Archive for November 29, 2015

What is causing the second influx of Greater Bor residents to Guolyar Refugee Camp?

By Agreb Leek Chol, Bor, Jonglei State


What is causing the second influx of Greater Bor residents to Guolyar Refugee Camp?

November 29, 2015 (SSB)  —  First, I would like to clarify that the main reason why many residents are leaving Bor Town is not due to “INSECURITY” as many people seems to argue on the media. The truth is, people are hungry and they are looking for any place to get any basic services.

Yes, we cannot dismiss the significant of Jalle & Maar attack in which innocent civilians were killed, but I have to be on record that THERE’S NO IMMINENT THREAT IN BOR! Therefore, those IDPS from Jalle and Maar would have peacefully settled in Bor Town. So, those on the ground like myself can vouch that there’s not enough food due to Dec 15, 2013 crisis.


The SPLM is about to Settle on Cool Ground

Posted: November 29, 2015 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Featured Articles, Malith Alier

“If found unorganised they’ll buy you,” said Salva Kiir Mayardit

By Malith Alier, Juba, South Sudan


Mama Rebecca Nyandeng waved at the crowd at Juba International airport after the return of the G-10 for the inaugural meeting of the JMEC in Juba, South Sudan

November 29, 2015 (SSB)  —  This author believes that the so-called Arusha accord of 2014 is neither Quran nor Bible. It can be set aside as circumstances change. See my previous article on this website.

The SPLM in Juba got organised by appointing Deputy Secretary General and other secretaries and advisors. It has also announced that it will hold extraordinary convention in the first week of December 2015.

On the other hand, the SPLM/SPLA IO appointed its Secretary General Dr. Dhieu Mathok for the first time in more than twenty months according to of 27th instant.


For the Republic of South Sudan to have quality and relevant education, the government should allocate enough resources of all sorts to education sector.

By Ustaz Mabior Rioc Manyang, Juba, South Sudan

bor alliance

Alliance high school’s Students under a tree {Chueei} during exams – August 2010

November 29, 2015 (SSB)  —-  Resources are defined by Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English as “the means, money, property and skills that are available to someone or an institution for the purpose of achieving specified objectives”. By resources, I am referring to learning facilities, materials and personal factors such as qualifications and experiences. These resources are known as educational resources in the education context and are classified as financial, human, or material resources. The allocated funds are used for meeting teachers’ and administrators’ salaries, providing teaching and learning materials to schools as well as the training and professional development of teachers, teacher residential facilities, administration and maintenance of buildings and facilities.


Gen. Paul Malong has not arrested any senior SPLA Officer for refusing to go to war with the rebels in Magwi, Eastern Equatoria state

By Sunday de John, Nairobi, Kenya

paul malong

President Salva Kiir, Governor Paul Malong Awan (Blue suit) and Cabinet Affairs Minister Martin Lomuro (black suit) during the public rally in Aweil, NBeG

November 29, 2015 (SSB)  —  Through his article, dated, November 27, 2015, published by Nyamilepedia world wide website and other media outlets, one Justin S. Kwaje libeled Gen. Paul Malong Awan to might have arrested one claimed Lt. Col. Deng Ajak for having refused to mount an attack on proclaimed unseen rebels in Magwi of Eastern Equatoria state.

The writer with his manifestation of insanity outrageously concocted that Gen. Paul arrested with immediate execution the said officer in consultation with the Commander-in-Chief, President Salva Kiir.

Further, the writer credulously mentioned that the Lt. Col in question refused to attack the rebels on counts that it was a gag to peace and that Gen. Paul was masterminding an offensive to complicate the implementation of the recently signed Peace deal. He ardently mentioned that it was out of guilt that Malong reacted in arrest of the Said officer.



By Jon Pen de Ngong

427112_3093611352433_1023732878_n SOUL SEARCHING: Who is after bringing down our young nation’s pride, the beauties and talents in our future generation? (Aheu Deng in picture).

I am going to restrict my argument in this regrettable topic only to the female youth victims of the talent looters in our young republic. I am going to be particular on a few characters, especially Mary Aheu Deng Kudum and some others like Mary Boyoi and Rachel Angeth. There are reasons leading to my being not only gender-based but also gender-biased in my defence on this vulnerably successful pride of our nation.

Reason number one is this month of November is annually dedicated to the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence. Nobody cares to remember, leave alone commemorate, in our country. And what I am going to tackle below is akin to gender-based violence.

In my annual theme of this…

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