Archive for November 27, 2015

What is Government in the View of Dr. John Garang? Dr. John Garang Talking to the SPLA Military Officers about Leadership and the Role of the Government in Readiness for the Post-CPA Era in the Republic of South Sudan

Transcripted by PaanLuel Wel, Juba, South Sudan


The Genius of Dr. John Garang: Speeches on the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA); Paperback – November 26, 2015 by Dr. John Garang (Author), PaanLuel Wël (Editor); get a copy on Amazon USA or Amazon Australia

November 27, 2015 (SSB)  —  With the advent of peace, comrades, we have reached a new phase of our armed struggle, a new phase of transforming the guns and the bullets—that is military power—into political power, and using the political power to achieve socio-economic development rapidly. This is because there is no meaning of revolution—the revolution is meaningless, unless it makes our people happy, unless the masses of our people, as a result of our glorious revolution, become prosperous.

Socio-economic prosperity quantifiable with the degree to which people go ahead and advance in their individual and communal lives: they get food, they get shelter, they get clean drinking water, they get healthcare services, they get social amenities, they get economic infrastructure such as roads, they get jobs and so forth. Unless we provide these essential services to our people, unless the revolution provide these things to our people, then the people will prefer the government of the NIF that provide salt to the government of the SPLM that does not provide anything to its people.

This is simple arithmetic: if the SPLM cannot deliver anything and we just shout REVOLUTION! REVOLUTION!; and yet the cattle of the people are not vaccinated; their children are not vaccinated or sent to school; there is nothing to eat, there are no roads, there are no basic necessities of life—there is no cloth, no needle, not even a razor blade—when the barest minimum of essential things of life are not available, then the people will drive us into the sea, even though there is no sea here, they will find one. Mind you, we have no other choice.


Opening Statement by Festus Mogae, Chairperson of the JMEC, in Juba

Posted: November 27, 2015 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Press Release, Speeches

Opening Statement by His Excellency Festus G. Mogae, Chairperson of the Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (JMEC), at the inaugural meeting of JMEC held in Juba on 27 November 2015 (PDF)


TROIKA : Joint Statement on the South Sudan Peace Process


The Eulogy of Our Beloved Late Dr.  DING  COL  DAU  DING (MBChB;  DPhil (PhD);  BSc (Hons)): Nov 21st 1975  –  Oct 28th 2015

By Dr. Dau Col Dau Ding (the elder brother of the deceased)

Dr. Diing Chol Dau Diing

Dr. Ding Col Dau Ding: A Selfless Young Scientist Life Tragically Cut Short by bullet to the head

November 27, 2015 (SSB)  —  Friends, loved ones and family; It is a privilege under the eyes of God for me to honour and pay tribute to a very special and precious person which we have tragically lost; my younger brother, my best friend and my soul-mate, Dr. Ding Col Dau Ding.

All lives that we lose within our new country are precious and this one has truly affected many of us more than most. Ding was tragically taken away from us all just under one month short of his 40th birthday. We are all devastated and heartbroken, and the pain and sorrow we feel as a family is more than words can ever express or I can say.


By Ustaz Mabior Rioc Manyang, Juba, South Sudan


Demo-cracy or Demo-crazy?

November 27, 2015 (SSB)  —  According to Yoloye (1980), he defines education as weapon for combating ignorance, poverty and disease: as a bridge between confusion and comprehension, As dam for concerning man’s store of civilization, as a rocket for transporting man from a state of intellectual subservience to a state of intellectual sovereignty. Here, I am recalling the anecdote of a proud professor with the shabby boy who was the boat rower and what went wrong eventually.

One day long ago a certain learned professor, theoretically at least, well versed in philosophy, psychology and Mathematics made arrangements with a boatman in the islands to take him across the river in a rowboat. The professor proudly considered himself as educated, rich, and a master of life and a shabby boy was poor who seemed not to have studied much and only a boat rower. As they were going, the proud professor idly wondering how best to pass the time during crossing, thought of showing off his knowledge to the boatman, so he asked the shabby boy few questions before he was drowned.


The Biography of Our Beloved Late Dr.  DING  COL  DAU  DING (MBChB;  DPhil (PhD);  BSc (Hons)): Nov 21st 1975  –  Oct 28th 2015

“An Angel with Healing Hands (Ding-Dit de Wol)”

Dr. Diing Chol Dau Diing

Dr. Ding Col Dau Ding: A Selfless Young Scientist Life Tragically Cut Short by Death


November 27, 2015 (SSB)  —  This booklet is dedicated to those who are inspired by Ding’s achievements and performance in life. It is particularly pertaining to the dictum of Dr. John Garang De Mabior that brought him back to South Sudan:

“For those who did not experience bush life can still contribute in many other ways in a free, independent South Sudan.”

Dr. Diing Chol Dau Diing

Dr. Ding Col Dau Ding with Dr. John Garang in the UK


Speech of Cde. Bol Makueng Yuol during the Swearing in Ceremony, SPLM Secretariat

Posted: November 27, 2015 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Speeches


bol makueng

Cde. Bol Makueng Yuol, the SPLM Secretary for information, Culture and Communication

Cde Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit –SPLM Chairman and President of the Republic .

Cde Gen. James Wani Igga-SPLM Deputy Chairman and Vice President of te Republic

Cde Jemma Nunu Kumba –SPLM Deputy Secretary General and Acting Secretary General

Members of the SPLM Political Bureau and National Liberation Council

My colleagues, Cde SPLM Secretaries and staff of the Secretariat

Cde Ladies and Gentlemen

On behalf of my colleagues, I would want to thank Cde SPLM Chairman for the trust bestowed upon us, we the newly appointed SPLM Secretaries. We thank you for giving us an opportunity to serve the people of south Sudan through our ever able party of liberation and nation building, the SPLM. We will implement the SPLM vision, values and principles of making south Sudan a home for freedom, democracy, equality, justice and prosperity. We are proud to be SPLM members and workers.



Posted: November 27, 2015 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Junub Sudan


By Gabriel Alier

10988496_10204648947656796_465540699222694513_n “Ssshhh, shut up!” Aheu warns rumourmongers.

This is in response to a malicious and libelous article entitled “How Former Model Aheu Deng was involved in Defense Ministry corruption scandal” that recently appeared on the website of “Hot in Juba” on November 3, 2015. It was written and disseminated by John Masura, who has been masquerading as a journalist. The article was replete with lies, falsehoods, disinformation, hearsays, rumours; an antithesis of journalism. Intriguingly, the information herein was factually and materially wrong and there was no scintilla of evidence to back up the outrageous and vicious attacks against Ms. Aheu and company. While corruption is anathema to most of us, I equally abhor people who impugn the character of others based on falsity and such horrible onslaught on the model is unwarranted and unprecedented.
Accordingly, I have been compelled to pinpoint and share some very glaring material facts…

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