Posted: January 30, 2015 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Commentary, Contributing Writers, Dut-machine De Mabior

By Dut-machine De Mabior, Nairobi, Kenya

Dr. Majak D'agoot Atem in Nakuru, Kenya, Jan 3rd, 2015

Dr. Majak D’agoot Atem in Nakuru, Kenya, Jan 3rd, 2015

January 30, 2015 (SSB) The war of liberation was fought by many of our veterans in the SPLA but only a few of them have extended the war to the second phase. The vision of the SPLM is taking town to the people. This has been implemented by a few members in our ruling elites. This article pays special attention to the developmental activities of Dr. Majak D’ Agoot between 2005 and 2013. This is to explain in depth to the likes of David Chol who wrote “why is Dr. Majak D’ Agoot Brainwashing South Sudanese” and many others who may not know the facts about the work of Majak. I also challenge many of my colleagues who are aware of the good doings of our leaders to punish us with the information so that we actually know who we are dealing with.

  1. Majak in Education development

The man in question has done all in his power to promote the academic knowhow in the country. This topic is surely very vast in this writing as he did:

  1. Building of Malek Academy

This school was first built by Abel Alier Kuai in the 1970 (s) to cater for the needy population of the Bor people whose educational knowhow was far much below the world-class index. The school did very well till it produced many of south Sudanese who are now world-class leaders, the PhD holder in Financial Economics, Dr. D’ Agoot inclusive.

This great institution was ruined and indeed reduced down to nothingness in the war of liberation fought by the SPLM/A and the Khartoum regime for twenty-one years. Till 2005, when the CPA was signed, this school had noticeably only a third of the wall intact and no significant building up standing. Majak thought of rebuilding the school on the same foundation so that the efforts and the history of our great legend, Justice Abel Alier does not die out of the history books.

He did this through his personal relationship with Sir Chalton, a British wealthy man whom he befriended when he was a student in the UK. For a few of us who are fans of the English football, Sir Chalton is the president of Chalton Athletic Football Club. This is after Chalton was interested in helping him as he saw in him a future leader who always put people above his personal gains. Dr. Majak used the opportunity to develop the country through building the school.

The funding was then made by DAREK CHAPEL, a charity organization under Sir Chalton. This provided a fund of $ 8 million to raise the school. Dr. Majak recommended the Archbishop of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan and Sudan,Daniel Deng Bul Yak to head the Board of trustees who now manages the funds. This is to promote transparency and speed up the implementation as he was busy in Khartoum during the time. So far, $ 5 million has been committed to the project and it was stopped by the current crises and will resume soon when the political skirmishes are solved. This work is visible on “malekacadamy.com”.

I must make my readership aware that Malek Academy is different from Bor intermediate (malek secondary) which is being managed and maintained by the state government. Malek Academy has had two batches of graduates so far producing 100% pass in the South Sudan Secondary School Certificate. As the statistics stand, Malek Academy is the best school in Jonglei state and among the top five best in the country. I must also state that the school is being managed by DAREK CHAPEL till today. No single penny of the government (state and central) has been used in construction and its management.

Dr. Majak whose village is about 70 miles north of Bor Town raising a standard institution in this place shows that he views the country in a unitary nuclear manner. He knows we are one people in which any able member of the society can raise beneficial institutions at the point of common meetings in the country.

  1. Mangalla Primary School

This school is located in Central Equatoria state, Mangalla as the names suggest. It was too built through the solicitation of Dr. Majak D’ Agoot when he was still in Khartoum. He did this through his wealthy friend, a millionaire from Darfur named S. Wada who lives in London. The Dr. requested him to build the school when he learnt that the millionaire friend was out to help him develop his personal finances. It was the first school to be built under his influence. Since he had already signed the Darek Chapel funds to build Malek Academy, he had to locate this project in Central Equatoria to equally distribute amenities to the needy children of South Sudan.

  1. Scholarship Funds

Dr. Majak built relationship with many charity organizations and churches while a student in the UK. This is how he has been in a position to assist many students (noticeably even before he joined the government) doing various degree courses in foreign universities. The records so available show that each an every state in South Sudan has had a beneficiary in this organization needless to mention that all the payams across greater Bor (3 counties) have had an elite produced by this courtesy.

