Archive for November, 2014

Mabioor Garang de Mabioor: “South Sudan Inherited Oppressive Sudan System”

Posted: November 30, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Junub Sudan

The son of SPLA founding father Dr. John Garang, Mabior Garang de Mabior has said the liberation and revolution which his late dad spearheaded for over two decades culminating into a successful independence in 2011, lost meaning since his country inherited the same oppressive Sudan system which they ran away from.

Speaking to Chimp Corp Dickens H Okello in an exclusive and extensive interview on Saturday in Capital Kampala, Mabior who is currently the Chairman Information and Publicity of the South Sudan rebel movement officially known as SPLA- In Opposition, observed that the revolution (liberation) was not comprehensively nurtured immediately after the independence to suit its primary aspirations.

Just two years after attaining their independence from the predominant Muslim Sudan government, South Sudan engulfed in a bloodiest internal war in late 2013 when top leaders of the ruling SPLM/A party bitterly disagreed in a conference resulting in to a walkout of others and eventually gunshots taking over from human governance.

The national army SPLA drifted in to two between President Salva Kiir and his former vice Dr. Riek Machar who now lead the SPLA- IO.

Mabior who joined Dr. Machar`s group from the onset, said the start of now 11 months civil war was unnecessary but the SPLM leadership oppression under chairman Kiir made the second revolution inevitable and that is why he ended up in the SPLA- IO side.

“Our source of the problem and now big sufferings to our people which was unnecessary at the first place, is inheriting an oppressive Sudan regime system. We are a secular and largely Christian nation like Uganda while Sudan is a Muslim Theocratic nation. So copying the Sudan system was a disaster.” Mabior told Chimpreports on Saturday.

“We abandoned our initiation goals after achieving what we struggled for, for decades. Some of us in the SPLM including senior leaders Mama Rebecca Garang, Dr. Machar and Pagan Amum had to face Kiir and tell him we should get back to the line.” Mabior added.

Mabior again dismissed the coup narrative that when Kiir realized that senior party leaders were getting a lot of support for change in the bigger section of masses, the latter created a situation to purge them out.

“After getting the reality that senior party members were ready for change and with bigger support, Kiir just cooked coup scenario to put people out and he remains the only bull in the Krall. Good enough the world and Uganda later dismissed that coup narrative.”

Mabior who remained visibly humble up to the end of the 60 minutes interview, hinted that if SPLA had adopted the Uganda`s National Resistance Army style which after taking over power in 1986 among others immediately put in place the Local Council system, South Sudan would be reaping the fruits of the liberation not shading tears like it is happening.

“If we had copied the NRA system which implemented the likes LC system from the earlier controlled areas to the whole country after assuming power, our country would be enjoying the benefits of the revolution which was big and blood sacrifice not this bitter shame we are facing now.” Mabior says.

He however remained hopeful saying if both sides in the war, the regional body IGAD which is mediating the peace talks and the whole world first identify the youngest nation`s primary problem, the solution would be arrived at.

“Social Science teaches us to fist identify the cause of the problem and that is one ingredient which all of us in the crisis, IGAD and the world should look for to get a lasting solution.” Mabior hopefully hinted.

South Sudanese Hypocrites: Deng Bior Deng and Taban Lo Liyong

Posted: November 30, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Commentary, Featured Articles

Nationalist Deng Bior Deng and Taban Loliyong void of tribal descendants?

By Jieng Council of Elders

Double Standard

Double Standard

In Juba monitor newspaper – Vol. 4, issue no 246, 18 November 2014, Taban Loliyong wrote approving and praising Deng Bior Deng for condemning the position taken by “Jieng Council of Elders” on the issue of negotiations in Addis Ababa as being a promotion of tribalism.

First and foremost, let me implore the Chief editor of Juba monitor newspaper and other media houses, to print definition of an “Elder, raan-dit or Kecdit” similar with practical formulations in other ethnic communities. Secondly, I advise Jieng Council of Elders not to bother replying to articles of people who categorically exact themselves from tribal descendants or roots. They have sufficiently rejected their hailing from Kuku in case of Taban Loliyong and from Jieng for Deng Bior Deng. The creator – God, in his immense providence or immeasurable wisdom, endowed mankind in this universe with dignity through diverse ethnicities/ tribes.

Thus, the richness of human world in God’s plan is in many ethnic communities with different values, languages, cultural traits peculiarly for various communities which God purposely made and pronounced as complete, good and beautiful. How can Taban Loliyong and Deng Bior Deng deny being respectively rooted in Kuku and Jieng tribes? Both men in their criticisms of Jieng Council of Elders have not spelt out “ISM” of this universal phenomenon “Council of Elders” which exists in many, if not in every human community. The two men astonishingly fail to grasp the fact that the bias of tribalism is not in Jieng Council of Elders.

However, they totally misconstrued out of context the position of Jieng‘s vehement condemnation and utter rejection of IGAD mediators’ attribution of the evil and senseless civil war of Riek Machar Teny to being a feud between Jieng and Nuer. The fact is that Riek Machar Teny happens to be a Nuer who is ambitiously and desperately looking for power to lead by all means. Unfortunately by accident of history he found Dr. John Garang de Mabior, a Jieng in the leadership of the liberation movement. Riek Machar attempted to take over leadership in 1991 but failed until he joined the enemy forces to fight against the freedom and independence of South Sudan.

Again, from 2005 up to 2013 he plotted another failed coup attempt against Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardiit, another Jieng who was popularly elected in 2010 as President of South Sudan. It is no secret that Riek Machar exploits members of his tribe – his power base, to launch attacks on Jieng and his strategy does not necessarily amount to being a feud between the two tribes. Truthfully enough, Jieng Council of Elders cannot and will not accept wrong or misleading connotation that Jieng brought their son Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit into power as President. Jieng alone, without other tribal/ ethnic communities, did not bring Mr. President by 98% votes. All the 64 ethnic communities of South Sudan voted in the elections for him to come to power!

It must be noted that the so-called “nationalists” are criticizing the position taken by Jieng Council of Elders for protesting against the violation of South Sudan constitution by external pressures that want to impose regime change in Juba through an imposed so-called “agreement for a Transitional unity”. This is to pre-empt or abort the constitutional planned election of 2015. If the plotted plan is not accepted, IGAD and the International Community might invade South Sudan through UNMISS and regional forces (see 28th Extra Ordinary Summit of Head of States of IGAD dated 7th November 2014) in Addis Ababa. Foreign forces are plotting to invade our country after which South Sudan will loose its independence and sovereignty through subjugation under UN and AU imposed trusteeship.

For these reasons and more others, Jieng Council of Elders calls upon all South Sudan ethnic community councils, youth, workers, women associations as well as political parties and civil society organizations to join in protest against such evil conspiracies on our nation. Taban Loliyong and Deng Bior Deng might agree with IGAD resolutions but Jieng Council of Elders has every right to protest and is not shying away because of its ethnic classification. The latest resolution of IGAD Summit of 7th November, 2014 undermines the Government:
a. Asset freezes;
b. Travel bans within IGAD region;
c. Denial of the supply of arms and ammunition and any other material that could be used in war.
d. The IGAD region shall, without further reference to the warring parties, take the necessary measures, if need be, to directly intervene in South Sudan to protect life and restore peace and stability.

What more ill-conceived neo-colonial domination or conspiracies are not in the making?
Long live hard won independence of the Republic of South Sudan!
Long live the free people of South Sudan!
God bless South Sudan!

Council Kᴐcdit-Juba
‘Kᴐcdit’= Elders:

Kᴐcdit in Jieng world, or in Jieng society are called Elders in English Language or Kibaar El Ayaan in Arabic. Its singular form – Raandit, means big or old person. It is a Jieng terminology which is used to denote elderly people who are advanced in age, and who are no longer indulging in young people’s activities, adventures and behaviors.

At its semantic context, the term Kᴐcdit is specifically used by Jieng for those elderly people who are distinguished reference personalities known to have special acumen and sobriety. Kᴐcdit are old persons known to be custodians of accumulated wisdom and experience and are those rich of historical information, traditions, custom, functionary concepts, ethical values, virtues and norms which are cherished by Jieng society. Because of their age and experience, Kᴐcdit are known to be the most tolerant, the most patient people who always impart rationale, wisdom and acumen. Kᴐcdit pick all these from the old men and women who handed them those historical and cultural values from the glorious deeds of the past and ancient generations.

In addition to all those qualities mentioned above, Kᴐcdit in Jieng can further be described as those elderly people with moral excellence and who command community respect and esteem based on the positive successes and deeds they did and which they continue to do in the eyes of the society. Of course, the Kᴐcdit are eminent public figures who embody and represent their societies because they possess extra-qualities and virtues that make them seen and treated in close confidant by their community.

For their age objectivity, impartiality, experience, wisdom, good track record, logic-oriented and well known moral excellence, Kᴐcdit maintain or control the society moral order and are the connecting link between the society and their past. And as reference personalities, they are always the source of inspiration, role models and identification for the members of the younger generations. Kᴐcdit are not necessarily leaders of their respective communities though they can be also leaders, but Kᴐcdit mostly play an advisory role as senior members of the society. They are usually the medium of communication between the society and the unseen world of God and community.

