Archive for November 10, 2015

R.I.P Dr. Kemeri: The Patriot of Junub Thudan

Posted: November 10, 2015 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Featured Articles, History, People

R.I.P Diktoor Kemeri: Tributes to the True Patriot of Junub Thudan

R.I.P Dr. Gribani Kameri Jango: The True Patriot of Junub Thudan

R.I.P Dr. Gribani Kameri Jango: The True Patriot of Junub Thudan

PaanLuel WëlDiktoor Gribani Kemeri Dejango served his people wholeheartedly both in the bushes, the famous Chukudum hospital that rivaled Lokichogio hospital, during the liberation struggle and in Juba in the post independent South Sudan. He was one soul that embodied the true spirit of Junub Thudan for, although he was an Equatorian by heritage, he was widely known to and beloved by all South Sudanese irrespective of their tribal heritages. RIP diktoor Kemeri….

Highway Chulbaar: South Sudan has indeed loss a great person. I remember him in Nimule and Yei when he used to treat wounded SPLA soldiers in the 1990s..He was also very expert in an appendix operation.. R.I.P GIANT!

Kamzee Awuol De-yen Arokdit: What a great lost! Mighty Dr Kemeri you are a legend of life, a saving hand have left… Dr, South Sudanese will ever miss your caring hands but will never forget your dear and whole hearted sacrifices.

Ajak Deng Chiengkou: Dr. Kemeri deserved a high class medal of honour or anything in his name. His work can never be describe and his dedication will never be found to those who knew him. He served, save lives and inspired generations. May God rest his soul in peace.

Kur Achiek Kur: He will be missed by all the poor South Sudanese who can not affort treatment abroad – he was among the few best Dr South Sudanese had – my condolences to his family and friends – God rest his soul in peace

Dau Duot Diing: Imagine Ajakda,he deserve maximums respect and honor. Rest in peace Dr Kemeri,the nation that you served with your full energy and time won’t forget your efforts.

Nyibol Chol: Ajak, the death dr Kemire is a bad to hold South Sudan; he really worked hard for his country. Yesterday I just went to his place and found it lock and just had right know he has just gone may the God rest his soul in peace.

Jakaria Atem: Rest in peace Dr. Kemeri for your last tireless work in Ashwa during the SPLA’s Operation Jungle Storm (OJS) operations will keep you in our hearts and lips in our history. May God be with you.

Kuol Malual: What? is that true.we lost Dr.kemeri,a man of life,man of white heart.he is the only doctor who did big role in south sudan.may ur soul rest in peace Dr.

Ajak Ayual DiingRIP Major General Dr.Gribani Kemeri. You did a great job during the dark days of struggle.. Treating SPLA wounded heroes during the days of Operation Jungle Storm (OJS) and Operation Thunder Bolt (OTB). Your days in Labone and Nimule are still fresh in our minds.. A very humble renowned Surgeon. RIP General

Chol Ajak-Agilbiok: Great human being, a wonderful Dr and a true South Sudanese.

R.I.P Dr. Gribani Kameri Jango: The True Patriot of Junub Thudan

R.I.P Dr. Gribani Kameri Jango: The True Patriot of Junub Thudan

Jon PenWE’VE LOST A HERO! Dr. Kameri Gribani Jango, the revolutionary times’ life saver of our wounded heroes of the war of liberation has passed on in a Nairobi hospital after a terminal illness! I can’t stop reminiscing my best days with him when I was a Face Foundation medical officer in Lobone IDP Camp in 2004/5/6/7. He saved many lives after many battles of the major operations in the 90s: especially the ODN (Operation Deng Nhial) in Bahr al Ghazal, OJS (Operation Jungle Storm) in Eastern Equatoria, from Pogee to Jebelein in 1995/6, and OTB (Operation Thunderbolt) in Central Equatoria, from Kaya through Yei to Mile 40 in 1997. Thumb up to NPA (that we jokingly used to call ‘Norwegian People’s Army’), the only dedicated liberation NGO those good old days before it was affected by the TROIKA’s position in the post-liberation South Sudan. RIP, great surgeon of South Sudan… just two weeks after we lost another top scientist at a regrettable age, Dr. Ding Chol Dau! This nation is indeed regressing!

Truth hurts, but must be told: The dispute between Bor Mayor Nhial Majak and Gen. Wal Athiu over Government land in Bor, Jonglei state

 By Aideed Koryom, South Sudan

Bor Mayor, Nhial Majak Nhial, addresses IDPs in Nimule - March 2, 2014.

Bor Mayor, Nhial Majak Nhial, addresses IDPs in Nimule – March 2, 2014.

Three clarifications about this land in Dispute:

Clarification 1: From Aideed Koryom.

The area in dispute is the downtown/central MadingBor also known as A-1 (Area 1) in big cities. It is the heart of the city for those that own plots or wants to own plot there. It is near Bor Hospital rotary and near the old market that was demolished by the end of 2007 early 2008. It is adjacent to Jonglei assembly building, Police station and old jonglei prison and court. Governor’s office is there as well as his residence. Bor A and B primary schools on the other side.

Shops were demolished in late 2007 early 2008 and market moved to its current place (Maror Market) and the area declared public land to be used for government buildings only and the entire area became public land/property. Thon Leek was the governor and Kuol Manyang later replace him. Everyone that applied for plot in that area was denied plot and was not surveyed. Amuor Kuol was the minister of land then. Bor commissioner was not authorized to issue plots in that area nor was anyone looking for business or private plot given plot.


