Archive for April 14, 2014

The State of Fear

Posted: April 14, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in David Aoloch, Poems.

By David Aoloch Bion


The big man fear to punishes political crime like

Corruption, threat to use violence, embezzlement, treason…etc

Because he foresees himself being punished after he leaves

Because he is wrong somewhere too

If I were him, I must discipline them now

And then they do to me what they like later

After all I have the Excellency title, wealth, happy family

What hell should I fear of?


The legislators fear to raise independent, political motion in the House

Because they fear House being dissolved,

Lost their jobs and they starved of hunger on street

If I were them, I would pass laws that are best interests of million voiceless

That will prevent dictatorship of any kind and

That will put me in limelight of history

Then I died of hunger on my bed

After all I have Honourable title, wife and children

What hell should I fear of?



Taiwan vs. South Sudan: Education, Nation Building and Social Prosperity

Posted: April 14, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Junub Sudan

EVERY so often someone asks me: “What’s your favorite country, other than your own?” I’ve always had the same answer: Taiwan. “Taiwan? Why Taiwan?” people ask. Very simple: Because Taiwan is a barren rock in a typhoon-laden sea with no natural resources to live off of — it even has to import sand and gravel from China for construction — yet it has the fourth-largest financial reserves in the world. Because rather than digging in the ground and mining whatever comes up, Taiwan has mined its 23 million people, their talent, energy and intelligence — men and women. I always tell my friends in Taiwan: “You’re the luckiest people in the world. How did you get so lucky? You have no oil, no iron ore, no forests, no diamonds, no gold, just a few small deposits of coal and natural gas — and because of that you developed the habits and culture of honing your people’s skills, which turns out to be the most valuable and only truly renewable resource in the world today. How did you get so lucky?”

The village Girl

Posted: April 14, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Poems.

By Matiop Alier

I think my cousins were correct after all,
What I need is a woman I love, a girl from my people.
A wife is all I need out of this turbulent world.
A woman whom we can look after each other,
A charismatic woman, who can keep me at home,
A daughter of a good man, who can save money for me,
A woman, who’ll bear me children,
A rudimentary woman who can make,
A respectable person in society out of me,
A woman, who‘ll have a great stabilizing influence on me.
So, help me, Lord!

Not many married people would lose their jobs after all,
Not many married people would do the stupid things,
Not many married people would go to clubs these days.
A marriage gives a man some kind of extra wisdom,
A better way of judgment,
A more rational approach to human problems.
So, help me, Lord

I know the kind of girl I want,
But I don’t know where to find her from.
I want a woman, who’ll listen to me.
A woman, who’ll rise— to my ambitious way of thinking.
A woman, who doesn’t know many personalities.
A woman, whose clothes are not that short,
A woman, who doesn’t fill her tummy with beers—any time of the day.
So, help me, Lord!

After all, those modern girls would get married one day,
But be sure I’ll not be there.
Not me.
I ‘m too tough,
Too arrogant,
Too selfish,
And too devoted to my own ideas.
On the contrary,
These modern girls want a boy they can control like a hosepipe,
A boy they can bend like their belts, an easy target,
A boy who would do what they want.
I want a woman, who’ll rid me,
Of my buffoonery and flirtatiousness once and for all.
So, help me, Lord!

After all, I need a village girl,
‘I couldn’t care less for modern civilization.
’I won’t mind getting married to a village girl,
A woman of Eve’s generation,
As long as she wears more than a leaf of tree in public,
I want a village girl,
Because she’s all this and more.
After all, what I need is a woman I love,
A woman who can bear me children,
Look after the family,
A daughter of my Dinka tribe, a sister from my people!
And this is the only girl I feel I can get married to.
So, help me, Lord!

Place: Juba (Custom), South Sudan.