In the past, as it is still the case in Jieng rural countryside today, Kᴐcdit form an Advisory Body, a Council of Elders which at times, or in some places, form a Jury of Elders. Kᴐcdit in Jieng world do decide and approve serious communal matters.
The above description is what Kᴐcdit are. It is not a term used for anybody who is just advanced in age. At its deepest meaning, it connotes all those perceptions stated above for “The Council of Kᴐcdit in Juba”.

Note: Jieng Council of Kᴐcdit was formed in South Sudan in April 2013


Posted: November 30, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Featured Articles

By Bol Garang


South Sudan is one of 54th African nations located on Eastern side of the continent, it border Sudan to the North, Ethiopia to the East, Kenya to the Southeast, Uganda to the South, Congo to the Southwest, Central Africa Republic to the West. It’sa world youngest nation who gained it independent three years ago from the Arabs in Sudan after a long 21 years of the conflict in Africa since 1983-2005. The African longest war terminated on peace covenant known as Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed in Naivasha a suburb of Nairobi City, capital city of Kenya. The CPA permitted Southern region a Semi-Autonomous for the periods of six years and after that length Southerners would decide whether to persist as part of the old Sudan or to form their own independent nation supported by Referendum.

South Sudanese have tormented for numerous decades commenced from the annexation period of English and persistent by Arabs until war spewed in Torit in 1955. The Torit civil war had gave birth to Anynya one before and after independent of Sudan from Anglo-Egyptian in 1956. The war had affected many South Sudanese in one-way or another. However, Southerners skirmished for many years using guerrilla war until Addis Ababa peace agreement in 1972. The besmirched of peace agreement by Arabs government had given Southerners an alternative to combats Arabs again in Sudan to freed themselves from Islamic rules. Therefore, the belligerent that gave birth to SPLM/A was started in Mading Bor in 1983 and SPLA was virtually invaded by Arabs but they absconded to Ethiopia where they structure SPLM/A including it manifestos.

Early in 2011 the Southerners conducted a prosperous referendum where they voted 98 percents in favour of secession from the Arabs in North Sudan and early July a big merriment initiates in every State in the Country. On the 9th July 2011 the world record was broken given South Sudan a fully independent nation named as Republic of South Sudan something indigenous Africans in South Sudan never fragrance in their History in Sudan. The Country was hasty acknowledged by international Community including UN, EU, US, AL, China and Israel. It was also established as a member of United Nation (UN), Northern Corridor (NC), and Great Lake region, African Union (AU), World Bank (WB) and Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) etcetera. Hence, after world media announces that the country has become the world promptest growing country in 21th century and it capital City Juba has become world hastiest growing city and occupied top ten of the world expensive cities also the city become second top expensive cities in Africa after Angola’s capital Luanda.

The Corruption, nepotism, discrimination, and egoism have become prompt from the top to bottom given government officials and private partners high priority to embezzled $4 billions US Dollars in the new nation. The country which it revenues mostly come from oil was given high pressure from the spectators mostly United States of America and other donors in the country because government whose 98% of the budge come from oil revenue have paid deaf ears to people of South Sudan who needs services to be delivered to them. The ordinary citizens wounded Persons, Veterans soldiers, Widows, Orphans, Disable, Army etcetera have suffered in the country.


However, after the jumbles reached the sky everyone has become assertive and wants to lead the country not because they’re qualify to do good things to the ordinary people but to lead so that a person could loot million of dollars in the country. Thus, quarrels begun in SPLM party where four contestants have raised their voices high to challenges party leader Mr Salva Kiir Mayardit. Subsequently, they four have seen that they couldn’t lead at ones they decided to group themselves into groups. After that segmentation they conducted exclusive meeting where they come up with SPLM party to be transformed and they nominated Riek Machar to be their tough voice in the game because of his powers as party deputy chairperson after Kiir Mayardit.

The discrepancy went on and on between the reformists led by Riek Machar and SPLM ordinary members led by Kiir Mayardit until Reformist approved to do rally on December 6th thereafter rally the tautness vibrated high. Therefore, high tension has reached red line, the country has stormed by civil war, which started in 15th December as power struggle within SPLM political party between the long times former Vice Riek Machar Teny sacked in July 2013 against his constitutional president Salva Kiir Mayardit. The fighting has left more than ten thousands of people dead, hundreds of thousands of people missing and million of people displaced to neighbouring countries and others have ensnared in internal displaced camps (IDPs).

The people are now misery in Refugee and IDPs camps due to the conflict in the world youngest nation. The survivors of mid December will never disremember the hard lives they have been through after the independent. Although, peace comes today, reconciliation sturdy job people and will take much time for the communities to comprehend themselves because the war that commenced in Juba as power struggle has shredded three States of Great Upper Nile apart between the Dinka, Nuer and other tribes in the region. Much need to be done to allowed coexistence, peace, stability and development in the country.


The conflict was like few minutes exchanged of guns between the presidential guards in the heckle in Juba but on the following day the security commander of presidential guard and “Gelbeny” Mr Marial Chenuong ordered his security and militia to leaves their constitution mission and gyrated door to door rummaged tortures and exterminated innocent inhabitants based on tribal lines mainly on Nuer tribe in their suburbs of residents and included some of Dinkas identified like Nuer because of their coexistence and culture similarities mainly Dinka Hol and Nyarweng of Duk County. Besides that, the Gelbeny went on looted, raped, damaged properties and massacre sustained like no tomorrow without mercy on ordinary citizens of South Sudan.

Following the interminable night in Juba, the Legitimate president Salva Kiir Mayardit went on his television known as (SSTV) and publicised that Riek Machar the former vice president has staged failed coup attempt in the country and he’s on run. Therefore, the special security force of President Kiir Mayardit known as Gelbeny mean to (protect president) Kiirdit went on and collected 11 SPLM politicians in their houses suspected to have political connection with former vice president because of 6th Dec SPLM rally they made about the reform of the Party manifesto.

Nevertheless, I don’t why did security forces left some officials from Bhar el Ghazal region that where in the conference including Michael Makuei Lueth left without an arrest? How could people designed coup and slept in their homes when fighting has started? People need to have common sense or to speak like mature people sometime. Thereafter, the proclamation the Gelbeny persistent door-to-door searched for Nuer and Dinka of Great Upper Nile region but subtracted (Dinka Bor of Bor County) because of Michael Makuei Lueth and Kuol Manyang Juuk, since they were the main engineers of replicated coup.

Furthermore, the Minister of information and broadcasting Michael Makuei Lueth included his unpleasant mouth saying that Nyandeng de Mabior former first lady of the country, the widow and the wife of the country founder and the father of nation John Garang de Mabior is “under house arrest” something flabbergasted Mama Nyandengdit. Additionally, he added that, started from “Maar of Twic East County up to Nuer territories are with rebels no need to protect them.” Wow, that announcement made everything nastiest on Twi, the Gelbeny went on targeting Dinka Twic East of Twic East county and Dinka Hol, Nyarweng of Duk county and Dinka Pandang of Pigi county in Jonglei State, Unity State and some other part in Upper Nile state together with Nuer as big rebels or antagonists of the nation.


Furthermore, after Riek Machar runs for his safety into special location within the country under protection of Hilde Johnson of UNMISS. Peter Gadet Yak, Riek Machar toughest cousin and all time rebel from Nuer heard that news about his Nuer tribe been slaughtered like chicken in Juba by Dinka militia men and some other Nuer citizens went on and exaggerated that the fighting is between Nuer and Dinka. Thus, Afterthought, Mr Gadet made his announcement of defection to Riek Machar and rebellion started with high potential to toppled Dinka government commanded by Kiir Mayardit.

He started his action by killing by his Deputy commander of Division 8 Mr Ajak Yen, the former well-known freedom fighter and a commander of SPLA during the largest war in Africa between the Arabs and indigenous Africans in Sudan. Mr Peter Gadet unremitting with his arbitrarily killing on his way from Pan Pandiaar, Pariak to Jonglei capital and his forces captured Jonglei State capital Mading Ngeth Angok known as Bor-Town currently, they had good time massacres Dinkas in Bor Town. On other side of the state the rebels started fighting in Duk County and Wernyol City in Twic East County killing uncounted civilians in those population places.

Riek Machar met Peter Gadet in Mading Bor and they exchanged guns with SPLA of constitutional protection unit in Mading Ngeth Angok for several times thereafter the rebels captured Bor-Town again for the second times. The rebels forces slaughtered thousands of civilians including old, Kids, sicks people in hospitals, churches others people were drown when they were trying to cross White Nile to other side to Golyar of Aweerial County in Lake others went missing without information of where they have gone. Moreover, after White Army the Nuer militia like of Gelbeny of Dinka in Bhar el Ghazal Region heard similar news about fighting as between Nuer and Dinka, hence, their forces started massacre Dinkas in their territories mainly in Akobo, Bentiu and some parts in Upper Nile State.


Facts or Rumours had reached Mr CDR James Chuol Koang of Division 4 in Unity similarly to of Peter Yak and MR CDR announced his defection to Riek Machar groups. Fighting has started the captured and recaptured of Bentiu went on and on until the forces of CDR captured and committed unforgettable atrocities which were condemned and followed closely by the world leaders including UN, EU, US, AU and IGAD. The forces of Mr CDR did the same thing or even worst than massacred of Nuer in Juba, God has mercy but Mr Chuol has no like of Marial in Juba.

