Archive for January, 2015

By Deng Bul Riak

Riek Machar and his wife, Angelina Jany Teny, in Khartoum with President Omar Bashir

Riek Machar and his wife, Angelina Jany Teny, in Khartoum with President Omar Bashir

January 25, 2015 (SSB) — I am wondering whether rebels will honor the peace agreement that was signed last week in Arusha Tanzania on the reunification of the SPLM warring factions or not?It seems the peace is going to be dishonored like Addis Ababa peace agreement in 1972 that was dishonor by Khartoum government.

Yesterday I went to Sudan tribune website and I read the article titled ‘President Kiir must step down’ and when you through Arusha peace agreement, you may seen the processes were to reunited the SPLM warring factions and restated of old structures of the party that is Kiir will remained as the chairman of the party, Riek will be 1st vice chairman and Pagan as Secretary general of the party respectively and it was agreed by both parties.

As far now I don’t know the reasons why rebels are still insisted on the calls for the President to step down? Is it because the entire rebel groups were not told about what Riek sign in Arusha? I think this calls is a premature and unacceptable if the rebels mind about peace.

It seemed the rebels are contradicted themselves and in particular Riek who sign the peace in deal in Arusha, Tanzania and he allowed his groups to continued giving pressure on government side.

In my own understanding I believed the calls for President Kiir to step down, would dragged us back to square one, accelerated tensions in the country and our civil population would continues with unstoppable suffering in the country but when the peace was signed in Arusha,the vulnerable people of South Sudan and the world as a whole were very optimistic for peace to yearning to the country.

In my conclusion I urge rebels faction let us all be patriotic to our country and not have a mindset to destroyed it this country belongs to all of us.We fought for her, we suffered from her and eventually we vote for her for our independent.Let’s not forget our extremely struggle for this nation.

To rebel leader Riek Machar I know you are hungry for power but let me tell you that the way you love to be in power that’s how the citizens of South Sudan love peace.

Once again, advised your groups to accept peace and let’s rebuilt love, trust and confident in our hearts.

The written is a peace loving and you reach him through his E-mail:

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.

Joint Statement on South Sudan Peace Negotiations

Media Note
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
January 23, 2015

January 25, 2015 (SSB) —The text of the following statement was issued jointly by the Governments of the United States of America, the United Kingdom, and Norway.

Begin Text:

The members of the Troika (the United States, the United Kingdom, and Norway) are gravely concerned with the continued lack of progress in the South Sudan peace negotiations.

We commend the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and the IGAD Special Envoys for their steadfast commitment to the peace process, and welcome the strong message from People’s Republic of China Foreign Minister Wang Yi calling on the parties to make peace. We recall IGAD’s determination, as articulated in its summit communiqué of January 31, 2014, to inclusive negotiations toward an agreement that addresses necessary reforms to the security sector and economic governance, creates institutions for justice and accountability, catalyzes a revived permanent constitutional process, and forms a transitional government leading to credible elections.

IGAD has made every effort to realize these goals despite obstruction from both the government of South Sudan and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement – In Opposition (SPLM-IO). We are deeply disappointed in the continued unwillingness of either party to make the compromises needed to achieve a viable peace agreement. Over the past two months, statements by both parties have suggested they have distanced themselves from previous commitments, and violations of the cessation of hostilities agreement have continued. We call on both parties to recommit to negotiate with a spirit of urgency and compromise, refrain from all further military action immediately and form a Transitional Government of National Unity.

We look forward to guidance from the African Union Peace and Security Council, convened on the margins of the African Union Summit in January, on how the report of the AU Commission of Inquiry will be used to support the peace process and inform the development of mechanisms for accountability and reconciliation in South Sudan.

Furthermore, we reiterate our determination to address the grave humanitarian situation in South Sudan. Today, over a year after the beginning of the conflict, nearly 2 million South Sudanese have been displaced, over 100,000 are under the direct protection of the UN Mission in South Sudan, and the country remains at risk of a food security crisis. Along with other international donors, we will continue to stand with the people of South Sudan who are needlessly suffering as a result of this conflict.

We recognize the recent agreement in Arusha, Tanzania to reconcile the SPLM and encourage the parties to use the upcoming IGAD summit of 29 January to secure peace for the people of South Sudan. In the face of this deplorable humanitarian crisis, there can be no excuse for further delay in negotiations or for continued violence.

Let’s just say it: The SPLM party is the problem

Posted: January 25, 2015 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Commentary, Contributing Writers

By Gai James Kai

January 25, 2015 (SSB) —  It’s not surprising that the SPLM leadership agrees to some extents in Arusha – Tanzania; it is that such extreme remarks and views are now taken for granted.

We have been studying SPLM politics for more than 40 years, and never have we seen them this dysfunctional. In my past writings, i have criticized both warring parties when i believed it was warranted. Today, however, i have no choice but to acknowledge that the core of the problem lies with the SPLM Party.

The SPLM has become an insurgent outlier in South Sudanese’s politics. It is ideologically extreme; scornful of compromise; unmoved by conventional understanding of facts, evidence and science; and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition.

When one party moves this far from the mainstream, it makes it nearly impossible for the political system to deal constructively with the country’s challenges.

“Both sides do it” or “There is plenty of blame to go around” are the traditional refuges for an South Sudanese news media intent on proving its lack of bias, while political scientists prefer generality and neutrality when discussing partisan polarization. Many self-styled bipartisan groups, in their search for common ground, propose solutions that move both sides to the center, a strategy that is simply untenable when one side is so far out of reach.

It is clear that the center of gravity in the SPLM Party has shifted sharply to the wrong. Its once-legendary moderate and center-right legislators in the National Legislative Assembly are virtually extinct.

What happened? Of course, there were larger forces at work beyond the realignment of the South Sudan. They included the non – mobilization of social conservatives, the anti-tax movement launched by this failed party’s Proposition, the rise of conservative talk and the emergence of News and right-wing blogs. But the real move to the bedrock right starts with two names: Salva Kiir Mayardit and Dr. Riek Machar.

