Archive for the ‘Yach Atiop Yach’ Category

By Yach Atiop Yach, Juba, South Sudan

President Kiir & Reik Machar

Saturday, October 22, 2018 (PW) — Believe it or not, peace echoes are around the corners. Like President Salva Kiir said in Jeff Koinange of Kenya Citizen TV interview few days ago and I quote “A person bitten by snake will always fear a string when he/she sees it. It is true that South Sudanese are skeptic of the current revitalized peace agreement and will always jump up when they hear of any peace deal, as some will see it like the snake referred by the president.

But never lose hope in search for peace in this country. There are many hopes that may work out so well this time. One of the hopes is that, there will be no competing armies that will back up the oppositions. Therefore the incoming oppositions will be walking on a tight rope knowing that they have no strengths to rely on once the door has been shut for them after formation of the government in the first quarter of 2019.

All South Sudanese wherever they are being in PoCs country wide, in their homes, or Refugees in the neighboring countries are suffering and one of the major causes of suffering is shortage of food they rely on. So each of these people need peace so that those in the PoCs move out so that they can go and cultivate their farmyards during the next planting season. (more…)

By Atiop Yach, Juba, South Sudan

Ruweng Governor

The newly appointed Governor of Ruweng state Hon. Them Machar Kuol being sworn 

April 3, 2017 (SSB) — Who knew that the two men (Salva Kiir Mayardit and Taban Deng Gai) were going to work together again due to their past differences that lead to the dismissal of the then governor of former Unity State who later teamed up with the man (Dr. Riek Machar) whom the gubernatorial election of April 2010 was rigged against his wife in favor of Taban. This is real politic but politic of regions and tribes.

We have had many instances in recent weeks that are likely to cause rift in working relationship of Salva Kiir and Taban Deng. It first began with the governor of Ruweng State, Theji de Aduot Deng aka Thomas Sankara resigning from the SPLM – IO faction led by Taban Deng Gai to whom he was part of it from inception and being the ticket he was appointed to be the governor of the state. Theji Deng rejoined the SPLM mainstream which will be a boost to Salva Kiir numbers in the region which is believe to be an SPLM – IO stronghold and signified tribal affiliations.