The Lou Nuer white Army in Jonglei State made quick connection with other Nuer in Upper Nile State and Unity State plus other Nuer defectors from SPLA, which were defeated in Unity State and they made a big militia training camp in Nasir. Some of the Nuer Militia came from Gambella in Ethiopia, oh big problem in there because there’s no proper identification between Nuer in Ethiopia and Nuer in South Sudan because they have similar contour lines on their forehead.

Misidentification Sometime it’s a big issue between Ethiopian and South Sudanese governments because when Nuer devastated important thing in South Sudan they claims to be Ethiopians and if the same thing happened in Ethiopia they claims to be South Sudanese.

These Nuer, tricked people sometimes that I’m from Gambella in Ethiopia or I’m Jikany Nuer of Nasir in South Sudan it’s confusing anyway, some other Nuer came from Akobo and Nyirol and Uror in Jonglei State plus some of the Gadet defectors from Division 8 in Bor. Thereafter, that quick mobilisation they made an attacked on Upper Nile Capital Malakal, the captured and recaptured of Malakal went on and on main while fighting still on the killing, looting, raping and door to door searched like of Juba, Bor, Akobo and Bentiu is their full time job to none Nuer or whoever they seen as none Nuer in any corner.


During that busy night in Juba the country capital where incident happened, the presidential security guard of Tiger unit and Gelbeny were also busy collecting politicians. The 11 SPLM politicians were collected a lot of things happened on the way. Some security guards were given orders from above to kill those people if they found them but God didn’t make that happen. The security took them to Pieng Deng Kuol house; Pieng is the Chief Inspector General of South Sudan National Police service (SSNPS). Hence, after they were gathered without high commander from Bilpam or senior politicians from the parliament visited them because both detainees are generals in the army and members of parliament.

The ordered came from above (the above is Kiir Mayardit) that they should be taken to prison because they made failed coup attempt in the country. Something surprised all of them! They were taken to prison and you know prisons in South Sudan aren’t like prisons in Western countries. People are given a tea/coffee every morning not real tea or coffee, but a tortures. When you heard about tea in prison in South Sudan never accept because their tea is to beat you up properly.

Therefore, after few weeks in prison in Juba, a lot of pressures from international community including USA, EU, AU and other donors in the country have reached the constitutional president Kiir Mayardit to release those prisoners because they’re not part of coup but Mr president rejected those requests. Moreover, after pressure vibrated high in his blood the president, he ordered his Minister of Justice Paulino Wanawila to release some prisoners and added that to let those tough four remain in Prison because he knows if he releases all of them there’s high chance of him to lose the top position. Thus, those who remained in prison were Pagan Amum, Oyai Deng, Ezekiel Gatkuoth and Dr Majak D’Agoot.

The tough group remained in prison under unhealthy condition for some months and again world leaders wrote a letter to Kiir Mayardit about the release of remaining four political detainees. When he received the letter plus pressures given by other important partners, he replied that the four would go to court. Therefore, the four went on trials, where they give their testimonies in court under the judge Okec Mayen. Some government officials including interior minister Aleu Ayieny Aleu refused lately to give his evidence about the coup attempt.

Therefore, after collection of evidences the judges found that these people who are accused have no connection to the coup. Hence, the judge set date 30th April 2014 as the day result will be released. After President Kiir boys heard that they went to Kiirdit and said everything to him. So the decreed of Constitutional President ordered his Minister of Justice Mr Paulino Wanawila Onango to “stayed the court case” and allow the four to be freed. Hence, on 24th April 2014, the detainees include Pagan Amum, Secretary General of the ruling Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), Majak D’Agoot former Deputy Minister of Defense, Oyai Deng Ajak former Minister of Security and Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth former Ambassador to the United States of America were released.


The peace negotiations in Addis Ababa commenced after fighting has roamed in Greater Upper Nile Region for some weeks without anyone could win the battle and more pressures were coming from the international community, world leaders including UN, EU, US, AU, IGAD and China. The international community did put maximum pressure on former vice Riek Machar who turned rebel leader of SPLM/A in Opposition (SPLM/A in O) and South Sudan constitutional President Salva Kiir Mayardit of SPLM/A.

The talks went on for a while until both leaders signed cassation of hostiles (COH) in January and fighting resumed in Unity and Upper Nile States the following day that fights left ordinary citizens of South Sudan with opened mouths because but both warring parties impugned each other on who started the fights but they have no mercy on civilians. The negotiation was adjourned and resumed again after further consultations were made between both parties by IGAD peace mediators on South Sudan.

When peace talks in Addis Ababa resumed both parties agreed to sign agreement and on the 9th May 2014 the both leaders Riek Machar and Kiir Mayardit came together for the first time since war erupted in 15th December and signed the agreement to permitted neutral regional forces to protects civilians, UN personnel, Human Right watch and Humanitarians services to be delivered to people in needs in Great Upper Nile Region and other neighbouring States but again the warring parties desecrated the agreement in Unity State Bentiu but was clamed through denunciation from world leaders, United nations and international communities.

The peace talk is still on currently and IGAD mediators, civil society, rebels delegation, government delegation, former political detainees delegation are all stationed in Addis Ababa Ethiopia for mission of peace to come to South Sudan. People of South Sudan are thirsty for peace and freedom, stability, coexistence, love and to be in prosperity nation. Let’s pray to God for that peace to be signed in Ethiopia and to be the permanent peace in the Republic South Sudan although I don’t trust Ethiopia agreement.


South Sudanese are very hard to admits their insubstantialities or blunders when ordinary South Sudanese citizens who are now anguish on daily basis tells Kiir Mayardit or Riek Machar that you two leaders have failed our country, they don’t believe or acknowledge that while it’s a fact. South Sudan is “fragile State” in the world according to the world standard base on it policies.

The best these leaders do is to kills those who question like Abraham Diing Chan Awuol but until when will they acknowledge their responsibilities? If they implements peace and reconciliation across the country, good governance with accountability, address security issue, develops Agriculture sector, education sector, health sector, transport sector to connects country capital to all states, counties Payams, develop non-oil revenue and utilizes oil money properly.

Creates employment to the youths, who are roaming in the street Juba and every state in South Sudan, designs policy that will allow all citizens to apply their knowledge based on qualifications they have, create awareness to every individual that their government will do everything possible for the country to move forward. And let examples be in government ministerial to nominate those in wrong positions.

No single person could question their leadership but because the mentioned above and many more have not implements, what do they think ordinary citizens whose parents had sacrifice their lives for this country could say? These leaders need to admit their mistakes or go to their homes and others will lead this country to move forward to achieve it permanent peace, stability and development.


To sum up, South Sudanese civil wars have anguished for many years started from the invasion period of English and continued by Arabs until war begun in Torit in 1955. The Torit war had gave birth to Anynya one before and after independent of Sudan from Anglo-Egyptian in 1956. The war had affected South Sudanese. Nevertheless, Southerners fought for many years using insurrectionary war until Addis Ababa peace agreement in 1972. The dishonoured of peace agreement by Arabs government in Khartoum had given Southerners another reason to combats Arabs in Sudan to free themselves from Islamic rules.

Thus, the war, which gave birth to SPLM/A, was begun in Mading in 1983 and SPLA was almost overrun by Arabs but they fled to Ethiopia where they edifices SPLM/A manifestos. Therefore, after the independent of South Sudan from Sudan on the 9th July 2011, many People seen South Sudan as the failed State in the world in term of development, peace and stability but not citizens are doing their best to lift this country up to. However the failure comes from the government. South Sudanese government is fraudulent because everyone wants to lead to loots but not to create positive thing in the country.

As war started more than ten thousands lives have gone in the country, the government acting very slowly to address the roots caused of the conflict and way forward for peace, stability, reconciliation and development. Therefore, for that matter citizens need government to hold accountable for death, missing of people, damaged of properties and environment. World leaders, international community, Africa Union, IGAD and other partners need to pressure these two leaders to sign peace agreement. Citizens are fed up on war and the best choice is peace and harmony, they need other people to support them to enhance their standard of living in the country.

Bol Garang“Knowledge is Power”

Deng Athuai Mawiir: Public Apology to President Salva Kiir Mayaardit

Posted: November 29, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in History, Press Release

Deng Athuai apologizes

By SPLA Military Justice

Maj. Deng Mabior  Deng  a k a Deng Jama Wula  has been nominated as one of the would be Bor county commissioner in Jonglei State. Maj. Deng Mabior is still one of the SPLA active soldiers therefore, the SPLA Military Justice hereby order Maj. Deng to retire from the army before he is appointed a commissioner

The Law of SPLA  say  ‘’there must be highest wall of separation between the army and politics ’’ This law of SPLA has been violated many times since 2006. It was first violated when Maj. Gen John Lat , was appointed as a Governor of lake State before he retired , when Lat lost his position in politic , he was reinstated  in the SPLA . SPLA is not the place of redundancy. The second violation was Maj. Gen Madut  Biar when  he lost as the Governor of North Bare el Gazal  in politic , he was reinstated  in the army . The  third violation was Maj . Gen Jok Aring , when he lost as the Commissioner of Bor county , he was reinstated  in the army. The Fourth violation was Maj . Gen Dau Aturjong , when he  failed to be Governor of North Bare el Gazal , he was reinstated in the army . The fifth violation was the appointment of Mayor of Bor Municipality  1st Lt Nhial Majak Nhial before he retires in army , now when Nhial loses  his position in the near future , he will  be reinstated  in the SPLA . SPLA is not  a political dustbin where political rubbishes are dumped .  . All these reinstatements  are the violating of  the SPLA Acts . Leaving the  army , returning into army is disturbing, disorderly  and unethical . it is incompatible  and ultra vires

There is one exceptional case , this is the case  of Governor of North Bare el gazal , Maj . Gen Paul Malong , Malong was made Chief of General Staff by the State of Emergency , the state of emergency  law says Generals with great military skills are reinstated into the army in order to give their skills and experiences of the war so they  restore peace  quickly . What about rests?   Which law takes   them to politic from army ? Which law  brings them back into the army from politic ?

