Archive for March, 2014


Posted: March 31, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Junub Sudan



Posted: March 31, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Amer Mayen, Featured Articles


By Amer Mayen Dhieu

An inherited wife!!

An inherited wife????

You and I have heard/read our transitional constitution, and we both knew something was wrong. 95% of the powers were given to the president by the damn constitution. You sit, I sit, we sit, idly knowing that it’s Authoritarianism in the making, not democracy. I think you and I were wrong for not protesting.

Constitution was pass on to parliament for approval, sadly you swallow your balls, I don’t have balls. Without questioning, you approved it, I approved it, we approved the “power authoritarian” constitutions. For this reason, You wronged, I wronged, We wronged!

The constitution was approved, so was Kiir’s powers. His very famous strategic saying was also approved (“by the powers given to me by Article….by the powers conferred upon me by….I decreed”). You were like what the hell is Decree? I was asking the same too. When watching SSTV I choose to focus on the lady doing the sign language because I don’t want to hear the next “Decree” the news reporter will read. That’s what I do to convey my hatred of what he’s doing, don’t know what you do. See! You wronged, I wronged, We wronged!

You know, I know, We know, that the “decree” will one day shock both of us. You, me, we and him. I was shock, don’t know whether you were when he sacked Governor Taban Deng Gai (remember this was before there was a coup vs no coup saga). I ask in my private room, don’t know what you did. Why would a democratically, constitutionally and legitimately elected president sack the democratically, constitutionally and legitimately elected governor we vote for?? I choose my governor he chooses his cabinet. As citizens, what else can we independently do without presidential interference? Not even making sure that our heart-chosen governor stays in power. I think I was wrong, you were wrong, we were wrong, for not speaking up sooner enough!

On the date I can’t remember, You and I and We, heard/watch him reshuffling the cabinet before the term ended. You knew what the consequences will be, I knew too, Mr president knew nothing. Another unprofessional thing was done. A very dangerous Vice president was sacked and let loose. No word was heard from me and you and we. You wronged, I wronged, we wronged!

East African national language say; “siku ya mwizi ni arobaini.” I don’t know what the hell that mean but in my concept, thief days are numbered, so are Mr President days. Sadly your days, my days, our days, too. His government started to shake. Fear of the government’s shaking hit you and me and we in the face, eyes, ears and body. SPLM Party was divided down the middle; Anti-Garang/Garang Orphan/Boys/Gals vs Opportunists. The general public was divided too. Ex-ministers vs current ministers, Dinka vs Nueer, Bor vs Twic East and Dukeen. Bahr el Ghazal region vs Greater Bor region, and you Vs me, and we vs them. You were wrong, I was Wrong, We were wrong, Mr. was wrong too!

Division fever hit Mr president in the heart. He decided to have his own presidential army/guards formerly trained as “Gelweng” later transformed into “Gelbeny”. It also hit you and I and we in the heart. You airlifted your family to a safer place and started propagandists’ campaigning to either bring you closer to Mr President or distance you from him. Because am poor I did nothing to save my family but I start posting about the situation. Both of us were wrong.

On December 15 the insecurities hit Mr president on the brain not in the heart as usual. As reported by few sources, By his powers he ordered general disarmament within his “Gelbeny” forces. And later re-armed his well-trusted men (Dinkas). This time it wasn’t again three of us that felt insecure. It was also the poor soldiers left unarm. There were uncertainties all over the places. You lock yourself up in your house surrounded by your guards and so was Mr President, I was left shattered, thinking of the safety of my poor family.

Finaly the “Forty day” was here. Unarmed men try to rearmed themselves by force. The violence erupted. Nuers men, women and Children where targeted. Reportly being slaughtered like animals. With a door to door search in Juba suburbs haunting for more Nuers’ Citizens. While Nueer’s massacre was ongoing, you and I and we decided to keep quit, never reported anything on the ground. You have pictures for evidence. You refused to download them. I heard the same story. I failed to write about it. Mama Nyandeng grew balls and reported it to BBC. She ended up being branded as “Sudan Gedim’s prostitute, inherit by Riek. She was misconceived as disgraced to her husband’ s Legacy. Mabior, her son was associated with monkey, not her child but Mundary. Her County Twic East and her county Neighbours Dukeen were called “Rebels”.

General Gadet Yaak heard the same Juba evil practice. His evil mind urge him to do the same. He shot his assistant. ” historical National hero Ajak Yen.” You and I and we did nothing to help. I was shivering in fear of losing my love ones. Violent erupted in Paan-Pandiar military Barack. In a twinkle of an eye it escalated to civilians occupied suburbs in Bortown. You and I and We were busy on the media talking of Nyandeng, Mr president was busy dressing himself with Miltary uniform, and making announcement of “attempted Coup” and ordering arrest warranty for Coup suspects. His Dangerous relieved ex-vice president run for his life and later take charge of the rebellion.

I was helpless, hopeless, desperate you name it. All those emotions were taking charge of me. The news of the decease spread on social media. Some sending me condolences of people I never knew were dead. You were busy saying/writing provoking status and statements on medias. I was doing the same too. NUEER ganged up to revenged. White army was re-activated in less than a week. Result in Second time “Bor Massacre”. Mr president declared state of emergency in Jonglei and Unity states. You evacuated rest of your relatives to better cities. I struggle sending my family back to the refugees camp they brought me up. Nothing can change what we both contributed in their untold suffering. You wronged, I wronged, We wronged!

Mr president started it unknowingly. You and I and We knew it but refused to speak up. You took Mr President’s side. I took my own side. Riek and his rebellion took sides, conflict took your side, my side, RIEK’ side and Mr. president side. CONFLICT WON, WE LOSED. WE REMAINED BUNCH OF LOSERS.

AMER@ 2014.

Mac Paul Nailed Himself

Posted: March 31, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Commentary, Featured Articles, Heskey Deng

By Heskey Dzeng

Who is Mac? did he sure enough to says this was not coup attempt, did he speak without liqueur in his mind, was he not among the people/politicians/ army senior officers who want to change President Kiir regime before the 2015 election.

It is ridiculous as the head of South Sudan military intelligence, Gen. Mac Paul Kuol, has rubbished the alleged coup attempt of December 15, 2013, who was called as a government witness to testify against the detained 4 political prisoners (Pagan, Oyai, Majak and Gatkuoth) who are charged in court, charged with treason.

You can fool uneducated persons but hard to trick elite’s person, they can judges you from head to toes, even before you open your mouth, from your starting point of words to the last words, but here the chief military intelligence did not convince me and maybe others to extend.

Instead to say those four political prisoners are not part of mid-December violence or coup plotted, it would be sound good, then rubbished everything, while there are fact-finding or evidence behind the violence, even from his junior officers.

By the way, give me break, I’m not supported the governments or President Kiir’s alleged failed coup attempt or saying it was not coup, but I need fact to be says because this violence has claimed many lives, then I want someone to be hold accountable of it than trade it.

Guys let get Mac Paul correctly on his recent court testimony and judge him, Mac said that he was alarmed by an incident on Dec. 13 when a Nuer officer tried to steal the key for an ammunition store in Gieda, and then he ordered the arrest of the officer. After arrested, Mac said he received phone calls from the former Unity State Governor Taban Deng, inquiring about the whereabouts of the officer. Mac said that he was nervous about ‘politicians’ interfering in military affairs. In response, Mac said he called a meeting of all security organs to discuss this issue which he deemed to be a threat to national security. Then the December 15 violence broke out. Mac revealed that Taban Deng was the mastermind of the violence.

The question here, why Nuer officer want to steal the key? And what brought in Taban Deng to inquired and interfered in military affairs, let speak the truth to set you free than trying blind a people that means there was something behind it but we do not want to penetrate it.

And then as military intelligence, why he did not detect and quell it before it grew big to that extend, Mac must be question again, maybe he was part of groups and he was caught up at wrong time. There are lots to say about this Intelligence Chief of our Country.

Someone, may wonder, how Mac denied this tangible fact behind our Country chaos, whenever he even revealed it that former Unity State Governor Taban Gai was mastermind of violence, Violence can be started as coup, why did he come out again that there was no coup.

Ironically, Mac said, it was a misunderstanding among the soldiers of Tiger Battalion, which was then mishandled till it escalated into a countrywide rebellion. Was Riak Machar, Gatdet, Taban Deng, Hussein Mar, Lado Gore and more others’ members of the Tiger battalion….pliz let speak the true.

On my best knowledge, Mac was not clean, he had been accused of trying to stage coup in past years, but he did not come out publicly to condemn it or to clear himself from accusation, why? So it was indirect reprisal.

With no doubt, Mac was not out of suspect chains, if he was loyal to president Kiir’s government, after he was alarmed by first incident on December 13, he would have tied the security, keep an eye on former Governor Taban’s activities, but because he was a part of coin, he gave them go ahead, warns military intelligence junior officers not to brought any report cases among his groups and that why Riak, Taban, Lado and others make it to escaped arrest on that night.

Truth can be right or wrong, it depend on how you defend it, it is not right time to say Mac has said the truth, and even addressed him as a great hero. As some put it Mac doesn’t worry about his job like other folks in South Sudan.

Whoever says it is failed coup attempt, he/she is/was right and then whoever put it as misunderstanding among the presidential guards or Tiger battalion is/was also correct, we are all correct, simply we divided along our tribal politicians’ supported, just defending unknown truth but we know the truth.

It will be blow to President Kiir for appointed a man, who just want to make himself rich, doing his interests, not nation interests, slept at his office while planning are going on…painful! Just sitting on junior military intelligent’s reports, watch out.

By Lam Jok Wai

Dear all,

I am informing everyone that the groups that called themselves South Sudanese Community Association who held a rally today on March 24, 2014 in Calgary are not members of such an organization. In reality, these are groups of Dinka community who sent out a demonstration letter rallying against the present of United Nations in south Sudan. South Sudanese Community Association in Calgary did not and has not agreed to conduct a rally regarding the misconduct of UNIMISS presence in South Sudan.

Therefore, the misuse of community name (South Sudanese Community Association) should be treated as fake and illegal that violates the community norms. Instead, those carry rally against the presence of UNIMISS presence in South Sudan should have better call their organization Dinka Community Association in Calgary. UNIMMISS has saved tens of thousands of lives in South Sudan and accusing UN’s body is a crime itself. I believe these people have no cause to demonstrate about but only to scapegoat UNIMISS due to their support to Kiir’s government, instead for community to assist in facilitating all meetings to insure mutual respect is maintained and all issues are discussed in a democratic and mutually respectful fashion.

Therefore, occupy the capital is nation juba strives to be a self-policing community, we recognize that we cannot take away the right of any individual within our community. Moreover, Violence sustained in South Sudan continues a bloody conflict that exploded on December 15. By President Salva Kiir are saying an attempted coup by supporters of Kiir’s rival, former vice-president Riek Machar, is to blame. Human Rights Watch reported that civilians were being killed for ethnic reasons alone ethnic groups the Nuer, were being targeted through flat genocide that was imposed by President himself , Its wasn’t secret Kiir did kill many Nuer with false coup attempt as alleged by him and his followers in the government, however, I am South Sudanese native now living in Calgary and everyone among the South Sudanese community knew that kiir will waged the war that would follow tribal lines that has resulting into civilians ethnic cleansing bases on their backgrounds, especially the Nuer finished in Juba .

The world’s newest nation which gained its freedom from Sudan on July 9, 2011 after years of war is nowadays in the midst of chaos or disorder, with an estimated 1500,000 people displaced and as many as 170,000 killed, from the Nuer tribe alone, according to the International Crisis Group. Therefore, President Kiir (who is Dinka) made widespread of violent against Machar (who is Nuer) warning Kiir for moving towards a dictatorship and Machar was calling for meaningful democratic system that could come through leadership reform. Whatever unity was being made by well-intentioned people seems to be rapidly disintegrating and this is deeply disappointing to many South Sudanese and their friends everywhere.

Therefore, I escaped Sudan years ago during its bloody civil war now living in Calgary and planning to go back home to help my people, I have relatives some of the were killed because they were the Nuer ethnic group. Absolutely, but first South Sudan needs to see the institutionalization of a true, participatory and fair democracy supported by rule of law. This is where the United Nations might play a major role. However, South Sudan as well as the world’s third-largest South Sudanese diaspora population, which we calls Calgary second home, unfortunately, these group of Dinka has made up fake organization called South Sudanese association which is not for them alone and how can one tribe called themselves South Sudan with intention of self-interest to spoiled the names of others ?

No south Sudanese community had agreed to protest against UNMISS presence in south Sudan. their objective was to block the promotion of humanitarian aid and the institution of true sustainable democracy and development in South Sudan; their aim of demonstration is to promote violent against humanity because the president come from their tribe Dinka while others south Sudanese need peaceful relations and community development, in the face of rising tensions, within the many South Sudanese communities here in Calgary. This is very disturbing move and unfaithful collaborating with tribal minded in support to kiir to promote violent in south Sudan where no neutral organization like UNIMISS will know their wrong doings the Nuer that were lockup in UNMISS.

We need UN to stay in the country to deliver their service and Development for the IDP, for their hardworking of providing emergency shelters and relief support for this extended crisis. We all know that majority of IDPs under UNMISS protection both Dinka and the Nuer, but Dinkas who dominated government does not want any Nuer alive in the South Sudan because of Dinka power greediness and selfishness attitude. The demonstration staged in Calgary reflected the government attitude against UNMISS forces. However, as member and executive figure in south Sudanese community Calgary, Canada we want UNMISS forces and representatives to continue doing their humanitarian activities regardless of who found safety with them.

All our displaced people find protection and sustenance from the UN and not from them who want UN out of the land which does not belong to them alone. They want UNMISS out because they don’t care about the innocent people affected by what they don’t understand. Those who are protested supporting the killing, preleased spreads through the media that south Sudanese community in Calgary are against UNMISS is not true, many southsusanese here were shock and were anger because those who protested were Dinka community particularly warrap kiir is home town .

Unfortunately, warrap community celebrated the Massacre the Nuer which they called a victory of failed coup; obviously, south Sudan under warrap leadership will not be stable state since they were against peace in south Sudan.

Lam Jok Wai
Author is deputy Secretary General of South Sudanese Community Association in Calgary

Suzanne Jambo: Dear Cde Edward Lino

Posted: March 28, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Featured Articles, Letters

Dear Cde Edward Lino,

As I read your public statements lately, may I remind you; it was Sunday 15th Dec 2013 during the NLC meeting, just hours before the Juba shoot-out and all the subsequent tragedy befalling our Nation. I was in that same room alongside over 100 NLC delegates and your good self. Toward the end of the 2-days said NLC meeting, Hon. Cde Bashir Bandi read out a 2-page Summary findings report on investigations of former & suspended SPLM SG, Pagan Amum.