Ironically, after becoming President and Vice President respectively, these two wanted to enhance SPLM’s reputation and was content to compromise with Dr. Jonh Garang when it served their interests. But the forces Salva Kiir unleashed destroyed whatever comity existed across party lines, activated an extreme and virulently anti-democratic base — most recently represented by opposition party activists — and helped drive moderate believers out of National Legislative Assembly. (Some of his progeny, elected in 2010 elections, moved to the Failed ruling party, SPLM and polarized its culture of intolerant in the same way.)

Today, thanks to the SPLM – IO, compromise has gone out the window in South Sudan. In the first 13 months of the ruining South Sudan, now these two are nearly to come together again; leaving the orphans whom they have killed their parents stranded in bushes and UN camps..

In the nine and now ten years of the Kiir and Riek’s administration, divided government has been produced, something closer to complete gridlock than we have ever seen in the history of South Sudan or the then Sudan, with partisan divides even leading to last year crackdown of the country.

On financial stabilization and economic recovery, on deficits and debt, and health-care reform, SPLM has been the force behind the widening ideological gaps and the strategic use of partisanship. In the presidential campaign of 2010, SPLM leaders have embraced fanciful policies on taxes payers’ money and spending, kowtowing to their party’s most strident voices.

SPLM often dismiss nonpartisan analyses of the nature of problems and the impact of policies when those assessments don’t fit their ideology. In the face of the deepest economic downturn since the Great Depression, the party’s leaders and their outside acolytes insisted on obeisance to a supply-side view of economic growth — thus fulfilling Norquist’s pledge — while ignoring contrary considerations.

The results can border on the absurd: In early 2009, several of the eight SPLM co-sponsors of a bipartisan corruption reform plan dropped their support; by early 2010, the others had turned on their own proposal so that there would be zero backing for any bill that came within a mile of Salva Kiir’s reform initiative.

This attitude filters down far deeper than the party leadership. Rank-and-file the voters endorse the strategy that the party’s elites have adopted, eschewing compromise to solve problems and insisting on principle, even if it leads to gridlock. Democratic voters, by contrast, along with self-identified independents, are more likely to favor deal-making over deadlock.

Oppositions are hardly blameless, and they have their own extreme wing and their own predilection for hardball politics. But these tendencies do not routinely veer outside the normal bounds of robust politics. If anything, under the presidencies of Salva Kiir and his then Deputy, the oppositions have become more of a status-quo party. They are centrist protectors of government, reluctantly willing to revamp programs and trim retirement and health benefits to maintain its central commitments in the face of fiscal pressures.

No doubt, these oppositions were not exactly warm and fuzzy toward Dr. Jonh Garang during his ruling. But recall that they worked hand in glove with him though on the “New Sudan ideology.”

In the National Legislative Assembly, some of the remaining oppositions “Blue Dogs” Dem have been targeted for extinction by redistricting, while even ardent SPLM – DC, such as freshman Dr. Lam Akol, has faced primary challenges from the right for being too accommodationist.

I understand the values of mainstream journalists, including the effort to report both sides of a story. But a balanced treatment of an unbalanced phenomenon distorts reality. If the political dynamics of South Sudan are unlikely to change anytime soon, at least we should change the way that reality is portrayed to the public.

My advice to the press: Don’t seek professional safety through the even-handed, unfiltered presentation of opposing views. Which politician is telling the truth? Who is taking hostages, at what risks and to what ends?

Also, stop lending legitimacy to NLA filibusters by treating a 60-vote hurdle as routine. The framers certainly didn’t intend it to be. Report individual senators’ abusive use of holds and identify every time the minority party uses a filibuster to kill a bill or nomination with majority support.

Look ahead to the likely consequences of voters’ choices in the upcoming “elections.” How would the candidates govern? What could they accomplish? What differences can people expect from a unified Republican or Democratic government, or one divided between the parties?

In the end, while the press can make certain political choices understandable, it is up to voters to decide. If they can punish ideological extremism at the polls and look skeptically upon candidates who profess to reject all dialogue and bargaining with opponents, then an insurgent outlier party will have some impetus to return to the center. Otherwise, our politics will get worse before it gets better.

(This article is dedicated to my beloved uncle; Gier Diew Kuong who has just been killed by Salva Kiir’s reign of terror. May your soul Rest in Eternal Peace dear uncle.)

The author is a Law Student and columnist who have written numerous articles on politics, economics, democracy, Law and order. He can be reached via or follow him on Tweeter @gai james kai.

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.


Posted: January 25, 2015 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Commentary, Socio-Cultural


Makuei Kuir

January 25, 2015 (SSB) — Twic East County is composed of Juor-Roor (Pakeer of Mar and Ajuong of Paliau) and Jur-Lith (Kongor of Pawel, Nyuak of Wanglei and Lith of Wernyol)
The wrestling took place on 24th of January, 2015 in Twic East county headquarters, Panyagoor.  According to Jieng culture we like to turn up in large numbers to watched wrestling than other activities.
The following participants are.
1.Beny Kiir vs Majok Bol Duot.
             Beny won.
2. Deng Atem Gon vs Atem Jok.
                Deng won.
3. Kuot Wal Kulang Vs Mach-magong.
                   Kuot won.
4. Kuol Majok Kuol (Thon-lei) vs Kuek Aleu ( Magaal).
                  Kuol won.
5. Makuach Yak  Vs  Mading Akol.
6. Ajith Amuom vs Yaakin.
                 Ajith won.
7. Mayen Atem vs Bul Deng.
                    Bul won.
8. Bol Makuei vs Deng Bior Joh.
                    Deng won.
9. Garang Amuom vs Biar Duot.
                 Garang won.
10. Gong Deng Deu vs Chan Magul.
                     Gong won.
Ajuong and Pakeer Payams carried the day  6-3 against Nyuak, Kongoor and Lith Payams.
Juor-roor 18 pnts
Juor-lith  9 pnts respectively. 
Next time Juor-lith may win the game. 
It was very impressed and peaceful match which was witness by county commissioner of Twic East Dau Akoi Jurkuch.
Our people need to be engage in this coexistence activities and shun down criminals activities from the Youth.
More updates will come stay tune.

