Archive for November 17, 2014

IGAD is an Impediment to Peace in South Sudan, declares President Kiir

Posted: November 17, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in History

Last evening (16/11/2104), I held a meeting with H.E Salva Kiir and his delegation, together with a team of 11people led by Maama Rebecca Garang,at Statehouse Entebbe. We discussed ways and means of resolving the conflict in South Sudan. I urged the warring factions to reconcile and ease the suffering of the people of South Sudan.

Museveni: Last evening (16/11/2104), I held a meeting with H.E Salva Kiir and his delegation, together with a team of 11people led by Maama Rebecca Garang,at Statehouse Entebbe. We discussed ways and means of resolving the conflict in South Sudan. I urged the warring factions to reconcile and ease the suffering of the people of South Sudan.

IGAD is delaying peace in South Sudan, claims President Kiir.

“Whenever we are about to reach a peace agreement, the IGAD imposes recess and holidays, this is why peace has not yet been signed. But we are committed as a government to bring peace to this country…It is now time to look to the future. With your tremendous support, we have collectively done so much but to take our country to the next level, there is still more to be done,” said Kiir while inaugurating a new ward at Juba military hospital, Juba, South Sudan.

This was the same time when President Kiir (and his team), and Madam Nyandeng with her 11-group, met President Museveni in Entebbe, State House.