Archive for November 13, 2015

John Garang, Salva Kiir, Riek Machar and James Wani Igga

John Garang, Salva Kiir, Riek Machar and James Wani Igga

“We are for the implementation of this agreement, even if it means tomorrow that when those who are fighting us come in and they are to be given positions in the government and you are told to get up from your chair and it is given to those who have been fighting us, for the sake of our country you will have to get up and allow somebody to come in…What we don’t accept from them it is this force. The thing of doing it by force is what we will not accept, because when we were fighting, they used to run. They would run to take rest in Khartoum,” said President Kiir today during the swearing in ceremony for the SPLM Deputy SG, Hon. Jemma Nunu Kumba (via eye-Radio)

Philip Thon Aleu, Juba, South Sudan

South Sudan's President Salva Kiir (C) acknowledges his supporters as he arrives to address a rally at John Garang's Mausoleum in the capital Juba March 18, 2015.

South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir (C) acknowledges his supporters as he arrives to address a rally at John Garang’s Mausoleum in the capital Juba March 18, 2015.

November 13, 2015 (SSB)  —  All reporters and cabinet ministers (ministers seeking to depict in strongest terms their loyalty to President Kiir) were in J1 at 8am Juba time to listen, first hand, to the Nation Address. At 10am, Ateny Wek Ateny, the presidential spokesman, said the speech is rescheduled for 11am.

In sixty minutes, it was 11am and Ateny asked for 20 minutes. Twenty minutes passed quickly and Ateny asked everyone to swift off his/her phone as H.E was about to enter the hall.


Uganda Defense People Forces Have Entirely Left Bor, Why Still Keep UN Forces and Its Partners Again?

By Manyang Duany Jok, Bor, South Sudan

Ugandan troops (UPDF) storm #SouthSudan Capital; #Juba streets, armed with brooms, clean Juba streets. The excericise is part of the UPDF army week.

Ugandan troops (UPDF) storm #SouthSudan Capital; #Juba streets, armed with brooms, spades….to clean Juba streets. The excericise is part of the UPDF army week.

November 13, 2015 (SSB) — It had been among negotiated security arrangement items of the IGAD Plus Proposed Peace Agreement that presence of Uganda People Defense Force (UPDF), the South Sudan government stronger ally in a fight against rebel forces–was an obstacle to peace agreement in the country–an only excuse left for Mr. Riek Machar by then to please himself after a defeat in most key towns of Greater Upper Nile (Bor, Malakal and Beniu);

While in a real sense, the South Sudan government failed to address, pro-rebel UN forces and its agents, the overt engineers of the country conflicts—as indicated in their construction of UNMISS Protection camps in greater Upper Nile and Juba, which latter served as a safe haven for rebels and their families, before no sign of Riek’s rebellion forecasted; this was to encourage Dr. Riek’s rebels, the implementers of UN’s coup to create another 1991 in Dec, 2013 , which they surely did to affect innocent citizens in Bor, Malakal, and Unity.


Accountability for the Juba Cargo Plane Crash

Posted: November 13, 2015 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Featured Articles, Malith Alier

By Malith Alier, Juba, South Sudan

The Russian made Antonov B-12 cargo plane, registration number EY-406, crashed in Juba, killing 41 people

The Russian made Antonov B-12 cargo plane, registration number EY-406, crashed in Juba, killing 41 people

November 13, 2015 (SSB)  —-  On the 4th of this month a cargo plane crashed shortly after takeoff from Juba International Airport (JIA). The plane was headed to Paloch oilfields in Upper Nile state.

The circumstances under which the plane crashed are shrouded in mystery. Reports from the Ministry of Transport, Roads and Bridges (MTRB) and the Airport Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) are uncorroboratable. The CAA is completely pervasive in its responsibility. It is unable to explain how the cargo plane was overloaded with goods and passengers only to end up in disintegration across the Nile. Just only a few metres from the takeoff point.


By Elbow Chuol

The 19th century Lou Nuer Prophet, Ngundeng Bong

The 19th century Lou Nuer Prophet, Ngundeng Bong

November 13, 2015 (SSB)  —  Let’s test the possibility of Ngundeng predictions against the recently signed IGAD’s Compromised Peace Agreement. For the international readers who may not be familiar with the title, have funs.

Some people would need a miracle to believe whether this imposed peace agreement is not here to materialize. Evidences produced by the recent IGAD peace progress is self-indication that peace is coming back home to people of South Sudan. It would take a well trained scientist to visit a laboratory to elaborate the system in which this development all came about considering months of poor experiments from the world’s most influential figures trying to resolves south Sudanese worse civil war. Or else a student of political Science would need to revise the notes years ago stored in the library to evaluate the possibilities for this compromised peace agreement not to be successful.


Why the message of hope is vital for the 2018 elections?

