Archive for January, 2015


Posted: January 30, 2015 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Commentary, Contributing Writers, Dut-machine De Mabior

By Dut-machine De Mabior, Nairobi, Kenya

Dr. Majak D'agoot Atem in Nakuru, Kenya, Jan 3rd, 2015

Dr. Majak D’agoot Atem in Nakuru, Kenya, Jan 3rd, 2015

January 30, 2015 (SSB) The war of liberation was fought by many of our veterans in the SPLA but only a few of them have extended the war to the second phase. The vision of the SPLM is taking town to the people. This has been implemented by a few members in our ruling elites. This article pays special attention to the developmental activities of Dr. Majak D’ Agoot between 2005 and 2013. This is to explain in depth to the likes of David Chol who wrote “why is Dr. Majak D’ Agoot Brainwashing South Sudanese” and many others who may not know the facts about the work of Majak. I also challenge many of my colleagues who are aware of the good doings of our leaders to punish us with the information so that we actually know who we are dealing with.

  1. Majak in Education development

The man in question has done all in his power to promote the academic knowhow in the country. This topic is surely very vast in this writing as he did:

  1. Building of Malek Academy

This school was first built by Abel Alier Kuai in the 1970 (s) to cater for the needy population of the Bor people whose educational knowhow was far much below the world-class index. The school did very well till it produced many of south Sudanese who are now world-class leaders, the PhD holder in Financial Economics, Dr. D’ Agoot inclusive.

This great institution was ruined and indeed reduced down to nothingness in the war of liberation fought by the SPLM/A and the Khartoum regime for twenty-one years. Till 2005, when the CPA was signed, this school had noticeably only a third of the wall intact and no significant building up standing. Majak thought of rebuilding the school on the same foundation so that the efforts and the history of our great legend, Justice Abel Alier does not die out of the history books.

He did this through his personal relationship with Sir Chalton, a British wealthy man whom he befriended when he was a student in the UK. For a few of us who are fans of the English football, Sir Chalton is the president of Chalton Athletic Football Club. This is after Chalton was interested in helping him as he saw in him a future leader who always put people above his personal gains. Dr. Majak used the opportunity to develop the country through building the school.

The funding was then made by DAREK CHAPEL, a charity organization under Sir Chalton. This provided a fund of $ 8 million to raise the school. Dr. Majak recommended the Archbishop of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan and Sudan,Daniel Deng Bul Yak to head the Board of trustees who now manages the funds. This is to promote transparency and speed up the implementation as he was busy in Khartoum during the time. So far, $ 5 million has been committed to the project and it was stopped by the current crises and will resume soon when the political skirmishes are solved. This work is visible on “”.

I must make my readership aware that Malek Academy is different from Bor intermediate (malek secondary) which is being managed and maintained by the state government. Malek Academy has had two batches of graduates so far producing 100% pass in the South Sudan Secondary School Certificate. As the statistics stand, Malek Academy is the best school in Jonglei state and among the top five best in the country. I must also state that the school is being managed by DAREK CHAPEL till today. No single penny of the government (state and central) has been used in construction and its management.

Dr. Majak whose village is about 70 miles north of Bor Town raising a standard institution in this place shows that he views the country in a unitary nuclear manner. He knows we are one people in which any able member of the society can raise beneficial institutions at the point of common meetings in the country.

  1. Mangalla Primary School

This school is located in Central Equatoria state, Mangalla as the names suggest. It was too built through the solicitation of Dr. Majak D’ Agoot when he was still in Khartoum. He did this through his wealthy friend, a millionaire from Darfur named S. Wada who lives in London. The Dr. requested him to build the school when he learnt that the millionaire friend was out to help him develop his personal finances. It was the first school to be built under his influence. Since he had already signed the Darek Chapel funds to build Malek Academy, he had to locate this project in Central Equatoria to equally distribute amenities to the needy children of South Sudan.

  1. Scholarship Funds

Dr. Majak built relationship with many charity organizations and churches while a student in the UK. This is how he has been in a position to assist many students (noticeably even before he joined the government) doing various degree courses in foreign universities. The records so available show that each an every state in South Sudan has had a beneficiary in this organization needless to mention that all the payams across greater Bor (3 counties) have had an elite produced by this courtesy.

He extended this to his personal finances when the economy hit hard on his white friends who used to fund his agenda. This is the time he introduced the cost sharing strategy in which he would pay a part of the course and the family of the affected student does the rest. This had to be done to improve the work force of the independent republic.

  1. Majak in improving Jonglei State Security.

While the director of security in charge of Southern Sudan. He did the following to improve the security in Jonglei state.

  1. Network Towers

These were brought to the state by various telecommunication companies like Zain. These boosters under Dr. Majak were distributed to many parts of the state. Jalle, Akobo, Duk, Fangak, Ayod and Pibor were among the places which the towers where constructed in. This was in the light of improving Jonglei state wanting security situation.

The governor too was immobile due to impassable roads; he Dr. Majak sent a helicopter from Khartoum to facilitate the governor survey the counties under his care. He too and Dr. Lual Achuek negotiated roads construction projects with the government of Khartoum, unfortunately, referendum was executed before the project kick off.

  1. Majak in Health improvement
  2. Maar Clinic

In the improvement of health care, Dr. Majak through his friend from Sudan, too a millionaire whom he persuaded to establish a company in South Sudan built the Maar Clinic. This project was implemented by a company from Khartoum.

  1. Majak out of Corruption.

Others who have not read the president’s letter to the 75 concerning the vanishing of $ 4 billion can easily think Dr. Majak is among the wanted gluttons. For the sake of reality, the list of 75 was issued when Majak was only 87 days (roughly three months) in Juba. It was basically about those who were working with the Government of Southern Sudan. This is to set the record clear so that innocent officials are not accused falsely.

Upon his appointment as the deputy minister of Defense and veterans affairs, Dr. Majak invited the Anti-corruption commission of South Sudan and made declaration of Assets. He instructed the anti-graft body to be inspecting his family accounts after every six months to ascertain if he had done away with any public penny. He was indeed cleared by the same commission when he exited the office two years later. He has never had any corruption claim whatsoever in the country.

While in the same docket, he built the military pension funds to a billion South Sudanese pounds. By the grace of God we hope that this money is still intact upon his exit. My worry is that, a number of officials who were working in the pension scheme are gone; indeed one went to the U.S, an indication that not all is well.


As I conclude, many more can be found on my first article on this subject “Dr. Majak D’ Agoot: The only One in Thousand Leaders”. Many people may mistake my writing as political fanatism, while the latter has no problem were it the case, I need to make it clear that my view of writing all these is to set the clear picture of our leaders. I challenge you too to write anything positive about the one you know better than others. I happen to have the tract records of Dr. Majak D’ Agoot and there above they are. I am not wrong to say that Dr. Majak is a blessing in disguise.

The author is a student of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya.

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.

South Sudanese: To Survive We Must Unite

Posted: January 30, 2015 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Commentary, Contributing Writers, Featured Articles

By Teresa Diing, Kenya

January 30, 2015 (SSB)  Uphold us united in peace and harmony, parts of our national anthem that we do not seem to mean in any of our actions. In the words of Duop Chak Wuol co-founder and editor-in-chief of Colorado based South Sudan News Agency (SSNA), “it is morally appalling for the so called liberators of South Sudan to keep liberating their own people from a war that has already been won”. When will south Sudan be known for anything rather than these endless wars?

No matter how many times people try to make these conflicts seem political, it is obvious that we have been poisoned by tribalism and ethnicity. Negative ethnicity cannot be where we start south Sudan from.

It seems we haven’t learnt a thing from the past decades of war. Does no one care that in the last two decades we have lost too many lives? We cannot run anymore, at least not from each other . If we do not come together then our nation is becoming irrelevant. There seems to be an undue emphasis on ethnicity among our people.

It is unfortunate that mediators both for the government and the opposition forget that they are playing with people’s lives. But success and peace is fragile and the governments, talks, peace deals and a million cessation of hostilities have failed to protect south Sudanese. Patience runs out at times when no result is being seen. Promises of peace and stability seem to be mere lip service.

We must all therefore resist undue pressure to turn against our fellow countrymen for no reason. We cannot keep depending on people who don’t seem care about the lives of the innocent. Those who claim to want peace and still fight each other in the name of protecting the country and its year on and we have nothing to show for it.

The system must therefore serve the people and not turn them against one another and we as south Sudanese must learn from our mistakes. Let us learn from the pain in the hearts of those before, from the hurt in their in their eyes. Let this be the last time brother turns against brother.

You can reach the author through her email:

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.




Title:                                               CHALLENGES OF LIFE: GOG’S RESCUE THROUGH PRAYER.

Publisher:                                        ABUNDANT LIFE FOUNDATION TRUST

                                                         P.O.BOX 24113-00502

                                                         NAIROBI, KENYA

Writer:                                             RT. REV. PETER BOL AROK

Design and typesetting:                ANDREW MOGAKA

Date of publishing:                          24/01/2015

Number of Pages:                            80 PAGES

Challenges of life: God’s rescue through prayer is not only a semi autobiographical and captivating story that reveals bishop Peter Bol Arok’s very humble background and service to the church in south Sudan, Sudan, Ethiopia and Kenya, but most importantly, focuses on the day challenges of Christian and the power of prayers in his/her life. It shows through several biblical examples as well as interesting observations from a selection of Christian writers that despites the many trials and temptations that a Christian faces, he/she should stand firm and strong by turning to God in prayer.

I believe this book that read like the bishop’s testimony, will appeal to all Christians who are facing hardships, temptations and feel like they want to give up as they serve the lord all over the world.

The writer and the bishop has not only dual much in his inspirations in Christianity and his struggles that comprises of many things he went through, but also touches on the first struggle for freedom in the autonomous then southern Sudan. He is able to mention some leaders who brand the several phases of the Anyanya’s wars.

The book is also affordable to reading since it removes the stresses of bulkiness as portrayed by it pages which are convenience to both low and habit readers and I believe it is in God’s hidden work of inspiration that we are able to access his salvation in multiple ways. And I encourage the willing to share with bishop in his written testimonies.

By Anyuon-magedem D’Gomba


30 January 2015 – For Immediate release

South Sudan:  Africa Union Peace and Security Council stands in the way of Justice in South Sudan

Spokespeople available on request

The African Union’s (AU) Peace and Security Council has failed the thousands of South Sudanese victims who are waiting for truth and justice by not making public the report of the Commission of Inquiry on South Sudan, said Amnesty International today.

Olusegun Obasanjo, former president of Nigeria and Chair of the Commission of Inquiry, was scheduled to present the report to the AU Peace and Security Council yesterday evening. But, in a move shocking to those committed to accountability, Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn, tabled a motion to “defer” presentation and consideration of the report pending the finalisation of a peace agreement. Presidents Zuma of South Africa and Museveni of Uganda seconded the motion.

“What is outrageous is that the Peace and Security Council shelved the report indefinitely before its members even received copies or heard Obasanjo’s remarks,” said Amnesty International’s African Regional Research and Advocacy Director Netsanet Belay. “The AU seems to have forgotten that one of its founding principles is the condemnation and rejection of impunity.”