The findings were SHOCKING; embezzlement & unbelievable level of corruption and mismanaging the SPLM by the former SG. The SPLM Chairperson, Cde Salva Kiir asked (democratically so) what to be done with the findings. ALL NLC members present (about 128) all STOOD UP as a sign of their unanimous support for: 1. Immediate suspension and expulsion of former SG Pagan Amum. 2. That legal action be taken accordingly.

ONLY ONE DELEGATE REFUSED TO SUPPORT THIS DECISION: IT WAS you CDE EDWARD LINO. You vehemently and solely (ALONE) insisted that Pagan Amum be forgiven (despite allegation of theft of over $200 million dollars)…

Yup; I have much regard to you Cde Edward Lino, but your stand since then has puzzled and baffled me!!!

Suzanne Jambo, 


Dean of Political Science at Juba University Joins Riek Machar

Posted: March 28, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in History, Press Release


Below is the full text of the interview…with Oyet Nathaniel Pierino, who heads the Department of Political Science in the University of Juba

Q: Why did you decide to join SPLM in opposition?

A: I join SPLM/A in opposition not just as an individual but as a group from Equatoria under my leadership because of the failure of leadership of president Salva Kiir. He has become terrible dictator and fascist. Kiir has failed first of all to provide peace dividend to South Sudanese. South Sudanese expected development, prosperity in social political and economic aspect of the society. President Kiir instead promoted corruption, tribalism and nepotism which resulted into his tribe-mates becoming masters of others. They are the ones who had access to wealth and resources in the country. He stocked his government mostly with Dinka tribe-mates and appointed close relatives to positions of authority. President Kiir abused his powers by breaking the constitutions by interfering with independence of judiciary. In 2011 he dismissed the chief justice and appointed another one. He dismissed three governors and appointed new ones thought they were elected. He encouraged the arbitrary use of power such that national and state constitutions, legislature and judiciary were nonfunctional. President Kiir dissolved the historical SPLM party and planned to assassinate its members. He arrested most of the historical leaders. He now rules the government and the party whom he dissolved the structures single-handedly by decrees. He raised another army of 13,000 soldiers only from Dinka Bar el Gazel only. He used them to commit genocide in the country. I cannot be ruled by a bloodthirsty president. He further promoted sectarianism within the SPLA ranks and file. With his unfair promotion and appointment he marginalized other people especially those from Greater Equatoria. He compromised the sovereignty of the republic by inviting foreign forces composed of UPDF, JEM, SPLM-N, et,c to protect his regime. He is now pursuing a path of isolating South Sudan from the international community by attacking international community especially the UN, AU, EU, etc, calling them to leave the country. Nobody organized coup in South Sudan. If president Kiir says coup has taken place in South Sudan, he is the one who organized it by attempting to disarm his bodyguards who were Nuer, dissolving SPLM party and arresting the leaders. He has now effectively placed the country under state of emergency and suspended the operation of the constitution and placed the country under foreign military rule and dictatorship.

Q: Will you have any roles on the peace talks?

A: Definitely, directly or indirectly I will have a role in the peace talks. First of all, as one of the leaders of a popular resistance and a freedom fighter, I will use my force to ensure that president Salva Kiir negotiates not just an end to the war but also an end to his leadership and the system he has created which people do not want. He has committed genocide; he has lost his legitimacy. I fight to hold him accountable whether through peace talks or at the battle field. War and negotiation to me serve the same purpose. The forces we have at our background is a deterrent to president Kiir further perpetuation of Dinkaism ideology and fascism and will effectively put the system he created to a quick end. People should not panic, the war will not last long because we have the capability to end it on a just term. We need good peace not just [any] peace. It is not about ending the war but addressing the fundamental causes that triggered the war. Which of course overhaul of fragility he created in the State.

Q: What do you think will resolve the crises in South Sudan?

A: If president Kiir steps down today we will stop fighting and begin an inclusive negotiation of a complete overhaul of the system he created for the last 9 years. We need new government with new and a federal constitution, in which power shall be vested in the people, not a single man who used it arbitrarily through senseless decrees. And if president Kiir insists to remain in power against people’s will, him and his group will not only be pushed out by force but also pursue them anywhere they will be. We cannot return to the status quo, never! That will mean people who lost their lives in struggle since 1955-1972, 1975-1982, 1983-2005, and now from 2013 up to date would have died amiss. He has committed genocide, he should account for it.

Q: What do you think about the IGAD’s decision to deploy regional forces in South Sudan?

A: What is being called PDF [Protection and Deterrent Force] will never work. This is unacceptable development in the mediation process. First of all agreement should never be imposed on parties. Mutual agreement would be implemented voluntarily by parties. Instead of being seen as part of the problem, IGAD should concentrate on building trust, confidence among the warring parties. If they insist on this force, we are ready to protract the war by hibernating into the bushes of South Sudan and we will also invite our friends in the region and let IGAD come and fight us. IGAD now is fast losing its neutrality. We have been giving IGAD benefit of doubt but the decision now they have taken will have ramifications and we will not hesitate to look for a neutral mediator if that becomes necessary so that IGAD member states can join the war on the side they want.

Q: How do you see Uganda’s role in South Sudan considering it also is member state of the regional bloc?

A: First of all we are fully aware that in 2010, president Kiir and president Museveni met in Kampala and discussed how to protect their regimes. In 2012, they again met in Entebbe State House in Uganda and drew a master-plan of eliminating their political opponents by having joint security system. The first casualty was late Gen. George Athor who was murdered in his hotel room in Entebbe road in Uganda; his body was later flown and dumped in Morobo County of Central Equatoria state. The two presidents opened up a training camp in the suburb of Juba called Kampala one. This was where they raised and trained 13,000 private army for president Kiir. It was this militia who were not part of the main SPLA command that was part of the forces that committed genocide in Juba and other parts of the country in the name of protecting the regime of president Salva Kiir. It is Uganda who is running the show. Uganda’s president planted the mess in our country. They also compromised the neutrality of IGAD. In fact some of the texts in IGAD communiqués are direct copy and paste from Uganda government press releases. They actually undermined almost every effort not only by IGAD but also Ethiopia to mediate the peace and Uganda will pay the price, am telling you. They destroyed Bor town, Bentiu, Malakal, etc. Uganda, JEM and SPLM/A-N are now being paid by dollars that comes from the oil in Bentiu. Uganda is a war merchant in the region, they are in DRC Congo, in Central African Republic, Somalia etc, and would not want to see an end to this conflict soon and we are ready to battle it out with them. They are not immortal and an highland in the ocean that cannot be reached.

Q: How is the humanitarian situation at the UN camps?

A: We have dire humanitarian situations especially with those displaced in bushes and UNMISS camps. People live in squalid conditions as if they are stateless. President Kiir’s forces continue to pursue them there and calling them rebels. He even wants the IDPs released in his hand so that he can finish them. That is why he is calling for UNMISS to leave the country and he has now put them under target by inciting the armed forces and his militias as well as the general public against the UNMISS. We condemn this act in strongest terms possible. Any loss or casualties suffered by UNMISS, president Kiir should be held responsible. He is very comfortable with the suffering of the Nuer women and children in the UNMISS camps. There is a need for food supply, medicine, clean water and shelter to the hundreds of thousands of displaced in the shortest run while in the long run they need to be relocated, resettled and reintegrated to their original lives in society.

Q: Is there any call you want to make to the international community?

A: Yes, they should stop the flow of the oil because it is being used for financing mercenaries and war. There is blood oil now flowing in South Sudan. Another option is to allow the oil to flow but the money should not be used by the government or us until such a time just peace comes. If they want structural changes in the government of South Sudan, they should add incentives for the government to adhere to inclusive and comprehensive negotiations on all aspects. Incentives should include; targeted sanctions on government’s officials beginning with President Museveni, and then; President Salva Kiir, minister of Defense; Gen. Kuol Manyang Juuk, Minister of Security; Mobutu Mamur Mete, Governor of Northern Bar el Gazel State; Malong Awan, Commander of presidential Guards Division; Marial Chanuong, Director for SPLA Military Intelligence; Mac Paul, Minister of Cabinet Affairs; Elia Lomuro, Vice president Gen. James Wani Igga, SPLA DCOGS for Administration Gen. Malual Ayom, Director for Internal Security Brig. Gen. Akol Koor, Director for External Security; Brig Gen. Thomas Duoth,former deputy speaker SSLA, Awet Akot, Chief presidential advisorTelar Riing, presidential spokesperson and government chief propagandist; Ateny Wek Ateny, Minister of Foreign Affairs; Marial Benjamin etc. These individuals we will always hold them accountable for what happened in the country.

Q: What do you say about forming an interim government in South Sudan?

A: It is a must. If negotiations should be conclusive, president Kiir should step aside immediately. It is non-negotiable. President Kiir is the symbol of the status quo; those who want peace in South Sudan should advise him to step down. President Kiir and his government have squandered their legitimacy; mandate of protecting the people and committed genocide. They have also lost control of the entire Upper Nile region and part of Equatoria region. Why should they continue ruling and imposing their will on the people of South Sudan without their consent? We need interim neutral administration without Kiir. Of course we will negotiate the mechanism and modality of interim administration which shall include anybody who will participate in the interim administration [but] will not take part in any elections in the country.

Q: Do you suggest the interim government excludes Salva and Riek?

A: President Kiir can never be part of the interim government. He had enough time to display his leadership but he proved himself incapable. He now rules under the direct order and command of president Museveni. Of course Dr. Riek and I believe in democracy. Whether through military triumph in Juba, there will be an interim administration and we will hold elections in the shortest time possible to seek mandate and consent of the people of South Sudan, and if the people will not give Dr. Riek mandate, he will go home and the nation continues. As simple as that!


Edward Lino: There was no Coup in Juba: Part-5

Posted: March 27, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Featured Articles, History



Let us be sober


March 26, 2014

FM: Edward Abyei Lino

To: The People Of South Sudan

To: Leaders Whom We Expect to Meet Soon


Nationalism, that crown of the land, which we forfeited to grabbers, the time they diverted the reign from under the seat of a Comrade, raising his head with closed eyes supplicating to Heaven to extend his rule beyond 2015. We witnessed smoke, dust and debris smearing our faces, covering our homes when problems became much clearer than ever and knew that crooks had us betrayed!

Never shall people forget those dolorous moments, because it taught them what it means to love one another and live together in peace. Yes, we witnessed revulsions moving, diverted by indecisiveness, recklessness and ruthlessness, because of shortsightedness. So sad did we learn even nations could be lost when we encountered the wise closing their eyes not to witness endowments swishing to a direction through which they fear things might disappear! Indeed, national issues are intricate and that need us to be together and march hand in hand to the end of our time.

Looking at ourselves through the smokes of Malakal, the charcoal of Bentiu or the ashes of Bor, we need to stand together and raise our voices together and say “no” to destruction! Let us rise to restate what we destroyed at that sad moment of our madness. Sorry for killing ourselves, sorry for destroying our properties, sorry for loosing our senses and sorry for missing the direction!

It seems there is a moment when a human brain would turn wild and fails to sense the way it senses normally. Since we know what happened, let us rise and do what shall keep us together. The process of healing is demanding, indeed. It requires us to be knowledgeable about what is needed to let us move together on the road of reconstruction. And if we do not know how to construct, then let us ask and we shall be assisted. That passage is too rough and demanding. But we must unite to face it. There are many lessons we learn form our recent past, which should not be forgotten. We have to be frank to enable us collectively share the responsibility of building our nation. We should not let things disintegrate for nothing.

Three moons disappeared in the bosom of time and we are still lynching ourselves without a convincing reason. Three months gone and we are still refusing to listen to the voice of wisdom from across the world. Three unthinkable months are over and the war still continues to perpetuate the suffering of our people to the coming rainy season! After butchering each other on specified tribal lines amid confusion, which included some innocent people from other ethnicities and tribes, what gain have killers reaped now that the euphoria is over!

What people are fighting over today are two points basically: Power in Juba and Vengeance in the dreadful after math of the initial attacks and counter attacks! How do people feel, in spite of the fact that there are people who believe they have things to settle with either this or that tribe? How do they feel today sitting lonely under the trees! Those who aimed their guns against others or randomly shelled and killed people whom they never knew or saw, must be suffering gravely from remorse and sorrow for having done something woeful, which they should not have done.O’ Comrades, what a paradox, beasts kill not or attack each other for nothing, but we, humans, do!

There are a few prophets-of-doom who showed people their hidden tails the time things went astray, because they thought that was the best way for our people to follow them to hell. Kill this fellow, because he is a Nuer! Shoot that one since he is a Dinka! I missed a Shuluk for a Nuer! I killed a Mundari for an Aliap. They look the same! Why should one kill a Nuer on behalf of Dinka! Why should I slaughter a Dinka on behalf of Nuer! When was I ordered by my tribe to murder a fellow from another tribes on their behalf! Who incited me to commit that crime in the name of a people in their cattle camp!

As a Dinka, I would fall ashamed when abandoned alone under a tree for my being a Dinka, symbol of inhumanity! As a Nuer, I would squeeze myself not to visit a non-Nuer neighbour who might handle me as a killer, symbolizing brutality! No, no, we are one people. Let what happened be the end of brutality among our people. Let us express our sorrow and pardon one another to build our future together. We are at the beginning of a long journey.

Following the last incidences, many people escaped to neighbouring countries for safety. People moved internally to nearby States, creating problems to themselves and to hosting communities. Unascertained numbers of people crossed borders to neighbouring countries as refugees. About fifty Legislative Assembly members are now knocking doors to survive in Kenya and a number of government employees, business people and normal citizens are in Uganda, Ethiopia and in Sudan.

People there are greatly suffering. Imagine a situation in which members of the Assembly got reverted into baggers! Not every person who escaped from Juba was pro Riek Machar or pro Salva Kiir. These two big groups have guns and nothing to fear and they are the ones frightening the people. People ran at random to peaceful places to save their lives when lawlessness exploded, while Juba looking for what to fight the war, decided unilaterally to retain the salaries of all those who fled, scared by skirmishes. People were called to report to work, but some of them were lynched when they returned. How can people return to hell! People need peace to wipe out all the pains and sufferings of a refugee life.

Honestly, let us ask Comrade President whether that was what the people elected him to do! When one fails to address a situation like what we are in, that person is expected to review the whole situation addressing one fundamental fact. Whether one can be able to correct what went wrong! There are many daunting questions, which need to be addressed directly by President Salva Kiir himself and not any of the people around him, whom he use to dispatch worldwide on his behalf.