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.

There lessons to be learnt from the Uganda Optic fiber scandal

Steven Ladu Lomole, Juba, South Sudan

January 25, 2015 (SSB) — On December 5th 2014 Uganda’s President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni ordered his Prime Minister Dr. Ruhakana Rugunda to sort out the mess in the optic fiber project implemented by Huawei technologies that seeks to link government agencies and also East African countries South Sudan inclusive in order to overcome high internet costs.

In the letter Museveni says that he had received complaints from his Auditor General questioning the use of inferior cables and the gross inflation of the cost of the project by over 41.9 million US dollars.

Museveni writes,

“ Some time ago a Chinese company Known as Huawei started building an ICT backbone for Uganda which that time was still using the satellite link for telephones and other forms of data transmission . Using satellite for telephones is two times more expensive than using the ICT backbone and the undersea cable. Later on I got complaints about poor cables being used, over pricing etc. In my letter of 16th April 2012 I requested the Auditor General to audit this project and establish the facts. Apparently the Auditor general wrote back to me on the 20th of June 2013 but I only saw the letter on 5th December 2014 pointing out that the project was over priced by US 41 Million etc. and recommending certain rectification. I have now received complaints that EXIM bank of China is approving another US$ 9 million for this company even before the other rectification are done.”

What do we make of this? Why did the President take almost two years before getting the Auditor General’s report? Who was hiding it and why? What was the motive? These are not questions for us as South Sudanese to answer but help us to put our own house in order. When you read the Auditor General’s report you will find out that Huawei was supposed to use different cables other than those they used.

Huawei used an inferior type of cable; G- 652B instead of G-655 that Uganda would need to transmit data. The report says that G- 652B is vulnerable to attenuation and dispersion when used for distances exceeding 80km. The money that Uganda used to fund the project is a 106 million dollars loan from China.

How is this information relevant to South Sudan?

This information is very relevant to our country because the same company that has been implicated in inflating prices and also using inferior equipment in Uganda is also implementing similar projects in our country. Indeed like it has been implicated in impropriety in Uganda; it is also not new to the same misgiving in our country.

You remember that hacking scandal complained about by the Minister of Information and Broadcasting Michael Makuei Lueth which even up to today we have never got conclusive explanations of what happened. Huawei is one of the Chinese companies implementing priority projects with funding from EXIM Bank of China.

They are working on the 1607km optic fiber project being implemented by the office of the president. How the office of the President gets involved in the work that is supposed to be done by the ministry of Telecommunication and Postal services, is a story for another day. But this project worth 200million dollars must be scrutinized lest we are shortchanged like what happened in Uganda.

We must not wait for the project to get finished before we audit it to establish the facts. For 1607 KM, worth US$200millions means that the unity cost per kilometer is 124,455.5USD. Isn’t this price inflated when compared to the region, where the same is being implemented?

For example for the 2118km optic fiber cable implemented by the same company in Uganda amidst the inflation of the cost as indicated by the Auditor General, Uganda is spending per kilometer US$50047.2 (But when compared to other countries, the same costs between 10000USD-20000USD) but South Sudan for the same is spending US$124,455.5 why the huge disparity of US$74408.3?

We need to know these details before hand so that the poor citizens of this country who are struggling to just get by are not defrauded. I learn that the government is in the process of auditing some projects because they suspect that there were some discrepancies during procurement of the contractors. This is the right thing to do but all the projects must be reviewed.

Otherwise Uganda gives us very important lesson that we ought to learn from in order to avoid becoming victims of scams which by the way some of them have the hand of our thieving individuals who have no heart for the poor people for as long as their pockets are lined and their children attending the best schools around the world

The writer is a concerned South Sudanese living in Juba; he can be reached at

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.

By Amer Mayen Dhieu, Brisbane, Australia


January 25, 2015 (SSB) — I am yet to know if South Sudanese young ones (youth) are candidly ready for peace and reconciliation to dwell in the country that is already devastated by war, division, hatred and bad politics.

It had been over a year now since December 15 fracas. The two warring parties have been bombing and shelling each other using heavy artilleries that have occasionally resulted in massacring of civilians. Both have invited foreign armed forces to help in killing themselves and the citizens however non of the disputing territories or government seats has been peacefully occupied by either Splm: in government or Splm: in opposition. Bentiu the strategic town in the heart of South Sudan economy has exchanged ownership in both  hands of the warring armies spawning major destruction to oil facilities and interruption to the gliding of oil to the main pipeline where it is hauls to international market however non have successfully defeated the other.

Above all of that, civilians are the extreme sufferers of the conflict. An exodus of mass groups of women, elderly people and children have    occurred within and outside country’s borders. Some are squeezed in  overcrowded United Nation’s compounds with no freedom of movement, strung by starvation: shortage of food and water.

Despite several calls and warning issued by UN agencies about possible breakout of famine and waterborne disease such as cholera and Malaria, the self-proclaim president Kiir denounced both calls for immediate action on Al-jazeera vacationing it as an excuse made by  international aid agencies to get funding from international donors. The president himself did not offer any disaster relief service for the internal displaced persons in the UN camps or send donation to the UN to help feed those who have escaped to neighbouring countries rather re-assuring the starving population that he is himself their legitimate leader. #Ohwell

Rebel leader Riek Machar on other hand continue fighting his war on democracy by committing inhumane acts such as rape and killings of unarm civilians, something that is also practiced by government soldiers during Juba Massacre. Riek himself visited Kenya: the  only country hosting largest group of South Sudanese refugees. Did he  manage to visit the camp or not, I have no clue but I am confident he is well aware of the mass population that is forced to live in exile by the war that he is being a participant.

On all the rounds of this unstoppable suffering of South Sudanese’s elderly persons, women and children, South Sudanese youth had been advocating and pointing fingers on both leaders, accusing them of destroying their country, killing their mothers, fathers, relatives as well as forcing some of their close family members to evacuate themselves to the neighbouring countries where them the youth become their carers financially.