The South Sudan Defense Council, in its last meeting has passed a resolution  preventing  ( a ) anyone from participating in politic before he resigns from the army  ( b) banning reinstating anyone who participates in politic back into the army

Therefore the SPLA Military Justice hereby orders Maj . Deng Mabior to retire from army before he participates in politic of Bor County.

Copyright  David Aoloch Bion

South Sudan Literature Series


South Sudan


Posted: November 28, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Wenne Madyt Dengs

By Wenne Madyt Dengs

Gossip and Rumors among South Sudanese Communities in Australia

Gossip and Rumors among South Sudanese Communities

I write this piece of information as the only way forward for those who got irritated after by recent political review on Duk county messing system of ascendancy. Well, I have been sternly condemned by different groups online and physically but I will never be muted because I know the great mistake in education is, as it seems to me, the worship of book-learning–the confusion of instruction and one beats his shoulder that he is educated.

I have to tell you that Politics can never reform mankind because politics is slavery. It is far better to be free, to leave the forts and barricades of fear, to stand erect and face the future with a smile. It is far better to give yourself sometimes to negligence, to drift with wave and tide, with the blind force of the world, to think and dream.

Writing itself is a profession NOT just a mere line of business where by one writes to impress but not to express as Jon Penn De Ngong quotes it clearly, “a writer should write to express but not to impress”.

Duk County is a community that belongs to those who have no hidden interest behind development by empowering youth as agents of change to transform themselves; however, for those who are committed to serve the common-politicians with a motive of gaining popularity and later become leaders that is a total “meal” that they will never achieve. On the other hand “Facts” are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.

No, I am not bitter, I am not hateful, and I am not unforgiving. I just don’t like fraud!

I am more interested in arousing peace and unity within Duk County but not simply by feeding on the leftovers of insatiable and gluttonous self-proclaimed politicians who chomp through gloomy practice. Embezzling public funds and furnish your bellies will still come into book as future approaches with light not lies as usual. “I will keep beating this drum until bi nom de reec ye ping wiir”. So you have to expect facts as fact. And it should be said. It is not denigration.

“I tell myself, as sternly as possible, that is how things work here. We do dangerous things and people die. People die, and we move on to the next dangerous thing. The sooner that lesson sinks in, the better chance I have at surviving initiation.” ~ Veronica Roth.

Writer can be reached through:

Church Delegation on Fact-finding and Peace Mission Arrives in Eldoret, Kenya.

By Emmanuel Malual Makuch, Eldoret, Kenya

Bishop Deng Bul (in red), praying with President Kiir and Dr. Riek Machar, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Church fostering peace in South Sudan Bishop Deng Bul (in red), head of the Anglican church in the Sudan and South Sudan, praying for President Kiir and Dr. Riek Machar, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

A high delegation composed of Chairperson RT Rev Isaac Dhieu Ater, Rev John Chol Dau and Rev. Dr. Joseph Bilal on a church fact-finding and peace mission for South Sudan Diaspora Congregations has arrived in Eldoret, Kenya, to meet the congregations and the religious leaders in Eldoret and to find out the division in the churches in Kenya

The church delegation says that the reason of this mission is to establish the key reasons and challenges facing the churches in- and out-side South Sudan. Kenya was chosen as the first leg of their mission because the country has been hosting large numbers of South Sudanese since the time of struggle for independence with over fifty congregations of South Sudanese mainly Anglicans spread across the country including Kakuma refugee camp. Such congregations have become instrumental places for promotion of peace, reconciliations, unity and positive values among the South Sudanese in Diaspora.

Of late, however, Anglican Communion has learnt with regret that the churches in Diaspora have divided themselves into regions and tribes. “That is the main reason why we are here in Kenya today to find out the group of rebels in the church who are dividing people of God according to the tribes or regions,” said the chairperson, Rev. Isaac Dhieu. It has been reported that some towns such as Nairobi, Nakuru and Eldoret have formed some tribal and regional churches like the Greater Bar el Ghazal Church, the Padang Church, the Dinka Bor Church and the Nuer Congregations.

This unfortunate proliferation of tribal and regional churches demonstrates the acute lack of unity and harmony among our people as one family of one God. Rev. Isaac Dhieu says “as the church leaders we are bringing people together under one God.” At the meeting, the RT Rev Isaac Dhieu Ater has asked: “what can we do to bring people together and what is the problem of dividing the churches into regions and tribes?”

Some members of the church such as Mary says that the problem in the churches is hundreds clergymen (Abuna) whose status or circumstances of their appointment were either not properly established or institutionalized. Secondly, there is lack of proper structures within the churches especially among these South Sudanese Anglicans congregations. The delegation told the Anglican congregations to liaise with the Anglican structures of the hosting countries such as Kenya.

The divisions within the churches in Kenya have prompted some members of the Anglican congregation to complain about the leadership of Bishop Ezekiel Diing Ajang, asking him to be removed from leadership. His leadership style brought a lot of rebellions in the churches in Kenya according the congregations views.

The delegation is calling upon the Christians to put all their differences aside and work together for peace in our country because the church has been playing good role since the time of the struggle for independence of south Sudan.

(Reporting by Emmanuel Malual Makuach from Eldoret, Kenya; Editing by PaanLuel Wel from Juba, South Sudan)

South Sudanese are very Hard to Acknowledge their Mistakes

Posted: November 28, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Junub Sudan

By Bol Garang

The current South Sudanese civil war will take lengthier to end because our people are very stiff to acknowledge their mistakes. If Riek Machar and Kiir Mayardit could accept that they have failed the country and they will not participate in South Sudan coming election simply.

Our ordinary citizens can comprehend themselves and reconciliation;peace, stability and development could come easily to our country. However, both leaders doesn’t implicit what’s factual and iniquitous and this is why we’re fighting ourselves started from Great Equatroia, Bhar el Ghazal up to Upper Nile region because our ideologies are the similar.

The same thing to Ajak Deng Chiengkou of SBS Dinka radio in Australia, when South Sudanese Australians tells Mr Ajak Deng Chiengkou that you have failed Dinka community and you have lost vision and mission or code of conduct of SBS Dinka Radio and you have involved your political interest in the radio while serving community with different opinions. He denied those facts.

When people tells him that Dinka radio wasn’t given to Dinka community by Australian government to be used for individuals or friends and also and radio wasn’t given to be used to interview people who will never add anything to the Dinka community in Australia or Australian community at large.

Mr Ajak replied to concerned members with unpleasant month like of Michael Makuei Lueth and Malaak Ayuen of SSTV full of insults. People told him that SBS Dinka radio wasn’t given to us by the government to be used to interview South Sudanese rebels or government official every time and radio wasn’t given to be used in Eastern state and left out the rest of states and territories in Australia.

He doesn’t accepted the veracities instead of him creating fabrications on social media that there are people who intimidated him or wanted to kill him, What for to kill him? Why would people kill him when they’re telling actualities about the radio? Therefore, in that scenario any person can ratify that South Sudanese are very hard to acknowledge their blunders.

To tell you frankly, SBS Dinka radio was created to close the gap between Dinka community, indigenous and none indigenous communities in Australia.The radio was given to Dinka community to let news or any other important information reaches the oldest and other people whose English language is too low. The SBS Dinka radio was given to our community to educate ourselves about our rights and freedom in Australia.

Additionally, Dinka radio was given to us to let Dinka people learn basic things that they needs in their life like Australian laws, childcare policy, education for kids who drop out in school, old people and new arrivals. Other important things like Centre link issues, health issues, transport issues, drug and alcohol the big challenge at the moment.Culture awareness, domestic violence on women and integration of our community into Australia lifestyle.Mr Ajak have little or never come across those things community needed to be aware of them.

To sum up, Ajak Deng Chiengkou need to listen to the members of Dinka community who have raised their voices high because of their worries about our future in Australia. Also, Dinka community leaders in all states need to question Ajak Deng because Mr radio presenter has fallen the community and community be the victim in any way round.

When time comes for the Australian government to review radio policies and found out that nothing has been delivered to the community there’ll be high chances of losing our Dinka radio. But why do we want that mistake to happen to our radio when people can prevent it earlier?