 By Archangelo Adup Anyuat, Tonj, South Sudan

H.E. President Salva Kiir Mayardit, Co-Founder of SPLM/A

H.E. President Salva Kiir Mayardit, Co-Founder of SPLM/A

Your Excellency, President Kiir:

November 10, 2015 (SSB)  — The president of South Sudan, Salva Kiir Mayardit, South Sudanes citizens worldwide are with you and wanted to see and hear the final amendment of 28 states that you have decreed on 2nd Oct 2015. You promised to implement it with immediate effect without Parliamentary approval. 30 days of work are over and there seems to be vacancy in next decree that the citizens are longing for.

For 10 years, we have been longing to see the positive parts of SPLM/A and its visions and mission. On 2 Oct 2015 you really did announce a little fragrant to the vision of SPLM/A; taking town to people rather than people coming to towns.


The Forgotten National Issues of South Sudan

Posted: November 10, 2015 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Commentary, Mading Majur

By Mading Abraham Majur, Kampala, Uganda      

'US' against 'THEM'

‘US’ against ‘THEM’

November 10, 2015 (SSB)  —  When we think about issues of South Sudan context, we imagine it to be a very important question for all citizens as well as those begin to criticize but the case, this is partly due to the war that devastated which also has on the surface been seen as just ethnic war. This is situation is compounded the fact that South Sudan does not have unified policies accept criticism which we have know and it will increase social tension and weaken the unity among the communities of South Sudan.





10TH NOV. 2015






Your excellency,


November 10, 2015 (SSB)  —  Following your recent bold and wise decision to create more states as a way of reaching out to the communities for faster delivery of services, Aweil East state with its headquarters clearly marked out as Wanyjok happened to be one of those lucky ones of this decree. Wanyjok as known to you and many others, has been hosting the county headquarters since 1993 when by then it was administered by Civilian Military Administration (CMA).

Your excellency, after the decree, Gen. Paul Malong and his cronies had been lobbying for the changing of the state’s headquarters from Wanyjok to his home village-Malualkon, which is roughly an hour away from Wanyjok. The community thought of this as a joke as the reasons put forward are dubious and illogical.


South Sudanese politics are based on wealthy gain.

Posted: November 10, 2015 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Featured Articles, Marol Ariech Mawien

By Marol Ariech Mawien, Aweil, South Sudan

Monthly, the bosses reward themselves with huge amounts of dollars, a sum equivalent to the salaries of all the employees of an ministries, ten times

Monthly, the bosses reward themselves with huge amounts of dollars, a sum equivalent to the salaries of all the employees of an ministries, ten times

November 10, 2015 (SSB)  —  The south Sudanese politics since the CPA has been signed in 2005, there is nothing that has been succeeded by the people whom we were nominated in 2005 to represented us both at the South Sudanese autonomy government and government of national unity in Khartoum Sudan, from the one day those representatives were nominated and sent  to Juba and others to Khartoum they hadn’t return to brief people in their constituencies until 2010 Sudanese general election held, that is where their faces appeared after disappearances for 5 years.

They came with money to bribe chiefs , and others hungry poor illiterate village politicians that got their information from nowhere but depend on who a big person had come and tell them this is what I want and this amount of  money is to supported me. The intention of those politicians is to create chaos in the villages to collide clans against other clans, village verse village in order to win without resistant, in fact politicians are the cause of conflicts and death in communities across the nation. That is why today in South Sudan rebellion is used as way of getting rich and ascend to power.



By Lino Lual Lual, Juba, South Sudan

November 10, 2015 (SSB) — Business does not only mean buying and selling. It’s also need to consider what we sell to our customers. The purpose of this article is to question the honesty of our traders, and by our traders, I mean both foreigners and nationals. Over the period I have been willing to buy a certain things in our local market, I am convinced that these business people of ours just sell things to our unsuspecting customers, even when the items sold are of low quality.

If marketers are on their own thoughts to say that, making money in unethical items in the market which disturbs the mind set of our old aged persons and young ones going on their daily life. Definitely, the general public may ask help from the authority concern on how the business of ordinary or VIPs’ ready-made coffins at every roadside of Juba city can be operated because, money was never a big motivation for the author except as way to keep score the real excitement is playing game.


By Deng Dekuek, Perth, Australia

Dear Kiir-Agou Garang Kuir,

November 10, 2015 (SSB)  —  I would like to clarify something that you stated in your article. Your statement that “Aguer Panyang, Deng Dau Malek and Manyok Barach all rushed into this utter nonsense and supported it” is not factual and misleading at least on the part of General Manyok.

It is a known fact that the initial sole gubernatorial candidate from Lith Payam was Dr Dau Aleer Abit from Adhiok. However, it was later decided that each payam shall be allowed two candidates because Ajuong could not resolve the differences between Col. Aguer and Mr Deng Dau. This is how General Manyok Barach from Abek became a candidate for governorship. As you are aware Lith Payam is made up of two people; Abek and Adhiok.

General Manyok Barach did not campaign, is not campaigning and will not campaign for the Governorship especially when it is dividing our people and when the final decision rests with the President. As you are probably aware all the names have been forwarded to President Kiir now and there is no need to accuse anyone. We need to close ranks and let our people heal.

Kind Regards,
Deng Dekuek

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