Archive for November 24, 2015

By Sunday de John, Nairobi, Kenya


President Salva Kiir Mayaardit, first president of the republic of South Sudan

November 24, 2015 (SSB) — When the peace agreement for the resolution of conflict in South Sudan was brokered by Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), a number of issues were tabled, discussed and agreed upon even without adequate consent from the government.

The signed Peace Agreement came as a consequence of unwarranted compromise. It wasn’t a demand so tangible so that rebels could claim the superiority on the negotiation table.

It was accepted as a result of feasibility and the fact that the sufferers of the war aren’t the wealthy rebels but innocent South Sudanese who have suffered unmatched damages either mentally, socially or physically following a destructible war fought in the last 35 months.


“Never ever give up in life, fight forward don´t give up’’

By Abel Majur Leek, Bor, Jonglei State

Sabina Dario Lokolong, deputy minister for humanitarian affairs and disaster management

Sabina Dario Lokolong, deputy minister for humanitarian affairs and disaster management, Nov 2011

November 24, 2015 (SSB)  —  Politics is defined as activities associated with governance of a country or area. From etymological enquiry, the word politics derives from the Greek word ‘politikos’, which means ‘of, for, or relating to citizens.’ Thus, Wikipedia defines politics as ‘an art or science of influencing other people on a civic or individual level.

More narrowly, it refers to achieving and exercising positions of governance.’ Politics, therefore, is about the people-exercising power or influence in such a way that there is equitable allocation and management of limited resources, opportunities, and privileges for the happiness, peace, security, good health, and general prosperity of the people.


By Mayen D.M.A Ayarbior, Juba, South Sudan

burden of nationality

The Burden of Nationality

November 24, 2015 (SSB) –-  In the last three articles on “Safer paths out of our wartime economy,” I argued, inter alia, that closing a budgetary deficit has rarely been used by governments as reason for currency devaluation. Instead, the balance of trade economic considerations are the main reasons why central banks devalue local currencies.  It is done when a country wants its industrial goods to be cheaper and more desirable, hence exporting more and benefiting through an economy of scale.

If a country is in actual need of a local currency it just prints it, then controls its allocation through relevant monetary and fiscal policies. Hence, a deficit in local currency should have no direct relation to the U.S. dollar, unless the deficit in question is in dollars, which is possible for a country which is dependent on imports of goods like South Sudan. But then devaluation will not get you more dollars.


By Daniel Machar Dhieu, Juba, South Sudan


May peace and reconciliation prevail in South Sudan!!

November 24, 2015 (SSB)  —  Right now, we have our President who holds the executive powers, the legislative powers, power over the military, and the power to veto the drafted constitution or create another constitutional committee if he wishes. If this alone wasn’t disconcerting enough, let’s add to it the fact that there is no organized opposition to him, he seems intent on continuing the time-honored tradition of hiring loyalist unqualified hacks and lackeys for important government positions, he doesn’t seem to have any intentions of being democratic or even create a government out of the coalition that he created, with his supporters viscously attacking anyone who criticizes him, sometimes with religious overtones.

One would think that our president must have a huge mandate to be able to pull this kind of crap on all of us, but surprisingly enough, he doesn’t. He won with 99%, with almost half of his votes coming from secular innovative voters who simply didn’t wanted Dr. Lam Akol to win. In reality, if someone did the math, one would realize that at least 7.5 million of the 8 million voters who voted in the presidential elections in Southern part did not vote to have the war again in the country.


Nimule calm after sporadic gunshots

Posted: November 24, 2015 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Junub Sudan, Reports


November 24, 2015 (SSB) – Residents of Nimule had their morning breakfast interrupted at 7:25am when sporadic gunshots sent shocking waves across the border town but normalcy is now restored, officials say.

The shooting started in Abila suburb and children from Loqilili primary school had to disperse in panic. Soldiers from the Tiger battalion, the troops from the Presidential unit guarding the strategic border town, were involved in a shootout with unknown gunmen. It is not clear who the armed men were but residents give contradicting accounts of the event.