Over the past year, all parties to the conflict in South Sudan have committed crimes under international law, including attacks on civilians often based on ethnicity or perceived political allegiance, sexual violence and wide-spread destruction and looting of civilian property.

The Commission of Inquiry was established by the AU in March 2014. It was mandated to investigate human rights abuses and violations by parties to the conflict in South Sudan and make recommendations on accountability, reconciliation and healing in South Sudan.

“The Commission of Inquiry’s findings and its recommendations on accountability could be a critical step towards ending the impunity that continues to fuel the conflict in South Sudan,” said Belay.

Members of the AU Commission of Inquiry and its investigators conducted multiple visits to South Sudan and also met with South Sudanese living outside of the country.

Twenty-one South Sudanese civil society organizations sent a petition to the Peace and Security Council on Wednesday calling for the report to be published immediately.

“The failure to publish the report is a slap in the face of the hundreds of South Sudanese who took time—sometimes at significant personal risk—to tell members of the Commission of Inquiry what they witnessed,” said Belay.

The Government of South Sudan and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army-In Opposition (SPLM/A-IO) signed a cessation of hostilities over one year ago. Despite this, fighting has continued.

Negotiations being brokered by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) have failed to result in a peace agreement. Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn, who tabled the motion to “defer” presentation of the Commission of Inquiry’s report, currently serves as IGAD’s Chair.

In a press statement yesterday, the SPLM/A-IO reiterated its call for the report to be published.

For more information, please contact:
Netsanet Belay, Africa Director, Research and Advocacy: +251 91 344 7341
Japhet Biegon, Africa Advocacy Coordinator: +251 946656241
Elizabeth Deng, South Sudan Researcher: +254 739354262

Nuer Nation: No Third Time Compromise Under Salva Kiir Again

Posted: January 30, 2015 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Commentary, Contributing Writers

By Lam Wuor

President Uhuru Kenyatta: We witnessed the signing of the SPLM Reunification Agreement between South Sudan President Salva Kiir, Dr. Riek Machar and Mr. Deng Alor Kuol which was overseen by Tanzania's President Jakaya Kikwete in Arusha, Tanzania. The signing of the agreement will help the SPLM work together. The framework will reunite the party which many South Sudanese had placed their hopes on. Some of us have been involved in this particular process since the beginning of the crisis, and indeed it has been very agonizing at times to see leaders unable to talk to one another and yet they were the same leaders the people of South Sudan depended on to guide the young republic after struggling for many years. We hope that the instruments that have been signed here will form the basis of bringing about peace in South Sudan which is the hope of the South Sudan and the East Africa region as a whole.

President Kiir and Riek Machar during the Arusha accord.

January 30, 2015 (SSB) It’s very disturbance to compromise again and again with the same people and the same party which has ideology of depopulating other community in the country, the Arusha deal for party reunification is annoying many people, there should be no another compromise between victims and the perpetrators.

Example, Any Anya II and Nasir faction compromised with John Garang because the Any Anya II and Nasir faction leadership had put the country interest first then power interest, however, that kindness of forgiveness is being used in negative thinking and that is why Salva Kiir said “ a dog lives with you at home and when you beat him he will runaway but still will come lay down near you because he has nowhere to go and live” killing the innocent Nuer civilians seems normal from Salva kiir comparing them like runaway dog from home especially children, women and men were targeted by state security and murdered because of being Nuer (one of the tribe in South Sudan) ethnic group.

In a nutshell, the President of South Sudan doesn’t think that he is responsible for incident in which he personally ordered his presidential guards to target ethnic Nuer in the capital on December 16, 2013. In reality, the Nuer always accepts the compromise for love of peace in the country not a leadership weakness. In this case of the Nuer massacre there would be no such compromise again.

Why we can’t take the best example from Eritrean people who fought for 50 years and they eventually achieved their objectives,I think better to be in exile then going back under Salva Kiir because he will consider it as failure while compromise exists when two parties try to find a halfway point for resolution. One advantage is that the outcome can generally be seen as fair to both parties because each gets something in return. This can also solve a short-term conflict while laying the foundation to resolving a long-term problem.

The disadvantage of a compromise is that neither party leaves the negotiating table completely happy. Since compromises are short-term, they usually indicate that another conflict will occur in the future, This come through collaboration in which we called the win-win form of conflict resolution in which, at the end of negotiations, both parties feel they have gained something and no one feels as if they lost something, I courage you all to stand firm to defend our right and the future of our generation.

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.

proposal from the gov't

proposal from the gov’t

proposal from the rebels

proposal from the rebels

proposal from IGAD leaders

proposal from IGAD leaders

The Republic of South Sudan
Office of the President
Press Secretary Office

January 29, 2015


Statement on President Kiir’s visit to Addis Ababa

January 29, 2015 (SSB)  The Office of the President has learnt with utter dismay the news spread by the Sudantribune electronic media of the allegations that the President was being treated from sudden illness in one of the Ethiopian hospitals in Addis Ababa. According to one Tesfa-Alam Tekle, the purportedly Sudantribune correspondent in Addis Ababa, the President’s meetings were interrupted by his illness.

Notwithstanding all these allegations, the Office of the President would like to inform the public that the information is false, farfetched and wanting. H.E President Salva Kiir Mayardit is in good health and he is going about his normal duties as Head of State and government of the Republic of South Sudan. He has arrived in Addis Ababa on January 27th 2015 and on the same day he had a number of courtesy meetings with foreign diplomats, inter alia; Norwegian Foreign Minister, Kenyan Foreign Minister, Ugandan Foreign Minister and Chines Special Envoy Amb. Zhang Ming.

On 28th January, 2015 from morning until late evening, the President had a meeting with the rebel leader Riek Machar, attended by two Chief Negotiators as well the IGAD peace mediators, supervised by the Ethiopian Primer who is also the Chairman of IGAD. The meeting between the President and the rebel leader was aimed to narrow the gap in the negotiation in an attempt to arrive at finding a peaceful solution to the current political crises in South Sudan.

Today, Thursday, January 29, 2015 President Salva Kiir Mayardit is again having another face-to-face meeting with the rebel leader Riek Machar ahead of the Heads of States and Governments of IGAD Summit which is scheduled to start today at 3:00 pm Ethiopian local time from which the political crisis in South Sudan is on the top of the agenda. The President is also expected to have number of other sideline meetings with his counterparts on the wake of the said IGAD Summit, prior to the 24th Ordinary AU Summit tomorrow Friday, January 30th 2015.

In nutshell, President Salva Kiir is doing his duties trying to restore peace to the people of South Sudan, and so any attempt to wish him illness is futile and desperate to say the least. While we cherish and respect freedom of speech as fundamental human right, we deplore evil-wishing and rumormongering. This is not the first time for Sudantribune to speculate about the health of the President every time when the President is travelling. It has turned out to be a naked lie in many occasions, yet the Sudantribune’s management is not learning. We believe the purpose for establishing Sudantribune was to educate and to inform general public accurately as part of ethics of professional journalism, but this has not been the case.

The Office of the President has discarded previous rumors that emanated from the same electronic media, as we believe the people who have read them are capable of ascertaining the reality from fabricated one. But, this time around and given the damage inflicted on the people of South Sudan through the false reports often published by the Sudantribune that the President was sick, we are considering legal suit against Sudantribune.

The end

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.

By KON Joseph LEEK, Juba

Alfred Lado Gore, with Riek Machar, in Pagak, Upper Nile state, 12 DEC 2014

Alfred Lado Gore, with Riek Machar, in Pagak, Upper Nile state, 12 DEC 2014

January 29, 2015 (SSB)  Certain US president once said that, “if you cannot convince them then, confuse them” …. Is the strategy Riek has resort to doing now”. Please look below

‘Salva Kiir lost his case in Arusha, he should just resign… He took the country to war because of that, now he comes and admits he is wrong, so why would he remain in power?’ radical Riek Machar told his apostles in Nairobi a day after the Arusha reunification

Riek’s issue is a case of a vulture rejoicing over Carcass and corpses – a sensible person would not insist on what he has failed to do since Dec, 2013. Who is delaying and denying you to remove him [Kiir] from power? It has now become a typical solo song that you sing and still responded by the same you.

It is vividly clear that you are fighting a lone game, a game you will not win because you are playing against yourself, and you are not yet aware of that

If Riek is talking of Kiir’s removal, it is clear that he means violent mean, and South Sudanese are tired of that, we are now in peaceful resolution and he is again visioning to frustrate it.

What I belief he is doing is just a “bluffing” but not reality to the rebel generals who are not satisfied with the reunification’s agreement in ARUSHA.

The reunification only favors him since it was only focused on SPLM and the rest were not part. The Tanzania’s Chama Cha Mapinduzi [CCM] believes that the crises in South Sudan were generated from the SPLM power struggles but was all cracked by the dismissal of Riek Machar from the government with some of his subordinates [the chain he had constructed was broken – hence, provoking him to take up arms against the gov’t], this is why they [CCM] decided to reunite the SPLM and again shown them guidelines of how a party can be managed. This saw Riek, a rebel leader replaced back to his place as Deputy SPLM chairman.

The rest [Gatwich Dual, Gatdet Yak and others] became furious that if they were the ones who helped Riek to resist fighting the government since 2013 by mobilizing the youth to cover-up the governments guns’ nozzles, then who is Riek alone to be part of the “distribution” of which they were left out?

They insisted to choose between fighting the government to the end, until Kiir run away from the seat or they rebel against Riek. Riek wouldn’t like anyone to fight the government to the end because to him, it is all politics and politics is not always straight – it zigzags and curves with a lot of U-turns through “belonging and bleeding” of the inferiors – Gatwei, Gatdet and other rebel generals are still not aware of that.

He [RIEK] too wouldn’t feel comfortable seeing anyone rebelling against him because they are the people he is using to get his interest and if they turn against him [RIEK], he would then be nobody. He can simply opt to committing suicide. So, he better use his mighty power of thinking to stay with them until his mission is accomplished – then drop them later

For Riek to convince these people is to CONFUSE them that, the agreements signed are all naïve, useless and sham and would not ever come back to Kiir’s government unless Kiir is removed. He say these as a trick to the people he is militarily using as another political way for his “military fame”.

He is afraid to hurt them in any case because upon doing so, he would be declined militarily and his political strength would sink straight away

He is doing this for now, and when time comes later, he would hasten run to JUBA leaving angry generals in the bush – like he always does

In DUK County now, many GAWAAR and LOU-NUER youth are coming to graze their cattle around the swamps denouncing RIEK’s war.

Gatwech Dual, who is the chief of staff of Riek’s forces is being excommunicate and isolated by LOU chiefs because they [chiefs] believes that RIEK whose state [UNITY STATE] is relatively stable and had a lesser number of youth who participated during the crises [2013-early 2014] is looking forward to sweeping the LOU-NUER youths in front-line against the government

The chiefs see this as another RIEK strategy to prolong the war because, ‘if the former clan-chief of chieng-BUR [Gatwech Dual] is not appeased with a big post,’ Riek thought, “no one else can manage to mobilize the LOU youth because he [GATWECH] is one of the most respected and feared military generals in the area’.