This is the time when a Leader should be honest and brave and ask himself whether his insistence to cling on power can quicken the resolution of the conflict or intensify it further? Is the President satisfied with what is going on today in South Sudan? Why did you agree recently before Heads of States in Addis Ababa IGAD Heads of States Summit to include former “seven detainees” in the peace talks and latter on your delegation came to object their inclusion in the peace talks; would that not disrespect and disregard your Colleagues, the Heads of States and how would they trust and respect you?

Given the fact that the international community has started to be disturbed by what is happening now in South Sudan, especially with your leadership when you have no country worldwide supporting you, don’t you feel it would be better for you to give-up to save the nation from a possible international intervention when you are now penny-less, lawless, failing state?

These questions might sound unbecoming, but given the fact that President Salva Kiir has no sober assistants to whom he listen and talk, one thought it would serve us better to let him take these questions through the media. People are anxiously waiting! Comrade President, how would you rebut people who suggest the removal of your government from UN and AU, for its bad performance? Which other options would you resort to, since you did not succeed to find a solution to the problem at hand? Whom shall people hold responsible for the present war, which swallowed tens of thousands of innocent lives? Shall the next elections be held in 2015, given the fact Malakal, Bentiu and Bor are in shambles and there is need to have them rebuild?

Frankly, we must be brave to address these questions to the President, because he is the person responsible for our stability and progress. After what happened, the President must be told that he has gone far beyond his mandate, since he was not elected or mandated to lead the nation into his own home-grown-war. Let us note that: Comrade Salva Kiir was elected to lead Southern Sudan to the referendum of 2010, then subsequently mandated to lead the new nation after our independent in 2011, and was not elected.

Our people of the Republic of South Sudan have not elected Comrade Salva Kiir, but mandated him to be President. Let Comrade Salva Kiir Mayardit himself answer this claim and frankly tell the people of South Sudan on which day did they elect him and who elected him? These are some of the facts we should remind ourselves, as well as, the President!

In this world today, there are things a nation can do and others not! No nation can ignite fire of destruction and killing of citizens in its territory and claim that to be a plot! No people can jump on the neck of others and claim that to be an attempted tribal onslaught on the attacker! No one can raise tribal flags on top of other tribes and claim that act to be justice! No nation can exterminate its people and threaten the life of its citizens by pushing them to neighbouring countries as refugees in the name of establishing law and order!

Human family has greatly developed beyond mere tribal boundaries. Almost all our human needs are similar and that could be the measurement people should adopt to measure any claim people assert in their communities. The important point in any multi-tribal community is to improvise an acceptable scale by which to measure injustices, have them resolved and award rights accordingly. Such a scale should incorporate every important aspect of how people arrive at a consensus. All those aspects have to be incorporated in the scale before examining any given situation.

Looking at our traditions we could learn how to resolve conflicts. In all cases, the first requirement would be honesty. Honesty is fundamental in resolving conflicts peacefully. How big a problem may be, people have always settled them amicably in their traditions. Normally, one starts by respecting oneself, before addressing the opposing party. In most of traditions, after opening talks and respectful words are exchanged the opposite party then proceeds to count the points of differences.

The important thing in resolving a problem is respect to the opposite side, if both sides are determined to arrive amicably at peace. That is what it takes to let both sides succeed to bring genuine peace. For one side in a conflict to assert that some stakeholders are not to be allowed to take part in peace talks, would be disruptive to peace process, because peace issues cannot be resolved through covering other sides of the problem or deception.

Both sides must be equally committed to bring peace. Starting our peace talks observers noticed undesired impediments and un-necessary delays being placed intentionally to delay the advancement of the talks. Those impediments are a clear reflection of the backwardness of some elements in the government delegation, of which Nhial Deng Nhial should take note!

To rebuild our country there are issues we should priorities and look at seriously, the first of which is that: we must follow the process of peaceful settlement of the conflict, which incited people to demolish what was built. That process of peaceful resolution must be made clear to people throughout the Republic. Looking at our last fifty years we can see how we neglected our history, because of ignorance. We might be among the worse people known who do not keep history, in spite of the fact that we are the descendants of that Kush Kingdom! Look, how we started to forget about our leaders: Henry Lul, Gelario Modi Tombe and Joesph Kuol Amom, as an example! That process of reconciliation right from the genesis of the conflict, how it exploded and how resolved, must be explained to our people.

When people succeed to resolve a conflict, they should know the processes followed, since they are the legitimate owners of whatever shall be achieved. No way can a sustainable peace be achieved and maintained, unless we combat ignorant. We must take our people to be our most solid cornerstone of peace building.

As noted above, there is great need to structure our education to incorporate our history and culture. We have to record our steps in history so that our youngsters should not miss the road, as we missed it in less then a decade. Let us get liberated from inferiority complex and shamefulness when reaching peace. Not every great achievement made during the war or conflict has to be reworded, though it should not be forgotten.

There are no convincing reasons why some people feel ashamed and interior, because of the position in to which peace process might place them. The price of peace is dear indeed and it is paid by a few who sacrifice. Since those who sacrifice are the great who offer, then let them feel super-proud when paying peace price. Heroes are rewarded according what people see and live. We have great historic stands to convey to our youngsters about how elders exerted efforts and sacrificed for our freedom.

Today we totally forget our greatest daughters and sons in our struggle, because of our being terribly misled by traitors and grabbers to the point of mistreating and abusing one of our heroes of the land in the caliber of Comrade Oyai Deng Ajak, whose kangaroo-trial shall remain a curse on us all!

To rebuild what we destroyed, we must wake up! Wake up consciously and extend forgiving hands to one another. Our people need to reconcile in the open. It is only then can we march to build our country. At the verge of our independence, as said earlier, the world was looking at us as a hopeful destination where investment can thrive. Our potentials are great, toped by virgin land, enormous amount of sweet water, good quantity of oil and valuable resources. But we lack human potentials to exploit our resources. Right from 2005, we were misled to take every glittering thing for gold and that was when and how we missed the road! We were pulled in the dark till we banged our heads on the rock of ignorance and carelessness.

From where we began that far in the bush, we never advanced for an inch, but rather we kept retreating to the tail of knowledge. That is the tomb in which our educational policies are buried! Now we lament for having entered into nationhood through that long hectic way, while those who misled our new nation are desperate, trying to tell us: ‘all shall be good’. And we wish they know what ‘good’ means! Any ‘good’ from a bad person means ‘bad’ and that is what we should know!

Billions of Dollars recklessly disappeared. Pockets filled from public funds? In this world today, one believes there is justice that can restore misappropriated funds and there are good people who can help us in this respect. That is why thieves and grabbers are desperate to confront the world, in order to protect their interests! They believe, if they have power, no person can apprehend them or look for what was lost. So would they prosper in peace! Come let us unite and start development to realize sustainable progress and fight corruption, which has become a rampant epidemic within our communities.

Such a patriotic move has to start from within us. We need to change our attitude with regards to what belongs to public domain. There is need to endear what belongs to the public from personal prospective and take it like something, which belongings to me, as an individual. In us, we must do our best to inculcate the spirit of respecting what belongs to the public to enable us endear what belongs to us. How much have we lost “individually”, when we lost what belonged to the “public”? How many chances did we loose as a people, when we lost public facilities like hospitals, schools and roads, in terms of constructing them, maintaining and sustaining them? Unless we change from inside, to do what is beneficial to us, nothing outside us can change us!

During the last weeks we began to mix international politics with local ignorance. We did that, shouting while pointing at UN, accusing it of supplying lethal support to Dr Riek Machar. What a shame to chase a person whom one knows he shall not reach while crying! That cry was a cry of someone who shall not achieve what was desired to be achieved like that fellow who does not know how to milk a disturbed cow! It was a screaming of a desperado who failed to catch an international body. That was no discourse between politics and intelligence. It was reckless-ness and despair blended in a solid mind that moves and acts according to what is seen far from a distance where colours mix.

Like a beginner confronting a mighty gladiator and the UN is a grown multi-national body well experienced in that game of hide-and-seek! The UN could have been stealthily followed till apprehended if possible. There was no need to loud your intentions, when we need the UN, our partner, to assist our people in many fields, especially when famine and other epidemics are coming. We seem to be adopting blind some examples of Middle-Eastern-Islamic-fundamentalist ways of confronting Western countries like shouting and insulting in the streets of Khartoum in a demagogic manner, which shall not help! Imagine yourselves meeting UN envoys as partners, asking for educational materials, food and medicine; how would you show-up to yourselves!

Let me say, nations are not ruled by allowing untrustworthy rubble-rousing elements to play with the destiny of our innocent people, especially when the ones you collect are mentally birds of same feather like now mismanaging and misdirecting the country.

Wherever one goes around the globe one fact remains and that is: business never thrives in any atmosphere of war. Business people are always first to withdraw or run away from war zones. That is what happened to us in South Sudan. People left and business fell ascender. But there are people who think, because their incomes have even tripled then, all must thrive equally!

In Juba today money circulation is shrinking, goods are drying up and prices are skyrocketing. As a result of all these factors, in addition to fear, citizens are systematically disappearing from the city. Instances of incidents of looting and robberies are dramatically increasing. These things are happening and no person is concerned about what is happening to the people. Prices are strictly decided by the principles of supply and demand like any market. But strictly, who supplies and who demands? The way in which things are happening now in South Sudan market, is like having a hyena becoming a supplier and prices keep on skyrocketing, each drop of blood doubling pricewise, instantly slurped before touching the ground!

All over South Sudan markets are growing beyond exorbitant, affordable only to a few lucky ones, as the circle of consumers keep narrowing dictated by money flow and goods, coupled with fear and other economic realities like the disappearance of Malakal, Bor, Bentiu, Paloch, Panrieng, Mayom and Rubkona markets. Tell me who can believe that Bor, Bentiu and Malakal are no more towns like people die! Whom shall people hold responsible for that most untimely death of those towns beside Kiir and Riek, our two rivaling Leaders of today? These towns are down to earth and no Minister can opened his mouth, when shall we begin to rebuild them. Our economic situation has shamefully fallen and no person is accountable or can be asked about what is happening in this vital field! None supervising the market and no one recording the in flow and out flow of goods in the country. Goods reach their destinations like decided by suppliers, security organs and the Almighty!

Today one would honestly call upon al-Sahaaf to repeat his shameful naked claims for which he was paid that, there was a coup in Juba on 15/12/2013. He forgot lies have short legs and truth would always strides atop the mountains! Yes, there was a coup in Juba. But who against who! Frankly, it was a super-plot led by President Salva himself against himself.

It was the President against the President! All the expectaters felt it rightly, the moment the President refused to hold that extended hand of Dr Riek Machar that evening at Nyakoron Cultural Centre! Our voice was among the voices, which were calling from far to stop the bloodshed, which was ruthlessly gushing. We saw it drowning our consciousness, sticking in us a sort of animalism that butchers randomly.

Now there are powerful international voices rising demanding the setting of a tribunal like the one of Sierra Leon to look into similar cases in South Sudan! Please, tell us, do people accept that way of solving our internal problems? Mr. Minister, why fail to know the possibility of the coming of such an international tribunal to our land before hand? Please, come al-Sahaaf, were we wrong when we told you that there was no coup in South Sudan? My dear, sneak into a nearby Church since you are still a Michael. Go uncloak your sins. God always forgives sinners, toped by blood-reaping-liars!

Today all over South Sudan people are waiting anxiously for talks in Addis Ababa to start hopefully to yield peace. But the unacceptable news, which keeps bringing doubt to people centers on what one man is doing, commuting between Juba and Addis Ababa. Bringing “no” to Addis Ababa and taking “yes” to Juba! That situation depends on the stand of only one man, Nhial Deng Nhial! Comrade Nhial, I believe is the one who can bring a break-through in the peace talks. He must be assertive with the process and stop all those who care not the live of the people, who would want to play with the destiny of our people.

These talks are not tougher then the previous one with NCP, in which Comrade Nhial held a much more leading role in the talks and came out triumphant. This needs straight-forward-ness and bravery, because issues are the same in essence. In his present delegation, there seem to be some flamboyant members who tend to be assertive to points they do not know to show themselves as knowledgeable with what could be put on the table.

Comrade Nhial is required to show people his integrity. The issue now at hand is how would all sides reach a consensus and agree how to rule a multi-ethnic peoples’ country! Comrade Nhial Deng Nhial needs to be brave to the point of quitting his position in case the President disapproves his valued stand!

Compatriots, it won’t take that long to see ourselves the way we want, the moment we come to our senses and witness things from the right prospective. Here around us, there are many living examples. But we thought to create our own experiences, which eventually brought us to where we are now; the same experiences through, which human societies had been sailing since the dawn of time. Since we began to look at ourselves the way we want, let us follow the way human life developed in accordance to reality.

Some of us believe that, igniting havoc would take a short time after which things return to normal. A few people saw what happened would take much longer time and wider space. Some believe lawless-ness could change things for good and life should not be the same, given the manner in which things turned to be. How can one man decide to usurp what belongs to people in terms of taking money and properties and use them for his own good! Now how can people address such a situation! President Salva Kiir Mayardit is required to admit all his crimes and apologize publicly to the people of South Sudan! As President he is not allowed to stride on the Constitution, commit horrendous crimes and mismanage what belongs to people, while taking himself to be virtuous and respectable. Lord, may You please, bless the people of South Sudan…

Thank you my dear for your perseverance…

Thank you for your commitment to remain truthful…

May God bless us all and give us courage and strength…

By Denis Paul,

Many outside South Sudan pour their hearts out to South Sudanese. Hoping for progress toward constructive nationhood, we see instead tragic suffering and deaths. Aside from hundreds of thousands relocated within, some 300,000 are exiled not only to the squalor of Ethiopian camps but to a squalor of nationlessness.

When asked where their parents were, the ten-year-old holding his eight-year-old brother’s hand answered, “we don’t know.”

The possibility of a measles epidemic in Ethiopian camps sends ripples of fear and anxiety through the region. Will the malcontents in the SPLM and militias – the Dinka and Nuer – own up?

And now the rain.

Dare we ask the malcontents to allow refugees to return to their homes and, one day, plant their crops. Will the malcontents hold revengeful hate in their hearts for the rest of their lives?

South Sudan is crushing already broken hearts.

There is no food in South Sudan. The dependence in NGOs, a flagrant self indignation — the absence of self reliance.  Red Cross, UNICEFF, World Food Program, Oxfam, UNAMIS, work thanklessly as militia and Army force aspirations of South Sudanese into obscurity.

Tragically, the goals of two tribes do not mesh.

And for some, the bush is more comfortable. A question always pronounced in my mind: How can bush and urban unite?

To conflict; solutions are found in agencies that serve all equally and in the establishment of organs of government that guarantee transparency. Solutions are found in the desire to work together – if a new government – toward  common goals of nationhood.

