Archive for November 16, 2014

Rumorpedia: UN Security Council wants South Sudan governed by UNMISS for 10 years

Posted: November 16, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in History

LEAKED: Security Council wants South Sudan governed by the UN for 10 years
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who is fooling who?

The Game is on: Who is Fooling Who?

ADDIS ABABA – A well clasified leaked report from the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on South Sudan crisis detailed a 10 year master plan to put South Sudan on the trusteeship of the UN to provide governance, civilians protection as well as preparing elections and providing general security to would-be president until South Sudanese are ready enough to take care of their own destiny.

The document titled Road Map to Stability in South Sudan blamed what it believed as South Sudan leaders’ lack of foresight and leadership for plunging the country into inreversible chaos. The document claimed that both Salva Kiir and Dr Riek Machar have no interest in bringing peace by working out their differences. The document claimed that both men wants to settle their differences through military means while using IGAD brokered peace talks to prepare their troops for dry season offensives.

“As we wait for the two warring parties to settle their grudges militarily, vulnerable South Sudanese are dying everyday from man made diseases and famine. We cannot wait any longer because there’s a greater danger lying a head. doing so will aggravate the situation and a catastrophe of a higher magnitude will happen……We are fully behind the IGAD talks and the leadership shown by the block is extraordinary. But the talk is not moving that much despite their efforts. It appeared also that both warring parties are using the talks to buy time and acquire more lethal ammunitions. This is where UNSC must step in to make South Sudan peaceful again and prevent it from failing,” The statement reads.

UNSC wants a way out of the two principals namely Dr Riek Machar and Salva Kiir Mayardiit inorder to bring about a lasting peace in the country. They see the two as the blockage to any negotiation going on in Addis Ababa.

According to the document, a period of 10 years is enough to handover the security of the state to a civilian leader thereafter. Within the mentioned time frame, an election will be held only when reconciliation is succesfully done between communities affected by war and internally displaced people as well as refugees are settled in their respective states. The natinal army will also need to be restructured in supervision of UNMISS. UNMISS forces will also be redoubled to run the affairs and security of South Sudan.

The document bears signatures of Troika ambassadors to the UN as well as other security council members except China.
This latest development adds to the general frustration shown by the international community in regards to the unsuccesful, on and off peace talks between the two warring factions Ethiopia.

IGAD last week threatened to use force against any warring party if found to have contributed continuing hostilities. They also detailed a wide ranges of sanctions which include assests freezes, travel bans and arm embargo.


By Amer Mayen Dhieu, Queensland, Australia

A memorial services was held yesterday, on 15/11/2014, in honour of dear leader and long time war veteran Elijah Malok Aleeng Mayen. The event was arranged and liaised by members of Awulian Cumunity of Nyuak Payam in Twic East county.


Several memorial services have been held in honour of Elijah Malok in different states of Australia over the past few weeks. However, yesterday’s memorial service was more of a reflection on his journey as a person, a soldier, a leader, a father and community leader. Many of the orations delivered by community’s representatives dwell on his “bravery and confrontational” traits follow by his dedication to the history and the foundation of South Sudan.


Cross-questioning one of women representatives about her view on Elijah Malok, the lady said: “we were not looking for any position in the government for Elijah Malok, it was his time to rest but what we were praying God for is to keep him alive and in good health so he can teach South Sudan’s history to the younger generation.” Other people look at the event as an opportunity to advise young people to stop divisive writings on the internet, citing it as part of what cause the misery and the death of the legendary leader.

The same community leader retreat a call to denounce use of divisive name such as Twic, Duk or Bor, something many young people find irrelevant to the event. Although his call generate mix feelings among the audiences, his speech was appreciated by many people and was followed by applause and clapping from the crowd. Other speakers encouraged young people to continue being strong with knowledge that any of them can one day be like Elijah Malok or give birth to the same personality.


Deep appreciation was extended to Elijah Malok’s close cousin and the coordinator of the event, Mabioor Akur, from Awulian, Patem section. Mabioor in return gave thanks to everyone who had given up their time to come and pay their last respect to the deceased leader.