And any war of which LOU has not accepted and participated cannot be accepted and participated by the other Nuer on the grounds that they are the aggressive and fearless NUER any military bright – NUER politician would want to use as for 1991, they were used through WURNYANG GATKEK LUOM [a spiritual leader from LAK Nuer – killed by the white army in 2006 during disarmament], and so is it in 2013 by the same person [Riek] through DAK KUETH DENG MAYEN [A Dinka from DUK, though migrated to GOGOOR/PIERI-WUROR county]

For the case of GATDET YAK, he is another desperate general who is losing ground in BUL [his clan in MAYOM county, BENTIU], he is known as a several-times-side-switching general, who is addicted to rebellion and defection, and any soul from his area is afraid to follow him because he starts this today and the other tomorrow like a violent lunatic hence making you [follower] confused either to remain where he brought you or goes back with him. ONLY a lunatic follows a fellow lunatic!

Riek is someone whom they [military generals] see as another loose politician who uses death as a tool of fame and position. He rebels with the members he influence to defect with him and again make a U-turn leaving his subordinates on the other side like he did in 2001 when he came back with his wife and may be his secretary, all the others came thereafter on their own – and he is still a role-model to many! He informs his subordinates and comes back without informing them again whenever he is rejoining – he often rejoins alone!

Those generals are the right people who have a full control of the army; RIEK is just an opportunist who is only exploiting their illiteracy and ignorance. If they decide to join the government today or if they are the ones to sign any peaceful agreement or cease fire with the government, you would see Riek hanging himself if he hates not being a president too much or automatically banishing/exiling himself from the country on his own

Riek is in confusion of the word to entice the people, beginning with himself – that he can do it, then his wife – that he is a bold husband who cannot, and does not fail, then to his friends in the bush – that he is an animal of a man that get what he wants and uses whatsoever mean to make them confident.

Instead of being a politician who uses massive blood to get power, please try peaceful mean this times to challenge KIIR if you think he is the problem… for elections are zooming

The writer is a commentator on contemporary South Sudan; He can be reached on & 0955091449

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.

The caretaker governors taking care of some states in South Sudan should start taking care of themselves first before it is too late for them.

By PaanLuel Wel, Juba

South Sudan in chaos

South Sudan’s Scare-Taker Governors

January 29, 2015 (SSB)  According to the democratic constitutional of the republic of South Sudan, fresh election should be called within 60 days in the event that the democratically and constitutionally elected governor of a state has been impeached by state parliament, fired by the president, resigned voluntarily from office, completely incapacitated or died in office.

Of the ten states of the republic of South Sudan, four are under caretaker governors, still awaiting elections years after their democratically and constitutionally elected governors were fired—or reassigned to new, better posts in Juba—by the president of the republic, Salva Kiir Mayaardit.

Governor Taban Deng Ghai of Unity state and Governor Chol Tong Mayai Jang of Lakes state were shown the revolving door of power after they fell out of favor with President Salva Kiir. Joseph Nguen Monytuil, a Bull Nuer whose brothers had been fighting the government of President Kiir, was brought in as the caretaker governor of Unity state. In Lakes state, Gen. Matur Chut Dhuol, a senior SPLA commander during the war, was appointed caretaker governor of Lakes state. Given Gen. Matur Chut’s toughness during the war of liberation, his appointment was meant primarily to combat and end the raging intra-tribal conflict among the Agaar Dinka of Lakes state.

On the other, Governor Kuol Manyang Juuk of the conflict-ridden Jonglei state and Governor Paul Malong Awan of Northern Bahr el Ghazal (NBeG) state were promoted and reassigned to Juba by President Kiir. Gen. Kuol Manyang was appointed defense minister while King Paul was made chief of general staff. President Kiir appointed Gen. John Koang Nyuon, former defense minister, as caretaker governor of Jonglei state while Kuel Aguer Kuel, then the SPLM secretary for finance and economic planning, was taken to NBeG state as the caretaker governor.

Constitutionally speaking, gubernatorial elections should have been conducted within 60 days of the respective appointment of the caretaker governors. But no gubernatorial election has been done ever since, much of which was, and still is, blamed on the dearth of fund and manpower to conduct the polls. The constitutional stipulation was discarded and the four states have stuck with caretaker governors taking care of their affairs till if and when new polls are conducted.

One way or another, the caretaker governors have found themselves between a rock and a hard place. This dilemma for the leadership of the caretaker governors manifests itself in different forms, shapes and colors. While some are battling their former predecessors in the battle for political supremacy within the state, others are facing the wrath of the local people who feel cheated to be lorded over by leaders they never voted for. In fact, some states perceive such caretaker governors as being forced upon them from Juba. This is why the local population called them Scare-Taker governors.

Two cases just this week illustrate the flight of the caretaker governors. Take, for instance, the case of NBeG state. The state assembly has just passed a vote of no confidence in the leadership of the caretaker governor, Comrade Kuel Aguer Kuel. To most observers and local folks in Aweil, this is clearly a case of political duel between the former governor, Malong Awan, and the new caretaker governor, Kuel Aguer.

In spite of being the chief of general staff in Juba, in charge of the national army, the SPLA, Malong Awan is still the chairman of the SPLM party in the state. Just recently, he has gone back to the state and arrested politicians who, reportedly, had shifted their allegiance from him to the new caretaker governor. That brazen action by the chief of the national army to meddle in state political affairs sent Kuel Aguer scampering to Juba to seek dialogue with the president. The president, who is very close to Malong Awan, has not taken any tangible action to reverse the worsening political situation.

The jostling for power culminated with the impeachment of the caretaker governor by the state assembly this week. Nonetheless, the caretaker governor is defiant, declaring that his powers emanate from the presidency in Juba, not the state assembly. Only the president can fire me, he insists. Comrade Kuel Aguer has vowed to stay put unless or until the president withdraw his confidence from, and powers conferred upon, him.

It is to be recalled that during the 2010 general election, there was a bruising battle between Gen. Daau Aturjong and Gen. Malong Awan for the gubernatorial position of NBeG state. When Malong Awan was declared the winner, Gen. Daau Aturjong had claimed that the election was rigged. His bitterness over the purportedly stolen election and his later continued power struggle with Malong Awan are suspected to have precipitated his ill-advised decision to join the rebellion of Riek Machar.

More interestingly, Kuel Aguer do claim that he had been appointed twice as minister of finance by President Kiir; however, Malong Awan, out of jealousy, had always influenced President Kiir to drop him from the cabinet at the last minute. With the current sprawling bitter power struggling and the impeachment of the caretaker governor, the palpable fear is that Kuel Aguer might end up deeply wounded psychologically and might begin flirting with joining the rebellion like Daau Aturjong.

This problem is exacerbated by the fact that Malong Awan is from Abiem Dinka while Daau Aturjong and Kuel Aguer are from Malual Dinka, the largest clan in Aweil. If this power game were to reach a level where Malual Dinka can’t take it anymore, the argument goes, then it might get to a point of intra-tribal fighting in Aweil like what is happening in Rumbek, though of different political nature. Already, Dr. Dhieu Mathok and Daau Aturjong—both Malual Dinka—are with Riek Machar; the rebels would happily exploit the deteriorating political situation in Aweil to gain military foothold in NBeG state.

To the supporters of Malong Awan, however, what the caretaker governor, Kuel Aguer, has embarked upon since assuming power is nothing less than biting the very hands that feed him. It is said that Malong Awan has been fatherly to him, recommending him to the president for appointment over and above Gen. Daau Aturjong, and that Malong Awan has done much grassroots campaigns for warm reception and treatment of Kuel Aguer.

Kuel Aguer, instead of appreciating Malong Awan for his kindness and support, began, on day one of his appointment, to undermine and fight Malong Awan within the state. Kuel Aguer is accused of being ungrateful to Malong Awan who had left his gubernatorial post, temporarily, to help defend the constitutional and democratic government of President Kiir. He is accused of undercutting and undermining Malong Awan when it was Malong, of all governors of South Sudan, who left his state post to go and fight the white army along the Juba-Bor road. If it was not for Malong Awan, his supporters claim, the white army would have captured Juba. His supporters wonder if it was a crime for Malong Awan to have faithfully stood by and defended the presidency of Salva Kiir to be undermined at his own home state.

In fact, Malong Awan and his supporters saw his appointment as chief of general staff as a temporary assignment just to plan and execute the war against Riek Machar after which he would resume his role as the constitutionally and democratically elected governor of NBeG state. That his own protégé is trying to undermine him when he is defending the government of President Kiir is seen as a great betrayal on the part of Kuel Aguer. There are as many Aweilians who support the version of Malong Awan as there are those who are deeply sympathetic to the plight of Kuel Aguer Kuel.

The second case is unfolding in Bor, Jonglei state. The appointment of caretaker governor, Gen. John Koang Nyuon, unfortunately coincided with the December 15th crisis. Bor was devastated by the Nuer white army and the governor, at one point, took refuge in the UNMISS base. Then in May 2014, the SSDM/A-Cobra faction of David Yau Yau, a Murle militia leader, signed a fledgling peace accord with the government of President Kiir in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, leading to the creation of the Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA) in July 2014 with Yau Yau as its chief administrator, answerable to the president of the republic in Juba.

While caretaker governor John Koang was appointed the head of the entire Jonglei state, the combine misfortune of Riek Machar’s rebellion and the establishment of the GPAA reduced the powers of the caretaker governor to the three counties—Bor, Twic East and Duk—of the Greater Bor Dinka only. The rebels of Riek Machar and the white army control the Nuer areas of Jonglei state while David Yau Yau is the supreme leader of the GPAA, comprising the Murle, Anyuak, Jie and Kachipo communities.

Technically speaking, caretaker governor John Koang is taking care of the three Dinka counties only. Yet, the governor is a Nuer, his deputy a Murle, his information minister a Murle and his finance minister an Anyuak, among others. These glaring discrepancies between realities on the ground and realities on paper might have led the local Dinka politicians to commence agitating for the removal of caretaker governor. Their argument is that the Greater Dinka Bor community cannot be ruled by outsiders, especially when those outsiders have their own dominions to rule over.

These local agitated politicians cannot understand why a member of the GPAA could still be a deputy governor and others appointed as ministers in Bor when they have been constitutionally given their own administrative areas. If these outsiders are waiting for funding to their administrative areas, argue the agitated politicians, they should be waiting in Juba where the presidency is because they are answerable to the president, not Jonglei state government.

Not only that, there are also other allegations piled upon the caretaker governor. He is accused of discriminately removing Dinka officials from state government and of bringing in Nuer IDPs from Bor PoC to fill in their positions. He is said to be in the habit of withholding the salaries of local government employees in Bor while paying Nuer IDPS in the UNMISS base. There are even wild allegations of some planes, loaded with weapons, intercepted at Bor airstrip heading to Akobo, with the governor’s signature on papers. More pressing of all, the local population fear that, with the advent of peace, the Nuer IDPs in the UNMISS base would be allowed to return back and reclaim their homes and plots in Bor.