Solutions are also my much to do with illiteracy.  Unopened minds are closed to options and alternatives.  Unopened minds are closed to inspiration and character building.  Illiteracy restricts us from learning from the success and failures of others through literature.

The writer can be reached at

By PaanLuel Wel,
Reports from Juba have it that the head of military intelligence, Gen. Mac Paul Kuol Awar, has rubbished the alleged coup attempt of December 15, 2013. Mac Paul was called as a government witness to testify against the detained 4 political prisoners (Pagan, Oyai, Majak and Gatkuoth) who are arraigned in court, charged with treason.

Ironically, the Director of military intelligence, who was called to back up government’s assertion that there was a coup, came out strongly arguing that there was no such thing as a coup. Instead, he said, it was a misunderstanding among the soldiers of Tiger Battalion, which was then mishandled till it escalated into a countrywide rebellion.
It’s unfortunate that things unfolded in the way they were within the Tiger unit. The situation could have been reverted but the escalation of the fight during that night prevented all the efforts“, Paul said.
According to the Citizen Newspaper report, Mach Paul told the court that the four political detainees have nothing to do with the alleged coup and the subsequent armed rebellions in Jonglei, Upper Nile and Unity states.
“The SPLA Director of Intelligence, Gen. Mac Paul, told the Court that he, as an intelligence officer, has no clue that the four suspects were behind the attack but pointed out that he believes there were some political problems within the SPLM party which started way back before the incident of December 15.”
Upper Nile Times, an online website, reports:
“In a major blow to the prosecution’s claim of ‘coup d’etat’ attempt by the four SPLM members currently being investigated for treason charges, Mac Paul the head of military intelligence testified that the event of December 15 2013 cannot be classified as a coup attempt, instead it can be viewed as dissatisfied individuals in the Tiger Unit trying to vent their frustrations on their counterparts.
If confirmed, the fact that a government witness and the director of South Sudan’s military intelligence would dare to stick out his neck and publicly contradict Government’s account of events–that there was an aborted coup–would be a turning point in the prosecution of the 4 political detainees.
Gen. Mach Paul Kuol Awar, South Sudan Director for Military Intelligence

Gen. Mach Paul Kuol Awar, Director for Military Intelligence in South Sudan

Moreover, it compels one to wonder out aloud as to how things are done in Juba: what was the government thinking when they took Mac Paul to the witness box? What did the government expect that he would say? Was there a briefing?
It must be recalled that Mac Paul himself has been numerously accused in the past of planning to carry out a coup against President Kiir. Did the fact that he was falsely accused in the past played into his action of disparaging government’s account of December 15t events? Maybe, maybe not!
The news, which is yet to be verified, has unleashed a plethora of comments on social media in praise for and condemnation of Mac Paul’s action.
Wow, Mac Paul doesn’t worry about his job like other folks in South Sudan. Telling the truth or speak your mind is always the best option. Why prosecutors want him to testify so bad for the last two weeks? If your witness turn against you in court, is it not a blow to your case? The people of South Sudan deserve to know what set our country ablaze? prosecutors have provided any tangible evidences to support coup claimed. Insulted a president or calling for a protest are not evidence for the coup claimed” writes Dengcol on Facebook.
And South Sudanese journalist, Mading Ng’oor, cautions and stresses that:
“Folks, get Mac Paul correctly on his recent court testimony. He said that he was alarmed by an incident on Dec. 13 when a Nuer officer tried to steal the key for an ammunition store in Giyada. Mac also said that he ordered the arrest of the officer. He also said that Taban Deng called him by phone to inquire about the whereabouts of the officer. Mac said that he was perturbed about ‘politicians’ interfering in military affairs. In response, Mac said he called a meeting of all security organs to discuss this issue which he deemed to be a threat to national security. Then the December 15 violence broke out. Mac further said that Taban Deng was the mastermind of the violence —but said nothing incriminating against the G4, as he said he personally didn’t have any evidence linking the four to the Dec. 15 unrest.”
In a swift reaction to the news, Reng’o Gyyw, a concerned citizen and a regular commentator on South Sudanese issues, argues that “we need to get away from this coup thing and focus on really issues.” And indeed, rather than focusing on a distractive and destructive speculation on a contested coup, we have tons of thorny real issues to occupy us forever!
It remains to be seen how (and what) Aleu Ayieny would testify on Monday against the four political detainees. It has been claimed, however, that Hon. Aleu Ayieny is part of the problem as he has a personal vendetta against Pagan Amum and should never have therefore been allowed to give testimony against the four prisoners.

South Sudan Joining the Arab League?????????????

Posted: March 26, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Junub Sudan

The republics of South Sudan and Chad have formally applied to join the Arab league, diplomatic sources sources told Al – Ghad news site.
According to Al -Ghad, the foreign ministers of South Sudan and Chad have already submitted a formal request to the General Secretariat of the Arab League to become full members during the the Arab Ministerial Council meeting.
The sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity, pointed out that the Arab League’s Secretariat is reviewing the two African countries’ requests and is likely to make a decision in the coming months. If approved, the successful applicants would increase the league’s member states from 22 to 24 Arab countries.
According to the sources, using the Arab language as the state’s official language is a prerequisite to joining the league.
The current Arab league’s member states include: Jordan, Egypt, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Yemen, Iraq, Syria (membership suspended), Tunisia, Oman, Lebanon, Qatar, the Comoros, Sudan, Palestine, Algeria, Mauritania, Libya, Djibouti and Somalia.


Posted: March 26, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Amer Mayen, Poems.

By Amer Mayen Dhieu, Brisbane

Teens don’t know when they have killed until they are proven. Friends will be like, it can’t be a real murder case but a propagate manslaughter. Closest friends will give lame confession in court or give false confessions in media just to preach his friend’s innocence but still. Teen that have kill remained with dirty hands. Too much guilt, sadly with no pool to clean it!

Most teens don’t know the consequences of their teenage actions, nor are they prepared for them. This is why law prevents teenagers from taking the lead in guns’ business. For they absolutely have no clue on how dangerous guns can be. I get it. One big Gun is here and it is a hazard. So why keeping them in a business they won’t be able to manage? Still his inexperience is not the issue. For his hand is already dirty. Too much dirt, sadly with no pool to clean it!

There is no life more worth than the other. Always remember, a number is not an issue, nor their vulnerability could be an excuse. that’s why the saying goes ‘guur awar goch” your teen friend have kills, he has shot fire into someone house, why blame a responder when the beginner is just this close person. What make you come to the conclusion that it’s the responder that have only killed? Remember your closest teen friend is not just a murderer, but also an inciter, an inviter, a provoker if those words exist and a propaganderer (my own ingenious invention, huh). Too much lies, sadly with no heart to admit it!

You talk of killing. In your own words, what is killing?? You mentioned killing of 2, 15, 18 bear in mind that I am also 2, 15, 18 but that doesn’t prevent me from giving my heartfelt confession. Dear teen closest friend, in your own words is killing of this 2, 15, 18 what you justified as the only killing? What of 14, 21, 5, 15? Is that not a killing too? Too much denial, sadly with no facts to justify it!

You talk of your friend’s very own mistakes about keeping a gun known for its quick desire to release a bullet, but you have forgotten your friend’s failure. He has been a store manager for more than two terms. How can something in store cause drama when it is well managed? Is that not a failure? The gun in the store shot only one fire historically, but your friend failed to repair it and keep playing with unrepaired machine. Too much shame, sadly with no pool to clean it!!

Remember my confession is not supporting either killings, but it’s pointing to those that must be held accountable. Why refuse to bring your friends for justice if you believe 2, 15, 18 have been killed? I am also concerned about helpless women, innocent children, vulnerable disable and the elderly. Does anything tell me whom you are standing with: vulnerable people or your inciter friend? In my case you think I stand with the responder. But I say unto you, both inciter and responder stand accused and convicted for both their hands are dirty and have nowhere to clean them. The taps, pools and rivers are full of blood, both of 2, 15, 18 and 14, 21, 5, 15. Too much death, sadly with no one to stop it!

How about we both stand for truth and justice of these innocent souls for their killings tell you and me that your friend and the one you claim as my friend have all killed!!!! Too much blindness, sadly with no one to correct it!

Amer@ 2014.

By Rengo Gyyw Rengo, Jr., Southern Sudan

JULY 17, 2010 

Few days ago on July 14th 2010, a colleague working with the National Democratic Institute [NDI], a Washington D.C-based organization working for the principles of good governance, human rights, citizens civic and political education etc in the South called me from the town of Waw, Western Bhar al Ghazal State and asked me, “Rengo, what is the public opinion about confederation in Juba?”.

I replied that, “the public opinion about confederation in Juba is that; the people do not know about confederation since it wasn’t mentioned in the CPA! All they know is either unity or separation.” And I went ahead by asking, “What’s the confederation replacing in the CPA, unity or separation?” It took Peter Machar a little while of chuckling before he told me he was lecturing that morning to a group of Southern Sudanese citizens about referendum and all it will require for them to do.

Indeed, some citizens, those who heard about confederation, thought the CPA was being re-negotiated to create room for it. Others do not really understand what it is, yet there are many who do not know whether there is something calls confederation being discussed by SPLM and Khartoum. They [citizens] are so impatient and impetuous about secession and preoccupied with the referendum to choose between unity and secession that other things could pass their notice without their attention. “Does it mean the items to be voted for in the CPA have changed from unity to confederation and secession?” a friend later asked. I had no immediate answer.

Well, I gave it a thought and decided to write this article in response. Indeed, many people do not understand the term confederation as an entity and in relation to federalism, are they related? While momentum for confederation has risen in recent days, following the publication of Thabo Mbeki’s proposals on behalf of the African Union [11 July 2010 ST], in which confederation was mentioned, then it matters to us to write about it and place it to where it belongs! What the AU backs up might have a position of signifance. But what is it in the CPA and in relation to it?

Few years ago, Malik Agar Eyre, a senior SPLM member was heard calling for confederation. Though, his call was largely ignored, Malik knew Khartoum has not made unity attractive for the South, and the South as a result, is seriously pondering total secession in a free and fair plebiscite. In order to favour neither Khartoum nor the South and to accommodate his people the Funj plus others in one political entity aka New Sudan, Malik thought of confederation as a compromise for everybody in opposing positions. I shall come to what it means later.

It is with this findings that I now think the idea of confederation is a fall back position for those who thought unity would work in lieu of South Sudan’s independence. However, since it has certainly become clear that, South Sudan separation is more attractive and inevitable comes January 9, next year 2011 due to failure of unity, the world and African Union still hold the view that total divorce might degenerate to further post-referendum wars pitting the newly independent states against each other over resources and unresolved issues such as the North-South International border where resources and their locations are playing a big role in furthering misunderstandings. I believe it is this reason that has made the African Union to revisit Malik Agar’s proposition for confederation. However, when shall confederation be applicable, now or after independence? If it is after independence, was that what Malik Agar wanted or meant in the first place? Certainly not. And if it is now, does the CPA cater for confederation? And what is confederation? Is it necessary to discuss or moot something not in the CPA just months away to the end of the CPA?

The CPA is always there to speak for itself! The CPA Machakos Protocol of 20th July 2002, which is the Mother of All Protocols, requires the people of Southern Sudan to exercise the right to self-determination in a referendum scheduled for January 9, 2011. For them, their total vote in a referendum shall:

(a)     Confirm unity of the Sudan by voting to sustain the system of government established under the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and interim Constitution, or

(b) Vote for secession.

These hypotheses lack vagueness and ambiguity at all. Intentionally and generally, the CPA for the first time has brought Sudan under meaningful federal system like the one operating in Southern Sudan moulded on American and British system. Federalism itself has not been welcome in the Sudan since independence [1956] with exception of the regional government in Juba between 1972 and 1980. Taking a glance at the CPA wordings, the term confederation is not explicitly mentioned in the CPA. Instead, it is “unity” that is mentioned but what type of unity? A “yes vote” for unity under the CPA shall confirm the current political system in the country. What does that mean? It means sustaining the current system of government established under the CPA the way it is, without subtraction and addition. Well, it is upto us if we understand the system under the CPA. Even if all were be left intact, wealth sharing formula can not be left the way it is, because the South is disadvantaged and aggrieved by the wealth sharing formula, 50-50% of resources found within the Southern region! South Sudan wants total control of its resources.

The system under the CPA technically refers to the confederation because it guarantees over 98% of self-autonomy to the South. It is not the Old Sudanese unity that was operated under total and absolute centralization managed by Arab autocratists and Islamic theocratists. The CPA worked out the relationship between the North and the South on modus vivendi temporary basis for six years until the referendum either seals or breaks the cord of relationships at the time of date expiry.

Having a separate army, defined population, strong government in charge of the South and territory make the South more of a State than a mere region of Sudan. Thus, majority of analysts view this as already a confederal State against the North, pending the actual dissolution. President Kiir while addressing the Sudanese opposition conference in September 2009, Juba, hinted on that, that, “After painful and protracted sessions of negotiations, the turning point came in the Machakos Framework Protocol (July 2002) which, to all ends and purposes, resolved cardinal issues relating to what came to be known as the “problem of the South”. Those issues included autonomy to Southern Sudan bordering on a confederal status, right to self – determination”, he explained. If this is the case, then unity stated in the CPA and the much publicized confederation mean the same thing. The authors of confederation need to give chance to the consummation of the CPA through referendum and if by luck, southerners vote for the so-called unity, God Forbids, they will have voted for confederation, not undefined unity! In one way or another, confederation is catered for under the CPA and can not be re-discussed!

Based on this understanding, Hassan El Turabi, the man behind all Islamic ideology and propagation in the Sudan observed that Sudan’s unity was dissolved from the day the CPA was signed on Janaury 9 2005! And Khartoum did not understand the technical and political wordings Dr. Garang had applied in the CPA, making others to be left behind by reality. For him, the contemporary reaction against secession in Khartoum is nothing but late awakening to the CPA language and resolutions.

Before I examine a possibility of confederation after independence which is side B of this paper, there is need to define the term confederation and see its difference from federalism. Confederation, is authoritatively a political science and management term, albeit not frequent in use, which describes an amalgamation of sovereign states each of which is free to act independently. It makes a distinction or differentiable from a federation, in which the individual states lack the sovereignty aspects and are subordinated to the central government.

Southern Sudan is not yet a sovereign state in her current status, hence it is in federation with the rest in the Sudan, albeit there exists a huge degree of self-autonomy that makes it look rather a confederation, until it becomes fully independence and sovereign. Federalism, a political system in which one or more states or regions defer some powers to a central government while withholding a limited amount of self-rule. This can be operated at national or international levels of government. The absence of or the presence of sovereignty makes a distinction between federalism and confederation.

Therefore, confederation is an association of sovereign states that give little powers to the confederation while federation is an association of non-sovereign states or regions, with much power given to the federal government than what they can exercise.

