best interest of peace and harmony and many South Sudanese have applauded it irrespective of their political affiliations and ethnicities.

It is very courageous and steadfast decision with one aim of living up to the peace agreement for South Sudanese to live in harmony and peaceful co-existence once again.


By Simon Yel Yel, Juba, South Sudan

Paul Malong Awan

King Paul Malong Awan

July 19, 2016 (SSB) — In Western diplomats’ imagination, General Paul Malong Awan is a life-battery for President Salva Kiir’s presidency; Presidential wheel driver; dictator and the fanner of the war. For Western sympathizers, he is the murderer of the Nuer, Dinka emperor who wants to build Dinka political hegemony, corrupt, antagonist and awaiting heir who will inherit the presidency once the president Salva Kiir retires or dies. However, General Malong have risen and stood tall above these caricatural descriptions during the recent five days fighting in Juba.

Gen. Paul Malong Awan was in the bush long before the emergency of the SPLM/A in 1983. Like other war veterans, Malong abandoned his own Anyanya two movement in Northern Bahr el Ghazal and successfully mobilized and lead thousands of youth to Ethiopia, Bilpham in 1984. Malong was so passionate about the love for his country and detest the suffering that the people of southern Sudan were subjected to by the then Sudanese government.


We may enjoy laughing at the antics of the current crop of student politicians, but if history is any guide, we’ll end up paying them to govern us, writes Dominic Knight

By Simon Yel Yel, Juba, South Sudan

Ugandan election

The Ugandan election: do or die scenario

June 18, 2016 (SSB) —- Election is a decision making process where electorates choose their representatives from contesting parties to hold official offices and deliver services to them. The party with clean track records and good manifesto with detailed work plans always win the hearts of electorates. This is the usual mechanism by which modern democracy fills offices in the legislature, Executive, local government and also in Unions like student Unions and Associations like Bar associations.

There is a saying that goes “no an easy job” it same goes to the election, “no an easy election!” The recent JUSU’s election was not an easy election. It was a real election battle and the SPLM/SL squarely won it with over 50% of the total votes casted. SPLM student politicians did their campaign thoroughly on programs that they will implement and changes they will bring about unlike the other camps. Up to now they are still euphorically celebrating their “mini-election” win on the campus, in hostels and around Hai Thoura shouting at their top voices “SPLM OYEEE!, INTA WA ANA SPLM, SPLM AKUMA BITANA while the democratically defeated NSAF students are mourning. Indeed they labored for lost and they deserve!


By Simon Yel Yel, Juba, South Sudan

The current state of RSS

April 5, 2016 (SSB)  —  At 34th UN General Assembly in 1979, former Cuban president Fidel Castro asked a question  when he delivered his speech to the UN General Assembly with regard to the guiltiness of the imperialist organization, asking “ Of what use is the United Nations”?, he went further and add “ The exploitation of poor countries by rich countries must cease”. Therefore, now with the comeback of another cold war between the West and East over supremacy on the third world; the USA’s dangerous quest to build a global emperor and more noticeably the horrendous takeover of the United Nations by only five member states which called themselves “United Nations Security Council (UNSC)” deciding and taking decisions for all members (193) of the United Nations and subsequently the UN establishment of the “ oilforfood program”; thus, the question is “Of what use is the UNSC?


Who is President Salva Kiir Mayaardit?

 By PaanLuel Wël & Simon Yel Yel, Juba, South Sudan

President Kiir's speeches after independence

Salva Kiir Mayaardit: The Joshua of South Sudan. Grab your copy at

  1. Birth, Childhood and Education

He was the commanding officer, a captain in charge of the national army, at the Bentiu military garrison, when Chevron discovered oil[1] in Unity state in 1978.

Because he could not be trusted by Khartoum, being a southerner and ex-Anyanya officer, he was immediately transferred to Malakal, and northern troops under northern command were brought in and placed in charge of the newly discovered southern oilfields.