The local people think that those Nuer IDPs in the Bor PoC are the very white army militias who destroyed their towns, killed their relatives and raped their women. The thought that they would be allowed to live side by side with their killers infuriate the local Dinka population who somehow feel that the caretaker governor, being a Nuer, is siding with his Nuer cousins in the Bor PoC. They allege that the caretaker governor is working on a plan to forcefully resettle the Nuer IDPs in Bor town, against the wishes of the local population who want them immediately deported to their respective counties in Nuerland.

It was for these reasons, and other wild allegations, that the security situation worsened few days ago when women trooped to the street demanding the removal of the caretaker governor, Gen. John Koang Nyuon. When women protesters reached the governor residence, they were met by Hon. Peter Wal Athiu, state minister for local government and law-enforcement. When Wal Athiu tried to address and urge them to go home, they declared him a rebel, singing wildly: “Adun toh ne thapic ariak baai…”. Reportedly, five of the ringleaders of these women protestors were apprehended and jailed, allegedly at the orders of Minister Wal Athiu and Caretaker Governor John Koang Nyuon.

The following morning, more women went on the street demanding the release of their colleagues; about fifteen of them were promptly imprisoned, bringing the total number to 25-30 according to the local people in Bor. The news that the state caretaker governor was arresting women was received with outrage on the social media. At first, the state officials declared that the only women arrested were four ladies, all of whom are members of the South Sudan national army.

Captain Dook Chuor and Sergeant Achol Dut are reported to be police officers while Sergeant Sarah Angeth and Sergeant Ayuen Garang are officers with the prison services and wildlife respectively. Members of the military forces, the state government argues, are not allowed by law to take part in any demonstration against the government.

Some members of the state government have simply stated that there are no women arrested whatsoever, and that only three women were called to the CID office for interrogation, after which they were allowed to go home. These members claim that the media is spreading dangerous, false propaganda, intended to confuse and divide “our peace-loving people” by some disgruntled politicians who have lost positions under the new administration of caretaker governor John Koang Nyuon.

These group, ostensibly around Wal Athiu, argue that the caretaker governor has the constitutional powers and rights to appoint new government officials that he can fully trust and comfortable to work with in his new administration. Should the same people who have been working under former governor, Kuol Manyang Juuk, be recycled under the new administration, they demand to know.

As to the question of why a Nuer should be ruling the Greater Bor Dinka people, this group maintains that the Greater Bor Dinka community has a stark choice to make: either to break away from Jonglei state altogether like the GPAA and claim their own state or be prepared to be ruled by Nuer governors forever as the Nuer community has the numbers to win any gubernatorial election in all future polls, starting with the one in June 2015.

That is to say that the Greater Bor Community is actually in bed with Riek Machar for the creation of 21 states proposed by the rebels. If that is their choice, they say, then they should officially come forward and demand for the creation of a brand new state like David Yau Yau instead of cowardly hiding behind innocent women to fight their political wars against caretaker governor John Koang who has been one of the most patriotic sons of South Sudan since he left for the bush in 1983.

What is happening in NBeG and Jonglei states has been the norm in Unity state since Dr. Joseph Nguen Monytuil ascended to the caretaker governorship there. Because Governor Monytuil’s brother—Bapiny Monytuil—has been fighting against Juba, most people in Unity state had reckoned that the appointment of Joseph Monytuil was part of the secret deal signed between President Kiir and the rebels of Bapiny Monytuil.

Whereas Taban Deng had been a potent rival of Riek Machar in Unity state, his removal from the gubernatorial post compelled him to close ranks with Riek Machar in their combined fight to reclaim the governorship from Nguen Monytuil. According to the government, it was Taban Deng who masterminded the purported failed coup of December 15th, 2013. Bentiu in Unity state, the seat of power for caretaker governor Nguen Monytuil, has been turned into a battlefield ever since the fighting erupted in Juba on December 15th. Unlike other state governors in the country, caretaker governor Nguen Monytuil has been on the run since December 2013.

With the details of the transitional government being finalized in Addis Ababa, it is most likely that Unity state would be on top of the list among those states Riek Machar’s rebels would demand governorship as part of the power sharing deal. Therefore, more than any other governor in the entire country, caretaker governor Joseph Nguen Monytuil has more reasons to be worried about the future than the past.

Caretaker Governor Nguen Monytuil’s political future is therefore desperately hanging in the balance. His gubernatorial plight, already much compounded by the December 15th conflict, could get exacerbated by the attainment of peace in Addis Ababa. If he were to be replaced with a rebel governor, it might as well be the case that he would be tempted to go to the bush with his brother Bapiny Monytuil.

Lastly, there is the tragic case of caretaker governor Matur Chut Dhuol in whom much hope was invested to end the cycle of violence and targeted revenge killing among the Agaar Dinka community of Lakes state. Caretaker governor Matur Chut has failed miserably. Instead of bringing a swift, bold end to the cycle of violence, he has effectively exacerbated it, with many local people accusing him of being part and parcel of the problem. He is blamed for taking side after the killing of his own brother, Paramount Chief Apareer Chut Dhuol, who was gunned down in August 2014 by unknown gunmen in a suspected case of targeted revenge killing.

The escalation of violence and revenge killings under the leadership of Gen. Matur Chut compelled the council of state ministers in Juba to impeach him in 2014. But Gen. Matur Chut, like the currently embattled caretaker governor of NBeG state, Kuel Aguer, remained defiant, dismissing the vote of no confidence against his leadership as inconsequential and void since it did not come from the president or the state assembly.

Caretaker governor Matur Chut went ahead and dissolved his cabinet and unilaterally appointed and swore in a new one without the blessing of the state assembly, contrary to the state constitution. Nowadays, there is a great troubling stalemate not just about the cycle of violence but also on how to wean Gen. Matur Chut from the state governorship that he has come to regard as his birthright.

Indeed, the plight of caretaker governors in the republic of South Sudan is an embarrassing blot on the much publicizes democratic credentials and constitutionality of our government in Juba. Had the government strictly adhered to the stipulation of the transitional constitution and conduct gubernatorial elections within 60 days, the current crisis of leaderships in Jonglei, Lakes, Unity and Northern Bahr el Ghazal states might have been much reduced and well managed.

A fear-griped Bortown, a dangerous Rumbek, an embattled Bentiu or a police-ruled Aweil town is not a badge of honor for President Salva Kiir Mayaardit. Sooner than later, the government must commence looking into the plight of the caretaker governors with a clear view to solving their trademark predicaments—scare-taker governors.

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.

By Rengo Gyyw Rengo, Jr., Addis Ababa

Artwork by Deng Forbes

Artwork by Deng Forbes

January 28, 2015 (SSB) There is a developing crisis in Aweil. But first, one must confess, that I do not know much about it. I have heard alot from my friends from Aweil.

Aweil, is used synonymously to mean the “Northern Bhar al Ghazal State”, which is a home to Dinka Malual plus other minorities such as Jur Chol. Aweil is also the Capital City of the State. It has always been the most populous area or region in the history of Southern Sudan. However, the 2008 National Household Census which was disputed had designated Jonglei State, where I come from, to be the most populous state.

That a side. Two days ago, the news headlines bombarded the nation and the world, of a new crisis in Aweil. Some members of state parliament were reported to have passed a Vote of No Confidence on a caretaker Governor, Kuel Aguer. Kuel Aguer, a politician, an intellectual and former UN agency employee, was appointed by President Salva Kiir seven months ago to replace Gen. Paul Malong Awan, the current SPLA Chief of Staff, who was removed from Aweil Governorship to head the SPLA during the crisis.

Kuel, was a campaign manager for Paul Malong during the 2010 elections. The main contender or challenger to Paul Malong in Gubernatorial contest, was Gen. Dau Aturjong, whom Paul Malong did not like. Elections were rigged and Dau’s campaigns were intimidated. Dau “lost” the game to Paul Malong and he played it cool, until he was pushed to join rebellion against the Government recently.


The December 2013 national crisis in South Sudan had demanded for some one who would quell or quash the rebellion. Paul Malong as a Governor “elected” in 2010, in charge of Aweil, had embarked on recruiting a private army, following the Juba “Give Away” of the 14 Miles. Paul Malong had attended the Addis Ababa talks in which the 14 miles, was put under a buffer zone between Sudan and South Sudan. to “de-escalate” the tension between the two countries, South Sudan and Sudan, 14 miles became a victim.

That forced Gen. Paul Malong to withdraw from the talks, came back to Juba and proceeded to India. Aweil citizens demonstrated both in Aweil and Juba against the decision of including the 14 miles in the disputed areas. 14 miles was not originally in the list of the disputed areas such as Kafia Kingi, Ofrah el Nhas, Pan Thou, etc.

Citizens of Aweil, denounced Kiir’s Government, burned his photo in Aweil, and changed a name of a school which was named as “Salva Kiir Primary School” to “Bol Akok Primary School.” As a result of the 14 miles controversy, the Governor, General Paul Malong, decided to recruit a battalion he named ” Amiath Noon”, which means ” Grass Mower or destroyer.” This battalion was a private army to the Governor since he had bowed to fight both Juba’s and Khartoum’s Governments over 14 miles.

The Governor, who was also a wily General, had other interests to protect, stealthily or clandestinely to say, his control over “War Awaar”, a lucrative custom border post between South Sudan and his large family over 100 wives and hundreds of children. Unlike other customs posts, which produce revenue for national economy, such as Nadapal, Renk, Kaya, and Nimule, War Waar had itself privatized under Paul Malong. The Governor had and still has personal discretion and control over proceeds from War Awaar, hitherto.

When crisis developed in Juba, it found the capacity of the national Army, SPLA wanting. Amiath Noon, General Paul Malong’s private army, became handy, and branded “Dot-ku-Bany”, meaning “let’s rescue the Leader or President” (Salva Kiir) whose sit was under immediate threat from the Vice President Dr. Riak Machar’s rebels. Amiath Noon was transferred and deployed to Juba and Bor to fight the Riak’s White Army and other auxiliary rebels that wanted to attack Juba or killing Dinkas to avenge the Nuer alleged to have been killed in Juba under President Kiir’s units.

Malong Awan soon after that capitalized on the national crisis, by putting another battalion, ” Mathiang Anyor”, under training, a six thousand man-troops. The first units of the second battalion arrived in Juba during March 1014, when there was a shoot out at the SPLA Gheheda Headquarters, “over salaries.”


Dau Aturjong who contested against Paul Malong, was barred out from succeeding Paul Malong when Paul Malong was brought to Juba, as SPLA Chief of Staff. Paul Malong used all his influence to ensure that Dau Aturjong did not succeed him. The chance fell to Kuel Aguer, who became a new acting Governor for Aweil seven months ago.

Kuel Aguer, in his seven months old tenure, deliberately or inadvertently, antagonizes the standing order in Aweil. Few days ago, before a Vote of No-Confidence was passed on him, he had decided to suspend a household taxes in the whole of Aweil State. Kuel justified his decision by stating that he did not see the reason as to why the household tax should continue to be levied on the local poor citizens, when it does not serve national interest. It is reported to have asked, “where does it go?”. “Who uses the taxes?” If the taxes do not serve any national interest or the citizens in the area, why having them? Why making the ordinary citizens more poorer? Thus, he declared suspension of the household taxes in the whole of Aweil.

