Archive for November 8, 2015

Unity State Government: Press Statement

Demo-cracy or Demo-crazy?

Demo-cracy or Demo-crazy?

November 8, 2015 (SSB)  —  The Unity State Government, under the Leader of Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit President of Republic of South Sudan and the State Governor Dr Joseph Nguen Manytuil condemns in the strongest term possible the fabrications that are being spread around by the rebels propagandist by the name Yoach Biding and his cohorts who resides in Kampala Uganda. Mr Biding and his groups are the front inciters of the ongoing conflict in Unity State even after the signing of the peace agreement recently.

This propagandist are busy spreading lies and basely statements which clearly has no base at all, as a matter fact, the small remaining units of rebels around the south of Panyijar County few weeks ago launches twin attacks on the government bases in Leer and Koch County respectively and they were repulsed back after several attempts, in the process of those attacks a lot of civilians who had been camping within the government vicinity where totally affected, children and old people had been greatly affected and some where dispersed whereby children and their mothers were separated and that is because of the rebels attacks which where launched on government bases even when they know civilians are residing in those towns.


Security Arrangements=Nation Building

Posted: November 8, 2015 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Featured Articles, Mayen Ayarbior

By Mayen D.M.A Ayarbior, Juba, South Sudan

David Mayen Ayarbior is the spokesperson of the the South Sudanese Vice President, Hon. James Wani Igga

David Mayen Ayarbior is the spokesperson of the the South Sudanese Vice President, Hon. James Wani Igga

November 8, 2015 (SSB)  —  As the title of this article and many other comments by IGAD-Plus delegates suggest, the security arrangements section of the current peace agreement involving three factions of the SPLM is the most important of all other elements of that agreement. I would go a step further to say that it (security arrangements) might constitutes over eighty percent of the process of nation building which South Sudan had not consciously undertaken when it achieved formal independence.

While there is no dispute whatsoever that armed forces are always the pride of nations, they always make relatively small percentages of the population counts of their countries. If the combined population of the SPLA factions and numerous militia fighters across this country stands at 250,000 (two hundred and fifty thousand) strong, which is a serious permanent threat to democracy in and of itself, they hardly make 2% of the population of South Sudan.


Diaspora Response to the 28 Members of Twic East youth letter, dated 5th of November 2015 as appeared on the Juba Telegraph Newspapers, This Day Newspaper, The Stance Newspaper in Print Media and on PaanLuel Wël website, the Electronic Media

Col. Philip Agwer Panyang, Spokesperson for the South Sudan national army, the SPLA

Col. Philip Agwer Panyang, Spokesperson for the South Sudan national army, the SPLA

Dear all,

November 8, 2015 (SSB)  —-  We would like to take this earlier opportunity to thank our brothers, the 28 youth members who wrote their letter and expressed their democratic right of expression as stipulated in South Sudan Transitional Constitution 2011, articulating their dissatisfactions with the Twic East Jonglei Governorship nominations that saw Col. Philip Aguer Panyang, the current SPLA spoke person in the lead.

In our view and given the reality on the ground (Juba), the letter in support of Hon. Deng Dau was misplaced and the youth members who wrote the letter are detached with the realities and the real situation in the field, and instead decided to resort to propaganda machinery of Hon. Deng Dau or defending a true statement uttered by Hon Deng Dau in exchange for some political rewards or indirectly dishing out cash from his Constituency Development Fund (CDF). The CDF could not be distinguished from Hon. Deng Dau monthly emoluments and privileges since he took over from late Hon. Philip Chol Biowei in 2010, one of our respected and intellectual Giant. May his soul rest in eternal peace. Amen


By Mading Abraham Majur, Kampala, Uganda

President Kiir and Riek Machar peace deal: is it a viable peace?

President Kiir and Riek Machar peace deal: is it a viable peace?

November 8, 2015 (SSB) —- There are two ways of making sense of the chaotic nature of 2013 failed coup attempt in South Sudan. The first is to see the fighting grambling and dismiss it for the incompetence and coos that has now come to be expected.

A more charitable way, and are that admittedly tries to find a silver lining in this thunderstorm of ineptitude is to take a more historical view of the form and nature of military and political mobilization in the country and see what the current drama in SPLM/A tell us about peace, development, politics and democracy in South Sudan.

Political military and pressure groups in South Sudan tended and still tend to coalesce around tribal identity. With wrongful and talented leadership exhibited in Jamus Division under command of Maj. Gen. Stephen Buoy Rolnyang, some elements are beginning to criticize.


Arop Wuor: South Sudan plane crash survivor tells how he saved baby

Posted: November 8, 2015 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Junub Sudan

Wuor Arop, one of two survivors of the cargo plane crash which killed at least 37 people Wednesday, lies in a hospital bed in the South Sudan capital Juba on Saturday, Nov. 7, 2015. Arop, who cradled the other survivor, a 13-month old baby who suffered a broken leg and a cut forehead, and is recovering with bones broken in six places and a head injury. Arop said the plane, which was not authorized to transport passengers, carried up to 40 people on board at the time of the crash. (AP Photo/Jason Patinkin)
Wuor Arop, one of two survivors of the cargo plane crash which killed at least 37 people Wednesday, lies in a hospital bed in the South Sudan capital Juba on Saturday, Nov. 7, 2015. Arop, who cradled the other survivor, a 13-month old baby who suffered a broken leg and a cut forehead, and is recovering with bones broken in six places and a head injury. Arop said the plane, which was not authorized to transport passengers, carried up to 40 people on board at the time of the crash. (AP Photo/Jason Patinkin)

JUBA, South Sudan (AP) — The lone adult survivor of a South Sudan plane crash said Saturday that he cradled a stranger’s baby in his arms as doomed passengers shouted the aircraft was going down, and he and the child were the only people who lived through the carnage.


By Pal Ngundeng Teny, Kampala, Uganda

November 8, 2015 (SSB) —- People like Mr. Nhial think that the issue here is about winning the debate on whether crimes have been committed for it is a plain truth that forces led by commanders from Bul have threatened the existence of the communities in Bentiu. It is apparent that truth is painful, that is the reason you are calling me names but it will never reverse any fact.

For your information, the crimes of terrorism, rape, defilement of girls under the age of eighteen, Killing of civilians, kidnapping, stealing civilians properties (livestock and others properties), castration of infant boys, burning of human beings alive, lootings UN facilities, preventing UN Aid workers to help the civilians, preventing the civilians from entering into UN bases and murdering of UN aids workers have been committed. Prisoners of Wars have been slaughtered helplessly by your forces.


Problems and mistakes are part of human life, and they truly become problems when we don’t learn from them. This piece is only focused on how one can end them (problems)

By Lino Lual Lual, Juba, South Sudan

November 8, 2015 (SSB) —- You are judged in this world by how well you bring things to an end. A messy or incomplete conclusion can reverberate for years to come, ruining your reputation in the process. The art of ending things well is knowing how and when to stop it, never go as far as an extent of exhausting yourself or creating bitter enemies that embroil you in future conflict.

It also entails ending on the right note, with energy and flair. It is not a question of simple winning the war but the way you win it, the way your victory sets you up for the next round. The height of strategic wisdom is to avoid all conflicts and entanglements from which there are no realistic exist.

There are three kinds of people in the world. First, there are the dreamers and talkers, who begin their projects with a burst of enthusiasm, but this burst of energy quickly comes out as they encounter the real world and the hard work needed to bring any project to an end.