Elijah Malok’s close cousin Mabioor Akuur; the event coordinator

Ushers of the event were selected from all Payams of Twic East County. A group of young people, some audiences at the memorial refer to as “youth ee Malong-dit”, were dress in a white T-shirt and ID badge printed with Malok’s photo, his name, year of birth and the year of his departure.


Ushers of Elijah Malok’s memorial service in Qld, Australia

Their dedicated hard work for keeping memorial service professional and calm was highly praised by all persons.


Youth ee Malong-dit

In death we are separated from Elijah Malok Aleng, in memories he lives with us forever. May God rest his loving soul in glory.


Posted: November 16, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Junub Sudan


South Sudan Journalists are in dilemma. Two years ago, by the time I fled for asylum, I referred to it as a ‘die-lemma’, that situation where you are presented with two killer choices. I had to choose to stay and change my career (including my character) or leave and alter my citizenship. I choose the latter. Correction, I did actually not choose the latter but opted to tell the truth to the letter, hence quit them who wanted to tell it otherwise.

523568_673402332694694_1640804301_nThere is a new brand of nationalism that my fellow journalists, now activists, must subscribe to, and if they do, their career is doomed! What is the sign of the doom? More signs and symptoms will ensue as we delve into this piece of my mind but the glaring fact I have to point out as part of the intro here is this. There is no journalism. There is only activism, depending on the…

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By David Aoloch Bion

Billions of US Dollars have been embezzled by 75 +  public servants in South Sudan  from 2005  to 2011 in dubious Government projects  and it is continuing now millions Dollars are being  stolen from  public fund . This is one issue.

These billions of embezzled Dollars are not banked in South Sudan. These billions of stolen Dollars are not spent in South Sudan either .  This is another issue.

Therefore, between the embezzlement of money inside South Sudan and investment of the money outside South Sudan, which is an evilest issue? Which is first class treason? Which is highest degree corruption?

Investment of money outside South Sudan is the first class treason, which is the evilest issue.  All the money embezzled in South Sudan is invested outside .  The money is kept in foreign banks. In those banks, it is multiplying and it is paying interest to those banks, it is developing the economy of those country.

This money is invested in education abroad ,  because the children of the ministers, directors of the government are studying abroad in Kenya, Uganda, South Africa, UK, USA and so forth. They are paying school fees in primary, secondary and university level, this money is developing the education infrastructure and  economy of those countries.

The embezzled money is spent on the rent and buying of houses in Kenya, Uganda, UK, USA, Australia and so forth. The money they buy the house or renting the house is developing infrastructure and  economy of those countries.

South Sudan is foreign- based country , foreign – based economy . Kenyans come and take money from South Sudan to Kenya. No Kenyan takes money from Kenya and brings to South Sudan. So do the  Ugandans, Ethiopians, Americans, Asians, Europeans. All come and take away money. South Sudanese too, they take money away.

How will South Sudan economy grow now? How will wealth accumulate in South Sudan when it is repatriated by both foreigners and nationals?  . How will education develop  when we take money for developing  education outside? How will infrastructure develop when we take money for developing infrastructure for buying  houses outside and rent houses outside ?. How will financial sector grow when we take our money and bank it outside?

My fellow South Sudanese lets love our nation, let’s develop our nation.  You take your child to study in good school abroad, that school was built by 500, 000 dollars, which you have .Why can’t build it  in South Sudan .

You take your money and bank it abroad, why can’t you bank it in South Sudan, so its develop the economy of your country and create jobs for your poor brothers and sisters, who are jobless. Why do you go and create jobs for foreigners? if you are rich and your country is poor, no foreigner will respect you. If you are rich and economy of your country is strong, then  they will respect you.  A Rich Nigerian can’t talk with rich South Sudanese because Nigeria is strong economy  , South Sudan  is weak economy ., A Nigerian will tell a South Sudanese, ‘’ You South Sudanese, you are not rich but you are just a beneficiary of the defunct system ‘’

Build good schools so foreigners bring their children in to those schools .Build good houses so foreigners come and rent them . Build good restaurant so foreigners come and eat there .. Build banks so foreigners bring money and deposit it there .