It did not take long before the State Parliament went into session and he was sacked through a Vote of No -Confidence by Members of Parliament said to be affiliated to Paul Malong or bribed by Paul Malong to dethrone him. The Vote of No-Confidence saw a parliament divided into supporters and opposers. The insufficiency of quorum in the Parliament to remove the Governor is also reported. Comrade Kuel Aguer responded by carrying clandestine mobilization against the “sponsored coup” to safeguard his position. The following morning, that was two days ago, he drove to his Office and issued decrees for everybody to report to their work places of work, failure to do so, would lead to penalties.

However, his defiance drew the behind-the-scene powers as emissaries were ferrying information between the groups. Kuel Aguer is reported to have left for Juba yesterday afternoon. This morning, on the 28th of January, 2015, Aweil was put under military cordon. It is reported that both police and military tanks are marauding the whole towns and tensions is high.

It is not yet clear who has deployed the army and police in the town. However, citizens of Aweil have mentioned the Head of the Police, Akot Deng, a notorious personality, as one of the people illegally prodding the State Government’s activities for their own benefits. This personality is alleged to have turned down transfer to Bor. It is alleged that he declared he would NEVER leave Aweil under any circumstances.That he can only leave in a coffin!

That was after Gen. Pieng Deng Kuol, South Sudan Police Inspector General of Police, had written a transfer letter of Akok Deng from Aweil to Bor but General Malong, told the IGP to restore back Akok Deng in Aweil, an order which was obeyed and executed. The citizens of Aweil are worried that, the security forces deployment in the town may not be under conventional deployment.

Akok Deng, the Motion-Movers MPs, Paul Malong etc are suspected to be against the new Governor, who seem to be working against the personal interests of Paul Malong. This is not the first time, that Paul Malong is having problems with people who do not serve his interests. Malong and some colleagues of his, were exploiting the slave retrieval project that was sponsored by the Christian Solidarity International [CSI]. South Sudanese citizens, children and women were plundered and enslaved in the Northern Sudan by Arab raiders and militias during the war in 1990s.That was one of the many reasons that brought Dr. Majak D’Agoot into conflicts with Paul Malong and Bol Madut. Majak D’Agoot was the Bhar al Ghazal area commander. Both gentlemen asked Dr. John Garang, the SPLA Chief to transfer Majak out of the area.

As of now, many people, both in Aweil and South Sudan in general believe, to be a Governor in Aweil, you must be a puppet of Paul Malong, the owner of the Empire. There are other quasi-military morons and state mafias supping state resources.

Comrade, Kuel Aguer is believed to have tempered with the existing order or Malong-order in Aweil. Unless, Juba intervenes, chaos might ensues in Aweil and that will affect the general order in the country. President Salva Kiir is not immuned from this phenomenon.

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.

By Philip Thon Aleu, Juba

January 28, 2015 (SSB) This week, two interesting events depict the characteristics of some South Sudanese politicians. One incident is the protest by women in Bor, calling for resignation of caretaker governor John Kong Nyuon. The women outlined their grievances that portrays Kong as “rebels sympathizer.”

To make their case good, one women told my colleague in Bor on a recorder that the caretaker governor allow salaries to be transferred to rebel controlled areas but at the same time, restricting those government employees in Bor to receive their pay by setting up “payment committee” for three months.

To me this group of women has a case. Unfortunately, I don’t think they have the gut to remove the governor.

The second political incident comes from Northern Bar El Ghazal state. On Monday, MPs in Awiel voted to impeach caretaker governor Kuel Aguer Kuel. The MPs outlined seven points that I can summarized as nepotism, corruption and unconstitutional leadership.

In respond caretaker governor refused to leave office. When I called him on Tuesday to ask if he was leaving office his respond was simple:

“It should be the president to tell me to leave the office… Second, the process of impeachment has not been completed,” he said. “Until it is completed, I am still the legitimate care-taking governor of Northern Bar el Ghazal state with all my constitutional powers.”

I am not going to talk about the reasons therein for the two situations. I am interested in the behaviors of the two camps: Bor and Awiel. In my own view, Awiel strategy is the best option. Instead of sending women to street to protest and oust caretaker Kong Nyuon, those hiding Bor politicians should make their case politically. When I say politically, I mean politically.

In Awiel, for example, caretaker Kuel Aguer, has no serious case like the one in Bor. Though he is also accused of being a “rebel sympathizer” like his Jonglei’s counterpart, there is nothing provided to proof this claim. He said he was surprised those MPs are not telling the truth and he went ahead to accuse some people of being unhappy with his efforts to fight corruption.

I have no evident to suspect that senior politicians in Bor are the force behind these women but I am made to believe so because once Kong leave office, who will take over?

The answer is simple: Bor governor because only Bor, Twic East and Duk counties are areas caretaker is in charge. Don’t tell me Pibor or Akobo.

Instead of using traditional politics of campaigning underground, the Bor politicians should be brave enough to call spade a spade. Or else, ask these women to return to their homes and concentrate on what will benefit them most.

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.

Twenty Women “Liberators” Arrested in Bor

Posted: January 28, 2015 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Featured Articles, Malith Alier

By Malith Alier, Juba

January 28, 2015 (SSB) News is coming from Bor that the fight against John Koang regime is taking an ugly turn. Last Saturday saw five women picked up at their homes and arrested by police. They are charged with incitement and disturbing peace in the State.

Today, another fifteen are arrested for demanding the release of their colleagues. This has been disclosed by a reliable source on the scene. Shops in Marol Market are locked down in fear that this struggle against maladministration by Nyuon and cohorts may escalate.

Chronology of Jonglei crisis under John Koang

2013: elected Jonglei Governor Kuol Manyang relieved and appointed defence minister in the national government

2014: John Koang appointed acting governor of Jonglei to prepare election of new governor in 60 days

2014: Bor exchanged hands between rebels and government forces four times and John Koang escaped to UNMISS and then to Juba. He only returned to Bor well after march, same year.

He dissolved his cabinet and appointed Baba Medan as his deputy leaving and sidelining politicians from the area. He also brought his friends to the administration.

The two counties of Pibor and Pochalla broke away through a peace agreement in May to create what is now known as Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA). John Koang did not act according to the new agreement. He maintained sons and daughters of the new administrative area in his government.

It is suspected that the former governor is the one who would want the greater Pibor officials to continue in their post in Jonglei. This is one contentious area where the locals from the three Counties of greater Bor won’t agree.

2015: Women demonstrators demanded resignation of the Governor because of several accusations. They branded him “rebel within.” They claimed that if he is truly our leader, then he should have visited us in a displaced camp like he has always done to his fellow Nuers in UNMISS camp in Bor. They advanced that he month after month pays them salaries in the camps and other locations outside the government control areas.

The demonstrations also demand that no election in Jonglei if Kiir does not act to remove John Koang before June.

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.

By PaanLuel Wel, Bor

Gossip and Rumor-mongering among South Sudanese

Gossip and Rumor-mongering among South Sudanese

January 27, 2015 (SSB) Conversation between President Salva Kiir Mayaardit of the republic of South Sudan and Caretaker Governor John Koang Nyuon of Jonglei state.

Salva Kiir: Mr. Caretaker Governor John Koang Nyuon, I am informed by reliable source, and you know I don’t mean Sudan Tribune, that there is commotion in Bor under your leadership. What is going on sir?

Governor Nyuon: Yes sir, they are giving me headache just like they did to your majesty

Salva Kiir: Well, tell me, is it a coup?

Governor Nyuon: No, sir. You are funny. But hell no, not a coup. God forbid

Salva Kiir: Then don’t you dare putting me in that equation. You don’t know what I am undergoing from that cousin of yours.

Governor Nyuon: Riek is not my cousin sir, he is from Unity, am from Jonglei.

Salva Kiir: Tell me, what is going on in Bor?

Governor Nyuon: Some women have been arrested sir.

Salva Kiir: Women arrested? You mean you are arresting women? Are there no men in Bor? No, no, no, comrade…this thingyy of ours has not yet reach women. Get some men and lock them up like I did in Juba, remember?

Governor Nyuon: No sir, these are stubborn women sir. They want to overthrow me. Self-defense is natural right, remember

Salva Kiir: Well, for the record, tell me: why have you arrested women Mr. Governor?

Governor Nyuon: Because they were demonstrating

Salva Kiir: You mean in a peaceful demonstration?

Governor Nyuon: Yes sir

Salva Kiir: And so?

Governor Nyuon: They broke the law of our land, they broke the constitution of our democratically elected government.

Salva Kiir: What constitution?

Governor Nyuon: These women are soldiers. Dook Chuoor and Achol Dut are police women, and Angeth and Ayuen Garang are officers with the prison services. These are soldiers sir, not your average women. Soldiers are not allowed to demonstrate world over. Do you see the constitution now?

Salva Kiir: Surely, these women, ops, these soldiers, are playing with fire. I am the constitutionally elected president of this nation and no one should temper with the constitution. We respect our noble constitution and we are ready to die to protect, promote and preserve it.

Governor Nyuon: Amen Sir, amen, Halleluyah Bany Kiir Mayaardit

Salva Kiir: What about the other one, the other one i am hearing too?

Governor Nyuon: What other one sir? Do you listen to gossiping? Oh, sorry bany? I mean have you been correctly briefed sir?

Salva Kiir: Yes, I have been adequately briefed sir. I am told that you are dismissing Dinkas and replacing them with Nuers from the IDPs, those white army guys being protected and fed and clothed and armed by the UN, the UNMISS, the USA and the EU and the Ethiopians. I am also told that the local people complain that you (a Nuer) and your deputy (a Murle) and your finance minister (an Anyuak) are only ruling over the three counties of Greater Bor, that you have no authority whatsoever over the Nuer areas nor over the GPAA. I thought you are ruling Jonglei Sir. Are you only ruling the three counties of Bor, Twic East and Duk county and yet the governor, the deputy governor and the finance minister are non-Dinkas? And what is a Murle and Anyuak doing in Bor, didn’t I decreed them a new state, GPAA, in July 2014?

Governor Nyuon: That is rubbish Sir; I am the total and absolute ruler of all Jonglei state, from Nimule in the far South to Halfa in the far North, and from Geneinna in the far West to Hamshkoreib and Port Sudan in the East. You remember when Riek Machar’s rebels claim that you are not the president of the whole South Sudan but only of the Bahr el Ghazal region, that you only have the loyalty of Gogrial, of Warrap state and your Akon village? This is what these people are saying here, this is what they are doing to me, exactly as they have done unto you sir. Don’t you ever listen to them, believe them or ask me again about their nonsense. These people are rebels, ask Honorable Makuei Lueth walllahi.You asked about Anyuak and Murle and Kakwa and Shilluk and Taposa in Bor? Well sir, in Jonglei state under my able and wise leadership, our eternal motto is one state, one country, one people. It is not just that we believe in your great philosophy, we practice it.

Salva Kiir: Jeeeezzzzz. Hold on, where did I get my information from? Sudan Tribune?

