Archive for November 16, 2015

SPLM Kenya Chapter Congratulates Cde Jemma Nunu Kumba on her Appointment

Posted: November 16, 2015 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Letters, Press Release

Sudan People’s Liberation Movement Kenya Chapter congratulates Cde Jemma Nunu Kumba on her Appointment as Acting SPLM Secretary General; Welcomes Presidential Order 36/15

Nairobi, Kenya

Hon Jemma Nunu Kumba

Hon Jemma Nunu Kumba

November 16, 2015 (SSB)  —  We the undersigned Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) cadres in Kenya congratulates the President of the Republic of South Sudan, Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit the Chairman of the SPLM for the recent move of appointing Comrade Jemma Nunu Kumba as the Deputy Secretary General and assigning her as the Acting Secretary General at a time when SPLM badly needed a cadre of the highest quality to administratively safeguard the affairs of the party for the good of South Sudanese.

We as well congratulate Comrade Jemma Nunu Kumba for the recent redeployment. It was a right move by the president to appoint a vibrant cadre of your caliber that is energetic and enthusiastic in enhancing the core values of the SPLM. However, we trust that you shall with unreserved dedication unleash the SPLM principles and reignite its prowess in all corners of the country.


By Atem’sijin, Juba, South Sudan

Col. Philip Agwer Panyang, Spokesperson for the South Sudan national army, the SPLA

Col. Philip Agwer Panyang, Spokesperson for the South Sudan national army, the SPLA

November 16, 2015 (SSB)  —  I have been reading through the amoral views of both sympathizers and those who oppose Hon. Deng Dau; some Twic East individuals have failed to notice the waning tune of the 28 states’ music.

If you compare the mood immediately one day after the presidential decree and now there is a serious worry on whether the decree will hold up to its expectations or not. Let’s not forget that many things were said only to be reversed later, whether because of pressure or lack of consultation it doesn’t matter.

In dinka culture we don’t buy clothes, basins, oils, and sweaters for unborn babies. Just because we may not know the fate of the unborn baby; I thought my Jieng brothers and sisters would have learnt from that culture.



Posted: November 16, 2015 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Poems.

By Tito Awen Bol, Eldoret-Kenya

Bum Crash

Go and tell the people in Americas

Bum Crash in the dark dawns of our beloved cities

Women, children and elderly maimed alike

Mercilessly butchered in bad battle of no winners or losers

Tell the people in America….Bum Crash

Ok ok…it isn’t our making, it isn’t our design!


MPs representing Bor, Twic East and Duk counties have come under fierce criticisms from their respective constituents

November 16, 2015 (SSB)  —  Members of Parliament (MPs) representing Bor, Twic East and Duk counties have come under fierce criticism for failing to ensure safety of villages in the Dinka Bor area following latest attacks in Maar that left more than twenty people dead.

Twic East county MP Hon. Deng Dau said 22 people, including three children and nine women, are killed by suspected SPLM In Opposition forces. The SPLM IO denied any connection to the attackers in Maar. Three attackers were also killed and identified to have come from Uror county, a territory controlled by the SPLM IO.

Maar Payaam, Twic East county of Jonglei state, neighbors Jalle Payam of Bor county where 27 people were killed in October by unknown gunmen. Authorities blamed raiders from Greater Pibor Administrative Area for the attack in Jalle – allegations strongly denied by GPAA.


“Standing ovation and cheering”

President Kiir: Agotu (get seated). SPLM Oyee

Audience: Oyee

President Kiir: SPLM Oyee

Audience: Oyee

President Kiir: Kulu (All) SPLM leadership Oyee

Audience: Oyee 

Kiir gives redline warning to IGAD

November 16, 2015 (SSB)  —  President Kiir: Comrade James Wani, deputy chairman of the SPLM and vice president of the republic. Comrade Jema Nunu Kumba, acting secretary general of the SPLM. All the members of the political bureau, the Speaker of the National Assembly, members of the SPLM National Liberation Council, all ordinary members of the SPLM and every supporter of the SPLM. Salaam aleku kulu-ku.

Audience: SPLM Oyee, SPLM Oyee. Comrade Salva Kiir Mayardit Oyeee.
