Archive for November 9, 2015

By Kiir Garang Kuir (Kiir-Agou), Canada

Gen. Manyok Barach Atem, head of SPLA Division five in Wau

Gen. Manyok Barach Atem, head of SPLA Division five in Wau

November 9, 2015 (SSB)  —  When peace agreement was signed in 2005 between the North and the South, currently the Republic of Sudan and the Republic of South Sudan respectively, the desire was for the Southern Sudanese to have their own independence and bring about the peace and harmony that was so badly needed in the region. However, things have not actually gone to plan. Tribal differences, apparently, have been magnified.

Economic prosperity is doomed and crippled badly; thanks to our corrupt officials in Juba spearheaded and led by none other than President Kiir Mayardit. The idea of one people, one Nation seems a forgone agenda. The future looks bleak and to add salt to already existing wounds, the president decides to divide the country even father; a move that I strongly believe will dwarf Junubiin forever.


President Kiir call every one, everywhere to support peace; Dr. Riek call for people to write about peace and reconciliation

By Ocholamero Bure Oroto, Brisbane, Australia


November 9, 2015 (SSB)  —  Ladies and gentlemen and my fellow South Sudanese, there is no better time to congratulate president Salva Kiir and his associates; and Dr. Riek Machar and his associates in working tirelessly to bring about the Compromised Peace Agreement (CPA).

I was one among many who decried the war that has derailed our lovely progress and I remain critical of the fact that there was no hope of reaching such a surprised ending of signing security arrangement. As being one of those who were quick to decry the violence because, it was clear that violence could only destroy and bring development to stand still, I am hereby presenting my gratitude among the groups who would appreciate a work well done.


By Gai James Kai, Kampala, Uganda

Over my dead body man

Over my dead body man

November 9, 2015 (SSB)  —  To begin with, these so-called   clans/counties associations in Kampala were formed to establish civilized ways and means of policing and attending the issues for the good of all stands in the fabrics of Nuer community in Uganda.

Uppermost is the dismantling of clannish ways of life that nurtures barbarism and savagery where there is complete and total absence of rules and tenets guidelines only appeal to the four Nuer (Lich, Phow, Bieh and Latjor community,) but bond together by Nuer community in Uganda.

These four subjects of Nuer community in Uganda thus speak with one voice, stay and live in harmony and togetherness and are regulated by Nuer community in Uganda whose rules bring about norms that exude civility.


Make Peace with All South Sudanese People, not Just Salva Kiir: An Open Letter to Dr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon

By Chuol C. Nyabieh, Kampala, Uganda

Riek Machar Teny, the armed rebel leader

Riek Machar Teny, the armed rebel leader

November 9, 2015 (SSB)  —-  First and foremost, allow me to pass my overwhelming greeting and appreciations to you for having secured a peaceful end to the nearly two year’s bloody conflict in our Country. We, the citizens of South Sudan, have acknowledged and appreciate your commitment shown and the role you played lastly in bringing peace back to our devastated land with your partners in peace.

In this letter, I will not take you back to the recent past; I will not blame or appreciate you on whatever you have done especially in the last 22 month of the conflict in our Country. I write this letter to wake you up, probably from sleeping thinking that a lasting peace is achieved despite the fact that some more problems are pending; or probably from your well known ‘Ostrich Strategy’ of hoping that things will solve themselves without your efforts.

Straight to the point, you need to make peace with all. You needs to dialogue with your ‘December 2013 right-hand comrades’ if I may use the term. Your comrade Peter Gatdet Yak, your comrade Gathoth Gatkuoth Hoth-nyaang and your comrade Gebriel Gatwech Chan among others are people who will not only be forgotten by you, but also by the Nuer community at large, no matter how far they may go wrong in any time to come. They served lives.


Qiyada rasheeda – Wise leadership (Part 2)

Posted: November 9, 2015 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Featured Articles, Lino Wuor Abyei

By Joseph Lino Wuor Abyei, Cairo – Egypt

Dr John Garang

November 9, 2015 (SSB)  —-  Mou’min, the large size peripatetic Egyptian businessman emphasized to this writer in a Cairo hotel foyer that, “you have no ‘qiyada rasheeda.’” Then he immediately grabbed his bag and left for the airport and off he went to another country.

This writer was left to think over the statement that South Sudan lacks “qiyada rasheeda.” Most probably that is why, since 2005, people are still waiting for the basic “fruits and vegetables of independence” to be delivered.

That is why, probably some “jobless foreign people” attempted to meddle in local semi tribal squabbles here. And probably that is why South Sudan is going through “instability.”

Qiyada rasheeda is an up to bottom and a bottom up exercise of wisdom and courage in taking decisions, and then following up implementation of the decisions taken. It is an exercise of protecting the society from internal and external danger.


An Open Letter from the SPLM Chapters in Australia, written and signed by the leadership team, and address to all SPLM Party Headquarters and secretaries in Juba, South Sudan



To:       H. Excellency President of Republic of South Sudan,

            Chairman of SPLM Party,

            Secretary General of SPLM Party

            SPLM Party Interim committee,

Cc:        Vice President of Republic of South Sudan

              Council of Ministers in the Ministerial Portfolios,

               Secretary General of External relations,

Re: Open Letter to SPLM Party leadership – Juba

The SPLM Chapters leadership in Australia support the government efforts of being committed to peace, unity and security measures; applauded the creation of 28 states; and welcome the re-structuring of all secretariats in the SPLM Party.

November 9, 2015 (SSB)  —-  The SPLM Chapters in Australia had met and affirmed to add their voices to the current political and socio-economic dynamism in the history of South Sudan. Martin Luther King, Jr. vividly once said history recorded that the greatest tragedy of social and political transition was not the strident clamour of the bad people, but the dead silence of the good people.   He added that what we would remember in the end is not only the bad words of the enemy, but also the dreadful silence of our close friends and allies.

We the leaders, the SPLM Chapter leaders in Australia, and on behalf of the members of SPLM Chapters in diaspora, would like to congratulate the president of Republic of South Sudan, Salva Kiir Mayardit, the entire governing council of ministers, and general secretariats, for the signing of peace and stability with the SPLM-OI and G-10 stakeholders. We also believe that any problem which has the beginning has the end. Those human problems can be only best resolved by the local people who had been affected by those problems.   The country had been in the lockdown for long, and the nature of political differences could be likened to the game of chicken – you bleak the eye first, and give in; or else the worst happens, and the grasses suffer. The South Sudanese people had seen the worst happened.  The people desperately need unity, peace and security in the country. These are important phenomena which allow the flourishing and prosperity of human kinds and their societies.