He extended this to his personal finances when the economy hit hard on his white friends who used to fund his agenda. This is the time he introduced the cost sharing strategy in which he would pay a part of the course and the family of the affected student does the rest. This had to be done to improve the work force of the independent republic.

  1. Majak in improving Jonglei State Security.

While the director of security in charge of Southern Sudan. He did the following to improve the security in Jonglei state.

  1. Network Towers

These were brought to the state by various telecommunication companies like Zain. These boosters under Dr. Majak were distributed to many parts of the state. Jalle, Akobo, Duk, Fangak, Ayod and Pibor were among the places which the towers where constructed in. This was in the light of improving Jonglei state wanting security situation.

The governor too was immobile due to impassable roads; he Dr. Majak sent a helicopter from Khartoum to facilitate the governor survey the counties under his care. He too and Dr. Lual Achuek negotiated roads construction projects with the government of Khartoum, unfortunately, referendum was executed before the project kick off.

  1. Majak in Health improvement
  2. Maar Clinic

In the improvement of health care, Dr. Majak through his friend from Sudan, too a millionaire whom he persuaded to establish a company in South Sudan built the Maar Clinic. This project was implemented by a company from Khartoum.

  1. Majak out of Corruption.

Others who have not read the president’s letter to the 75 concerning the vanishing of $ 4 billion can easily think Dr. Majak is among the wanted gluttons. For the sake of reality, the list of 75 was issued when Majak was only 87 days (roughly three months) in Juba. It was basically about those who were working with the Government of Southern Sudan. This is to set the record clear so that innocent officials are not accused falsely.

Upon his appointment as the deputy minister of Defense and veterans affairs, Dr. Majak invited the Anti-corruption commission of South Sudan and made declaration of Assets. He instructed the anti-graft body to be inspecting his family accounts after every six months to ascertain if he had done away with any public penny. He was indeed cleared by the same commission when he exited the office two years later. He has never had any corruption claim whatsoever in the country.

While in the same docket, he built the military pension funds to a billion South Sudanese pounds. By the grace of God we hope that this money is still intact upon his exit. My worry is that, a number of officials who were working in the pension scheme are gone; indeed one went to the U.S, an indication that not all is well.


As I conclude, many more can be found on my first article on this subject “Dr. Majak D’ Agoot: The only One in Thousand Leaders”. Many people may mistake my writing as political fanatism, while the latter has no problem were it the case, I need to make it clear that my view of writing all these is to set the clear picture of our leaders. I challenge you too to write anything positive about the one you know better than others. I happen to have the tract records of Dr. Majak D’ Agoot and there above they are. I am not wrong to say that Dr. Majak is a blessing in disguise.

The author is a student of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya.

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to paanluel2011@gmail.com. SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.

  1. a. deng says:

    network towers were not build by majak agoot as alleged but by biar kuol ayuen work is working as director -general in the ministry of telecommunication and postal services. it was during majak agoot and john kong nyuon that south Sudanese witnessed run away security in jonglei. please stop lying about this guy. did you see the list of 16 most corrupt south Sudanese published by this website few days ago? majak is alledged to have taken 27 million usd- south Sudanese money. the guy is corrupt.


  2. a. deng says:

    you recently inflated numbers of people who (relatives and friends) attended majak’s family function dubbed rally- from 650 to 4000. 3,350 more- nonexisting attendees. what a disgrace!!!. keep on destroying majak agoot through your shoddy writtings.


  3. a. deng says:

    majak should come and contest in twii county to see for himself whether he is popular or not . there are many capable twi cadres out there and will be ashamed. he is no longer popular after the current war. who told you that you have to defend a politician? let majak carry his own political cross-leave him alone and he will rejuvenate fortunes.


  4. Malith Alier says:

    Mr. or rather Dr. Majak D’Agoot is a “diamond, gold and silver.” He should better preach to us about it.