That makes confederation thinkable in the Sudan only after the South Sudan’s independence. Though, the irony is that, the word federal, Latin fidere, meaning “to trust” would not generate its meaning in the Sudanese context, whether I may sound a cynic or skeptic, the word trust is unheard or non-existence. Trust has never been cultivated in the Sudan among its diversities. Instead, it is perfidiosity, discord and rancor that have been embedded within the fabrics of our society. Thank God, confederation would require Southern Sudan to become a sovereign state first! Then, we can co-trust each other since confederation in Latin would mean “co-trust” or “cooperate”, whatever that will mean in future.

What exactly do the international Community and African Union believe in confederation? I understand the African Union wants confederation table as one of the post referendum issues, ranking number two in the item lists. There could be extreme reasons that calls for confederation of North-South future States after their separate independences.

There are both economic and political reasons with potentiality of conflicts. Over 80% of oil deposits are found in South Sudan but conspicuously, both the refinery machinery and transportation oil pipeline are located in the North. Divorcing these economic relations immediately will have great impacts on the two independent states with far reaching consequences, because the withdrawal of oil from the North by the South will naturally lead to collapse of the Northern economy while the act of not refining and transporting the oil out of the South to the market, will stagnate the Southern economy.

Despite these obvious problems, the way the oil has been exploited in the Sudan, and location of the oil refinery and pipeline in the north, all of which were against the wishes of the South have left deep mistrusts and grudges that might endanger the need for continued future relationship between the two regions. The South might take a risk of withdrawing its oil and forgo both oil pipeline and refinery in the North to continue punishing the North, [though, then we can not continue fighting an enemy that is no longer there], and seeking alternative of construction oil refinery in the South and pipeline to East Africa.

The world is equally seeing a difficulty in separating the North-South international border. The presence of oil resources on or near the border has complicated the demarcation process. The North does not want to respect the 1/1/1956 borderline between the North and the South because it leaves all oil wells within the South to their disadvantage. For this not to happen, Khartoum believes in the law that, “possession is a ninth-tenths of the law.” The fact that these resources belong to the South has not deterred the North from autocratic grasping, plundering and defying the world over the border.

Therefore, the question of oil resources on or near the border is already overshadowed by the border conflicts. There is unprecedented militarization of border zones and frequent incursions of government sponsored militias into villages near the oilfields and border to create buffer zones. The South on the other hand wants her rightful border placed correctly according the 1/1/1956 borderline to include her oil deposits, lands and people. The complexity of these issues has a clear potency of war before and after South’s secession. Always, border matters take long to resolve.

To avert conflicts, African Union wants confederation to continue dragging the two states in longterm relations that will involve continuous negotiations to resolve the outstanding problems and to share economic benefits. Thabo Mbeki’s statement underscores this when he observed that, “In the 21st century, the world has changed, and especially Africa has changed. No nation is an island sufficient unto itself… The striving towards economic and political integration is more than a manifestation of Africa’s deep-seated recognition that our strength comes from our common identity. Closer ties among ourselves are a necessity for our continent’s security and development”. Practically, this might be difficult to achieve. The South might not want to continue living in falsehood imposed upon it by the North at the expenses of her own benefits, political status and sovereignty. It is with these reasons that pacifists consider confederation an option to be explored.

Thirdly, the African Union bound by its principle of unity of the continent, stands against further balkanization of the continent in principle. Despite its weak strategies in protecting minorities’ rights, resource distributions, and rampant autocracy over indigenous citizen rights, all of which have led to incessant wars, African Union continues to call for Unity. Mbeki noted, “The African Union is itself an expression of the African continent’s desire for integration and unity”. However it would be good to note here that the AU type of unity and the Sudanese type of unity are not the same. AU unity follows UN principles in the UN Charter and international standards while the Sudanese unity follows the apartheid type as exhibited in South Africa. The Southern Sudanese calls the former, “unity on the new basis” which Khartoum does not render support. We also distaste any nation that calls for Sudan’s unity on apartheid basis. These two must be made clear. If we can not harmonize on “new basis”, we disintegrate, not confederate.

Sometimes, African Union leaders call for unity without specifying what they mean by unity. This is misinterpreted in both North and South. The North says, the African Union and the continent support her type of unity which is apartheid-based in character. The South says, African Union is against the CPA, its own principles and those of the United Nations Charter, which are against the apartheid not only in the Sudan, Africa but also throughout the whole world. In fact, avoidance of condemning of apartheid in the Sudan tantamounts to African Union’s complicity in the Southern Sudanese’s oppression. Jean Ping’s call for unity and AU condemneous of Beshir’s indictment to charges of crimes he has deliberately and invariably committed in the Sudan are clear evident that AU is taking a connivance stand in favour of the North than the world justice and peace.

While the continental unity is desirable and contingent on local unity, this principle may not be applicable in all cases within the continent. Local divisions as political remedy to chronic problems do not prevent continental unity! Eritrean’s secession from Ethiopia in 1993 creates exceptions. Eritrea’s independence brought peace to Africa and in no way has Eritrea hampered continental unity. The same goes for the now impending South Sudan’s independence in a referendum. A number of distinct factors make division of Sudan more favourable than unity which has given Africa as a whole its dark records in which it watched the massacres of the Sudanese citizens without raising a voice.

Belatedly, African Union witnessed the repercussions of the Sudanese wars, and consciously but stealthily took part in negotiations and resolutions of her conflicts. The most candid approach to resolve the conflict was the adoption of the referendum for the South to decide her future between the Sudanese voluntary unity and voluntary secession for the South. AU affixed her signature on this clause as one of the fourteen world CPA signatories. So, Jean Ping’s outrageous comments against the secession depict a character of Jekyll and Hyde.

So, is the African Union’s search for confederation! The CPA gives these two free options, of unity and secession, without hindrance or facilitation. Why preempting or condemning the choice of the citizens, yet they say, the best law is the Will of the majority?

The African Union’s fear is beyond South Sudan’s independence. It is aware that there are still distinct problems lurking in waiting in the North such as the Nuba Mountains, Funj, Darfur and Beja conflicts that might follow the precedent created in the South to demand for their self-determination and independence from the remaining North. Someone who might have visited Sudan might not consider this a wish or a fantasy- it is real. Beyond Sudan, there are hotspots within the continent like the Ogaden rebels, Oromo Liberation Front, Somaliland, Puntland in Somali, Saharawi, and the Polisarios who seek some justice in their territories.

Justice denied is justice stolen and justice sought after. It is these lurking problems that are commonly cited by the African Union as justification to oppose Sudanese secession. Khartoum to canvass and gain support also capitalizes on these local and international fears.

In order not to contribute to political awareness in pursuits for self-determination in the above areas, AU seeks to block this, by looking for ways of keeping the South attached to the North in some ways, whether through direct union, or confederation. It is these pertinent questions regarding the above Sudanese areas that are haunting the continent and its body which wants to take refuge in denying South Sudan her independence to accommodate the interests of others and depict itself of meeting its international obligation for bettering African continent already marred by its irresponsibility.

AU should have learned out of Kosovan experience in which Europe though craves for its unity, it did not play with Kosovan’s independence even when Serbia was opposing it. Europe would be better off without unity than undermining the thirst for justice among the Kosovan people who were exposed to genocidal plans. African populations though majority in the Sudan have experienced the same degree of systematic annihilations and deserve better political treatment from all peace loving peoples.

Fourthly, Northern Sudanese’s economic survival is dependent on the South Sudanese’s natural resources. Khartoum numerous regimes since 1956 have had always used resources from the South to develop the North, at the expenses of the producing region. There has been zero development in the South since creation, so to say. This exploitation was quite visible in war and now in Southern Sudan where GOSS is waging another war against backwardness in all sectors of needs in an area of 440,000 km sqs. Such vast area has nothing to show for having such huge wealth.

Therefore, it was a war factor. We fought to develop the South. Separation will enable the South to go away with its resources to the disadvantage of the North. Philanthropists within the political formations seek confederation to help boost the northern economy, lest its backlashes are felt in the South and for humanitarian concerns. This is what they fear but they are misjudging the future before it comes.

Fifthly, the world is looking for its scapegoat in the Sudan, a goat that will keep on carrying the load of terrorism to the desert without spillovers to the peaceful world. Sudan’s Islamic extremisms and fundamentalism is feared within Africa and the world. Sudan has been and is still in the American list of countries sponsoring world terrorism, with Sudan President, Omar Beshir indicted against crimes committed in Darfur [South and other areas not mentioned]; crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide crimes plus sanctions.

Of recent, there was a leak out that Sudan has imported weapon factories from Iran with support from Iranian Revolutionary Guards to produce weapons in the Sudan for the Gazan Hamas, Yemenis rebels and Al-shabab in Somalia on top of intending to annihilate local rebellions such as the one mentioned earlier above in Darfur and those that might come up. Some fatalistic people and countries believe, leaving such government without the South would be creating a hub for Islamic terrorism in the Sudan. Just like the British have held the view that the South has been a balancer for Khartoum since it bled to oppose Khartoum’s radical ideas. AU has never mentioned this but the idea of who will fight terrorism in the Sudan certainly lies behind the call for confederation.

However, most western countries are tired of using the South to fend off terrorism and now want South Sudan’s independence! The South can still play its role of opposing terrorism very well when it is independent and in collaboration with the world.

Malik Agar’s version of confederation is purely meant to serve the interests of the disputed areas namely the Nuba Mountains and Southern Blue Nile who are neither given a choice to choose in a referendum between unity or separation nor sympathetic to the Islamic concepts in Khartoum. All these make accumulation of factors/cartels for unity rather than a support for South Sudan separation. He is neither in support of Khartoum nor amused with the ideas of separation because none of these serves the interest of his central people. Confederation is meant to solve that difficulty.

The South may not be blamed for opting to secede because the radical question of Islam in politics has become an Achilles’ heel for Khartoum and very much responsible for the country’s breakup. Everybody should blame the North for that antiunity stand. All Sudanese can only be safe in a secular society.


drawing my conclusion from these analyses, the possibility of establishing a North-South confederation system rather than two separate states option available in the 2011 self determination referendum should completely be out of question. Confederation takes us back to the question of Arabism, and Islamic theocracy which are responsible for non-coexistence of the Sudanese people in diversity. Confederation is catered for under the CPA, under unity option; hence those who moot it again are tautologizing only. Therefore, it is replacing nothing, not unity and not secession in the CPA! Is any one trying to confederate Islam in the North against secularity in the South?

I understand there is a general and obvious admission that unity will never work in the Sudan, fomenting an attempt to replace the term “unity” with the term “confederation” in the CPA but that is too late. It is a sheer violation of the CPA and aforethought interference with the democratic process. If for more than 50 years of Sudan’s chaotic independence, unity with all efforts and concertions has failed, then secession should be given a chance to bring peace to the region. Independent South and independent North might be in better position to bring peace to Africa and the world. The CPA knows or asks only the Southern Sudanese to choose either free unity or free secession without hindrance or facilitation, and when the Southern Sudanese citizens carried the vote for the free unity that automatically becomes a confederation.

The world can not determine South Sudan foreign policy before she becomes independence. Based on its foreign policy, strategic partnerships and strategic resources, the State after 2011 will work its priorities out as a state relation is concerned. However, if secession vote is wholly carried, confederation ceases right there and then, except as stated above. The country’s foreign policy will dictate her future policies. Therefore, do not confuse the voting process. Any call for confederation should be shunned until the CPA reaches its destiny and independence consummated in 2011.

Malik Agar should understand, without the South, the disputed areas still have the future. Justice can never be sought extrinsically; once it is stolen, justice must be sought by the people themselves. President Bush said in his 2002 inaugural address, that, “Freedom, by its nature, must be chosen, and defended by citizens, and sustained by the rule of law and the protection of minorities. And when the soul of a nation finally speaks, the institutions that arise may reflect customs and traditions very different from our own. America will not impose our own style of government on the unwilling.

Our goal instead is to help others find their own voice, attain their own freedom, and make their own way.” The Funj, Fur and the Nubians must understand that the success of liberty in their disputed lands is dependent on the success of liberty and independence in South Sudan, and peace in Sudan is dependent in peace, freedom and liberty in those areas. If what is delivered has not served the interest of the people, they should be free to decide for themselves the best way towards their destiny.

It is extremely rare to find any country or countries in this modern world in a union called confederation. America was first founded on confederalism before it was reverted to federalism which was and is a better system to confederation. The reasons that led America to reject confederation could be the same reasons that make confederation in the Sudan unthinkable. The religious and racial dichotomy in the Sudan has reached a disastrous proportion. Therefore, allow citizens to vote freely between secession and unity, secularism and Islamic theocracy, peace and chaos, etc and accept the results!

Rengo Gyyw Rengo, Jr is a Masters Degree student in International Relations and Diplomacy. He can be reached


Posted: March 26, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Commentary, Featured Articles, Reng'o Gyyw Reng'o

By Rengo Gyyw Rengo, Jr.

February 1st, 2010

I read about the story of ‘Vidkun Quisling (1887-1945), Norwegian politician, whose collaboration with the Nazis during World War II made his name synonymous with traitor. Quisling aided Fridtjof Nansen [Norwegian explorer, scientist, statesman, author, and Nobel laureate] on his humanitarian missions in the USSR and Armenia in 1922-1925 and later served in the Norwegian legation in Moscow. Returning to Norway, he entered politics, voicing strong anti-Communist sentiments. He served as minister of defense (1931-1933) in an Agrarian cabinet, but then bolted to found his own National Union, a Fascist party that received subsidies from Germany.

‘At the time of the Nazi invasion of Norway in 1940, the German envoy tried unsuccessfully to have King Håkon accept Quisling as prime minister, and the National Union was subsequently declared the only legal party. The Germans finally installed Quisling as prime minister in 1942, and throughout the war he collaborated with the Nazis and tried to inject their principles and practices into Norwegian society. Largely responsible for the persecution of Norwegian Jews, he also introduced terrorist methods in dealing with those loyal to the king and the legal government in London. Arrested, tried, and sentenced by a Norwegian court after the war, Quisling was executed on October 24, 1945.’

By all accounts and deposition, Lam Akol is Vidkun Quisling of South Sudan and its people. For all those who are familair with Lam Akol, the path Quisling took is exactly the same except trial and execution which I do not believe would happen. His fate should be left to moods of history, shame and rejection. Little is to be said about Lam Akol early upbringing except through his father to whom I attributed a positive statement below and perhaps monarchical lineage he hailed from among the Shilluk which explictly depicts him as a non-democrat and which increases his impudence of others. However, few people have positive reminiscences of Lam Akol at the university of Khartoum where he loved playing foulplays among his colleagues.  He has been in a class of people  who professed they love to be in opposition even when there is nothing to be opposed.