In 1994, he survived[2] a plane crash in Kapenguria, Kenya, when a chartered plane he was travelling in from Wilson Airport, Nairobi, to Nimule fell from over 25,000 feet, killing all passengers including the pilot, except Salva Kiir and his body guard.[3]

He escaped unscathed, with only minor injuries to his arm. As president, he later survived a joint Egyptian-Sudanese assassination plot on his life, according to Wikileak Dossier.[4]

He is the only surviving founding member of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A). He has been described as the ‘Biblical Joshua’ who led his beleaguered people to the “Promised Land shortly after the rise and fall of Moses.”[5]

His name is President Salva Kiir Mayaardit, the current president of the Republic of South Sudan.

Kiir Kuethpiny Thiik Atem—popularly known as Salva Kiir Mayaardit—was born on the 13th of September, 1951, into a pastoral Dinka family in Akon village of the Awan-Chan Dinka Community, Gogrial District in Warrap state in the Bahr el Ghazal Region of the historical Sudan. He was the eighth of the family’s nine children—six boys and three girls—born to Kuethpiny Thiik Atem of Awan-Chan (Payum clan) and Awiei Rou Wol Tong of Awan-Chan (Payii clan), both of Gogrial Dinka from the REK Dinka community.


By Simon Yel Yel, Paloch, South Sudan


Simon Yel Yel, a Juba-based South Sudanese political analyst

January 4, 2015 (SSB) — As I write this letter, I am deeply overwhelmed by the wisest and bold decision our president has ever taken in creation of twenty eight states that set the entire nation into cordial jubilation. Little did anyone know that the presidential order on 2nd October will materialize! Before I delve into real reasons of writing you this open letter, I would like to say congratulations in the first place for having won our president’s heart to appoint you as the first governor of the newly created Gogrial State. Congratulations!


By Simon Yel Yel, Juba, South Sudan


October 7, 2015 (SSB)  —  Before I go into what I want to write, I would first love to preface this article with a few clarifications. I have taken a long sabbatical leave from commenting on Warrap politics, and it is real fun watching the drama of recycling, sacking, appointing and so forth of Warrap politics from panorama. Having had my own share in engineering field in private sector (I do not need a job from government); I want to accentuate that my praises or criticism shouldn’t be translated into Yel looking for a job. Some cronies and acolytes are conditioned to fire darts and brads at maverick writers and sometimes they tend to brand writers wrongly.

It is less than a week now since governor Akech has sworn in cabinet. Warrap state has been known for politics of different sorts. Following the appointment of Hon. Akech, many people had vowed that there shall be no more dirty politicking and meaningless opposition again; those who have rigged themselves into the cabinet will be forgiven and given time to deliver services to the people. In short, there was going to be a political honeymoon of stability in the state.

Unfortunately, President Salva Kiir gave the Warrap politicians something to talk of again by dividing Warrap into three states. Very tough and blessing-in-disguise homework! Now no one dares to talk about what should be the priorities of this formed cabinet. The talks of the day are about the new states and who are to be cabinet ministers and governors. However, I hold the contrary view, not least because as one old adage goes, one bird in hand is worth two in the bush! I feel that we still have business with this cabinet. We are still one Warrap for the next 30 days and we ought to know what the priorities of this cabinet are?


By Simon Yel Yel, Juba, South Sudan

Warrap state's acting governor, Akech Tong Aleu, speaking at Wau teaching hospital during an official visit in April 2014

Warrap state’s acting governor, Akech Tong Aleu, speaking at Wau teaching hospital during an official visit in April 2014

August 24, 2015 (SSB) — I will begin by thanking the president of the Republic of South Sudan, General Salva Kiir Mayardit, for the trust has conferred upon you by appointing you as a caretaker governor of Warrap state in this critical time where there is insecurity in the state and in the nation as whole. Congratulations!

Mr. Governor, I know you have already received floodgate of congratulatory notes and verbal praising following your appointment but I felt that I should communicate to you by writing an open letter to you. I just want to alert you of the enormity of the task ahead of you ranging from insecurity to misunderstanding between the government organs, SPLM party and Warrap populations that you carry on your novel shoulders.

Arguably, the former governor has created a great gap of distrust between government; Warrap populations, state assembly and the SPLM party in the state. There is no link and trust between them at all. They see themselves as enemies and each works against the other.

Mr. Governor, it is now your task to reunite the government with the SPLM party, state assembly and Warrap populations and build trust and teamwork among them once more.