The whole conflict is seen to have shouldered each and every persons, a child or infant, adult or youth, all women and men in the country a responsibility. Responsibility to care, responsibility to comment, advocate, speak, cry out or express their opinions however despite knowing both leaders are no-hopers and futile as an ashtray on a motorbike, South Sudanese youth has became wuss. None of them is seeing how inefficacious both Kiir and Riek are. None of them is being hopeless about their incapability to unite the great people of South Sudan. The youth is suffering with tall poppy syndrome, a tendency where they only throw their fallacious tongues out in combat  of criticising people who have no immediate hands in the conflict as well as people who are considered better off at least in bringing peace and unity to the people of South Sudan.

Just last week, the long awaited peace process begin in Arusha, Tanzania of East Africa. The objective of the peace process was to unite Splm factions and reorganise the longest serving political party to the original structure. As of all factions’s effort, the conference resulted in reunification and re-instating of the old Splm members who were either fired by president Kiir or chose to break away amid tension and conflict of interest that had been ongoing within the party and the rumoured substantial cause of December 15 political blow up. In conference, Riek was reinstated to vice chairman position of the party, Kiir remains as the chairman and Pagan Amum Okech as the party secretary.

All Splm factions including former detainees as well as foreign observers sees this has great way for peace to emerge and healing process of the grieving members of the party to take place. It is rumour that Kiir and Riek have confessed their involvement in the conflict that has teared the country apart yet neither of what should be done next nor accountability or the formation of the interim government and power sharing that had been the centre of Addis Ababa IGAD’s peace talk was mention. Considering the step was  just a mere starting point for peace between members of Splm party despite what faction they belong to begin. Is this not the beginning of reconciliation? should we wish to see reconciliation between Nuer and Dinka tribe starting before we reconcile the immediate people who were the starting point of the division between the two tribe?

It is obvious that I am asking nobody. The very youth that was dying for peace to emerge in the country, the very youth that is desperate to have their ageing mothers, fathers and grannies return homes and start their new life are the first to start questioning the little step that is taken. The very people who were accusing Riek of raping their women are the first to call for Riek not to return to the country he never evacuated since the beginning of conflict or get reinstated to the party he been a member before some of them were not yet born. Should you believes that Riek has committed the massacre in Bor, why wouldn’t you want him to come back so you can hold him accountable? How are you going to get hold of him should ICC charge him with crime against humanity? The same negativity is  given on rebel side although not as bad as it is on government side what does these youth want? are they just immature? raw prawn, not the full quid or don’t they see the suffering of South Sudanese people on the ground?

Some of them seem to be making sense only when there is no step taken. They call for peace on daily basis but when such calls are answered they crawl back to calling for government to send Riek to exile, exclude him out of the party, murder more rebels and so more cruel practices. I wonder if these youth know South Sudan is combination of all states and each state is represented by its member. Now that you don’t want certain county or state to be represented by the look of your argument, what South Sudan do you see in your argument?

While peace mediators were still negotiating in Arusha with members of Splm factions, government officials from Jonglei government start another divisive act. Unknown men lobed innocent women of Bor allowing them to protest on the street of state capital calling for governor to step down for unspecified reason (I am still waiting to hear the slogan or chant that they were using). Although some of us don’t have clue about the actual cause of demonstration, “some” commentators from Bor youth seconded the demonstration arguing that their mothers have done well. One person argued that civilians cannot be headed by someone who doesn’t speak their language.

Imagine, this bush-ranging argument make one to wonder whether there is different between these youth members and the illiterates villagers who have no clue of the structure of state government.

Not only that but despite showing no affection by some other members of the same youth to what these innocent women were put into, some have tried to give sense to the protest, claiming there is a little bit of sense involved in the demonstration. The fruit loops asserted that Bor women were unto and against the resettlement of IDPs in Bor because of their disloyalty, to who? to Bor or the government, I couldn’t comprehend it.

Whatever their claim is but why Bor and what is Bortown to Jonglei state? Isn’t the capital city of the state? Some Bargazal states are hosting Nuer’s IDPs yet it is the same Nuers, the members of the same tribe of Riek Machar who is working restlessly to topple Kiir from Bargazal why didn’t they ask them to leave their states? Those Nuer in Bargazal states are not from either Lake or Warrap state, they are from Unity and Upper Nile yet they are shown hospitality. Who are this people not wanting citizens of Jonglei state to resettle in Jonglei state capital? Didn’t you give Bortown to the state government at the past?

Any county or group of people that have given up a town or land to the government should it be state or federal have agreed and signed to share the land with non-citizen of that land with no complaint. I don’t understand how come the grown-intellectual youth are not getting it. Dr Lual Achueck made an attempt when he was minister of oil in Government of national unity to build Jonglei second administrative centre in Gadiang in oder to serves Jonglei citizens’s that will have to travel thousand of miles away from Ayod and many other far areas, however the strategic plan was seen by some Mps from Bor has an attempt to takes state capital away from Bor county. For whatever reason, all the projects that were agreed to build the dam as well as airport and offices in Gadiang were called off and Bortown remains the capital of the state unto these days. What sense does it make if innocent women are groom to protest against resettlement of IDPs when those IDPs are mere unarm civilians?

We all know where the problem started, it did not start within Bor civilians and Nuer civilians rather government and rebel militias. Pan-pandiar was not occupied by Nuer civilians nor Bor civilians but government forces. Should one be campaigning against any foreign occupation of Bortown, it should be the call not to establish any government military barrack near civilian occupied suburbs. I understand the bitter part of the conflict but we need to see things in bigger picture. The government we worship and remains loyal to no matter what will never win the battle nor defeat Riek by forceful methods. They have tried in a year but non of the factions has defeated the other.

Not even the irrational hatred of Nuer tribe that I saw yesterday on Facebook in this picture where some grown up men with ready-to-bear child balls were applauding the uploading of the picture to public space share by all persons of all countries.