Not withstanding this, Sudanese society have had political seismics that engineered oppositions of various types, social, economic, political and religious from people who saw them in their own ways and perceptions and those who use them to oppress others. Therefore, Lam found his inherent unconforming nature to be compatible with the prevailing sitaution and registered heroism of being a rebel with the SPLM and SPLA in mid 1980s.

It was not long before his character like pregnancy as they say, could show. His antagonism and his belief in jettison of leadership earned him the theory of Jettisonism which I now bring to limelight. Jettisonology is a political school of thought of abandoning one’s own people’s struggle to join the enemy to work against the acceptable cause for personal gains and power. A jettisonist is a person who abandoned genuine cause to work with the enemy against his own people to overthrow them. Therefore the Southern Sudanese people should attribute this theory to Lam Akol as his political Legacy that he leaves behind for posterity. Jettisonism is the same as Lamakolianism, all authors’ proposal.

While in the Movement SPLM, he must have consented to the main objective, strategies and tactics agreed at the founding of the Liberation Movement in 1983 including the concept of the New Sudan with its two faces, of Southern Sudan and of New United Secular Democratic Sudan. The concept of the New Sudan as a process has its roots in a letter written on October 12 1957 by E.K. Mayom to South Sudanese legislative Assembly members to the second Assembly at Khartoum. Second Sudan parliamentary elections were then scheduled for February-March 1958 after the 1954 elections.

Mayom wrote in his letter that, “there is a Dinka story-[that goes] once upon a time, a man [had] a chance to find a multitude [of people] gathering round a dead animal, skinning it, and ready to divide the meat amongst themselves; then suddenly this gentleman asked to be given both one front and find less puls, the fat hump after skinning. Then a sorrowful laughter broke the silence. Then, one other person remarked back to him that “would it not be good if you [had] asked for a minor proportion such as ribs [12 pieces usually]? “Then, he replied that “then finish the skinning quickly, and give it to me on time, because I have a long way to go still!” When he left with his mentioned share, then, one of the people followed him afar and asked him why he demanded so much, that he looked greedy amongst strangers! He answered that if he had asked for a small share, then, he was NOT going to succeed in getting anything at all. In comparison, always the south should DEMAND so much so that in the end, we get something and not nothing”, Mayom concluded [Y. Wawa, 154 & 155]

Precisely, this was the reason behind the concept of the New Sudan that some people condemn today for political objectives than the context to which it was meant by the Founding Fathers. Mandela said no easy road to freedom despite easy talks about it. If words would have liberated us, the famous Aggrey Jaden’s statement made at Khartoum roundtable Conference would have resolved the whole problem of secession when he drew a distinction between the North and the South. Jaden identified the problem but not the modalities, strategies and tactics of getting there.  The goal would always be there but the strategies vary with times and situations [and all are contingent on enemy’s technicality]. Therefore, the SPLM focused on the strategies to which Lam was an accomplice against the government at the time of his joining in May 1986.

I noted two articles over this subject, one from Dr. Ambago  Ramba and a reply from Dr. Okuk, of course, they had a great deal of exchanges that desire one to venture equally into the arena. However, some of their contents would drag me away from statements made by Lam Akol. But I would like to clarify here that there is no sitting on the fence situation. A mere call for secession does not call for incriminating the process. For any case, better those who sit on the fence in the field while paddling or propelling than those who shout loquaciously without contribution in foreign lands and those who labour in pop talks locally. Sitting on the fence here does not mean neutrality as one colleague would want to look at it but stirring both sides for one fundamental objective of liberation. I do not want to answer too many things at ago.

Why I slot in the above quotations is to answer the continuous and boring discourse over who supports secession and who supports unity. And especially Lam Akol made it looked when he said, “those who claim to be more separatists than others should give themselves time to ponder how self-determination was reintroduced into Sudanese politics,” like he brought the agenda of self-determination.And I noted the word re-introduction. That means it had pre-existed. It can be disputed that self-determination never came from Khartoum as a proxy of Lam nor from Lam Akol’s own series of political parties since he had many. Equally, there are no proves to show SPLM was convinced by Lam Akol and his group to accept self-determination as a compromise over its earlier stand.Lam Akol and his colleagues were not even primary negotiators on any side of talks to have contributed to the debate on the explicit question of the referendum on self-determination. That is why he is calling for unity now.Political theftologists of recent, attributed self-determination to Khartoum Agreement and I hope Lam is not also thinking about Fashoda agreement as the basis for his stand or point of reference. All these are meant to divert the essence of the CPA. For whatever the case, we shall prove each other across a span of time.

I do not think that the question of self-determination was an alien to the general parameters and framweork of the struggle, whether explicit or implicit. My people hold the unsaid dear than the said especially when dealing with un-sincere partners. Introducing or re-introducing would be exchange of political cards within the general framwork far from political novelty. Therefore, I consider it a pre-determined cause because it would come when we do a.b.c.d. It was not inadvertently brought as a result of split to say it precisely or joining opposite camps. The claims of the split was effected in the name of lack of democracy, Garang dictatorship, lack of human rights and the issue of child soldiers-the Red Army, to which I belonged, that was according to the jettisonists’ pronouncments then against the Movement. Thus, with no margin to sophistry, it were the above that justified attempted Garang’s jettisoned. Lam should not forget his own documents which I have before me as I write.  This seems to be the implication of the statement. Lam absurdly failed as a zonal commander in Shilluk areas in late 1980s even when zonal commanders had high degree of autonomies.

Nevertheless, South Sudanese people know what they want even when they are let down by their own sons and daughters. Mayom in a single statement proved to be a person with a big strategy compare to those  who claimed to have the knowledge of the way. Our process has been like a woman who wants divorce by claiming to be a head of a family in a rigid patriarchical society even if she knows the man will not accept to concede. Therefore, through indomitable insistence, the man would say at the end of the day, “Go, leave me alone. You have hardened my life. I will remarry!” to disentangle himself away. You can not call for south self-determination while playing political harlotry with the North-politics of collaboration. It has unrhyming contradictions.

Supportively, even the North has never belief in a single day that New Sudan means unity of Sudan just the same way we have believed the North would fight to its last breathe to cling onto power, dictatorship, islamic laws and inequality to fend off blackman ideals of a new Sudan. It was wise we presented to them what they do not like and they will let us go. Always, times without end, they have held reservations besides opposing it adamantly. One senior Sudanese Arab presidential adviser Ghazi Salah Al-Deen Al-Attabani recently remarked that the SPLM’s proposed New Sudan project is incriminating proposal because it “criminalizes the history of Sudan and does not even recognize its independence”. With this, it justifies that we had and still have our own vision embroiled in the project of the New Sudan. So, it is not selling as some people think or thought of.  Scientifically, a theory proven valid stands until another replaces it.

So, who is this that want to reward himself that he has a better idea for Southern Sudanese people and at the expenses of who?

Deep down the heart of a southerner, he/she knows the veracity and viability of this method of New Sudan towards our total liberation. Dr. Ambago caught red-handed Lam Akol of retorting back his statement to sit on the fence once again without committing himself to either secession or unity, relegating his previous suicidal statement of condemning secession. That means, two things have contributed to that withdrawal of statements, one; consideration of personal ambition for presidency and second is that, South Sudanese people are no longer cheatable. Number of books Lam wrote about SPLM/SPLA and South Sudan people ingrained his treachery in permanent books of life. They were all about unity message and personal considerations. Certainly he is hireling against our cause.

With these realities known, Robert Francis Kennedy once said in his quote of the week, that, “one fifth of the people are against everything all the time.” Even without reasoning, they find themselves there. We are not without such people and also if there are unionists among us, then, there are those who use it as a political strategy and there are those disposed to benefits from such situation at individual basis or cohorts, whether South Sudan goes to the sea or not, they care less. But we can not judge these people with one-night statements. Their political case history tells us of who they are and what they stand for.  We can not trust their words let alone entrusting our destiny into their own hands.

Actually, the primary purpose of this writing is the stunning message Lam Akol uttered in an interview in the past weeks against SPLM leadership and therefore against secession. Lam Akol stunned the world and particularly southerners over his message of unity measured against the secession of Southern Sudan under the current leadership of Salva Kiir he chose to accused of being responsible for insecurity, tribal conflicts etc hence lending him fallacious conclusions such as independence could not be viable in 2011, without him [Lam] steering it in order to avoid the status quo of Somalia replicating here in South Sudan. This statement makes one chuckles a hundred times. James Wani once wrote about Lam Akol as follows: that, “a politician who did not obey others, who did not acknowledge the leadership of others was not a politician but a villain. You could not lead if you could not agree to be led.”

While Lam was advancing his cause for presidency during the said interview with international media, his sheer opportunism coupled with jettisonic attitudes towards leadership of others revealed itself fully. What brought such dangerous utterances? I must first quote him to open up the discussion. In his recent corrective comment dubbed as “Comment by Dr Lam Akol on the “Suicide thing” forwarded to this website by one Jerkuei Marek, [JAN 21/2010, SSN;], he said reporting of his interview that,

‘I continued that the present GoSS has caused a lot of insecurity that contributed to more divisions among the Southern community and that is why it should be jettisoned out in the upcoming general elections.

‘Then I added the comment that “under the present weak government in the South, calling for secession would be a call for Somalization’.

The earlier  reporters’ version read more or less the same. It read;

‘At the moment, with the state of hostility in the South, with the state of tribal conflicts, intra-tribal conflicts, any call for secession at this moment will be a call for the “Somalization” of southern Sudan,’ a reporter quoted Lam argument.

Now, what if indeed the current GOSS leadership survives Lam’s jettisons through elections, does he suggest that we better sacrifice our independence because a “correct leadership” is not installed in South Sudan? Are tribal conflicts monopolies of south Sudan? Were our people not fond of fighting each other even before the war? Can independence stop human differences? Why would anyone think it is GOSS that caused a lot of insecurity in the South instead of our perceived enemy?  Does this exonerate Lam Akol and his former or current masters? OK, what makes Lam Akol think he is a better option to avert or arrest such situation compare to Kiir? Should we think of jettisoning leaders and systems while on a dangerous journey? Is this not calling for 1991 Garang’s jettisoning? Will remaining in unity in fear of tribal conflicts after independence stop tribal conflicts in a united Sudan? If we have been fighting in the united Sudan, what difference will it make? Does a world make a man or does a man make himself and his environment, in relations to Somalia? I concede there are so many questions throbbing in the mind and probably answers are not with me but with the public lied to by Lam Akol and his myopic diversionary followings.

Dr. Okuk got puzzled with Dr. Ramba’s endorsement of somalization as long as we get our independence! I think that must be a shared view by many. The next thing Lam Akol and his followers talked about is the process [means] which has already been darkened, we goaded through the muddle and we kept our hope, despites deaths and induced socio-political calamities; we resolved that we shall reach there to the promise land. Is today worst than 1991? Were there no tribal problems during the post Addis Ababa agreement?  Were there no tribal differences before 1991? Why is this period becoming unique? Are tribal conflicts not in existence in Kenya and Uganda? Does that qualify them to throw away their independences? What time do we crave dearly for local unity if not today? Jesus said he who has not committed any sin should pick and throw the first stone! “Bilai”-stop your propaganda. We cannot blame what went wrong with our means to an end on one system. We have all contributed to it and we are still contributing to it and if we are to correct it, we MUST correct it together without exception.

I know I will be accused over what I have no apology for-being an ardent enemy of Lam Akol’s vision and his quest for presidency but that is it. It cannot be helped as long as I do not see credibility of genuine leadership in him. Furthermore, he must first clear his past tainted behaviours, vision, and deeds which leave him with extremely questionable image among our people including his so called SPLM-DC whose both headquarters and subsidies are obtained from Khartoum and Arab nations!.


Now, let me settle down on two things associated with Lam Akol, opportunism and cynicism of others’ leadership [Jettisonisation]. The opportunism is the practice of using situations unfairly to gain advantage for yourself without thinking about how your actions will affect other people. Therefore, Lam looks for needy and delicate situation to pursue his parallel cause instead of seeking consolidation with the rests to shake the blows together. This is typical of him.  This can be illustrated as follows:

On September 3, 1991, Lam said in a press release “… the political upheavals and convulsions in Ethiopia that led to the demise and collapse of the regime of Mengistu Haile Mariam late this May… not only triggered off major and dramatic changes in the alignment and balances of forces in the region-horn of Africa –but has set in motion deep and profound socio-political and military revulsions for the SPLM/SPLA… in this context, the geo-political changes, brought about by the events in Ethiopia do not only pose as a reverse or setback in the political and military sense but a blessing in a disguise for the SPLM/SPLA in that it has brought to the fore  some of the basic and fundamental internal contradictions whose resolution are crucial for the survival and viability of the SPLM/A and its forward progress.”

Lam concluded his opportunism with the following words as cited in James Wani’s book, “Secrecy of Diplomacy” 2008.

“From the foregoing it is amply plain that the crisis the Movement is in today is the making of one man; John Garang. He has been holding us at ransom dragging the whole nation into an abyss. We must join to jettison him out to save our people and our country from imminent defeat”

Lam’s defeat comes when his people are winning and his victory comes when his people are losing. For example, SPLA was winning the war against the government before 1991 and that is when he single-handedly saw defeat. Now, SPLM has won our referendum, its laws and waiting secession in calm mood, Lam has seen another defeat beyond the independence and wants to jettison out people’s success!

This time round, he has become opportunistic of the present situation that he described it in uncertain terms; in a doom manner which warrant two things according to him, overthrow of this incumbent system or sacrification of our independence. In all these situations, he presents himself as a solution; a very desperate idea whose time was buried with the witnesses and victims of his callosity and bad doings.

I emphasise again, knowing the referendum is near and sailing through under somebody’s name, he becomes uncomfortable because that leaves him at the periphery of history. Therefore he got a gut of saying,

‘I continued that the present GoSS has caused a lot of insecurity that contributed to more divisions among the Southern community and that is why it should be jettisoned out in the upcoming general elections.

‘… I meant to say that the present Government of Southern Sudan must be changed if secession is to achieve the very objectives Southerners want it for.

Ofcourse, we need secession without preconditions whatsoever!

The second point I wanted to talk about besides opportunism over situations was Lam’s main pursuit – power at its zenith without which, he believes we better do without all that we stand for. Other leaders rather than him must be jettisoned out to create way for himself. Hence he espoused his ardent school of thought in “Jettisonisation”, a one man ideological process that does not fit into any of the conventional beliefs and ways of doing things.  Jettisonology is Lam’s political school of not accepting others especially those in leadership above him. This personal belief has been proven over and over again. Had it not been Lam’s belief in Jettisonology, we would have not registered 1991 as one of the darkest pages of our history and we would not have lost many lives as we did in the process of Jettisoning Garang and subsequent prostitutive quisling he got himself in, behind the stirred scene. Because of thinking to jettison Garang out of power, a futile attempt that changed balance of power from SPLM/SPLA to Khartoum and general setbacks to our liberation, Lam fixed himself into dishonourable pages in our socio-political annals.