  5. David says:

    that is great Dut you are trying so hard to defend Majak, but brother you are far away from telling the truth, Majak have no hand in all of the above you have awarded to him except one, the Malek secondary school which you said it is still under construction. Brother you do not award somebody with ambition. I consider that as an ambition if it still under construction that is not done yet and also it might be the one of his empty promises of brainwashing the communities outside the country. Also, Majak has nothing to do with this Chapel Guy because this person is a church person and your friend Majak have no connection with him at all, maybe if he met him and then he meets him through his cousin Bol Deng. but meeting somebody one time does not mean that you will get help from him. For magalla school, I think that is a matter of put something out there to make your article look longer I do not think that is true because if majak was building schools in every corner of south sudan, why he did not build one school in his home area? instead of talking about the school that were already built, because all the schools you are talking were already there, Magalla primary school was already there as well as malek Secondary school. Again I do not know about Maar clinic and I am not going to talk about the communication systems in the state it was already answered by others and you yourself know that you giving the right credits to the wrong person. So brother you are trying to defend Majak but you are pushing him off the clip. Think about what I mean pushing him the clip. So I am still thinking Majak is brainwashing our people outside the country by assuming other people works as his, because he do not assumed all these credits if he is in the country.


    • dutmachine says:

      Disputing the truth is a crime against humanity, you can say anything in your favour but Dr. did all those as far as the records show.

      Others like commenting yet do not have access to public news. Am not preaching anything to promote his personality but to let you know the reality about his records. The corruption profile can be confirmed at the anti-corruption not news websites.

      For my brother David, Majak is not a tribal entity to take anything good to Maar, you must know that.

      My writing isn’t meant to change your political decision but to allow you know the truth. Mine is not political favoritism.

      if talking someone’s profiles is a destruction, then nothing is good for our society.

      Majak did all that, you don’t need to encounter it with hatred but with truths.

      Majak and Koang were in charge of defense not internal security, so any mischief in security shouldn’t be attributed to him.

      Malek Academy is different from Bor Intermediate (Malek Secondary) so David shouldn’t confuse this.

      Thanks anyway for your interjections.


  6. David says:

    I am not saying he has to build school in maar but it will be good if he did anyway because it would benefit our kids. There are other places he should build school especially the county head quarter that is not his place it is public place. corruption is not something we can be talking all the time because it will take its course later as we settle down. I am saying Majak is tribal man I am telling the fact. I said it before and I am repeating it again charity begins at home so he should have started at home and then go all the to where ever you said he is helping. FYI brother you might be there in Nairobi having access to some news, but all have access to all the public news so do not even think we do have access to the public news. Thank anyway for your response.


  7. Twi Dinka says:

    Please next time must know that, Eastern Twi Dinka is not part of anything related to Bor. Be informed and understand if you are truly professional writer.


    • dutmachine says:

      I know how to address my readership, but my brother, Twi Dinka, understand too that professionalism is not anything related to dividing people.

      I found the name Bor for the 3 counties and I am sure I will leave it behind. so I will not be the first to divide our greater people.

      You are entitled to your opinions but am sure this petty politics won’t take us anywhere. I believe in borism (3 counties)

      Anyway for brother David, we don’t have to oppose everything even if it’s positively motivated. I see nothing wrong with any able person from our midst developing any part of the country. Anyway charity begins at Home and that’s why Dr built a school in Bor Town, his Home and a Clinic in Maar, his village.

      I think South Sudan is Home and any one can develop any part.


  8. how do we call it when a man who is claimed to be a national figure ends up being praised by only his relatives? majak is peddling on the rough path by the way…(relatives mouthing on majak’s national ambition as if he is aspiring 2 b a clan’s chief!).. let majak talk 4 himself, not his clan.. it’s a national issue not clan’s


  9. Akol Maduok Madut Akol says:

    Give to caesar what belongs to caesar and to God what belongs to God. I think you guys will try one day to claim that man is a creator of universe. Sycopancy is unacceptable period!


    • Dut-machine De Mabior says:

      And I think, I belong to the nation too if Majak is national figure which indeed he is. He is talking did himself but remember I ameentitled to my opinions on subject. But for my brother Akol, we shall never claim because even as I talk am not claiming. I am saying what he did. Simple!


  10. Well, this is a good revelation about Dr. Majak ‘ s pure heart of readiness to help his people as he did it during twenty-one year war in the Sudan . But his intention of teaming up with Riek Machar who is rotten up with the blood of innocent people before the war of 2013 had spoiled his reputation . A lot of his supporters shy away because of the above reason. Many people are thinking that Majak is helping Riek to be came a president, not of his own. Majak needs to be concealed about South Sudan complex politics, rest of politicians are playing tribal affiliation to achieve their gold and they’re not a patriots to lead South Sudan.


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