In all fairness, should we want peace to reign in the country that we loves and care for, it is crucial that we appreciate every little step taken by rebel and government such as Arusha’s reunification, search for its positive side and leave aside the professional negative side of it. We cannot hold people who don’t care about the life of civilians accountable for their act when they are still fighting each other for they have all committed the atrocities in the name of protecting the country, the government and democracy.

Should they be making some comment about what they have signed like what Riek said in the Chicago Tribune newspaper, we should have waited until he put it into statement. In politic there is different between, suggestion, call, demand, request as well as some adjectives such as should and must. Riek himself have not yet make it clear in the face of Kiir or issue statement through his spokesperson for us to beat the drum so loud and use it as evident for people to hate Arusha’s agreement more.

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.

By PaanLuel Wël, Juba, South Sudan

“When our leaders agree, they loot our Oil Money. When they disagree, they kill us”

President Uhuru Kenyatta: We witnessed the signing of the SPLM Reunification Agreement between South Sudan President Salva Kiir, Dr. Riek Machar and Mr. Deng Alor Kuol which was overseen by Tanzania's President Jakaya Kikwete in Arusha, Tanzania. The signing of the agreement will help the SPLM work together. The framework will reunite the party which many South Sudanese had placed their hopes on. Some of us have been involved in this particular process since the beginning of the crisis, and indeed it has been very agonizing at times to see leaders unable to talk to one another and yet they were the same leaders the people of South Sudan depended on to guide the young republic after struggling for many years. We hope that the instruments that have been signed here will form the basis of bringing about peace in South Sudan which is the hope of the South Sudan and the East Africa region as a whole.

January 24, 2015 (SSB) — South Sudanese rebel leader, Dr. Riek Machar, is calling upon President Salva Kiir to step down. This is hardly a day after the signing of the Arusha reunification accord amongst the three warring factions of the SPLM—SPLM-in-Government, SPLM-in-armed rebellion and SPLM-in-Nairobi.

And there you caught yourself wondering who or what is preventing Riek Machar from removing President Salva Kiir from power. Riek Machar has taken over one year, and counting, battling the government in Juba. Not only has he failed to take over the government, he has not succeeded to hold control of one of the ten cities of the ten states of South Sudan.

The presence of the UPDF in Juba and Bor is not an excuse since there are no UPDF forces in Nasir, Malakal, Bentiu, Renk, Gadiang and Ayod to have precluded Riek Machar’s forces from capturing and maintaining those major towns.

Riek Machar’s intransigence on the departure of President Kiir makes one think of what transpired in 1991 in the wake of the Nasir coup.

By then, the SPLM leadership (Garang, Nyuon, Kiir and Wani) was insisting that the Nasir group should return to the Movement and resumed their previous ranks and functions without retributions.

The Nasir leaders, Lam and Riek, wanted just one thing: “John Garang Must Go”.

We all know how it ended: the immense suffering of Junubiin, the near annihilation of the Movement in mid-1990s and the sheer humiliation Riek Machar was subjected to in Khartoum by the Arabs in the name of the 1997 Khartoum peace agreement.

Neither the SPLM leadership nor the Nasir leaders benefited from the utter obstinacy manifested during the Nairobi peace talks mediated by Church leaders.

Are our leaders blind to history or are they prepared to relive it, along with us the common folks?

President Salva Kiir—unlike in December 2013 when he trumpeted preposterous coup—has compromised enough now. Following the Arusha reunification agreement, Riek Machar is reinstated as vice chairman, Pagan Amum as secretary general, of the SPLM ruling party.

All the rest—rebels and G-10—have been reinstated into their former positions and ranks within the SPLM party.

Moreover, as part of the proposed transitional government in Addis Ababa, Riek Machar is coming into the government as a Prime Minister. The government will be shared among all stakeholders to the conflict. It is only the modalities and proportionalities of the power sharing and leadership structure that are still in question (and being worked out in Ethiopia).

Riek Machar should remember that President Museveni of Uganda confined the Acholi-led rebellion to Northern Uganda in Acholiland as he went about ruling the rest of the country. That was exactly what happened between Khartoum and Junubiin as much of the war was confined to Southern Sudan, resulting in the present dire socioeconomic condition of our people.

At least, much to his credit, President Kiir has not resolved to pursue that option for nothing can be gained from it. There is no South Sudan without the full participation of the Nuer people, much as a dissatisfied Dinka or Equatorian population would destabilize the entire country. South Sudan belongs to all South Sudanese people.

President Kiir has compromised by reinstating his political opponents back into the ruling party and by accepting to share power with them. He has even decided to postpone the purported “June 2015” election, in the name of lowering political temperatures in the country.

Yet, Riek Machar has stuck to his Day One battle cry of “Salva Kiir Must Go”. If he fears his military leaders and the white army, then he should remember that they are the ones who have failed to remove President Kiir from power. If he fears his fanatical supporters, then he should remember that President Kiir has enough imbeciles on his side too.

If he really thinks that President Kiir is a devil for the death of the unarmed Nuer civilians in Juba, then he should remember the 1991 Bor Massacre. If Riek Machar who has committed massacre can become a vice president of South Sudan, what would prevent Salva Kiir from remaining as the President of South Sudan? It is simple logic and Riek Machar should get it.

Riek Machar had a whole year to overthrow President Kiir, but he has nothing to show for it as President Kiir is still in power and more Nuers have died than those killed in Juba, December 2013.

If Riek Machar cannot remove Salva Kiir militarily and if he is not prepared to work with him again, then who is Riek Machar calling upon to remove Salva Kiir from power?

Is he calling upon President Kiir to remove himself? Is he calling upon the international community to get rid of President Kiir?

One way or another, the best way forward is a power sharing government with Salva Kiir as the president, Wani Igga as the vice president, Riek Machar as the prime minister and Pagan Amum as the deputy prime minister.

This is what Addis Ababa is all about. Meanwhile, the Arusha accord was about ensuring the unity of the SPLM party without which there would be no government of national unity.