Governor Nyuon: Yes sir, I bet so. You should dissolve that vampire newsgossiper. Just decree its dissolution this evening on our SSTV.

Salva Kiir: Wait a minute, I need to fire this dude first…..

Governor Nyuon: Me too, the husbands and male relatives of these soldiers are now demonstrating in Marol market, demanding their immediate and unconditional release. I need to fire someone for inciting them to interfere in military matters of our national army. Salva Kiir Oyeee, my governorship Oyeee.

Salva Kiir: President Kiir Oyee, Governor John Koang Nyuon Oyee!!


The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.

By Gisma Mou Mou, Sweden

Merry Christmas Junubiin

Nobel Peace Prize for me?

January 27, 2015 (SSB) Why President Salva Kiir Mayardit deserve the Nobel Peace Prize. President Salva Kiir has true and unique VISION for Peace and forgiveness and therefore he deserve the Nobel Peace Prize.

And here are some FACTS: 

Following the tragic death of the visionary leader of SPLM/A Dr. John Garang De Mabior on July 30, 2005, Khartoum has worked very hard to refuse to respect the terms of the Protocols comprising in the CPA.

But President Salva Kiir Mayardit has smoothy, slowly but surely managed to work with the Khartoum through Peace and forgiveness, and as a result President Salva Kiir Mayardit managed to lead the people of South Sudan to their referendum and up to the their promised Land.

  • Despite that Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) together with militia had attacked civilians and SPLA in Malakal (Upper Nile) in 2006 and 2008. Yet President Salva Kiir Mayardit asked the SPLA and the people of South Sudan to maintain Peace with the Sudan.
  • ON May 2008 Khartoum’s Sudan Armed Forces (SAF), together with its Misseriya militia allies, had attacked and destroyed Abyei town, killing many people and driving many of thousands of Dinka Ngok. Yet President Salva Kiir Mayardit asked the SPLA and the people of South Sudan to maintain Peace with the Sudan.
  • November 2010 – to 9 July, 2011: Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) had launched (40) attacks on sovereign Southern territory – during and after the self-determination referendum of January 9, 2011 plus sixty (60) more attacks on Bentiu. Yet President Salva Kiir Mayardit asked South Sudanese to maintain Peace with Sudan. And he told south Sudanese that you be patience and look after your referendum which he promised that it will take place and on time. And indeed referendum happened and on time.
  • And despite that two days more attacks from 20 – 21 May, 2011 which Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) made on Abyei region militarily, forcing virtually the entire population of Dinka Ngok—some 110,000 civilians—to feel to Warrap and other Southern states. Yet President Salva Kiir Mayardit called the SPLA and the people of South Sudan to maintain Peace with the Sudan.
  • All south Sudanese (before 2005 and after 2005 – 2011) who were supported Khartoum regime and worked against the comprehensive Peace agreement (CPA), were asked to come home to South Sudan and vote for their freedom and rights and that all of their mistakes were forgiven. Some citizens who were in south Sudan were not sure if forgiveness will bring independent to the extent that some went on providing many evidence to president Kiir against their own brothers in Khartoum-Sudan since everybody was care that referendum must not be prevented by anybody. And surprisingly, president Salva kiir himself showed those who have no confidence in his decision as President for Peace and forgiveness, more difficult evidence that could be used against those who were supporting Khartoum. And they were asking president and despite all you know, yet you willing to forgive them? President Salva always says, I WILL NOT LET THE PEOPLE OF SOUTH SUDAN DOWN. And here is the facts those brothers were lost and now we must go together for referendum and find them.
  • After independent of South Sudan, year 2012, Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) made attack on the PANTHAU (so-called Heglig) area, in Kuek (Upper Nile), and Western Bahr el-Ghazal. And despite that UN secretary General Ban Ki- moon stood with SAF by saying “An infringement on the sovereignty of Sudan and a clearly illegal act.” that statement has made all of us unhappy and we are still unhappy with that statement of Ban Ki- moon.  Yet President Salva Kiir Mayardit asked the people of South Sudan to maintain Peace with the Sudan and with UNIMSS.

Now tell us which head of state on earth except President Salva kiir could advocate not only for peace and forgiveness but also for the well being of the two states of the Sudan.  Tell us which president will accept peace with state that is militarily attacking the sovereignty of his state. What would you prefer, war and no referendum, or Peace and yes referendum?

  • Furthermore, With the internal crisis in South Sudan from 2013-2015, some part of the international community have preferred not to stand with the government and the people of South Sudan. These part of the international community have done and said a lot of things which are not true such as this war is between Dinka and Nuer was actually named by the outsiders who are working against South Sudan, its people and president. How can this war possibly be between Dinka and Nuer while Nyandeng Garang (Dinka) was in the site of Riek (Nuer)? Those enemies of South Sudan insisted that this war is between Dinka and Nuer. But President Salva Kiir Mayardit demand that everybody shall feel free and welcome and that peace, forgiveness and justice as usual are his top priorities.
  • Even people of South Sudan have expressed that President Salva kiir Mayardit is more than to be called a priest because he has always ready peace and forgiveness to anyone who done wrong. Yet President Salva kiir Mayardit demand to keep people together whether you are with his vision for peace or against it.
  • When there is no hope President Salva kiir Mayardit will work hard to bring hope back to people mostly he likes to let south Sudanese understand his vision for peace, forgiveness and justice by educating them that the night may be too long, but the day will surely come, and therefore you south Sudanese need to embrace peace, forgiveness, and reconciliation among yourselves and with the neighbors.

Response from Landi Dwong

Dear Gisma

South Sudanese still live as second-class citizens under President Kiir and the new SPLM my sister. A citizen without rights and powers to make political decisions to shape his/her destiny is a second-class citizen no matter what the color of the skin of the person who leads the country has, or what religion he/she professes. Independence, my sister, is not about the color of the flag that flies on our government buildings, but how the lives of our people change for the better.

Substituting the thieving and murderous brown hands of the Mundukuru with that of black South Sudanese under any flag is not what millions of South Sudanese died for. Independence should translate beyond the tattered flag we love to wrap ourselves in and wax nationalistic. I do not know what independence means to our brothers and sisters who are dying weekly in the Lakes State; I do not know what independence means to the countless South Sudanese cowering in UNMISS “refugee” camps; I do not know what independence means to the average SPLA soldier who cannot feed his family after fighting bravely for so long; I do not know what independence means to the average South Sudanese in the rural areas who have neither hospitals nor schools to send their children to.

But this much I know: The government of President Salva Kiir and the SPLM party has betrayed the dreams and aspirations of the people of this country. They have rendered independence meaningless!

South Sudan needs neither a priest nor a bishop to run the country. It needs a leader, which, unfortunately Kiir is not.

The SPLM Vision (whatever it looks like) was conceived, developed, and written by people. It should take people (read leadership) to translate that vision into viable political programs. Leadership (people) serves as the bridge between a political vision and practical programs beneficial to the citizens and country. If you people in the SPLM Party still do not understand the simple fact that it takes responsible and pragmatic leadership (read people) for a party to live up to the expectations of its agenda (if it has any), then I am beginning to see why the SPLM party has failed, and failed so spectacularly.

I do know what you understand by “free citizens in an independent country”, but I do know that under your government radio stations are being forcefully shut down by security agents for doing their duty of informing citizens, journalists are murdered for their opinions, citizens are mowed down for exercising their right to free expression, and thousands of mothers and children who survived the murderous spree that was deliberately orchestrated by the leadership of your party still languish in filthy camps in their own country.

I do not know what you understand by “facts”, but facts are these: The SPLM party leadership and members have stolen billions of dollars from South Sudanese citizens (Read Kiir’s own letter to the 75); health and education in South Sudan are in deplorable conditions ten years and so much money later; our roads turn to roaring rivers in the rainy seasons while millions of dollars are stolen by the clique in government in the name of road construction contracts; party operatives who know next to nothing and do nothing but harm the country are handsomely paid from public coffers.

This is robbery my sister and you know it. In some states, an average of 50 South Sudanese die violently every week, while the government twiddles with its fingers. This, my dear sister is the SPLM party you tell us has a vision?  May be the vision of the SPLM party is still stuck in the pages of the recycled paper it is written in.

Second class citizenship is not an abstract concept that one can dish out just to make a case. The truth is, the lives of the majority of South Sudanese have not changed in the last 10 years. And if they lived as second-class citizens under Arabs, they still live as second-class citizens under this government. In some places, services have deteriorated to the extent that citizens feel better off under Arabs than under this government. These are unfortunate, but stubborn facts neither you, nor your party has the spine to admit. Independence is not an end in itself, but a means to improve the lives of our citizens.

But I must admit, independence brought us a few thieving South Sudanese multimillionaires in the sea of poverty, diseases, illiteracy, and political decay. If this is what you are trying to sell to the majority in the country as the benefits of independence, then you have a very small pool of buyers indeed. What you people in the SPLM party are doing to South Sudan is an insult to our collective intelligence and an affront to the very idea of civilization!

The saddest part of it all is that those of you, the seemingly enlightened members of the party who are supposed to be better informed do not look beyond the party to see the suffering your party and its incompetent leadership has brought upon the people of this country.

And, let’s not carelessly begin bandying irrelevant words about: We do not “hate” Salva as a person; pointing out his failures and abysmal leadership records should not be mistaken for hatred.

Good luck.


The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.


BY BUSH AKECH CHOL, Nairobi, Kenya

Dr. Majak D'agoot Atem in Nakuru, Kenya, Jan 3rd, 2015

Dr. Majak D’agoot Atem in Nakuru, Kenya, Jan 3rd, 2015

January 27, 2015 (SSB) I know shortly after this political and ideological divide between Twic and Bor County, there comes a time when two must speak one political stand. It wouldn’t take long for us to unite and iron-out our differences, co-exist and re-integrate ourselves to ‘’politically remain burning’’ on south Sudan leadership.

            The search for understanding and explaining what causes envy and re-branding ourselves a derogatory names, and other excruciating identity will be a piece- by- piece interrogation and shall be forgiven on the basis of confessing the idiocy of such acts. We should therefore comprehend that south Sudan is on a structural shift from authoritative allocation of power to facade democracy tyranny of figures, where numbers will speak louder than our traditional supremacy perceptions against others. Therefore, if we fail to scrutinize our political strategy as UNITED GREATER BOR, then we shall remain a “soot” of south Sudan politics. Unless, we formulate a transparent political retroactive free of emerged envy and exacerbation.

            Much of muchness has been negatively and positively spoken about DR. Majak Agoot, but I must reasonably persuade the doubting groups that Majak was completely unlinked to the fake coup attempt that caused grave peril deaths and perplexity disequilibrium survival across the states. If he had access to the coup, he would have been backed- up to the forest by his Payam, Twic County, Duk County, and other supporters across the regions respectively.

            I comprehensively comprehend that the reason why his political stand embattled with hatred, cruelty and dedicated prayers of assassination is basically because he hailed from the lineage of leadership foundation womb. As per my assumptions, a child raised-up in an atmosphere of leadership qualitative and quantitative is always a prone to jealousy and other horrible things. Therefore, it’s not an abomination to criticize his dreams and visions, but at certain a convincible juncture free of theories and assumptions events.

