Why is the Nuer Community Levelling False Accusations against Justice John Luk?

Posted: November 23, 2015 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Columnists, Commentary, Contributing Writers, Featured Articles

By Mok Dei Gual, Kampala Uganda

john luk

Minister John Luk at press conference in Juba, 7 April 2011

November 23, 2015 (SSB)  —  Before I start to put my comment on what the people used to talks about daily that, the former Minister of Justice John Luk is the one who formulated Transitional Constitution which killed civilians in the country.

First of all, I want to let most people know that, the current constitution we have, permitted students to have rights to critics any politician in the country. Students have rights to direct all politicians by criticizing them and that is an evidence, the Juba University students used to debates politically.

From today on ward, I want to defend the former Minister of Justice John Luk for false accusations which the people of South Sudan started accusing of him. John Luk is the peace lover person who always want the people of South Sudan to remain peaceful and he does not instigate violence since he joined politics in the country.

People have been telling each other that because he had formulated the current Constitution which has given the president too much powers then, that is why civilians killed by the president Kiir. SPLM/A is the political institutional which does not have links with citizens and its where social class have rights to exercising their political rights.

John Luk is the Minister of Justice that time, and the president appointed committee under his Department to formulate Constitution in the country. He was not given right to do so by himself. The committee who formulated Constitution were placed under his Ministry of Justice. Those are the people who have written the Constitution and what he did as the Minister of Constitution is to sign it and admitted to the President Kiir.

You might get his signature at the end of the book when you get time to see that constitution…He was not allowed to make an article on Constitution, the same as the rest who were there that time. His role as the Minister of Constitutional that time is to sign it and admitted to the President Kiir.

Most people were misinformed that, he is the one who instigate violence in the country by formulating Constitution and given all powers to the president Kiir. He did not make even single article on the Constitution. All politicians were there, that time even the Deputy of ruling party and the Vice president Dr Machar and he remain silence while knowing that, he wants to be the president. The president appointed committee with his recommendation as the deputy of the ruling party.

His neutrality of this civil war is to focus on the lasting peace in the country for the people of South Sudan to remain peaceful .He and the” former detainee” agreed before they were released in jail that, their commitment is to bring the lasting peace in the country. Their wish to bring peace in the country is what people have been working too since the world leaders wants us to have lasting peace in the country. Based on his history, he remained neutral when disagreement happened between Dr John and Dr Machar.

He formed ”Joint Committee” to promote dialogue between two leaders in Nairobi in 2002 before Dr Machar and Dr John agreed again. He pushed them till the two leaders agreed at the end and struggle continued. John Luk does not like violence according his politically objective. He does not violate the rights of others and that is why he told those who decided to beat the drum of politics together with Dr Machar to be with him so that, politics is all about group interests.

People hate John Luk for nothing and he is well educated politician who does not hate other politicians. He always believe in his academic documents.

Based on his story in his community, he worked so hard to bring up some of Lou Nuer Youth.85 percent from Lou Nuer Youth have been working with difference NGOs since 2005.Only 15 percent from Youth were employed by the State government under department of education in Jonglei State.

John Luk did his part by employing some of Youth in oil companies when he tried his best by recommending them. At least 25 people were employed there with his recommendation and nobody did what he has done from all Lou Nuer Politicians. He always think of his people first before doing somethings which might be seen badly in his political future

In 2010 when election held in the country, his result of election was rigged at Akobo by Taban Juch and when the people started to fight with each other, then he was involved and advised the people stop doing so. He went on saying that Taban Juch has right politically and he did not want the people to kill themselves. He respected the result of election and the rights of citizens.

Politicians always give other people bad reputations and that is why people started accusing John Luk for nothing. Who was not presence when the president started formulating his Constitution? Why politicians did not resign when they realized that Constitution had formulated against their will? Why I did not hear that the politicians walked out because of the Constitution which is not good for them?

For your information, John Luk is our elder politician and we have rights to defend him whatsoever the case is about. We are not struggle to form Nuer government but South Sudanese government which including all tribes in the country.

As G10 Youth, I might be stopped there and thanks you all.

Author is the student who studying a Bachelor of Social work and Social administration in one of Ugandan University.

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to paanluel2011@gmail.com. SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.

  1. That’s wrong explanation either. You are just defending John Luk and you are doing politics as you said. If you know that the role of students is to criticized the politicians, you better also included John Luk in criticism. What you most students do is to defend your breadwinners this what I personally know about you.


  2. very good wording but i agreed with first commentator that, you must also criticize John Luk instead to defend him since you are just a mere student.


  3. Alier-kon says:

    Dear Delony,
    your article is absolutely right to protect the Hon former minster John Luke Jok and am convenient because the way you explained is very clear to all of us, unless some one has his own agenda behind him apart from the topic.
    You mentioned very well to all the readers that who were not there when constitutions was formulated? why are they kept quite if they though it was against their will? to make your statement sound well you said that we are going to formed the NUER Government but south Sudanese Government it is true and I would like to inform our people also there will be no Dinka Government as some people used to says. this is south Sudanese Government.
    keep that spirit my friend and God will help you to tell the truth in this nation as one people.


  4. Dear Alier Kon

    It is not a matter of just praising your friend because he had written article but take into account that there must be a failure of John Luk and the likes when they are keeping quiet while they were the ones handling the case of constitution formulated. If I were John Luk,

    I would have resigned if the president force me to act in his favour or form a committee that will sabotage me in my office. The facts remained that our politicians love money to the extend that they keep silent when they are in offices in order to loots country resources and bark for no reason when they are removed. We are not doing perfect at all.

    Those of John Luk were employed to give technical advice to the president and if the fails, they must go and select another cabinet.


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