Archive for November 23, 2015

By Mok Dei Gual, Kampala Uganda

john luk

Minister John Luk at press conference in Juba, 7 April 2011

November 23, 2015 (SSB)  —  Before I start to put my comment on what the people used to talks about daily that, the former Minister of Justice John Luk is the one who formulated Transitional Constitution which killed civilians in the country.

First of all, I want to let most people know that, the current constitution we have, permitted students to have rights to critics any politician in the country. Students have rights to direct all politicians by criticizing them and that is an evidence, the Juba University students used to debates politically.

From today on ward, I want to defend the former Minister of Justice John Luk for false accusations which the people of South Sudan started accusing of him. John Luk is the peace lover person who always want the people of South Sudan to remain peaceful and he does not instigate violence since he joined politics in the country.


Living in the Shadows of Darkness: The Invasion and Annexation of Anyuak Land of Akobo by the Nuer Community

By Peter Okello, Nairobi – Kenya

Nuer white army

South Sudan Rebels: Nuer White Army Fighters

November 23, 2015 (SSB)  —  From the onset of the “so called” NUERS, coming into the blessed land of “Anyuak” – in particular AKOBO in earlier 1930s, nothing good had been prevailing. The policy of tricking our people, which they claimed to be peaceful migration into the interior of AKOBO, the claim that “their land is dry and no grass for their cattle is the deadliest agreement if not the least outrageous reasons that our ancestors granted to these “inhumane culprits”. The Akobo elites and historians perfectly knows the evolution of “pathetic Nuers” into the land of Akobo.

I am not interested to narrate the chronology of the Nuers exodus into our land but for the record, allow me to give you a glimpse of the darkest days of our people. During the Anyanya I civil war, most of our peoples’ villages in Akobo town were brutally burned down, massive killing of our innocent civilians by the then Government of Sudan, claiming that the Ciro Anyuak members were collaborating with the Anyanya I regimes.


Empower South Sudan Women–Through Education

Posted: November 23, 2015 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Education, Featured Articles, Philip Thon Aleu

By Philip Thon Aleu, Juba, South Sudan

28 states

November 23, 2015 (SSB)  —  There are many women’s activist groups in Juba and hundreds nationwide championing women’s and girls’ rights. Their objectives include, but not limited to girl child education but there seems to be little impact if any at all.

In South Sudanese communities, girls and women play central roles. In most of our traditional settings, women take care of children from birth to adulthood. And I should say mothers continue to shape our characters till death part us. This is because many communities practice polygamy and men have little control over individual children. Every woman therefore grooms her children. The stress that comes with many wives overstretches man’s ability to influence his children. Even in monogamous communities, women also play central roles in uprising children as men search for food, defense the territory and take public services.