I’m not against interviews he makes with those pervert South Sudanese politicians but not always. Mr producer need to balance program because there are several sectors need to be tackled. Ajak Deng need to bring Australian communities together so that people can exchange new ideas about theirs living in Australia and also to strengthen their unity within the country.

“Understand is the way forward” by Bol Garang

Bol Garang @2014

Chol Deng’s Insulting and Cheap Arguments about Thony Community!

Posted: November 27, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Kur Wël Kur

By Kur Wel Kur


Dear Chol Joshua,

I read your article, which carried biblical scribes’ voice (style) about the Messiah; when Herod inquired Christ’s birthplace. They verbatim quoted the Bible:

“And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Juda, art not the least among the princes of Juda: for out of thee shall come a Governor that shall rule my people Israel.” {KJV}

I must acknowledge that you did an outstanding job. The habit of trying to convince one or groups of persons set us apart from the rest of animals; I believe you achieved it with no doubts.

However, I believe in your article, you stated some insulting statements, if not all statements! Together, we will examine the statements you made in your article. Somewhere in your article, you wrote this:

“… Looch was executed unjustly back in the day when the British were the colonial masters, it is said that all the Chiefs from Bor agreed to let him be executed…”.

Execution of some innocents affected all people of South Sudan. Khartoum regimes executed Chiefs of high profiles  in Bor. Someone or person(s) betrayed them; so brother, mentioning a single chief, places you on the same level with those who scan around for cheap evidences to support  their arguments. Off course, I do condemn those who falsely accused others to meet their deaths. But we cannot do anything about it because such behaviours exist even today, our valued relatives died during the liberation because some idiots accused them of one thing or the other; however, we blamed their deaths on the struggle, and no doubts that their blood as a sign of demarcation, smeared our borders and resources, so Looch’s blood streams in the same vein.

Your good intention that turned bad due to low-priced arguments in your article spared you not; this quote appeared in your article:

   “…Thany contributed 300 boats to SPLA with 600 volunteers to row them for 15 days…” and “…those who could dive for 6 hours…”

Cholda, you insulted Thaany more than anyone because you localised them as helpers or victory road cleaners, while for sure, they gave the precious and last prices like the rests in the course of the struggle. They died in combats. However, if we can think cheap like you do; then mentioning people like late Akol Bol whom SPLM/A depended heavily through his gift of treating broken bones, will deter you from presenting petty evidences. My message to you and those who liked or shared your article is that, our individual’s contribution amounts to our collective contributions, which gave us a country. So the more we stop selfishness of counting our contributions, the least we have no other revolution.

In your article, you uttered this:

“… no one could accept to wrestle with the champions of Thony such as Noonliel, Nyalueth Abiar and the rests, because they were so powerful and people used to scare them not to come near, because there were attitudes developed that a person defeated by Monythaany will be overlooked…”

You aired untrue statement because a son of a then, paramount chief, a legendary wrestler, Achiek Mabior Ngueny wrestled with ‘Mony thaany’ (Thaany ke Akuaak), Malou Tuoot. Achiek’s statuses of being the greatest and strongest wrestler and the greatest chief’s son didn’t bother him.

And so did Garang Mathiang, when he wrestled with Beekadit!

So where in our homeland did you find your statement?

The tones in your article portrayed many assumptions; you mentioned everyone claimed relation with Ajang and Ajith, besides all wish a photo with them. Brother, you know that it’s not true because not everyone is a wrestling fan! Greatest and strongest wrestlers came and went in entire Bor community, and people didn’t migrate to forge relationships with those wrestlers. For your information, Ajang is not a great wrestler, Achiek Mabior owns respect of his generation and Majhok Jokriir owns respect of this generation.  To earn respect as a wrestler outside the wrestling field is important and it comes after many tests. Just in last couple of months, Majuoc Nyandiar from Jueet wrestled with Ajang Garang; Ajang won but he slapped Majuoc’s face! An act meant for inexperienced and naive wrestlers; an incident, which can cause death!  So brother, in this sense, are Thaany marginalised?  I believe, they’re not, because Thaany have protection of other communities in their respective payams, for example, Thaany ke Pariar enjoy protection from Nyicaak or from the whole Abii or Kolnyang payam and so do  Thaany ke Malek and those of Malual agorbaar, they have Gualla to protect them.  Those of Akuaak communities, Baaidit backs them in their difficult times.

Chol Deng, the empty sympathies such as those in your article convey nothing to Thaany but a continuation of insults or belittling. For your benefit, reading your article to grasp its gist, no doubts that you need updates about Thaany and relationships of other communities (Athooc versus Gok, Athooc-Gök versus Twi or Jieng of Eastern Bank versus Jieng of Western Bank).

From outset, Thaany had and are having their equal share in South Sudan through their hard work not through sympathy, like what you tried to convey in your article. Makwei Deng Majuoc commanded SPLA in liberation war and after the war, he occupied the history books of South Sudan, centrally and squarely as a first chief inspector of police. Honourable Makwei Deng governed our wellbeing and kept us safe from criminals. Makwei is ‘monythaany’. Akim Deng Majuoc is a deputy mayor of Juba, our capital city; Akim Deng is’ monythaany’! So brother, smearing your article with biblical tones and verses will add nothing to the evolution of Bor people, Thaany in particular.

Secondly, Athooc versus Gök; when it comes to considering others as people of low classes, Athöi and Gaak don’t spare one another. I don’t know where you come from, Athooc, Gök or Twii? But I guess you know where this paragraph heads. Athöi and Gäk went to the scope of creating sayings/idioms about themselves, for example, “a divorcee from Gök will make a good wife in Athooc, while a divorcee from Athooc will have nowhere to stay as a wife!” The surface meaning of this saying from Athöi’s perspectives, reflects this: “Gäk don’t care for women”! And on the same coin, Gäk despise Athöi, even cows, which originate from Athooc. You normally hear people verbally abusing cows, calling them ‘Athöi ke hök’!  To cut it short, Athooc-Gök versus Twii or Jieng of Eastern Bank versus Jieng of Western Bank. They despise themselves. So my brother, singling Thaany as a victim shows nothing but your opinion about them.

Closing this rebuttal, I would like to advise you that someday if you want to appreciate some people for their hard work and generosity, you must state concrete evidences and not insults.  The tones in your article revealed nothing.


a)-  "I want more Presidential Powers than those of the Prime Minister".  b)- "No, I want more or equal powers between President and Prime Minister, else the president step down!" a)- “I want No Sharing of Executive Powers with the Prime Minister. Let him enjoy just ceremonial position!”
b)- “No, I want more or equal powers between President and Prime Minister, else the president perform just ceremonial powers!”

It’s complicated! It looks like the pre-December-15, and/or post-July-23 administration. It looks not. It tries to date back to post-July 23rd, but it misses a little point in such a way that the Juba Proposal is three-pronked: President, Vice President and Prime Minister, besides the Council of Ministers. The debate is still hot, hotter in Juba’s rub hall (Freedom Hall) than in Pagak. While Pagak’s Peace Consultative Meeting is gathering the storm, let’s have a brief glimpse into today’s (Nov. 25) meeting in Kiir’s Camp. There are four but three points. These are they, according to the MC, Hon. Elia Lomoro, Minister for Cabinet Affairs, in Juba.



View original post 2,134 more words

President Kiir: “Hilde Johnson Took Riek Machar out of Juba on December 15th”

Posted: November 27, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in History

Foreign ministry walks back Kiir’s allegations against Hilde Johnson

A senior official in South Sudan’s foreign ministry has distanced the government from remarks made by President Salva Kiir accusing former UNMISS chief Hilde Johnson of playing a role in the escape of the former vice president, Riek Machar.

Machar fled from Juba in December 2013 and later became the leader of the rebel group SPLM-IO. He and his wife have said they were fleeing for their lives. Salva Kiir says that Machar fled after initiating a failed coup attempt.

In a speech on Monday the president accused the then head of the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) Hilde Johnson of helping Machar to escape.

This was apparently the first time for the president to publicly accuse Johnson of helping Machar to escape, though in January he charged her with conspiring to become “co-president” and in March his government organized a demonstration in which supporters called for her expulsion.

On Tuesday, however, the undersecretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation disowned the statement of the president.

“It is not everything which is said or heard is what should be reported. There are things which you people in the media need to understand the context first,” said the diplomat, Abdun Terkoc.

“You also need to understand that the president is a human like of any one of us to slide from the focus. So what happened yesterday was a slip of the tongue.”

Terkoc, a close political ally of President Salva Kiir, regretted that the sentiments expressed were “inconsistent” with the foreign policy of the government.

President’s exact remarks

The president’s remarks on the matter came during an address to senior party officials at a consultative meeting on Monday. He said that the former UNMISS chief not only helped Riek Machar to escape but also was his “best friend.”

As reported by Radio Tamazuj, Kiir’s exact words were:

“These are the people [UNMISS] he [Machar] has been using. The first woman who was here was the best friend of Riek Machar and was the one who took Riek Machar away from Juba. For the current one [Ellen Loej], I don’t have any comment about her because so far we have not proved that innu she is following the steps of her predecessor.” 

Kiir was explaining the reasons why he chose to refuse a request by UNMISS for flight clearances to transport commanders of the SPLM-IO faction to a consultative conference in Pagak, where they were to deliberate on a proposed peace deal.