The raging war started within the SPLM party. The advance of peace must therefore commence within the party before anything concrete and substantive would result from the Addis Ababa peace talks.

Riek Machar should stick to the letter and spirit of the SPLM intra-party agreement on the reunification of the SPLM warring factions in Arusha, Tanzania.

He should moderate his entrenched position of Day One (Salva Kiir Must Go) and compromise for the sake of peace and reconciliation in South Sudan.

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.


Posted: January 24, 2015 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Commentary, GORDON BUAY MALEK, Junub Sudan

By Ambassador Gordon Buay

January 24, 2015 (SSB) — This is to inform the people of South Sudan that Maj. Gen. Peter Gatdet Yak broke away from Riek Machar today on January, 24, 2015. He just finished meeting his officers two hours ago and they all agreed that they are not part of Riek Machar starting from today.

The reasons for his brake away are as follows:

1. He said Riek Machar violated Pagak Resolution of December, 2014 and signed Arusha Agreement without consulting them;

2. He said it is now clear that Riek Machar is killing South Sudanese for the sake of power. He said Riek Machar could not stage a coup and killed tens of thousands of people just to return to SPLM Party as the 1st Vice Chairman, the same position he held before December, 15, 2013;

3. He declared that he would form a new rebel Movement that will negotiate with the Government via IGAD. The new Movement will present their positions to the international community.


As we told the international community that Riek Machar has no control over the rebel commanders fighting us, Jikany rebel commanders headed by Gen. Gathoth Gatkuoth met on Saturday night in Khartoum and rejected the Arusha Agreement based on the following reasons:

1. They argued that Pagak Resolutions of December, 2014 did not authorize Riek Machar to sign a deal for the reunification of the SPLM.

2. Maj. Gen. Gathoth Gatkuoth said that Riek Machar was authorized last December by all rebel commanders to negotiate only through IGAD.

3. The Jikany commanders said that SPLM reunification does not concern them and was not the reason for their rebellion.

4. Maj. Gen. Gathoth Gatkuoth said that they will call a meeting that would include all Nuer rebel Generals to establish a new Movement with a new name that will negotiate with the SPLM-led government through IGAD.

5. The commanders said that the rebels cannot use the name SPLM/SPLA since the Arusha Agreement united the SPLM factions as one. They agreed to create a new name for their rebel Movement that will negotiate with the unified SPLM via IGAD.


Dear all,

The rebel forces in Wadakona split into two on Sunday between forces loyal to Riek Machar and forces loyal to Lt. Gen. Gordon Koang Chol.

The forces loyal to Gordon Koang, commanded by Maj. Gen. Joseph Ruot, moved to Amer in White Nile as per the orders of their commander.

The forces loyal to Riek Machar, commanded by Maj. Gen. Chigai Galuak, remained in Wadakona. However, their number is less than 800 after the forces loyal to Gordon Koang left.

Lt. Gen. Gordon Koang declared on Sunday that his forces shall be called South Sudan Defense Forces (SSDF). Their political wing will be announced soon.

Lt. Gen. Gordon Koang chose Maj. Gen. Biel Torkech Rambang as the one who will lead the political wing of SSDF that shall be announced soon.

Maj. Gen. Biel Torkech is currently in USA. He was contacted by Gordon Koang on Sunday night to lead the new Movement. According to the sources close to Gordon Koang, Biel Torkech accepted the offer and will soon fly to Khartoum to call a Press Conference.


Dear all,

My informer in Akobo town revealed that Gen. Simon Gatwec Dual, the chief of staff of rebels, called an emergency meeting of all Lou Nuer military officers.

The meeting will take place on Sunday, January, 25th, at 9:00 AM. The topic that will be discussed is the Arusha Agreement signed by Riek Machar.

According to my informer, majority of Lou Nuer, including Gatwec Dual, are opposed to Arusha Agreement because, according to them, it violated Pagak’s Resolutions of last year December that were agreed by the majority of the rebel Generals.

I will inform the public about the outcome of the meeting tomorrow.


The Lou Nuer consultative meeting on Arusha Agreement took place on Sunday. The meeting was chaired by the rebels’ chief of staff, Simon Gatwec Dual, and was attended by all Lou Nuer rebel commanders.

The Lou Nuer rebels unanimously rejected the Arusha deal and strongly condemned Riek Machar for signing it without consulting the rebel Generals.

The rebel Generals made it abundantly clear that they would not support the Arusha Agreement nor will they support Riek Machar to continue as the Chairman of the rebels.


As we told the international community that Riek Machar has no control over the rebel commanders fighting us, Jikany rebel commanders headed by Gen. Gathoth Gatkuoth met on Saturday night in Khartoum and rejected the Arusha Agreement based on the following reasons:

1. They argued that Pagak Resolutions of December, 2014 did not authorize Riek Machar to sign a deal for the reunification of the SPLM.

2. Maj. Gen. Gathoth Gatkuoth said that Riek Machar was authorized last December by all rebel commanders to negotiate only through IGAD.

3. The Jikany commanders said that SPLM reunification does not concern them and was not the reason for their rebellion.

4. Maj. Gen. Gathoth Gatkuoth said that they will call a meeting that would include all Nuer rebel Generals to establish a new Movement with a new name that will negotiate with the SPLM-led government through IGAD.

5. The commanders said that the rebels cannot use the name SPLM/SPLA since the Arusha Agreement united the SPLM factions as one. They agreed to create a new name for their rebel Movement that will negotiate with the unified SPLM via IGAD.

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.

By Deng Lueth Yuang, Calgary, Alberta, CANADA

“The fear of the unknown is going to be supportive to crude oil prices. King Abdullah was the architect of the current strategy to keep production high and force out smaller players instead of cutting,” said John Kilduff, partner at Again Capital LLC in New York.

January 24, 2015 (SSB) — Following the death of Saudi Arabia King, the US West Texas Intermediate benchmark rose by more than 2% selling at $47.76 a barrel and the international Brent Crude benchmark rose by more than 1.5% selling at $49.10 a barrel.

