Twenty Women “Liberators” Arrested in Bor

Posted: January 28, 2015 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Featured Articles, Malith Alier

By Malith Alier, Juba

January 28, 2015 (SSB) News is coming from Bor that the fight against John Koang regime is taking an ugly turn. Last Saturday saw five women picked up at their homes and arrested by police. They are charged with incitement and disturbing peace in the State.

Today, another fifteen are arrested for demanding the release of their colleagues. This has been disclosed by a reliable source on the scene. Shops in Marol Market are locked down in fear that this struggle against maladministration by Nyuon and cohorts may escalate.

Chronology of Jonglei crisis under John Koang

2013: elected Jonglei Governor Kuol Manyang relieved and appointed defence minister in the national government

2014: John Koang appointed acting governor of Jonglei to prepare election of new governor in 60 days

2014: Bor exchanged hands between rebels and government forces four times and John Koang escaped to UNMISS and then to Juba. He only returned to Bor well after march, same year.

He dissolved his cabinet and appointed Baba Medan as his deputy leaving and sidelining politicians from the area. He also brought his friends to the administration.

The two counties of Pibor and Pochalla broke away through a peace agreement in May to create what is now known as Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA). John Koang did not act according to the new agreement. He maintained sons and daughters of the new administrative area in his government.

It is suspected that the former governor is the one who would want the greater Pibor officials to continue in their post in Jonglei. This is one contentious area where the locals from the three Counties of greater Bor won’t agree.

2015: Women demonstrators demanded resignation of the Governor because of several accusations. They branded him “rebel within.” They claimed that if he is truly our leader, then he should have visited us in a displaced camp like he has always done to his fellow Nuers in UNMISS camp in Bor. They advanced that he month after month pays them salaries in the camps and other locations outside the government control areas.

The demonstrations also demand that no election in Jonglei if Kiir does not act to remove John Koang before June.

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  1. Demade25 says:

    GPAA issues have to be handled in Juba and not Bortown because it is under the central government and not state. “rebel within” is a stupid statement because John Kong Nyuon is a true liberator. he never rebelled and never left the movement. I hope Salva will never listen to those trash claim. keep them in prison until they revealed those behind the scence. some politicians who lost their job or looking for new positions are behind the innocent women fake protest


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