Posts Tagged ‘SPLM SG pagan amum’

By Gordon Buay Malek

Dear all,

The release of Pagan Amum, Oyai Deng, Majak Agot and Lol Gatkuoth has been misunderstood by so many people. Some misundeertood what the prosecution did and concluded that “they were acquitted”. However,there is something you need to know when people talk about “acquitting”. The four detainees were NOT acquitted. That word is not applicable here because they were not released by the decision of the judge after the conclusion of the adversarial presentations.

I want to make it clear to the people of South Sudan that what happened, to use correct legal term, is that the charges are STAYED. This is different from WITHDRAW. I explain the difference between the two below.

In most legal jurisdictions, the decision of the prosecutor to STAY or WITHDRAW charges means the government discontinues the prosecution. In both situations, once your charges are withdrawn or stayed by the prosecution, you don’t have to go back to court. HOWEVER, there is one important difference between charges which are STAYED and charges which are WITHDRAWN.

Stayed charges can be BROUGHT BACK TO LIFE within one year of the day they are stayed. You should know that if you are charged with new offences during the one year period after you have had charges stayed, the stayed charges could be brought back and the prosecutor can prosecute you on those same charges again.

If charges are WITHDRAWN, the prosecution of those charges is FINISHED and those same charges can never be brought back.

Coming back to the case of the four criminals, their charges were STAYED because of peace and international pressure. If they join the rebellion of Riek Machar, their charges will be REACTIVATED and they will be tried in absentia and sentence to death if found guilty.

I hope my explanation is clear to you guys.

Gen. G.B.


By Vigilio Wani (In Response to Gordon Buay

Nobody knows what type of legal system Cde Buay is talking about sound like Banana Republic legal system. There is NO such thing in legal system as STAYED charges, but there is stay execution and a stay of proceedings in the court system and they are granted by a court not PROSECUTOR in civil court not in criminal court. A stay of execution postpones the enforcement of a judgment against a defendant who has lost a case. In other words, if the defendant wins money damages or some other form of relief, he may not collect the damages or receive the relief if the court issues a stay. For example if you are delinquent in your rant and landlord brought eviction notice against you, you can go to court and file MOTION to stay by law judge will grant you motion to stay at most three months. Every other civil judgment is stayed for ten days after it is rendered. An additional stay of execution lasts only for a limited period, but a court may grant a stay of execution in any case in which the court feels the stay is necessary to secure or protect the rights of the defendant. I had an internship with court in accounting department I know this stuff.

A second type is stay of proceedings basically is the stoppage of an entire case or a specific proceeding within a case. This type of stay is issued to postpone a case until a party complies with a court procedure. For example, if a party is required to deposit collateral with the court before a case begins, the court may order the proceedings stayed for a certain period of time or until the money or property is delivered to the court. Also, a court may stay a proceeding for a number of reasons. One common reason is that another action is under way that may affect the case or the rights of the parties in the case. For instance, assume that a defendant faces lawsuits from the same plaintiffs in two separate cases involving closely related facts kind like army’s length. Say one case is filed in South Sudan Supreme court, and the other case is filed in Kator (B-court) in Juba assumed CES established its own judicial system. In this situation one of the courts may issue a stay in deference to the other court. The stay enables the defendant to concentrate on one case at a time.

With regard to withdrawal however, a lawyer or prosecution can withdraw evidence from the court if she or he is facing difficulty in proving it due to lack or substantiations of evidence or when witness refused to appear in court in this situation the party can withdraw evidence per judge permission. Basically when defendant left court she or he can not be prosecuted again on same charges due to status of limitation which protect defendant from prosecution from same case in the future in event new evidence emerged.

As things stand now the four (4) detainees are free men now they are in their liberty to do whatever they want in their life like any citizen with full rights granted to them by constitution. Cde Buay should stop misleading public with convoluted legal lexicon in other countries he could be charge by harassment and civil disorder.

Stay blessed


July 23rd, 2011

The SPLM Secretary General Mr. Pagan Amum Okech sworn in today Saturday 23rd July 2011  before the President of the Republic H.E Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit as the care taker minister for Peace in the National Government of south Sudan. After the swearing in ceremony, the care taker minister for peace H.E Amum appreciated H.E the President of the Republic for stressing on him and handing over to him the responsibility of taking care of the ministry of peace. H.E Amum said he will work hard in supporting the President and implement his policies on the ground in this current critical stage as south Sudan has been declared as a Nation. He added that he is happy of being part of SPLM and part of the Government under the leadership of H.E Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit. Care taker minister of Peace reassured his happiness for the new state of south Sudan is being recognized by 192 Countries worldwide, and he called on the people of south Sudan to forget the past and  free themselves for the building of the newborn Nation.

22 July 2011—(Juba) —The Caretaker Minster of the CPA Implementation in the Republic of South Sudan, Pagan Amum says his resignation from the government and the SPLM will give space for the growth of a new generation of leadership.
In an interview with SRS from Juba, Amum said that he is still a member of the SPLM.
[Pagan Amum]:“Actually, I resigned from my position as a minister from the government of South Sudan to give space for other comrades. But also I resigned from my position as SPLM secretary general. I have asked to resign from it but I am still awaiting a response from the leadership hoping that they may accept my resignation and if they don’t accept I will still remain loyal and a disciplined member of the SPLM. I will always abide by the decision of the party. We have just achieved the dream of our people for freedom. For me, it was not about the power but it was all about liberation and freedom and also believed that there are many great people in the SPLM that I have actually believed at this moment to give them the space and for me to support them to be able to take the burner forward, and I’m here.”
Amum however said that he will be part of the development of the new nation.
 22 July 2011—(Juba) —Pagan Amum said that President Salva Kiir may face difficulties in the formation of the next cabinet as many south Sudanese would like to be ministers.
Pagan was speaking in response to a statement by President Kiir on Thursday in Juba that his next cabinet must be lean and professional.
He spoke to SRS from Juba on Friday.
[Pagan Amum]: “I expect him to form a new cabinet but it is difficult because there are so many southern Sudanese who want to be ministers and that is really a problem. He has a very difficult choice to make. But there are so many able comrades who would like to take the assignment to lead our government in this crucial stage basically of building our foundation of our new home. And I believe they will make it. And I believe our President will have all our support. We understand the challenges of the beginning and we must give him our undivided support.”
The previous Government of Southern Sudan was composed of 32 ministers who are currently Caretakers in their ministries.