Why Dr. Majak Agoot Is Such A Divisive Political Figure Within the Greater Bor Areas

Posted: January 27, 2015 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Contributing Writers, Featured Articles, People


BY BUSH AKECH CHOL, Nairobi, Kenya

Dr. Majak D'agoot Atem in Nakuru, Kenya, Jan 3rd, 2015

Dr. Majak D’agoot Atem in Nakuru, Kenya, Jan 3rd, 2015

January 27, 2015 (SSB) I know shortly after this political and ideological divide between Twic and Bor County, there comes a time when two must speak one political stand. It wouldn’t take long for us to unite and iron-out our differences, co-exist and re-integrate ourselves to ‘’politically remain burning’’ on south Sudan leadership.

            The search for understanding and explaining what causes envy and re-branding ourselves a derogatory names, and other excruciating identity will be a piece- by- piece interrogation and shall be forgiven on the basis of confessing the idiocy of such acts. We should therefore comprehend that south Sudan is on a structural shift from authoritative allocation of power to facade democracy tyranny of figures, where numbers will speak louder than our traditional supremacy perceptions against others. Therefore, if we fail to scrutinize our political strategy as UNITED GREATER BOR, then we shall remain a “soot” of south Sudan politics. Unless, we formulate a transparent political retroactive free of emerged envy and exacerbation.

            Much of muchness has been negatively and positively spoken about DR. Majak Agoot, but I must reasonably persuade the doubting groups that Majak was completely unlinked to the fake coup attempt that caused grave peril deaths and perplexity disequilibrium survival across the states. If he had access to the coup, he would have been backed- up to the forest by his Payam, Twic County, Duk County, and other supporters across the regions respectively.

            I comprehensively comprehend that the reason why his political stand embattled with hatred, cruelty and dedicated prayers of assassination is basically because he hailed from the lineage of leadership foundation womb. As per my assumptions, a child raised-up in an atmosphere of leadership qualitative and quantitative is always a prone to jealousy and other horrible things. Therefore, it’s not an abomination to criticize his dreams and visions, but at certain a convincible juncture free of theories and assumptions events.

In order not to group me, I haven’t been a beneficiary of Majak’s educational financial aids (EFA) , but i have to praise his achievements at any political angle because his vision is not limited to household items as other politicians does.

Another reason why he suffered hates and dislikes is being big-hearted and bigwig man politically and socially. He stood firmly at various capacity to bring changes and developments which he started by sponsoring penurious students and constructing a networks not only in Maar but across South Sudan. As non-beneficiaries of current regime, we view it as a concrete investment in future though disputed. His achievements are mountainous, if that is what it means to be a leader. Furthermore, there is no any affirmative benefit to earn over quibble prediction of Majak’s political ambitions that is turned as a point of generating outdated differences of the past struggle. Majak has penetrates while his rivals remain barking the darkness of his scent. It’s mind-boggling to bring him back to the ground while on the tip of the tree.

            The political conflict that is being initiated by few individuals in our greater Bor wouldn’t yield us accomplishments if accepted whole-heartedly because an environment replete with political mutual suspicion on diagonal and transverse line cannot make a significant progress in political tactics at all. Our political-machine lies on pertinacious win, if we conclusively refrain from politicking pessimistic ideas of sectional divide.

            In relevance to the SPLM/A manifestos, the key participants in both political and military decision – makings were high commanders which Majak was not a member. He was voiceless beyond reasonable doubt by the late 1990s. Majak was an active military bodyguard to the current president of republic south Sudan, H.E. Salva Kiir. However, whoever perished in 1990s up to 2008 shouldn’t be used as a tool against his political ambition. Majak fought tirelessly and still recall as sly veteran warrior. In honoring our late prominent leaders, Greater Bor made unforgettable history through the following fellows: Dr. John Gerang de Mabior, Dr. Martin Majier Gai Lt. Arok Thon Arok , and Lt general Akot Atem and so forth.

Needless to mention, they are gone and we do not quest for their presence should God perform miracles and mighty deeds to bring them again? Because the society has produced brainy pre-ordained leaders. This above scenario of who assassinated who must not be an advantage strategy by some communities to kill the political dream of majak. It’s already detected and manageable at all course

The author is a South Sudanese ‘’FP’’residing tempoarily in Nairobi, Kenya. Contact me at bushakech30@yahoo.com


The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to paanluel2011@gmail.com. SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.

  1. David says:

    Brother Dr. Majak political advantage is already gone unless he redeem himself from this mess he is in. Yes you are right he did not take part in the killings and destructions of the properties, but he helps in engineering of the problem. Let me tell you this brother our people do not follow meaningless ideas and take arms for it and that is why you did not see any one following Majak’s uncle Akot Atem, Arok Thon Arok and others in our area. if we do
    follow meaningless Ideas Our brother Majak could have been the first one to join, but he did not because he is one of ours who do not believes in such. so brother forget about the idea of Twic East county and Duke county will follow him if he was in the bush fighting the government. Why do we follow Mabior Garang whom we all know where he is. Think about that we do not follow him and he is a son of our great leader we all respect. The reason I said Majak should redeem himself from this mess is that. he is making more noises while the problem still fresh. If he is a wish politician he should have stayed dormant like the rest of G-10 who are quite waiting for peace to come. But all the rallies he doing all around are suicidal to his political dream because people know who he is. if you are close to him tell him to low his tone down a little bite this how he will safe his political dream.


  2. Malith Alier says:

    A couple of observations;
    Majak is not demonstrably a politician
    Late Maulana Martin Majier was not a Doctor as far as I know
    Which leadership lineage did you mean in relation to Majak?


  3. Reng says:

    I don’t think Majak is going to rule in South Sudan.


  4. a. deng says:

    attitudinal problem here- leave them alone.some people are mentally sick. majak will never rule south sudan without people of bhar el ghazal whom you hate to the core. keep on dreaming!!


  5. Deng Daniel says:

    Hello, I am Dinka Bor as well from real, my only advice to you is, go to school or else go even higher if you have and stop wasting vocabularies at each other, you are nothing ultimately in my point view, it is too early to prove any of them as genuine politician, they have just came from a just war 83-05, however as a matters facts, who really cares about Majak, Majier or Mabior Garang and the current hostile ministers from our entire greater Bor, leave alone Bar el Gazal, they are too far and continues to be too far, being Dinka is not enough, I think we (you) don’t need any help or consular services from them either, just seat on your own bottom and pursuit your own thought of governing in years to come if you think you are the one for the nation. There is no hero or legitimate memorise in the current war for those who are likely to lose their lives or those who have already lost in the field, it’s all about blackmailing. don’t just demote your literacy on nonsense for others interest as you guys keeps arguing on-line every day, why worry so much about these leaders, when you go to South Sudan, you will be employed on your merits not from those who you argues about, I know you guys likes hook-up for corruption not necessarily for legitimate jobs, hook yourself up with girls not unjustified politicians whom I think no one voted for them initially to be up there. It was just to rescue a country from Arabs what so ever, not from Nuer or Dinka either.

    So halt your ruining mouths and leave the Dinka Bor alone to think about who could rule in 20 years on our behalf for the betterment of the nation as we did to the Northern Government which yielded South Sudan.


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