Posted: November 13, 2015 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Commentary, Mading Majur

Plainly Speaking: Why the message of hope is vital for the 2018 elections?

Mading Abraham Majur, Kampala, Uganda

June 2015 elections

June 2015 elections

November 13, 2015 (SSB) — The peace prevailing in South Sudan today is modest yet particularly significant, it demonstrates that world peace is no mantra but a realistic prospect, so long as nations put up a unified front against extreme lawlessness wherever the outbreak.

Normalcy has not returned to South Sudan yet, but that semblance of it there is the fruit of persistence by IGAD, acting in concert with global allies legitimate concerns linger about commitment to the accord signed in August 2015. There have been sporadic violations in the aftermath of each one side has pointed an accusing finger at the other.


The Legacy of Kokora in South Sudan – Briefing Paper

Posted: November 13, 2015 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Reports

Justice and Conflict in South Sudan. Observations from a pilot survey – Briefing Paper

This briefing paper presents initial observations arising from a pilot survey conducted in Juba in April 2015. The findings presented in this paper are intended to stimulate research and debate on the needs and opportunities for justice and reconciliation in South Sudan.


The legacy of Kokora in South Sudan – Briefing Paper

This briefing paper presents the findings of a historical case study on Kokora, a word associated with the decentralization policy enacted in southern Sudan in 1983. This analysis is linked to contemporary debates on decentralization in South Sudan.


Legacies of Enforced Disappearances in South Sudan – Briefing Paper

This briefing paper examines the legacy of enforced disappearances—or the arrest, detention, or abduction of people by state actors followed by a refusal to acknowledge the act or conceal the whereabouts or fate of the disappeared person—that occurred during the 22-year war (1983-2005) in South Sudan, with a particular focus on events during the 1990s.

Failure to reconciles two communities of Dinka Bor and Nuer before advance team reach Bor town will face resistance among locals

By Deng Kuol Ajith, Australia

May peace and reconciliation prevail in South Sudan!!

May peace and reconciliation prevail in South Sudan!!

November 13, 2015 (SSB)  —  Sending advance team to Juba plus other 9 states is another failed strategy plans done by rebels leader Riek Machar who is about send 500 cadres to Juba and other 9 states, he should be well aware of how this people will be receive in Bor, instead of them being welcome with joy and dance, they may be welcome with stones if not bullets. Bor in particular had suffered massively twice in the hand of Riek Machar’s rebellious, which had implanted deep wound and hatreds that should not be ignore or overlook for seek of peace.

Yes we need peace but before the so-called advance team reach Bor, they two communities of Nuer and Dinka need to reconciles and make their own peace that will includes forgiveness and acceptance of wrong done to the affected community. Coming to Bor without proper reconciliation process and without peace within our two communities, specially among the Dinka Bor and Nuer will result into unmeasurable and unproductive toward future reconciliation process and it will bring resistance and even new rebellious from our people who never rebelled against any system.


Qiyada rasheeda – wise leadership (part 4 and last)

Posted: November 13, 2015 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Featured Articles, Lino Wuor Abyei

By Joseph Lino Wuor Abyei, Cairo – Egypt

VP James Wani Igga greeting Pagan Amum in New York

VP James Wani Igga greeting Pagan Amum in New York

A lesson from Egypt

November 13, 2015 (SSB)  —  It was mentioned in one of the previous articles under the above title, that there is no comparison between South Sudan and Egypt in terms of “qiyada rasheeda,” because Egypt has been on the map for thousands of years and that it has known “qiyada rasheeda” thousands of years ago. In contrast South Sudan and similar countries, have yet to know the animal called “al qiyada al rasheeda.”

In some societies, including South Sudan perhaps, discussion on lack of “qiyada rasheeda” may bring some trouble to a writer. He/she may be summoned and investigated sometimes in the presence of the minister concerned, and in the end he/she may be remanded and possibly warned strongly if not “invited to spend several nights in safe custody.


By Dut-machine De Mabior, Nairobi, Kenya

Dut-machine Mabior is a student of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya.

Dut-machine De Mabior is a student of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya.

November 13, 2015 (SSB)  —-  The SPLM is the party in South Sudan that has done the irreversible in history. If for once there is anything a South Sudanese can be happy about, anything a South Sudanese can be proud of, anything a South Sudanese can be grateful to God for, that must be the twenty-one years long SPLM/A war of struggle that led to the four years ago independence of the Republic of South Sudan. With this independence in our banks, a South Sudanese can proudly stand among the other nationals and claim dignity, unlike our previous undignified union with the Khartoumers.

The many other Southern rebels did us proud and we will never forget them in our history; Anyanya One and Anyanya Two. But unlike SPLM, their struggles resulted into reversible histories which the Arabs regime could dishonour. However, their dear love for the people of South Sudan formed the basis for the SPLM/A to launch the famous rebellion that completed the dream of every South Sudanese by giving us an independent country.