In order not to group me, I haven’t been a beneficiary of Majak’s educational financial aids (EFA) , but i have to praise his achievements at any political angle because his vision is not limited to household items as other politicians does.

Another reason why he suffered hates and dislikes is being big-hearted and bigwig man politically and socially. He stood firmly at various capacity to bring changes and developments which he started by sponsoring penurious students and constructing a networks not only in Maar but across South Sudan. As non-beneficiaries of current regime, we view it as a concrete investment in future though disputed. His achievements are mountainous, if that is what it means to be a leader. Furthermore, there is no any affirmative benefit to earn over quibble prediction of Majak’s political ambitions that is turned as a point of generating outdated differences of the past struggle. Majak has penetrates while his rivals remain barking the darkness of his scent. It’s mind-boggling to bring him back to the ground while on the tip of the tree.

            The political conflict that is being initiated by few individuals in our greater Bor wouldn’t yield us accomplishments if accepted whole-heartedly because an environment replete with political mutual suspicion on diagonal and transverse line cannot make a significant progress in political tactics at all. Our political-machine lies on pertinacious win, if we conclusively refrain from politicking pessimistic ideas of sectional divide.

            In relevance to the SPLM/A manifestos, the key participants in both political and military decision – makings were high commanders which Majak was not a member. He was voiceless beyond reasonable doubt by the late 1990s. Majak was an active military bodyguard to the current president of republic south Sudan, H.E. Salva Kiir. However, whoever perished in 1990s up to 2008 shouldn’t be used as a tool against his political ambition. Majak fought tirelessly and still recall as sly veteran warrior. In honoring our late prominent leaders, Greater Bor made unforgettable history through the following fellows: Dr. John Gerang de Mabior, Dr. Martin Majier Gai Lt. Arok Thon Arok , and Lt general Akot Atem and so forth.

Needless to mention, they are gone and we do not quest for their presence should God perform miracles and mighty deeds to bring them again? Because the society has produced brainy pre-ordained leaders. This above scenario of who assassinated who must not be an advantage strategy by some communities to kill the political dream of majak. It’s already detected and manageable at all course

The author is a South Sudanese ‘’FP’’residing tempoarily in Nairobi, Kenya. Contact me at


The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.

The Impeachment of Caretaker Governor Kuel Aguer Kuel by NBG State Assembly is a Clear Insubordination to the President of the Republic
By Dhor-abun Aher, USA 

January 27, 2015 (SSB) The recent decision by the Northern Bhar el Ghazal’s Assembly to impeach the newly appointed Caretaker Governor Kuel Aguer Kuel is a deliberate insubordination to the President of the Republic Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit.

Caretaker Governor Kuel Aguer was appointed by the President because of the trust, and confident he has in him to finish the elected term of the former Governor Gen. Paul Malong Awan. Northern Bhar el Ghazal Parliament is predominantly SPLM members, and if these people respect the President as SPLM Party’s Chairman, then they would have first tried to address these dubious accusations in the SPLM Caucus in consultation with the party’s leadership if indeed these accusations hold water.

Now let me dissect their lies:

1. He is openly supporting the ongoing rebellion by encouraging citizens of Northern Bahr El Ghazal State to join rebels

This first charge here is clearly an insult to the Office of the Presidency, and the citizens of Northern Bhar el Ghazal. The people of Aweil are loyal to the government of South Sudan under the leadership of Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit, and they have demonstrated that in rejecting the called by the Veteran Gen. Dau Aturjong.

If these people claimed to be representing the citizens of the Northern Bhar el Ghazal, then why questioning the ability of this peace loving citizens to follow Governor Kuel blindly if he has decided to join rebellion as they claimed? If they think that President Kiir will buy this childish accusation, then they are insulting the Office of the President of the Republic.

2. He is mobilizing his clan (Pachier) to fight for him

Not in my lifetime had we been that low in Aweil to associate our leaders to their clans. Every leader always looks for better opportunity to unite his or her subject, but in Aweil, it is the elected leaders who want to divide their citizens. Do my Honorable Members of the Parliament want the President of the Republic to regulate or categorize us into our clans? This is an insult to the Office of the President.

3. He unconstitutionally appointed 12 advisors which contradicts State constitutional provision that limits the number of advisors in the State.

The Constitution of the South Sudan and the state is not “black and white” on the number of advisors. This accusation doesn’t hold water at all.

4. SPLM State Liberation Council has withdrawn SPLM membership from him

This is a clear insubordination of the SPLM leadership particularly the Chairman of the Party, and the Secretary General. Governor Kuel Aguer is a member of the SPLM National Secretary, and he is the Secretary for Administration and Finance. If they have withdrawn his membership as they claimed, then it has to go through the party procedures.

By the virtue of being a National Secretariat member, the Secretary General of the SPLM Madam Ann Itto has to remove Governor Kuel from the Secretariat’s leadership, and then make a recommendation to the SPLM’s Chairman Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit for action. Without these procedures, this state secretariat’s decision is not binding, and for the SPLM Members of the Parliament to ignore this process is a clear insubordination of the SPLM’s leadership.

5. He unconstitutionally awarded Letter of Credit worth 1,000,000 Us Dollars to his son without due approval by both the Council of Ministers and State Legislative Assembly

I will not comment on these for now until I see a confirmation from the Minister of Finance, and the relevant Bank where that line of credit was acquired.

Honorable Members claimed to be doing their constitutional mandate in impeaching the Governor, but they have forgotten that in the same Constitution, they have sworn under the oath to FAITHFUL EXECUTE THEIR DUTIES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAW”. For them to breach their duties with lies is a blatant deception of the highest order.

Finally, I appeal to the President of the Republic Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit to hear the outcry from the citizen of the Northern Bhar el Ghazal State to reject this action, and warn these Members of the parliament to stop incitement, to the citizen of the state.

Also, I appeal to the President of the Republic of South Sudan, Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit to form a security commission to investigate this allegation of Governor Kuel Aguer’s support to rebellion, and hold those behind this allegation accountable.
This is a serious crime against the state if it is true, and we can’t let elected Members toy around with the security of the State and the country.
Dhor-abun Aher is a south Sudanese citizen of Aweil decent currently living in the United States of America, and you can contact him at

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.

Press Release on the Killing of Four Journalists in South Sudan

Posted: January 26, 2015 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Press Release

“According to reports from Western Bahr ElGhazal State, unidentified men armed with guns opened fire on Sunday on a convoy of the new Commissioner of Raja County James Benjamin and journalists of Raja Radio and South Sudan TV/Radio . Speaking to the Nation Mirror, Joseph Gabriel, the Press Secretary to the State Governor Rizique Zakaria Hassan explained that among the journalists killed in the attack were: the Director for Raja Radio station, Musa Mohammed, popularly known as Musa Abu Elkalam, SSTV Photographer, Boutros Martin Khamis, Raja Radio Journalists Randa George, Musa Adam, and Dalia Marko”...By Abraham Garang

Press Release on Journalists Killing_2015 001(PDF)


11 killed, including journalists, in South Sudan ambush

South Sudan, Jan 26 – Eleven people, including four journalists working for South Sudan’s state-run media, have been killed in an ambush in the remote west of the war-torn nation, independent Radio Tamazuj reported Monday.

A convoy carrying the journalists and local officials was ambushed in Raja county, western Bahr al Ghazal State on Sunday, leaving a total of 11 dead, state governor Rizik Zakaria Hassan was quoted as saying.

The journalists worked for South Sudan TV, Raja Radio and Radio Wau.

The area where the attack took place borders Sudan’s troubled Darfur region as well as the Central African Republic. Several armed groups are known to operate in the area, although the report said no group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack.

South Sudan, the world’s youngest nation, has been locked in civil war since December 2013 when President Salva Kiir accused his sacked deputy Riek Machar of attempting a coup. The fighting has been concentrated in the south, centre and oil-rich north of the country.

Are June 30th 2015 general elections being organized in accordance to South Sudan‘s Transitional Constitution, 2011?

By Bol Khan

June 2015 elections

June 2015 elections

 January 25, 2015 (SSB) Once one has decided to stay away for a while or stop commenting on South Sudan political issues; the SPLM Oyee strange mentality would not accept but again and again come up yet with another unhelpful issue, an issue which can’t pass by un-challenged. In my capacity as a concerned active citizen, I have to have my say on this issue of general elections tabled. As Pericles Athens (c 429-495 B.C.E)’most esteemed statesman’ said “We alone regard a man who takes no interest in public affairs, not as a harmless but as a useless character”.

First and foremost I must, therefore, applaud and appreciate the South Sudan media houses, Writers /Journalists, civil society organizations, political parties, all the people of South Sudan and the International Community for their unanimous rejection of the so-called general elections scheduled to be held in June 30th 2015.

This promotes me to put across a question of whether or not, June 30th 2015 elections are being organized in accordance with Transitional Constitution of South Sudan, 2011. Of course, they repeatedly say they (Election Commission and Kiir’s Administration) are acting in accordance to Republic of South Sudan Transitional Constitution, that “we are following what the Constitution says”.

However, the derogatory National Government of SPLM in, Juba, South Sudan has been continuously violating the very law of the land (the Transitional Constitution) and at the same time claims an illogical obligation of defending it against all available legal mistakes. These legal mistakes are visible by all in the world over, except the trivial clique in the kingdom of kleptomaniac.

The legal political mistakes which expose the SPLM’s toxic political leadership core weakness are that:

1)    The SPLM wrote; a supposed national transitional constitution by its own and latter violated it before anybody else could do so, by removing elected people, e.g. Gen. Paul Malong, the former Governor of NBS.

2)    The SPLM trained and armed a private army in violation of TC’s Article 151 (3); which says “No person or persons shall raise any armed or paramilitary force in South Sudan except in accordance with this constitution and the law”.

3)    The SPLM party on Dec 15 2013 decided to fight itself, and then started massacring innocent South Sudanese people without summoning enough courage to stop the destructions that followed. This is the worst of all political scandals!

4)    The SPLM cannot be able to restore peace; back to the people of South Sudan through Addis Ababa, to mention but a few.

Generally, any product of SPLM party or anything design by the SPLM Oyee always kills and destroys. This is true; otherwise, the SPLM Oyee party could implement its Government’s primary responsibilities as quoted below and certainly avert the current chaos as well, in 2013.

 In Article 53 (1) of South Sudan’s Transitional constitution; it is stipulated that “the primary responsibilities of the national government shall be, inter alia:

(a)  Maintenance of peace and security;

(b) Reconstruction and development;

(c)  Promotion of good governance and welfare of the people;

(d) Ensuring the protection of the rights and interests of the people.

The SPLM –led government over the last three years of independence did never touch one of these fundamental duties.  Also in the same Article 53 (2) says “the national Government shall discharge its duties and exercise its powers as set forth in this constitution and the law. To me this article means: all related articles of the Transitional Constitution should be accordingly implemented by the National Government without exception.

Nevertheless, since 2011 to date, it is not the case with the Government of the day in Juba. Especially, when it comes to comprehensive implementation of the articles in question, the SPLM Oyee has been using a tactic of “implement and ignore” rest of the articles in the constitution. This tactic has gone beyond dictatorial tendencies, tribalism and even clannish.