Riek Machar’s ‘escape’

Riek Machar has previously been asked directly about how he got out of Juba in December 2013 and replied: “I walked. I walked through forests and crossed at Kuda to Mangala. I then walked to Bor.”

He has said that he arrived in Bor on 24 December, when the town was still controlled by a general allied to him. Other accounts have him arriving in Bor by boat, prior to that date.

According to a human rights report by UNMISS itself, Machar “departed Juba in the early hours of 16 December,” without saying how.  

The former vice president’s compound was attacked by Kiir’s personal guard – the ‘Tiger Division’  — on 17 December, after Machar had left and after his bodyguards at the house complied with orders to disarm, according to a UN human rights report.

At least ten unarmed people were shot and at least five people died, the same report says. “Multiple sources reported that the attacking security forces shot at unarmed individuals,” reads the UNMISS human rights report. 

By David Aoloch Bion

There are three moral wrongs that will escalate the war in South Sudan for 50 years now if they are not handled wisely . One wrong is  already committed and two are yet to be committed.  These  three moral wrongs are   1 . Killing or the so – called Juba Massacre  2.  Accountability or so – called trial of the war criminals  3 . Responsibility to protect or so-called UN military intervention.

The Juba Massacre was administered by President Salva Kiir on December 15 2013  , this is moral wrong  number QNE , that started the war .

The civil society,  NGOs  , human rights groups , activists  and politicians are calling for accountability , or  the trial of war criminals , the war criminals are the one who carried out  Juba massacre  or the killing in other places like Bentiu and Bor ,

it is  said the African Union Commission of Inquiry led by former Nigerian President  has identified three categories of war criminals , The first  category will be tried by  ICC in the Hague  , the second category will be tried by the African Union Tribunal in Arusha ,Tanzania ,  and third category will be tried in Juba , these include the soldiers who executed the orders . This is moral wrong number TWO, that will escalate the war for 50 years.

The civil society, NGOs and politicians are lobbying for South Sudan to be placed under United Nation protectorate to establish the Government of Trusteeship  . This is moral wrong number THREE that will escalate the war for 50 years .

It is true war crimes are committed in South Sudan but the questions are , How are you going to try these crimes ? Are you  going to try the suspects when President  Kiir is in power  or after he leaves power ? if President is still in power he will not  surrender himself to the court to answer charges relate to his quarrel with Dr. Riek . On the  other hand , President Kiir do not  and will not arrest Maj .Gen Marial , the Commander of Tiger and hand him  over to the court , because Maj. Gen was either defending the Constitution or defending President Kiir , there was no power to be taken from Marial therefore , why should Marial go on trail before Prsident Kiir . Should the so-called pressure from international community mounted on Prsident  Kiir and he succumb and cooperate.

Then ,  this is how the event will unfold , Maj .Gen Marial will go  to Yirol , his hometown  and says  , my people am being scapegoated by President Kiir , Am I not your son? Why am my being humiliated like this  ? Look , People of Bentiu fought because Dr . Riek was removed from the Government, cant you fight  because am being taken to be hanged or  imprisoned  for life  . my people,  every dog  on the street has the owner , if you beat it , the owner will question  therefore am your dog , am being hanged . When he is about to be arrested ,  Maj. Gen . Marial  will  run to the bush for his own life as Dr . Riek ran for his life on December 15 . From there , the accountability has created another war instead of preventing it .

Now , it is Mr .  Kiir , from Bare el gazal , who is the President of South Sudan.  It is Mr .  Riek , from Upper Nile , who is the leader of the rebellion . If UN intervene, Kiir will be removed unconstitutionally, people from Bare el gazal will be angered   like people from Upper Nile were angered when Dr Riek was unconstitutionally removed from the office. . People will fight because Kiir is removed unconstitutionally , and if  Kiir supporters  can’t manage to  fight UN because UN has sophisticated weapon , they will wait until the UN leave South Sudan ,from there  they start the fight as a revenge for the defeat they got at the hand of UN . because people from Upper Nile  will celebrate the fall of Kiir , it will be interpret as defeat to people from Bare gazal . UN intervention  will anger Bare gazal as Riek removal angered Upper Nile .

What is the durable  solution to political crisis? . First , South Sudanese and international community agree to restore peace . From there what next? The international community says accountability, South Sudanese say forgiveness , healing  and reconciliation.

Another issue is, if there should be accountability,  it should be  whole SPLM leadership that will go on trial not individuals. President Kiir with his group must go on trial for Juba killing including Aguel Chot because she sang provocative songs.  . Riek Machar  with his whole group must go on trial for rebellion ,  including his wife Angelina Teny because Angelina is civilian but she was in military uniform , that means , she is leader of the civilian White Army .Pagan Amum and his  SPLM G10 must go on trial because they call for the war in country , on December 6 , 2013 , and indeed on December 15 ,  the war came as they predicted ,the trial  will include  Mama Rebecca Nyandeng de Mabior  because she was in December 6 meeting  though she was not detained, and  if no accountability no accountability for all SPLM members whether Juba faction or bush faction or G10 faction , all must go unquestioned.

In 1991 , Dr Riek administered Bor Massacre , he was not  tried but forgiven . In 2013 , President Kiir administered Juba Massacre  therefore he should be forgiven too in the same  spirit  Riek was forgiven then . It is as Dr Majak  Agot  put it that past is past and no one  should revisit it , it was 1991 but it is 2013 therefore it was 2013 but now it is 2014 . we should not  talk of crimes of  2013  when we are in  2014 or 2015 . 1991 is past  therefore  2013 is past  too because we are in 2014  ,  let open  new page and write  new law that will punish anyone who shall commit a crime after that law is passed because you cant try old crimes by the new law. The law must precede the crime

South Sudanese people

Let forget 2013 as we forgot 1991 and open new page with new law., which  is presidential  term limit that will  allow the peaceful transfer of power from one president  to another .

Let stop call for accountability because it will worsen the situation.

Let stop call for United Nation intervene but find a solution within South Sudan.

You, DINKA rude sellers; is it marriage or business? Please regulate your matrimonial dowry to the moderate one!

By KON Joseph LEEK

Girls from the side of the bride attend the wedding in Lakes state, South Sudan, May 2011

Girls from the side of the bride attend the wedding in Lakes state, South Sudan, May 2011

When it is a hen that has started eating its own chicken, what do you think it can do to other hens’ chickens? (African proverbs)

If they are the fathers that have started looking at their own daughters at the image of foods, goods and money, don’t you think they are chasing away the market of their very own daughters?

And of what good is it if your daughter grows grey hair, lose the shape of her breast, her eyes reddened and shrunken, face disfigured, skin withered and emaciated (lose its softness), and feet cracking in your homestead simple because men are scared away by the way you look at them?

Daughters’ fathers have long dropped eyes and hearts to look and study their daughters’ husbands-to-be and uses mouth to look and study them instead. Nobody love to be swallowed knowingly!

In the past, a good hearted, hard working and respectful person were the ones chose by the girls’ parents as their daughters’ husbands but now, good heartedness, hard working and respectfulness have been shifted to the fat-pockets’ folks.

It does not matter whether you are a hyena, donkey or even a frog who divorcing women is your hubby and your wallet always carries cash; do not worry, be happy for you are carrying a free ticket of kissing a prince and breaking some few hearts of the poor princesses’ boyfriends.

Wanh Alel Dinka customary law of years ago documented it and followed there after that, the number of cows to be paid for dowry should be 31 cows and Dinka Bor of Tui, Nyarweng, Hol, Athooch and Gook made it 30 – a different of one cow with that of Wanh Alel.

Last week, the affected group – the youths of greater Tonj called for the reduction of the number of matrimonial dowry and called for revisiting, revising and moderation of Wanh Alel customary laws to the fair price it has long contained but broken afterwards. Dinka Bor (where I belong) is yet to call its meeting against the number of dowries.

Up to 1991 when Riek Machar defiled and ransacked Dinka Bor, the matrimonial price was still at its best – 30 cows.

From 1992 – 2000, girls were given freely because cows had long been taken away by Riek forces and Bor were banished from their lands and were now dotted in the land of farmers of crops – Equatoria region who keeping of cows is not akin to them except goats, planting of cassava, sweet potatoes, and other crops.

2000 – 2005, South Sudanese Lost Boys came back in to the market (then later followed by the Dinka – Canadian and Dinka – Australian). They began flooding refugee camps and Internally Displaced Camps with American Dollars and began paying tenth of thousands dollars for girls as dowry. This prompted many fathers of girls to channel their appétit to the direction where they were seeing the light.

Others went as far as bringing their daughters from pande-Monyjang and other places inaccessible by lost boys to those camps in search of market. A dollar – boy (how they were nicknamed) could come all the way from Saskatchewan, California, and Tasmania and so on where he had manually worked for 5years when he has been there (not even studying) and come to Africa where he gathers his relatives to decide for him a girl to marry (and in modern civilization copied from the WEST, you need to choose a girl yourself and first love yourselves and thereafter proposes marriage but we were seeing the opposite from our Dinka brothers – perhaps elites, how we could see them then… coming from the Western world).

This has in several occasions injected jealousness, bitterness and hate in some souls who were robbed off their love ones by those dollar boys and caused divorce many times because the few souls robbed by the dollar boys snoop and dogged their former girl friends where their robbers (already husbands to their girl friends) have rented them houses in the cities to resides, and rock up again.