Wow! A world of Unbelievables, a Little United States of America in the heart of Middle East is exerting its pressure upon world’s energy giants – oil and gas economies, companies and individual dealers to either adjust, stay put or do away with oil. Unbelievable!

This brings me to the South Sudan’s economy. There was some uproar among certain quarters of South Sudanese when Pres. Salva Kiir sent condolences to the people of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the death of their leader. These critics claimed that late King Abdullah was an Islamic Jihadist, and hence there are better things Mr. Kiir should spend his time on such as expediting the peace process or mourning those killed in the country by his self-made senseless war.

That is great, but one thing is crystal clear. I do think President Kiir was playing out his international diplomatic role as a leader in his own right to ‘appease and recognize the Kingdom’ as an important partner in the world market today.

In any particular market set up, there are two main sets of competitors, the major vs the fringe. Saudi Arabia is a major player whereas South Sudan is a fringe or minor. Actions by Saudi Arabia can send waves across the energy markets whereas South Sudan’s actions are just drop in the ocean. The answer lies in the production capacities of approximately 9.7 million vs 160, 000 bpd for Kingdom and South Sudan respectively. Look at those numbers!

Henceforth, Saudi Arabia is holding the energy world hostage. How South Sudan economy fares well in the next 2-3 years will not be determined by neither US nor the Arusha intra-party or Addis Ababa national peace talks, but by this relatively small superpower, not weaponry or technology but oil guru, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia!

That is to say, if you live in South Sudan and you want an end to that scarcity of hard currency in Juba, especially that exorbitant forex rate of upto 7.3 SSP a dollar; or you are looking for US dollars for your overseas treatment, rental and other family obligations such as studies and other accessories, pray to and plead with the new King Salman Ibn Saud to cut oil production in his country.

Saudi Arabia holds the key to South Sudan finding its footing again in the community of nations. Meanwhile, the US government is just a mere spectator waiting for an opportunity from OPEC to wink so as to exploit the situation. The US laissez faire system is unregulated and run by a myriad of greedy oil companies such as Exxon Mobil, Chevron, BP and others, competing for profits. They won’t cut anything till the invisible hand of the market reign them out.

However, such intricacies make us to understand why President Kiir did that unremarkable thing to mourn the death of the KING to our economy.

That is the big reason why South Sudan should not go it alone but dance to the tune of other singers.

The commentator is an Economist.

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.

All Must Accept Arusha Peace Process: No Other Choices!

Posted: January 24, 2015 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Featured Articles, Kur Wël Kur

By Kur Wel Kur

President Uhuru Kenyatta: We witnessed the signing of the SPLM Reunification Agreement between South Sudan President Salva Kiir, Dr. Riek Machar and Mr. Deng Alor Kuol which was overseen by Tanzania's President Jakaya Kikwete in Arusha, Tanzania. The signing of the agreement will help the SPLM work together. The framework will reunite the party which many South Sudanese had placed their hopes on. Some of us have been involved in this particular process since the beginning of the crisis, and indeed it has been very agonizing at times to see leaders unable to talk to one another and yet they were the same leaders the people of South Sudan depended on to guide the young republic after struggling for many years. We hope that the instruments that have been signed here will form the basis of bringing about peace in South Sudan which is the hope of the South Sudan and the East Africa region as a whole.

President Uhuru Kenyatta: We witnessed the signing of the SPLM Reunification Agreement between South Sudan President Salva Kiir, Dr. Riek Machar and Mr. Deng Alor Kuol which was overseen by Tanzania’s President Jakaya Kikwete in Arusha, Tanzania. The signing of the agreement will help the SPLM work together. The framework will reunite the party which many South Sudanese had placed their hopes on. Some of us have been involved in this particular process since the beginning of the crisis, and indeed it has been very agonizing at times to see leaders unable to talk to one another and yet they were the same leaders the people of South Sudan depended on to guide the young republic after struggling for many years. We hope that the instruments that have been signed here will form the basis of bringing about peace in South Sudan which is the hope of the South Sudan and the East Africa region as a whole.

Dear citizens of my country,

January 24, 2015 (SSB) —  Peace constructed and healed this planet many times; and the war opened old and new wounds million times; the history of our planet recorded it and continues to do so as I write this blog. That where peace stops; war begins. The nature of this planet placed this cycle hand in hand and a naturalist and an evolutionist, Charles Darwin, observed it. He described it as “a survival of the fittest”; meaning, we are who we are because of our parents’ and our own choices.

However, it takes God to choose a viable and lasting choices for all. With this in mind, we (South Sudanese) must allow God to walk on troubled water to save the sinking boat, our country. We must admit that our country went into war with itself because of power greed.

People demand leaders and for God to teach people, He chooses leaders appropriate to them (people) depending with times. For Christians, I must refer you to the book of ages, the bible. In it, people of Israel demanded a human king from God; that they want to conform to the ruling of this planet, where kings and governors lead and rule people, that they’re tired of God’s leadership. God gave them Saul as their king; he ruled them with human’s inequities. The Israelites went running and complaining about Saul to God and requested a change of a leadership. David earned himself followers so you either be with “David” or “Saul”; no in between! So those bystanders shouting neutrality at the top of their lungs are lying to themselves and to God. God rewards and punishes people in regard to their deeds (their sincere decisions).

Regardless of a clear distinction between friends and foes, peace process must take roots in our minds because no peace agreement too stupid, too small or helpless. Any tiny peace time saves millions and acts a stepping stone to even the bigger ones; an example, the Addis Ababa agreement of 1972, which the government of Khartoum dishonoured, harboured and flourished   Dr. Garang on how comprehensive peace agreement would come to all South Sudanese. With this positive mood of 1972, all must welcome the Arusha Peace process. However, many of my country people sent mixed messages to the world, that the Arusha peace is a joke, that it lacks viability and that South Sudanese died in vain! Some of these messages reflect truth, but to stop deaths of thousands, we must accept the little God offers us through the fighting leaders. And rejecting it, will send your brothers to die in frontlines, sisters and mothers to suffer in foreign lands.