Let’s take for example, Khartoum successive and deadly regimes during the (21 years of) civil war between the South and the North. Khartoum in the time we all know; was causing insecurity all over the Sudan, killing randomly the country citizens in one way or another.  And at those times, also conducted none free and fair elections against the people wills. While the main guerrilla Movement on the other hand, the SPLM by then, was firmly criticizing the regimes. Saying “the NCP or Khartoum’s regime wasn’t paying humane attention to majority ordinary Sudanese people’s voices”.

However, nowadays, the very same SPLM now refers to Khartoum regimes’ defective systems, Somalia’s, Syria’s among others, as best systems to support. Or, as living examples why June 30th 2015 general elections should go on without delay.  Here, the SPLM’s intention is to ignore the rest of other undone legal requirements. Had the SPLM of yesterday became the NCP of last week?

In our view, the organization of general elections before PEACE AGREEMENT is totally wrong. It is an idea that none of true South Sudanese in his/her right sense should buy.  June 30th 2015 elections organizers are really operating outside the compound of truth. The SPLM-led government, instead, should try it best; by restoring peace, back to that bleeding-cursed-liked country called South Sudan. Yes, we can understand that there are people in the kingdom of kleptomaniac there who look at national institutions as theirs.

This long-established idea is a source of all these entire problems which are destroying our country today! It appears in actions and in the words of few battling regime’s officials as well as in its diehard clannish fans’ activities. The South Sudanese popular needs to have elections postponed, until peace is restored, should not be made again like the similar popular demand for federalism, where the same trivial and disturbing clique convinced lately. And if the stained term expires; should this disquiet only one small group of South Sudanese?

NO! Yet, it is a national question being answered nationally by all the people of the country. As agreed upon in Addis Ababa on 10th May 2014, that “general elections shall be organized by Transitional Government of National Unity (TGoNU) during the transitional period of thirty (30) months.

Contrary to the stated deal, Juba Government’s spokesperson, Makuei Lueth came out angrily, on one of his official working days, earlier this month and said that they would be seeking avenues to organize elections, despite the ongoing peace process in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. And on the following day, South Sudan’s Election Commission’s Chairperson, Abendego Akok jumped up, to his feet and announced the commencement of the elections process.  Are these two institutions really operating independently as being claimed? I doubt.

At best, perhaps they had cooked something which could forge their extended kin interest after 9th July, 2015. Thumb up, for nineteen (19) Political parties who have opened a legal case against the Election Commission in Juba. I would love Abendego’s elections Commission to tell the South Sudanese people, through the court, about where he gets green light to go ahead with that so-called general elections process!

Moreover, there is also a call that the National Legislature should be the right branch to extend an expiring tainted term of South Sudan executive organ or Kiir’s administration. I can but to a certain extent agree to this call. However, a question is: Does the National Legislature still as all South Sudanese people’s representative?  Definitely, the answer is a BIG NO!  There are some people whose representatives are not in today Juba National Legislature. For instance; Dr. Richard K. Mula of Mundri, Hon. Akol Ayii of Awiel, Hon. Timothy Tot Chuol, Hon. Henry Dicah Odwar…name them. The list is long.

These MPs have their people’s trusts—they were their constituencies’ voices in the Parliament. Then, who would sit on their seats entrusted to them by their constituencies? Again, even the representatives; who are still therein, mostly from Greater Upper Nile, are there just for their personal gains not for their constituencies needs. They have been all rejected, for good, by their respective constituencies. Would these rejected MPs, together with Benydit’s administration, impose personal interests on the grassroots people whom rejected them?

In addition, National Legislature miserably betrayed to Kiir’s administration, the ordinary South Sudanese people ever since. On the other hand, who still has a vested interest amongst the South Sudanese people to reinstate that illegitimate administration term in office? Will they be all MPs, who would want to extend that already contaminated term in office?  Extending the current South Sudan executive organ term in office is tantamount to decreeing security bill into law which may in turn, denote sentencing citizens to death. That is a food for thought! What should happen, within these two-three months, is that the SPLM factions must speedily sign peace. We hope and wish the governing factions will be serious about this.

Otherwise, the South Sudan transitional constitution, 2011, Article 102 (2) shall act “If the office of the President of the Republic falls vacant, the post shall be assumed by the Vice President pending elections that shall be conducted by the National Elections Commission within sixty days from the date of occurrence of the vacancy. Who is that Vice President?

In conclusion, I would want Kiir’s administration and South Sudan Election Commission to alternatively listen to both national and international good Samaritans voices.  The two institutions should be in touch with reality and majority’s rights. Evaluation in leadership is very important. Both institutions’ drivers need to accustom themselves with how to pre-empt problems rather than opting to resolve those inevitable blatant problems after they arise.

Reading of the general situations of the people as well as the opinions they express on daily basis concerning any national subject matter is a best way to go in an effective leadership. I know one or all in group will answer it other way round that: there are enjoyable people who want to exercise their democratic rights.

But, is there any need to reminded those folks; that there are also people who cannot be able to exercise their rights due to dreadful sufferings they are enduring? Like those displaced people in Mankigman IDPs camp in Lakes state, in other UNMISS bases across the country as well as in the bordering countries. Or aren’t all people of South Sudan should be equal, before those institutions legal courts in Juba?  Once more, I am of the opinion that PEACE should be priority.

To right away, suspend all these divisive and calamitous programs until peace is agreed in Addis Ababa. Yes, Benydit’s homestead wasn’t reached by the conflict, I know. However, should this be the reason why it is widely being considered that, a slight damage in one part of the body cannot affect the whole system in the same body? “There is no need to wait for invisible IGAD-led peace process; what we can do now, is to alternatively eye what is written in the constitution and implement it, accordingly”.

The later, was an official statement (plan) by Kiir’s administration and openly announced by the regime’s Spokesman, Mr. Michael Kuei Lueth. A plan which in two days later, forwarded to Mr. Abendego Akok Kachuol, the South Sudan Election Commission’s Chairperson, for implementation. Is this what the Government and Elections Commission are inspiring to do?

Okay, if Kiir;s administration and Election Commission are indeed working in accordance to South Sudan Transitional constitution, 2011, as they claim, let’s just take a quick look and see whether or not they are really doing it right.

Squarely to the point, in South Sudan Transitional Constitution, 2011, Article193 (2) it is stipulated that there shall be National Bureau of Statistics which shall be an independent statistics bureau authorized, inter alia, to:

(b) Conduct census throughout South Sudan states before general elections. This also reads together on the same page with Article 194 that says “The National Government shall during the Transitional period conduct a population census the outcome of which shall, inter alia, determine the number of electoral constituencies for the next general elections.

Have these censuses been done—conducted in accordance with Article 193 (2) (b) and Article 194 quoted above respectively? Of course, they haven’t been conducted. Therefore, if the government and its Election Commission are indeed working in accordance with South Sudan Transitional Constitution, 2011, then they must first of all:

(1) See to it that, the Republic of South Sudan’s permanent constitution is in place;

(2) Conduct the population censuses, which shall determine the number of electoral constituencies for general elections as clearly stipulated in Article 193 (2) (b) & Article 194 respectively; and

(3) Then hold South Sudan’s General Elections.

All these legal (constitutional) requirements must be put in place. As you have seen, elections come last of all, in the above mentioned number (1), (2) & (3)!! Because in procedures, particularly in legal institutions, whatever comes first is always done the first one before the second, the third…etc. Thereafter, all would-be able South Sudanese people including the author shall freely vote in well organized, procedural, free and fair general elections.

Now, if such procedures are not followed as constitutionally stipulated, then June 30th 2015 general elections are being organized not in accordance with South Sudan’s current Transitional Constitution. But in accordance with a constitution of Kiir’s administration alone and its Election Commission which they might have written somewhere, perhaps in Akon.

The author, Bol Khan, is a civil/ human right and peace activist. He can be reached at

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.

Riek Machar’s ‘’ Kiir should resign ‘’ speech is an escapism .

Posted: January 25, 2015 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in David Aoloch

By David Aoloch Bion

President Uhuru Kenyatta: We witnessed the signing of the SPLM Reunification Agreement between South Sudan President Salva Kiir, Dr. Riek Machar and Mr. Deng Alor Kuol which was overseen by Tanzania's President Jakaya Kikwete in Arusha, Tanzania. The signing of the agreement will help the SPLM work together. The framework will reunite the party which many South Sudanese had placed their hopes on. Some of us have been involved in this particular process since the beginning of the crisis, and indeed it has been very agonizing at times to see leaders unable to talk to one another and yet they were the same leaders the people of South Sudan depended on to guide the young republic after struggling for many years. We hope that the instruments that have been signed here will form the basis of bringing about peace in South Sudan which is the hope of the South Sudan and the East Africa region as a whole.

President Uhuru Kenyatta: We witnessed the signing of the SPLM Reunification Agreement between South Sudan President Salva Kiir, Dr. Riek Machar and Mr. Deng Alor Kuol which was overseen by Tanzania’s President Jakaya Kikwete in Arusha, Tanzania. The signing of the agreement will help the SPLM work together. The framework will reunite the party which many South Sudanese had placed their hopes on. Some of us have been involved in this particular process since the beginning of the crisis, and indeed it has been very agonizing at times to see leaders unable to talk to one another and yet they were the same leaders the people of South Sudan depended on to guide the young republic after struggling for many years. We hope that the instruments that have been signed here will form the basis of bringing about peace in South Sudan which is the hope of the South Sudan and the East Africa region as a whole.

January 25, 2015 (SSB) — On Friday in Nairobi, the leader of SPLM/A O Riek Machar called for President Kiir to resign. This came after he signed reunification agreement of SPLM party in Arusha , Tanzania .

In Nairobi Riek told the groups of his discontent supporters that  “Salva Kiir lost his case in Arusha, he should just resign,, . “He took the country to war because of that, now he comes and admits he was wrong, so why would he remain in power.”,

This statement is nothing but it is an escapism by Riek , This is to divert attention away from himself   after signing the reunification agreement  which is opposed by his supporters .  He always vow to his supporters not to accept any agreement that maintain genocidal Kiir in power. And he  broke that promise now .  To avoid this reality, he  indirectly cheer up his disheartened  supporters by calling Kiir to step down  in order to calm them down ,  to show to his supporters he still maintain his position of Kiir must go .

If he is   serious about his  position, why he did not say it   in Arusha .  , why he came and say it in Nairobi?,

Secondly , all options are on the table , if  Riek still insist on Kiir must go , then , this is the time mediators MUST GIVE WAR A CHANCE   , because peace has been given a chance  for the whole  year of 2014 , therefore , it is a time  a war must be given a chance for the whole of 2015 .  if  Riek is strong , he will defeat Kiir militarily , people must not  talk the talk in Addis Abba .

After all , the peace talk started prematurely , before ,the Government and rebels are exhausted in fighting , the peace started when  Riek is still have appetite for fighting , if the peace talk was started two years after the war , Riek would have not been stubborn as he  is now .

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.

Press Release on the SPLM Reunification