This latter led to pregnancies that turns out to be adulterous pregnancies which provoked girl’s parents to more or less burry themselves alive or hang themselves. The response to the offender (the pregnance-er) is always almost grave. Many parents have been heartbroken many times by their daughters (turn rebels) and lost boys by their wives (turn villains), and the heart breakers have been punished several times but the results always remain the same especially to the determined ones.

When we began sensing money in Juba, the shift began from America (as generalized by the Dinka whether from Australia, USA, Canada, Cuba etcetera) to South Sudan.

When you are after a girl, the inquiries always are, where is he working? Is he a son to which General? Is his father an Undersecretary or a Director General? Oh! Is he a tharaf (accountant) of the military? And many more… and the inquirers are sometimes not tharafin taa jesh (accountants) or Generals among other positions they adore

The most favorite ones were military accountants and some other robbers of public fans (since accountability is still a nightmare in this Country) for you could see them dashing monies out over anything, driving themselves in the latest cars and drinking like fish in any expensive hotels discussing government this and government that…. in an assumed wisdom of liquor (many of whom are less-intellectuals). They began paying 300,000 – 500,000 South Sudanese Pounds as dowry hence drowning the girl’s parents with wealth got on ghost – names (far much distant than that one of lost boys)

I believe when Dinka decided that the dowry should end at 30 and 31, I think they know what they really meant. They wanted everyone even the poor ones to marry but this is making the poor ones to stay unmarried forever and other girls aging in their fathers’ homestead in expectation of el-tharaf bitaa jesh and so…..

The only better Dinka now is Dinka Malual of Aweil and Padang (Ngook Dinka) but they are currently being misled by their brothers from Bor, Rek, Agaar and Yirol.

In Dinka Bor, people of Duk county were the first to start giving their daughters freely during the war (and later cheaply) but now have sped pass almost other Dinka Bor because they learned that from them, and for that case Aweil and Ngook will drive pass all the other Dinkas soon just like Duk’s people – that is the worth and worse of learning from others!

Let’s borrow a leaf from Tonj youth and call upon the elders and state government to regulate the amount of dowry. Everything has now become loose that everyone is not married and everyone is not getting married. We are all getting old in our parents homestead because we are not affording the dowry
……………………… be continued

The writer is an independent journalist and a Commentator on Contemporary South Sudan, Currently living in Juba; he can be reached on & 0955091449

Press Statement


We have learnt with dismay that the eighth session Phase II of the IGAD led peace talks scheduled to take place on the 25th instant has been adjourned indefinitely. This is yet another sign that the warring parties do not have the political will to bring this destructive war to an end.

This development comes at a time when the warring parties have given the international community a blank cheque to intervene in our country. Point 4 of the “Resolutions by the 28th Extraordinary Summit of the IGAD Heads of State and Government” reads:

“Further, the IGAD region shall, without reference to the warring

Parties, take the necessary measures, if need be, to directly

intervene in South Sudan to protect life and restore peace and


Our government, which is a member of IGAD, agreed to this resolution. Note that the intervention will not be by the IGAD organization but the “region”, meaning that no resolution to do so will be taken collectively by the organization. As dangerous as it is, this is not the only worrying sign. All of us are following meetings taking place in regional and international capitals on the fate of South Sudan should the parties fail to reach a peace agreement quickly.

While the future of our country is being debated in foreign capitals, there is no sign that the warring parties are taking serious steps towards concluding a peace agreement that will bring the current devastating civil war to an end. A lot of time is being wasted in promoting tactical positions that have nothing to do with the interest of our people. The last two sessions of the talks were spent discussing the powers of the President and the Prime Minister. As important as this matter is, this is just a fraction of the power sharing arrangement not to mention the other areas of the expected agreement, such as, governance, economic matters and security arrangements. At this pace, how long will we need to get a peace agreement in place?

The two warring parties have now resorted to holding public gatherings which would only serve as public relations rather than being a serious consultation on the sticking points in the negotiations. We are told that the SPLM/A-IO is calling its commanders to Pagak, a border location, to meet and resolve the sharing of executive powers between the President and the Prime Minister. Not to be outsmarted, the government is also calling for a gathering on the 24th instant on the same issue. This is not the first time for the two warring parties to break for consultations, and we never saw such gatherings before. What is new this time? The answer lies in that no party, or at least the hawks within each, would like to make the concessions needed to make an agreement possible, and would want to mislead public opinion that the positions they are advocating were “popularly” adopted.

We would like to note that the same government that prevented a delegation of the political parties from travelling to Addis Ababa to take part in the peace talks, is now inviting them to participate in the gathering it called for on the 24th instant as stakeholders “with a lead opportunity to contribute to and enrich the IGAD-led peace process”. The IGAD-led peace process is in Ethiopia not Juba and the stakeholders have the opportunity to contribute there. Who prevented them from doing so? Our people are intelligent enough not to be taken for a ride. On our part, we have since June been repeatedly wanting to engage with the government as independent stakeholders to see what common areas we can agree on but these attempts have always been contemptuously scoffed. The government has every right to consult its organs and supporters in any way it likes but will not succeed to co-opt independent stakeholders to bless indefensible positions.

Our position as political parties has always been crystal clear. First, there is no future for our country unless this senseless war is brought to a speedy end. Second, the status quo is never an option and all sides need to make the necessary concessions for peace to be possible. Third, the government bears more responsibility towards our people than the rebels and must lead the peace process by being proactive and holding the initiative on possible solutions, not, as its current delegation has always demonstrated, just waiting for suggestions that come from others only to react. Fourth, the resolution of the current conflict to bring about a just and lasting peace, cannot be realized by the two warring parties alone but through a multi-stakeholder round table conference as was agreed on the 9th of May and 10th of June.

We would like to caution the warring parties that while they are engaged in a dangerous brinkmanship, our country is in the grips of war that threatens to destroy it by real threats of external intervention and division of the country. Even a UN trusteeship is being floated for the first time for an independent country. To avoid all these worst case scenarios, all the masses of our people must pressure the warring parties to put the interest of the country above their personal interests so as to give peace a chance.

The World Tours of Kiir and Riek Brought No Peace to South Sudan

Posted: November 25, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Commentary

Did the tours of Kiir and Riek brought Peace to South Sudan?

By Bol Garang

Well, from the time when the war started on15 Dec,Kiir Mayardit has toured Uganda, Kenya, USA, Sudan, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Egypt recently.Whereas Riek Machar has travelled to South Africa, Kenya, Djibouti, Sudan, Tanzania and Ethiopia talking about peace to the world, where’s that peace? I cogitate extremists on both sides were going for different shopping and fabricated that they were going for peace.

Did those countries brought anything to end the war and brings peace, stability and development to people of South Sudan? Do we believe or reliance on IGAD mediators to bring peace to our country? I personally, don’t think they’ll bring something positive to us if we don’t comprehend ourselves as one people.

Well, the government delegation, rebels delegation, political detainees, youth representative and civil society have spent some months negotiating peace in Ethiopia, What exactly is their main objectives? Are they there to bring peace to South Sudan or something else? Do they really want ordinary citizens who are traumatizedby war to have peace and freedom?

We a lot of unsolved issues and If we can’t solve our own, who do we believe will solve ours? How could we trust others when we can’t even trust ourselves? If we were having any kind of confidential among ourselves, we would have solve the failure of SPLM party before it fall apart but because we failed in everything this is why our country is anguish.

Consequently, for that instance, I have seen no end to the crisis in South Sudan nearer because the people who always died when two warring parties exchange guns, are currently the first people to slithers with either rebels or government instead of condemnation. Why do we obligate ourselves to death?

Why do our communes follow wrongdoers when there are lots of people who can lead South Sudan to be prosperity nation? A country blessed by God and given everything, a country you find food everywhere, a country rich from trees, water, gold, diamond and mineral etc. Why don’t we utilizer our resources to feed every person in the country? Let me tell you people we need haltauxiliary both warring parties and seek our own peace in our country.

Why do you support Kiir Mayardit and Riek Machar when you all know extremists on both sides have no interest in you? When they want to kill you? How will peace come, when killing is the solution? Ghost, South Sudanese we need to understand ourselves as one people and think about peace and harmony in our country.

To curtail it, we need to unite ourselves and let alone Kiir Mayardit and Riek Machar because both have no future in this country.Thiscountry is ours and it’s our chance as new generation free from corruption, nepotism, discrimination, and prejudice unless they’ll inject you now with mentioned above. Let peace be the song we all sing for the sake of our country, we had been in war with Arabs for many years and now with our own brothers, why? Are we not ashamed? South Sudan is for all us, let us take off our ideologies and take South Sudan as ours for all.

Bol Garang “Knowledge is Power”
Bol Garang @2014

By Obang O., USA

We are making those stupid poor nation rich on us during this time of crisis in our nation. Those stupid nation never seem to play by the role instead, they become smarter day by day on us to get rich on us if peace process continue to be delay.

This  wonderful world  are smarter when it come to how to get rich. Most of everything human being do in this world is not about reality but it’s about benefit and money.

We can choose to continue killing ourselves like this but those mediator will not care how long it will us continuing killing ourselves because money are involve.