Why I think he believes in Jettisonisation is how recent history of our Movement has veracitized this fact.

One of his letters to Peter Adwok, a fellow confidant had  read in part that,

‘following the last developments in Ethiopia, events here in  the field have been moving very fast. The struggle for democracy within the Movement has intensified and we have decided to jettison Garang out of the leadership of our Movement.  The necessary steps on the ground have been undertaken and it will not be long before the whole thing gets into the open’. [letter to Dr, Peter Adwok, on 6 August 1991 while in Germany.

All these depict a man and his daunting character. Of course, him suggesting that the current insecurity deserves more attention than South Sudan’s independence, he has made incorrect appraisals of our situation now. And that will weigh on him like an ominous doom. Relegation of the statements I think goes un-necessitated.

Let me say, no one admires dogs when they lick back their vomits! We keep them but we do not desire that habit. The fact remains that what was vomited out was a waste that deserves no re-consumption but dogs have the inherent guts of wolfing their vomits. Another peculiar thing about dogs is the legend of eating their first born forgetting the possibility of a failed second delivery! We have a society that eats itself. Some of our politicians want us to eat our first born-the referendum by their careless deeds of dis-envisioned. Lam Akol probably leads these groups.

Crude as it may be for one to resort to use of vulgar language to describe the situation, Lam has missed all he has dreamt for, all his life because he has provoked the sanity of our people and he will invariably continue to do so. True to the words of Gier Chuang Aluong who called a spade spade by naming the enemy its true name.

Now let me say why I call Dr. Lam a vendor of our destiny and a jettisonist. Over the last five interim years’ period, Lam has attempted to thwart our cause through his daunting anti-South Sudan projects.

a)     Lam is responsible for 1991 splits within the SPLM/SPLA, procrastination of the Cause and hundreds of thousands of deaths of our people.

b)    Lam failed our cause when he was a foregin minister with great absurdity by supporting the government he was sent against and endorsing systematic genocide in Darfur.

c)     Lam resolved to carry out secret dealings with the north when and after SPLM withdrew from the Government of National Unity to push for CPA implememntation in October 2007.

d)    Lam is part of South Sudan’s insecurity because he harbours clandestine armed wing which killed Ngok People and their legendary chief of the Dhongjol and insecurity around Malakal. Therefore, he is involved in fomenting tribal animosity to create opportunity for himself.

e)    Lam broke away from his people where he should have served better for the second time to form his so-called SPLM-DC.

f)    SPLM-DC has headquarters in Khartoum and receives subsidies from NCP.

g)   Lam condemns our independence!

h)   Lam opposes Beshir indictment for heinous crimes committed against citizens and went around as his spokeman against the ICC. This went against his people’s will and SPLM he took posture as a member.

i)    Lam supported arab arms trafficking into Gaza through Sudan to be used against innocent Isrealites people and blamed the SPLM of not supporting the north in condemning Isreal of erasing weaponry convoy to Gaza.

j)   Lam held clandestine and parallel meetings with other oppositions in el-Kenana to oppose the CPA.

k)   Lam now calls for jettisoning of Salva Kiir and GOSS for SPLM-DC to takeover and poses as a saviour-

Why on earth would anyone entrust the destiny of our people in  the hands of such dirty man and his non-entity party? Yes, our society like any other society is deemed to have problems but they should not be perceived like they have come to stay. They just need our concerted efforts to mitigate them and create stability.

Why would the SPLM-DC be preferable to the incumbent system? Putting Kiir on the scale against Lam, Kiir has got a bank of treasures to take home. What has Lam to show us? Putting SPLM-DC on the scale with the SPLM, SPLM-DC is spineless, clawless, legacyless and smell a photocopy and charlatan of the mother SPLM. It has nothing new to offer. In the throes of insecurity, Lam would not be the right choice to replace a hero like Kiir basing on their track records of performace, loyalty  to the people and rightful dutiful contributions.

Comparatively, tribal conflicts exists in countries with more than forty years of independence, let alone a nation with long record of disunity and socio-political mayhem like ours. Our people should check out the lie of the land before we are driven away by the prophets of dooms as this will help them,-our people make correct choices. SPLM will only go when there is a viable alternative and not only that, this can only happen after the independence which Lam Akol opposes. It is unwise to label the occurences of this era on GOSS alone.

There has been a great deal of euphoric joy  regarding the court ruling against the banning of SPLM-DC operation in South Sudan based on reasons of being associated with organized militia forces of its own.  A constitutional court as a matter of legal principle had to allot a right of political freedom, ignoring the involvement of Lam in harbouring armed movement.  Implying that the SPLM was left with the jurisdiction of filing a case against Lam in the same court or seeks other methods to contain the situation and defend the people of South Sudan, otherwise, a court could not permit unconstitutional existence of a parallel army outside the SPLA.  This, I do not call it a victory for Lam. Likewise; SPLM does not deserve to be labelled undemocratic when it inhibits such double-edge organization. There are other parties doing their businesses in South Sudan frankly and peacefully.

A year or two ago when SPLM-DC was formed, I resolved not to write along that lines even if that formation had caused a lot of fuss. I did it for one reason, that any citizen has a right to form a political party, and that being in the SPLM for Lam was not giving him enough room to apologise to South Sudanese over the remorse of the past deeds, after which he would be politically born again to resume fully and with confident the liberation of his people,-our people. I couldn’t be drastically wrong! Man’s rigidity corresponds with his lack of focus.

Still, I have always thought, even if humans are inherently bound to be political, politics requires some sort of decency and more so, those who play politics do it in recognition of their social backgrounds. There must be a constituency for launching. Political ground is a scrambling ground that belongs to no one. It is a converging point for those who have homes and not those “without” homes like Lam Akol. Politically speaking, he is not a true representative of either side, south or north which he claims to hold at balance.  So, Lam loves to play politics in its playground, but when all the players leave after the game back to their respective homes, he sleeps in the no-man field conspiring on how to endanger the next game!  And this makes him a politician without concern for the people or who does Lam REPRESENT in the national politics? He plays politics for his personal survival, interests and ambitions, thus, believes without him becoming a president of South Sudan, no secession.This is a sheer combination of opportunism out of delicate situation as well as desire for power that drive Lam’s misguided audacity.


But before that, I need to note something. I am one man commonly thrilled by history and those who shaped it positively. While on my routine of perusing through historical documents, I discovered there are contradictions in Ajawin’s family. Akol Ajawin, Lam’s father featured among the 1952 intellectuals who opposed the Cairo agreement between Khartoum and Egyptian government where southern safeguards were unilaterally purged out by the Arab Theo-political cartels. In a letter signed by local chiefs, members of parliament and intellectuals from Upper Nile, I noticed Akol Ajawin humbled contributions, though I cannot specifically attribute any concrete statement to him but the most important thing here is how he walked with his people, the southern Sudanese people of his time.


Gier Chuang Aluong, Minister For Internal Affairs, GOSS noted what has always bedevilled Southern Sudanese people, self betrayal and destruction brought about by lack of self-knowledge and self-awareness. The fact of recognising that we have no enemy except ourselves is a true definition of our problem. In Africa, when people find you climbing a tree, they do not help you up; instead they hold your legs and pull you down. It does not matter what important business was up the tree! So, we have discovered that those who kill us the most are not distant enemies but those with whom we are born with and those we trust.

Then, the blames go around and around. We look for enemies that use our people instead of cleaning our homes first. This makes our relationship with the north like a Christian and a devil relationship where a Christian blames everything that befalls him/her on a devil even in instances where there are no devils that have caused fouls to one’s faith path. Devils, if at all they are there, they response to what is in one heart and mind! They use a believer’s weaknesses! David Hume (1711 – 1776) Scottish philosopher and historian, once said, “their credulity increases his impudence: and his impudence overpowers their credulity”. Indeed, it is the overt credulity of people like Lam Akol that has increased Khartoum’s impudence over years against the South. Though, we have not been able  to accept our weaknesses, our insistence on our weaknesses would invalidate in the longrun the blames with which we shell our supposed enemy. It is the enemy within the lines that kills us at the back.

Gier noted that southerners are enemies of themselves while reacting to Lam Akol’s unfortunate utterance among the many scores he has stocked in life against our successes. We have a proven credulity which we must first kill if we are to move on.

No matter what language Akol uses, his deeds shall be interred with his bones! Prompted by one desire to call spade a spade, Lam Akol has maintained his doom against the people of South Sudan. What does the man want anyway? Every political movement must define its objectives correctly and every politician must have a clear belief or objective or ideology that is pro-his people. All these Lam is lacking. For him, political prostitution for petty gains has engulfed man’s entire life.

One funniest thing is the paradoxicity in his beliefs, accepting SPLM to the extent of using its name and at the same time, denying it. Why couldn’t Lam create an original idea, a complete new party? In 1991, after schisms, he named his new faction, SPLM/A-United. Is that not being opportunistic and being a political plagiarist?


Dr. Okuk wrote that “…Dr. Lam is clean from the shits of corruptions and many Southerners are now taking him seriously as the very one who will save the South from collapse and leadership bankruptcy.

“Majority of Southerners have now realized that Dr. Lam is the trusted one because he is courageous to challenge the evils of Kiir’s his SPLM bad rule in the South so that Southerners are not pushed against themselves to pass through Somalia in order to arrive to South Sudan only after all things have fallen apart.”[ JAN 21/2010, SSN;]

History adjudicates negatively against such misleading assertions. As for Dr. Okuk, South Sudan shall score many sins because of his type. How I wish to know two things about Dr. Okuk, his age and his upbringing. These two things feature in his muddle up writings full of incoherent topics, NOT in harmony with one’s age, experience and level of education he has. I think we must draw a line not have room for future apologies, typical of people who follow Lam and later beg for pardons in writings.

Dr. Okuk is either driven by tribal myopia and jingoism or he labours hard out of fantasy for Lam to create way for his future appointment into Lam’s cabinet after the current system is jettisoned, albeit we share one thing-secession and independence. Apart from this he goes bizarre.

There are a number of teething doctors who are going  through Lam’s school of thought, tribalistic, opportunistic, and treacherous, casting common man’s doubt about the type of education they went through. PhD graduates are becoming nuisance to our people. Let them go to class, lecture and leave politics if they can not conform to tenets that govern politics. They have shown to us that doctorate education is not worth our society since it brings dooms than enlightenment. How paradoxical and discouraging!

Intellectuals rationally ought to advise the government; develop concepts, theories and philosophies of governance. I thought they should be writing scholarly articles on how South Sudan should find her correct path in the world, on how system of governance can be improved, not about defending Shilluk in Pigi County, not about tribal sentiments, not about one’s own ethnic candidate and irrelevant condemnations of evolving system in South Sudan. Do these people know about the dangers of their writings on the unity of our people?  80% of the internet discourses are labouring hard on tribal theses and flabbergasted abuses which neither help the government nor create consolidative social ambience in the minds of South Sudanese. Then, what is the use of writing?  Today, you hear Isaiah Abraham fluctuative reasoning tainted with village talks. Tomorrow, you hear Dr. Ambago on his tribal lectures directed against certain group; today Dr. Okuk theses on Shilluk, Lam Akol and SPLM-DC. Tomorrow, Gatluak in USA, Dinka Boy, Raan Naath etc you name them.  You guys improve on your topics.


I do not support tribalism, tribal conflicts, insecurity, instability, corruption and all that associated with bad governace in South Sudan. I do not equally support use of the above aspects as preconditions for our independence by Lam Akol and his group. I do not as well perceive Lam Akol as a right person to speak about anything good that our people need. As I said, through sheer crocodile’s tears, he wants to use such situation opportunistically to climb on to power- which is the pith and marrow of his wacky politics.

Independence has no pre-conditions. Presenting our situation in a Somalia manner would not help the opportunists to thwart either South Sudan’s independence or the right of the current government to accomplish its duty and objectives to the people of South Sudan.

Lam is a vendor of our destiny. He is a jettisonist of acceptable system. In my final conclusion, citizens of South Sudan  are like  lungfish [luuth]. African Lungfish have double lives, they can live comfortably in waters with the rests of fishes and aquactic life and when such environment ceases to exist, lungfish burrow themselves deep onto the ground where they would live and survive until the next season of rains.

Therefore, there goes the saying that those who do not know the secret of the lungfish should continue swimming in receding waters!. It is no longer the people of South Sudan who swim like “other fishes”, rathar they have lungfish secret against politicians like Lam Akol, his apprentice followers and all unionists. Bye!

Rengo Gyyw Rengo, Jr holds a bachelor’s Degree in Development Studies from Nkumba University, Uganda and currently in Juba, Southern Sudan disposed to serve his nation. He can be reached at 

By Amer Mayen Dhieu, Brisbane

They say Love is blind, but I disagree with this saying. Both men and women know what they both want in each other. Though the rule is that man have to make the first move, especially with African cultures most women have a set of different goals they follow to help them choose and find their love ones. These set of goals can either be wanting to get married as soon as possible, looking for an intimate friendship and finding love later on or finding the one you are compatible with by first studying common interests then fall in love.

WANTING TO GET MARRIED: Women at this category focus on who is ready to get married. I don’t see it as being blinded by love but having marriage as their number one priority. As we might all know, the first stage of a relationship is “liking” someone. Women who are ready to get married doesn’t just like any man that approach them simply because “like” is influence by either physical look, expression or capabilities. They are considered as being influence by man’s capability to marry them on the spot.

LOOKING FOR POSSIBLE INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP AND THEN FIND LOVE LATER ON: Women in this category are in between those who love to get married and those who study their love ones base on share common goals and interests and find love later on. It’s hard to tell whether they are seriously in love or just into friendship. Why, because they don’t mind searching for intimate friendship from different types of men. Most men find it hard to trust them because of lack of commitment and sometimes dedication to one relationship. The pressure of searching for their perceived real love sometimes becomes a journey of thousand miles. The more they spent searching the less they become interested.

LAST ARE THOSE WOMEN THAT CHOOSE THIER PARTNERS BASED ON WHO THEY ARE MORE COMPATIBLE WITH: This type of women are likely to be educated, dreamers who aim for the highest aspiration or ambitious. By compatibility most of them look into share interest like hobbies, careers, desires or share experiences and personalities. Their goal is to be able to meet each others (man and woman) needs with feeling of motivation to do so. Being able to support their partners with feelings that they are doing it for themselves for it is what they like to do too.

