Riek Machar’s ‘’ Kiir should resign ‘’ speech is an escapism .

Posted: January 25, 2015 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in David Aoloch

By David Aoloch Bion

President Uhuru Kenyatta: We witnessed the signing of the SPLM Reunification Agreement between South Sudan President Salva Kiir, Dr. Riek Machar and Mr. Deng Alor Kuol which was overseen by Tanzania's President Jakaya Kikwete in Arusha, Tanzania. The signing of the agreement will help the SPLM work together. The framework will reunite the party which many South Sudanese had placed their hopes on. Some of us have been involved in this particular process since the beginning of the crisis, and indeed it has been very agonizing at times to see leaders unable to talk to one another and yet they were the same leaders the people of South Sudan depended on to guide the young republic after struggling for many years. We hope that the instruments that have been signed here will form the basis of bringing about peace in South Sudan which is the hope of the South Sudan and the East Africa region as a whole.

President Uhuru Kenyatta: We witnessed the signing of the SPLM Reunification Agreement between South Sudan President Salva Kiir, Dr. Riek Machar and Mr. Deng Alor Kuol which was overseen by Tanzania’s President Jakaya Kikwete in Arusha, Tanzania. The signing of the agreement will help the SPLM work together. The framework will reunite the party which many South Sudanese had placed their hopes on. Some of us have been involved in this particular process since the beginning of the crisis, and indeed it has been very agonizing at times to see leaders unable to talk to one another and yet they were the same leaders the people of South Sudan depended on to guide the young republic after struggling for many years. We hope that the instruments that have been signed here will form the basis of bringing about peace in South Sudan which is the hope of the South Sudan and the East Africa region as a whole.

January 25, 2015 (SSB) — On Friday in Nairobi, the leader of SPLM/A O Riek Machar called for President Kiir to resign. This came after he signed reunification agreement of SPLM party in Arusha , Tanzania .

In Nairobi Riek told the groups of his discontent supporters that  “Salva Kiir lost his case in Arusha, he should just resign,, . “He took the country to war because of that, now he comes and admits he was wrong, so why would he remain in power.”,

This statement is nothing but it is an escapism by Riek , This is to divert attention away from himself   after signing the reunification agreement  which is opposed by his supporters .  He always vow to his supporters not to accept any agreement that maintain genocidal Kiir in power. And he  broke that promise now .  To avoid this reality, he  indirectly cheer up his disheartened  supporters by calling Kiir to step down  in order to calm them down ,  to show to his supporters he still maintain his position of Kiir must go .

If he is   serious about his  position, why he did not say it   in Arusha .  , why he came and say it in Nairobi?,

Secondly , all options are on the table , if  Riek still insist on Kiir must go , then , this is the time mediators MUST GIVE WAR A CHANCE   , because peace has been given a chance  for the whole  year of 2014 , therefore , it is a time  a war must be given a chance for the whole of 2015 .  if  Riek is strong , he will defeat Kiir militarily , people must not  talk the talk in Addis Abba .

After all , the peace talk started prematurely , before ,the Government and rebels are exhausted in fighting , the peace started when  Riek is still have appetite for fighting , if the peace talk was started two years after the war , Riek would have not been stubborn as he  is now .

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