We the people of Republic of South Sudan has to come to our sense to agree to end this war. Let us remember to that the number of death on both side, the government and the opposition side are still count as from one people.

We are just lessening  our population and letting our citizens suffer for self interest.

Let us not forget too that at the end of this war we will joint hand together and  fight with northern regime in Khartoum  for Abeyi.

Whether you  believed it or not that is going to happen.

God bless our nation!!

Man U vs Arsenal Dueling: Lessons for Business Executives

Posted: November 25, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Garang Atem

By Garang Atem Ayiik, Juba

It seems Arsenal were going to win, controlling first half by 56% with strong lines of defend and mid-field. There were every signal that Arsenal was going to take home 3 points and improves it rating in the league.

Then came own-goal from Arsenal and an injury from Arsenal critical defender, these and probably second half tactics from Man U technical bench change comparative advantage of winning in favor of Man U.

Such scenarios play out in real business world. This game provides some lessons for leaders running business in a globalized world.

It is not over till done – Business environment are dynamic, today, if it is not exchange rate volatility, it is corrupt and bureaucratic system, multiple check points, arbitrary tax regime or favored incentives. Such unforeseen draw-back like Arsenal injury have a similar impact of changing business leadership.

Business own goal – Imagine a business run by incompetent executive who does know where to kick a ball; a leader who does not know his business defend lines. It is crucial to know that creating wealth for shareholders is sole aim of management – in world of capitalism. If business executive do not know this, he can scores own – goal in favor of his opponents.

Client is the king – Man U and its technical bench were concern delivering a win, this has two fold aims – contractual performance to its shareholders, and to please its fans – base. The losers, dinned in agony and annoyance including possible financial impact to shareholders. Business leaders must at all times have the interests of their various constituents at heart.

Planning and resource utilization – Business executive must plan, as there is injury in football, in business, there is a resignation; As there are strikers, mid-fielders, goalkeepers and defenders, equally in business, there are people who do various roles. Good business leaders must be forward looking and ensure all roles are planned for accordingly including providing for injuries.

It is the team that wins – It is important to assembly a right team, a business needs right chief executive, finance guru, marketing and procurement…….etc. As evidenced by excitement to Man U and its fans, it is a team that wins including Man U noisy and half- dressed fan who was sitting with us in Ocean Hotel during the match.


 By Chol Deng

People in Greater Bor have always looked down on the Thony community as people of the lowest class to the extent that they have created/composed songs that depict this precious community as weak or incapable to compete with in any event.

I have a different version of Thony community to say “Thony community shall not be the last of all in Greater Bor for the Governor shall come out of it” for Thony has always been and will always be the last hope at the time of hunger or famine. With their patience I’m quite certain that they will present South Sudan with a leader in less than 50 years from now if they start to strategize on it.

Thony has always saved the life of the people on the Eastern Bank; the very vivid example that went unnoticed is the life of over half a million people who fled Bortown in Dec 2013 together with those in three counties of Bor, Twic and Duk who crossed using the modern boats to Guolyar.

I attribute this to Thony community; in fact the history of these people can be dated back both to Paweer famine and in 1991 at the time when there was no food, or even when someone lost his cows to the raiders, then the first and the only option is to join Thony and he will always be welcome.

I will be a liar to county how we have benefited from this community but I will try my best by saying that at the time of liberation in the late 1980s it is said that Thany contributed 300 boats to SPLA with 600 volunteers to row them for 15 days to transport ammunitions that were used to capture Leer and Mayom.

Not only that there were those who could dive for 6 hours into the water to go and get the guns that had fallen into the waters of the Nile or else the ones who let the gun fall in the water will be court marshalled, at that time when the guns were very rare.

Wise leaders in Bor begun to integrate Thony community along the Nile into their payams and gave them separate alamat or organize their chiefdoms to report to court centers at the eastern Bank e.g Maar, Jalle, Baidit Makuach, Anyidi and Kolnyang and slowly the relationship begun to improve drastically.

Thony has always remains as a decent, patient, enduring and lovely community. To those who will always stand up in the crowd today proudly and say here I’m from Bor community that presented Southern Sudan with leaders such as Abel Alier, Dr Garang Kuol Manyang Elijah Malok, Thon Leek and many others must think about Thony in this.

Why am I saying this? You know without the character traits that I have mentioned above, the missionaries couldn’t have established their mission school in Malek, of course Thony could have resisted the missionaries like they were resisted in Ajakbeker at Jonglei of Maar and Jalle and the history would be different from the way it is now.

Long ago our people used to go to Thony and stay there to survive the disaster, but unfortunately they always come back and start to entertain their age mates about how foolish these people are, and how they have been tricking them while there, just simply because they have been generous to them.

Because there are areas where generosity is a rare commodity, so the returnees will come and talk unfinished and negative stories about Thony, the same Thony they will go back and kneel down tomorrow when things get back to worse.

One person from Thony Community called Looch was executed unjustly back in the day when the British were the colonial masters, it is said that all the Chiefs from Bor agreed to let him be executed by the law he did not break yet he died while singing a song of courage.

There are people who still believe that the song he sang that day has remained as a curse and I heard one of the pastors saying that they are planning to term that curse on Bortwon, by organizing prayers for forgiveness.

In the last years no one could accept to wrestle with the champions of Thony such as Noonliel, Nyalueth Abiar and the rests, because they were so powerful and people used to scare them not to come near, because there were attitudes developed that a person defeated by Monythaany will be overlooked and for the people to continue claiming superiority they have let Thony stayed away from them.

Recently Ajang Mapuordit who has championed in the field feel of wrestling together with Ajith Nyankuoi are being claimed as relatives by everyone, in the recent match of Bor against Twic they were the ones who led Bor county into triumphant victory and everyone will always want to take a picture and have time to chat with Ajang Mapuordit, which was not possible in the last two decades.

This can be seen by the quote in the song of Mapuordit “Duoke wet ee Thaany cok nyieei we Buor…….. wek aa kor rot tir ayang deen” that you Bor don’t let superiority over Thony mislead you or curiosity will kill you.

There existed a relation of Jews and Gentiles between Bor and Thony in the past because the confusion was brought by the use and intermingle of the three words namely

  1. Abuur someone who has no cows
  2. Atooch and someone who depends on fish in Toch
  3. Thony a community that spread along the Nile (Toch) and like others they can have Abuur, Atooch and cattle keeper as well

With this I urge the rests to have respects and stop negative comments in the public against Thony community and see them as equal brothers and stop subjecting them to inferiority such that we can escape the punishment of God.

I have heard people saying they don’t eat fish because they are not Monthaany and some time you find people dying because there are no fishes in Toch during the time of hunger because God wants to punish people of what they say.

I shed tears when I saw my family offshoring at Guolyar after spending 24 sleepless nights when they got struck in Toch as all the routes were closed and it was like resurrection to me that day, and one must admits that this article is more of confession than anything else. Thany deserve rewards than insults.


The author can be reached on or on facebook on Chol Joshua.

Which Side Will Honour the December 15 Anniversary?

Posted: November 24, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Malith Alier

By Malith Alier, Bor

South Sudan in chaos

South Sudan in chaos

The clock is ticking. We are left with about twenty two days to the said date.

Something this generation will not forget occurred on December 2013 in Juba and quickly spread to three States of Upper Nile region, the mother of all rebellions.

At about 10:00 pm, a sound of opening firing shots were heard at a distance of three kilometres from my residence. Pa, pa, pa goes the Kalashnikov machine gun. Everyone was scared including young children. They knew that this was going to be different from previous shootings they were accustomed to. My two year old son always repeats what he heard that night like this; “tap, tap, tap they are afraid” meaning the tap, tap, tap shooting that made them afraid.

The debates about what happened are still causing controversy nationally and worldwide. Some called it coup d’état, others called it mutiny or just misunderstanding among the presidential guards in Juba. The explanation of this matter depends on whoever is narrating it. The rebels referred to it as Nuer soldiers’ disarmament while the government called it coup d’état. The international community led by USA thinks it was a mutiny or misunderstanding.

Coup d’état or not, the event has its authors who continue to pursue it to today. The SPLM IO claimed responsibility and victimhood at the same time for the December crisis.

The rebels were defeated in Juba within hours and the following morning was only mopping up operations in the city. Scores of ring leaders were arrested and categorised into groups of A, B and C depending on severity of their crime.

As Juba operations came to an end, other rebel leaders who echoed the fight captured Bor, Malakal and Bentiu within a short time possible. This was a war laden with zeal and hatred of one another. Some rebel generals who are fond of switching sides took it upon themselves to bring the regime to an end once and forever. How wrong they were! The government arm is long. The poorly equipped and perhaps polarised SPLA sought support from the region and got it in no time.

Nobody wanted Juba, the seat of the government to be overrun by the irate and ingrate white army. This would have been an embarrassment to the government and this country as a whole. A government overthrown by demonstrators would have been honourable.

A mixture of superstition and hunger for power should be tamed if South Sudan is to be on a firm democratic path. Don’t give power to power hungry lots.

Who will celebrate the 15 December anniversary? It is anyone’s guess.

Amb Lumumba -Press Statement – 22 Nov 2014 Addis – Ethiopia