Some in the same category might be specifically looking for one goal such as marrying educated man because they are educated. These type of women carry a perception that educated people knows their needs with mutual understanding of each person’s interest. sadly, most women in this category come with high confidence that sometimes make it hard for men to easily invest in them. Most men too perceive them us competitors lacking knowledge of domestic works. Some have reportedly chosen not get married because they found it hard to be in a relationship. This is not because they can’t afford to be in it, but because they find it contradictory with their already acquired knowledge.

In summary these three types of women eventually, end up with the same goal, and that’s love. One can understand that to be in everlasting love there has to be a certain point where you feel your targets are being met first before you fall in love. Therefore, contrary to popular adage that love is blind, I believe it’s impossible for love to blind you to the point whereby you forget what you want in your partner for love is just a soup in need of ingredients and those ingredients are common share interests and goals.

Amer@ 2014

The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (the Commission), at its 15th Extra-Ordinary Session held from 7 – 14 March 2014 in Banjul, The Gambia:

Recalling its mandate to promote and protect human and peoples’ rights pursuant to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (the African Charter);

Further recalling that one of the objectives of the African Union,  as stipulated in Article 3(f) of its Constitutive Act, is to promote peace, security, and stability in the continent;

Taking cognisance of Article 23 of the African Charter which also provides for the right of all peoples’ to national and international peace and security;

Bearing in mind that South Sudan is a Member State of the African Union and signatory to the African Charter;

Commending the efforts made by the African Union to promote dialogue among the various parties towards achieving peace, security and political stability in the Republic of South Sudan;

 Concerned about recent developments in South Sudan, which have massive implications on regional peace, security and stability;

Further concerned about the humanitarian consequences of the situation in South Sudan;

Alarmed with reports of serious and massive human rights violations, including the extra-judicial killing of civilians and captured soldiers, massive displacements and arbitrary detentions, mostly on ethnic grounds;

Bearing in mind the attacks against the civilian population, and the discovery of mass graves in some parts of the country;

Denouncing the acts of warring factions against innocent civilians, contrary to basic regional and international human rights standards;

Welcoming the decision of the African Union Peace and Security Council to establish a Commission of Inquiry to investigate human rights violations and other abuses committed during the armed conflict in South Sudan and make recommendations on the best ways and means to ensure accountability and reconciliation among all South Sudanese communities;

Stressing the need for South Sudan to cooperate with the African Union Commission of Inquiry to identify perpetrators of the atrocities and hold them accountable, in line with the African Union’s firm commitment to fight impunity;

Noting the significance of effective redress for victims of human rights violations, not only at the domestic level, but also the regional and international level to end impunity;

Concerned by South Sudan’s delay in ratifying and thereafter domesticating the African Charter as well as other fundamental human rights instruments, which provide avenues of redress for victims of human rights violations;

The Commission:

Strongly condemns the attacks on the civilian population perpetrated by the parties to the conflict; 

Requests the Government of South Sudan to ensure the full protection of the civilian population;

Calls on all parties to immediately halt the violence, peacefully resolve their differences and follow through on peace agreements;

Calls on the Government of South Sudan to ensure that perpetrators of the human rights violations are held accountable for their actions 

Urges the Government of South Sudan to cooperate with the African Union Commission of Inquiry; and

Calls on the Government of South Sudan to immediately ratify and domesticate the African Charter and other fundamental human rights instruments.

Done in Banjul, The Gambia on 14 March 2014

From: The Governor,
Yau Yau State,
Republic of South Sudan.

To: President of South Sudan
Republic of South Sudan.

Dear his excellency,


It’s with profound honor and respect to write this letter crediting you for the brave and heroic decision you have taken to accept our proposal of having our own state (Yau Yau State).

You are very visionary and missionary leader that South Sudan needs at this critical time. We will support your government as the citizen of Yau Yau state. With our blood and flesh, wives and mothers, brothers and sisters, we are ready and willing to die for you Sir.

Also, do not mind about Riek Machar and his rebellion. We will not join him, and you know that according to MoU we signed last year with your government. Of course, that is between you and us, and no dog outside there has any idea about it. You see, we are keeping it cool as you advised us to; surely you can count on our promise now. Don’t listen to those Bor people who call us unreliable, child abductors and cattle rustlers.

That is our God-given right, and they can go to hell to rescind that heavenly decree. Who doesn’t know that all the cattle on planet Earth belong to Murle and Murle alone? They wanna complain about that the same way they grumble about your divine decrees. I hope they are not fretting about the decreeing of our new, noble state, a state we won with blood and flesh.

Be also mindful of the Bor people, don’t let them use this opportunity of the state you have awarded to us to create their states of Kongor state, Gok state, Duk state, Athooc state and so forth. They are clever, and you should keep them away from you.

Don’t be fooled by Makwei Lueth, remember Lueth mean a lie/liar in Bor Dinka language. I respect Kuol Manyang though I dread him. Majak Agoot is another one, but your excellence has already taken good care of that, shukran Bany!

I understand that you wanna decree King Paul (Malong Awan) a full Minister for National Security soon in Juba, congrats bany! Get rid of that Latuko call Mamur, place him somewhere else. I understand he is an SPLM/SPLA war veteran and national hero becoz of his war records but this is time for power grab and self-enrichment, not war. Put in your people in key positions and you will be secured like Yau-Yau.

Don’t you ever mind those cockroaches that accuse you of messing around with elected officials!! The law is there to be broken, hahaha, but the fools don’t and can’t figure that out. That is why they are fools!

Long live comrade Salva Kiir,
Long live SPLM!
Long live the people or South Sudan!
Long live the citizens of Yau Yau State.

Yours faithfully,

Yau Yau State,
Republic of South Sudan.

How Do You Handle Criticism?

Posted: March 24, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Junub Sudan

Mind of Malaka

Criticism, critique, opinion, junk that folks have to say…this is the world we live in today. My friend Kwesi (his real name) says that because of technology, everyone and ANYone can publish, even if it’s not necessary that they do. News travels in nanoseconds in this century, and opinion goes even further. Opinion and its half-brother, Gossip, have always been quicker to reach their intended target than real news. People are just happier to say what they think about a matter than discuss the matter in itself.

As a blogger, I generally have to contend with how people think about what I write, from style to subject matter. As a rule, I like people, so I am pretty accessible. Some of my most recent friendships have been a result of people following a thread on my blog, predicting my whereabouts and making the effort to meet me. The transition…

View original post 692 more words

The December 15th Coup D’état

Posted: March 23, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Featured Articles

By Pinyë Junub

On the evening of December 14th, the atmosphere in Juba was tense, given the events that transpired a little over a week. Riek Machar and his group held a press conference and gave an ultimatum to the president to respond to their demands or else. Those who know politics in South Sudan saw the writing on the wall.

On December 15th a coup attempt was in full motion, preempting events that were planned to precede it.

South Sudan’s Intelligence service received actionable intelligence about a major operation that was to take place in Juba on December 15th 2013. In fact, there had been a great deal of chatter among Riek’s supporters and their desire to overthrow Kiir’s government for over a year. However, the President had been keen to overlook the threats in an attempt to keep the peace.

Ever since, the July reshuffle of the government which saw Riek lose his job, his supporters  were very eager to overthrow the government. The weeks leading up to December 15th had seen intense chatter especially from Riek’s supporters in the diaspora. On the 14th the intelligence service intercepted a message where the caller from the US cautioned about “the major event on December 15th”. The message mentions a new era is at hand.

Furthermore, block 107 had seen increased movement by plain clothes men carrying arms. The district is populated mainly by Nuer. Intelligence reports had confirmed that Riek housed a number of his own private militia in the area for the last three years. On Sunday December 14th, several presidential guards mainly from Nuer went to block 107 and came back with large amounts of cash.  Dr John A Akec, an academic from South Sudan wrote in an article titled “Making Sense of December the 15th, the Political Causes of the Unrest” said the following: “That same evening Riek Machar attempted to force his way into the NLC (National Liberation Council) with 30 personal guards. No one else had more than two guards, including the president.

Investigations confirmed that Maj. Gen. Marial Chanuong was at the division headquarters up to 6 pm on Sunday after which he went home. At 8 pm, he received a report that there had been a dispute at first battalion where a certain Nuer major expressed anger because the number of guards at ammunition store was higher than normal. Chanuong sent a Nuer colonel to resolve the issue. He then requested the colonel on duty to be alert. He also noted that colonels John Malual Biel and Peter Lok, both Nuers, who are first and second battalion commanders had arrived back at the army garrison that evening.  “The two were believed to have been in contact with their politicians”, according to Chanuong. Also eye witnesses said money was distributed to Nuer soldiers on Sunday and many of them came back to garrison and took up their arms early in the evening that day”.

At around 10:17 pm exactly, Colonel John Malual Biel, head of first Battalion shot his deputy, Akol Reec (a Dinka from Warap State) unprovoked. He died a day later from his bullet wounds. At the same time, Abraham Manyuat Ajou was shot by a certain Nuer Brigadier General James Koch Gak (there is slight variation as to who was shot first). Hence at the start of the incidence, the shooters were all Nuer, and the victims were all Dinka. The killing of the two Dinka officers was in cold blood, and was never preceded by arguments or “wrist fight” as some media has reported it.

Fighting then erupted. Around 170 soldiers were killed on the side of government forces and mutineers. And contrary to reports that the mutineers had control of army headquarters on Sunday night, Maj. Gen. Chanuong said the battle raged throughout the night and that the mutineers could not succeed to capture the ammunition store and were pushed out of the garrison by 2am of morning of 16 December 2013 into Jebel area of Juba, according to Chanuong.

“Nuer soldiers in non-uniform mobilized Nuer civilians in 107 area and they tried unsuccessfully to take over the ammunition store at New Site”, Chanuong relates. Riek’s supporters were repulsed back into block 107. As they were being pursued, they disappeared into civilian areas. This was followed by intense fighting whereby several civilians were caught in the cross-hairs.

These were coordinated efforts by a force that was loyal to Dr. Riek Machar. Riek may deny his involvement, but he was fully aware about the planned “operation” on December 15th 2013. All evidence points towards an organized coup attempt. The level of involvement by the detained SPLM politicians is still under investigation. So far nothing tangible links the senior SPLM politicians to the coordinated events.

Killer and his Poets

Posted: March 22, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in David Aoloch, Poems.

By David Aoloch Bion


You honourable poets, the supporters of killer

Your hero , the killer killed people yesterday

I rewarded him with power as pacification

It was a political mistake I made

For that I am IDIOT

And your hero, the killer is saint

With blood in his hands

But has nowhere to wash his hands


You honourable poets, the supporters of the killer

Today, your hero, the killer killed 50 people out of hundred

50 people ran for their lives

The killer wants to rule 50 remaining survivors

What absurdity

You supporters of the killer

The killer has blood in his hands

But has nowhere to wash his hands


You killer, you killer

You killed old women   , men, lame, and blind in their houses

You killed the mad on the street

You killed the sick on their hospital beds

You killed the clergy men and women in the church

And your supporters praise you and blame me

Calling the killer, idiot and wanderer

Killing is not virtue but a crime

You the killer you have blood in your hands

You have nowhere to wash your hands


You honourable poets, the supporters of the killer

Who fired the first shot? Is me or he?

He fired the first shot

I fired back

I have right of self defense

If I shoot you My Dear Citizens  I apologize to you

I did not mean you, I mean the killer.

Who have the blood in his hands

But he has nowhere to wash his hands

By Mama Junub

What else! I can’t get my head around it. The infamous December 15th was a heartbreaking event, a turning point and most of all an infamous breakthrough to the Diasporas. Amen, I have observed a major change. It seems most of these people where dreaming to be politicians. However, the way to get through was nerve-wracking. Finally, they found their new career through blood of elderly people, disables, women and children.

I have seen butchers who have been there for more than eight years pursuing absolutely nothing but butchering, and now have turned out to be the most active participants in media politic. Wow, I thought they never want to be politicians. Surprisingly, after the massacre of two tribes in South Sudan, some took that unfortunate occurrence as a chance to be heard.

And that bring me to the million-dollar question: is the weirdly confusing nature of South Sudanese something in their genes? Still I can’t wrap my head around it. They said people change with time. Neither do I believe in it. Anything can change your perception but the suffering of South Sudanese innocent civilians has changed nothing but a pathway for clueless youths interested in politic but can’t manage to study that at school.

I felt sick in stomach every time I log on social medias. It feels like a participation board for political students studying simplified case scenarios in Politic Science 101. Well, only if they were being rational enough to know what cause the horrible war and what procedures should be taken to restore peace and order in our country, would someone take them seriously.

Academicians around the world have put that in countless books, ready to be read and implemented through rigorous academic studies. There are numbers of major political and military theorists out there who have struggled through World War One to World War Two, and through major historical conflicts such as that of the Russian revolution that resulted in the formation of the Soviet Union, the French revolution and the American revolution and Civil war, all prior to the Cold War.

At times brave men and women sat down to create essential approaches to stop senseless wars and bring about long lasting peace. Intellectuals of these theories are being hired nowadays as political experts by world leaders to intervene and create policies either foreign or domestic that promote peace, harmony and social prosperity. They are hired to create such policies for the government to work things out amicably. These people are neither Ministers nor Presidents but pure intellectuals and academicians.

For South Sudan, as well as the world, to be peaceful it doesn’t need shallow theories created at meat factories, but rather a real academic world where one can study, research, evaluate and analyze things theoretically and applied them practically and pragmatically. Youth must understand that the time for “give war a chance theory” has gone. This theory was created back then when the world was competing for hegemonic title and we got that one already.

Fighting between tribes of the same nation is something that no one should play with for it distracts a nation from socio-economic development and political maturity. Moreover, it sows disharmony and endless disputes among different tribes and peoples. Not only do I expect these diaspora youth to develop peace strategy but also a just system of governance inspire by fairness and transparency. It doesn’t take a governmental position to do this but a brain to establish a productive society.

At the meantime, South Sudan is not looking for who does what but who will do what. Bad politic has been in practice ever since before December 15th military uprising. Many were murdered in cold blood by government’s secret services. Elderly people have been forced to beg on the roadside (something South Sudanese elders have never done before). Shopkeepers have been whispered to be performing rituals to take away customers from their fellow shopkeepers.

Orphans and destitute mothers are being left homeless on the street. Yet, these are the cherished children and beloved wives of our dear martyrs. People in the villages across the country are being slaughtered in their very own homes by the white army. Other most mindboggling sins have been repeatedly reported here and there in Juba alone.

Is this the nation we fought and aspired for, and to be proud of? We need different leaders to clean this mess. Not again those who bankrupted the nation! Not again those who brought war, death and destruction to our beloved nation! This country has had enough of them and their shits.

To hell with liberators turned looters and murderers!

Mamajunub@ 2014