We must not forget that our problems and solutions come with the time; the world calendar presents in our faces the 21st century. This means comparing ourselves to Kenyans, Tanzanians and Ugandans is the main cause of our suffering. This places aside a habit of listening to empty phrases (democracy and human rights) from the first world countries. We must take baby steps in everything!

And even if we have to listen the voices of our neighbours and friends in the West, we must acknowledge democracy as a total domination over minority. I wouldn’t transport you thousand miles by airbus across Indian, Pacific or Atlantic Ocean to show you how democracy stepped and continues to step on minority; however, Kenya offers us with an observable example. In fifty two years of Kenyans’ independence, only 4 presidents have ruled Kenya of which 3 in 4   presidents are from Kikuyu, the biggest tribe in Kenya. The odd one (Daniel Arap Moi) out of 4 presidents was a friend to the first president of Kenya and definitely groomed and recommended by him to lead Kenya.

So those Manilla papers with big letters spelling democracy are environmental disasters, a waste of energies and times because democracy is a factor of majority! If life were a single sided journey, I would advise the 64 tribes in South Sudan to choose what they must do to live their lives without interference! For example, let the Dinka takes up the education system, Zande with the agriculture… and Acholi with the government; however, unfortunately, it doesn’t work as simple as these examples because life models itself in three dimensions (3D). We live our lives in gangs; gangs’ conflicts bring deaths and sufferings. Bunches of gangs run the systems in our country; they brought war!

A Zande farmer needs a powerful friend or relative (maybe a General or Brigadier general) in the military for his farm products to find their ways to the market without taxes and necessary charges because he uses military trucks to transport his products; same farmer needs another friend/relative in the security agency, in the police department, in the education system, in the bank, in the council of ministers and the list goes…. This, the nature of this war. Nevertheless, any peace is good.

Yrs.’ Kur Wel Kur.

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.

By David Aoloch Bion

January 24, 2015 (SSB) — Although the Arusha agreement is fullest of inconsistent, unworkable resolutions, the two term limits for the chairman of the SPLM party is the best milestone in the history of SPLM and here I quoted the draft  ‘’The term limit for the SPLM National and State Chairpersons of the party shall be two terms of 5 years each only’’ This is the biggest step ever taken by the SPLM  toward  democracy . This will eliminate the spirit of impatience which is the root causes of the conflict in South Sudan.

Here, we shall know  Mr . X has become the chairman of SPLM from this date to  this date and we shall wait for his term to finish patiently . if he is  popular he will rule for 10 years , if he is unpopular he will rule only for 5 years . Two term limit  will allow  4 generations of SPLM cadres  to rule in their life time . This idea of two term limit must also be  enshrined  in Constitution  of Republic of South Sudan so if the president is popular he will rule for 10 years , he is unpopular he will rule for 5 years  , this will be beginning of democracy and the end of conflict.. if he abuse his power ,  we shall hang him  after his 10 years in office .

On the other hand , the Arusha Document is fullest of inconsistent , unworkable resolution , for example article  12 says   ‘’Any individual SPLM member convicted by a competent court or tribunal of crimes against humanity, war crimes, crimes against peace or gross human rights violations and abuses during the crisis that erupted in the country since 15th December 2013 shall not be eligible to hold public office in the Party and the Governments ‘’   This is unworkable resolution because President Kiir and Riek Machar  are convicted under the law which  says you are guilty until you are proven innocent . All who committed so-called war crimes were acting at the orders of Kiir and Riek and I doubt both men will surrender themselves  to the court with their  popular support among their constituencies .

Again Article 16 says    . ‘’SPLM commits to and supports the establishment of a comprehensive system of transitional justice, (the core elements of which are truth and reconciliation, criminal prosecution, reparations and institutional reforms), to look into the issues of atrocities, human rights violations and abuses in the country’’ This is also another contradictory , unworkable resolution, it is talking about truth and reconciliation and at the same time it is talking about  criminal prosecution, these are incompatible.

You  will have truth and reconciliation without  criminal prosecution  or you will have criminal prosecution without  truth and reconciliation . it is always  say ‘’war crimes are determined by the winners  of war  and war criminals are always losers in the war . in this conflict there are no losers , all are winners and therefore who will be prosecuted?’’

For example in Rwanda , it is only the defeated government members who were tried in Arusha , there is no single member of  Rwanda Patriotic Front , who won war is tried in Arusha . In former Yugoslavia , only the members of  defeated regime were tried . no single member of the West back government was tried in the Hague .  in Germany , only members of defeated Hitler regime were tried  in Nuremberg. .

How are you going to disarm  President Kiir and put him on trial ? How are going to disarm Riek Machar and put him on trial ? How are you going to disarm those Generals  like Marial , Gatdet and put them on trial ? these are all impossible !!!!!!!!!!!!!

The criminal prosecution will lead to another rebellion, mark my words.  .

The Best solution is to give  amnesty to all criminals.

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.

By Majok Arol Dhieu, Rumbek, Lakes State

New Dinka Script as proposed by Aleu Majok Aleu

New Dinka Script as proposed by Aleu Majok Aleu

January 23, 2015 (SSB) — I was reading some articles from PaanLuel Wël website being published by various writers in South Sudan and outside. I was rather taken aback when I opened the said topic. The change in Dinka language this time must involve all Dinka people whether outside or inside the country. I didn’t know that some few individuals have already tried to reform our language without consulting others.

The books contain numerous plagiarized letters which are therefore hammered and place some upside down. If you compare those alphabets with Chinese, Russian, Amharic side by side, it is clear that the author has plagiarized from those languages and starting tooting his own horns for abbreviated piece of nothing.

What I have realized is that, these individuals who have come up with this absurd reform wanted everybody to go back to School and begin from scratch. Pronunciation itself will be difficult. We shall be pronouncing words as Chinese and Japanese who pronounce words using their noses instead of their mouths. If change be in Dinka language, it is not people on run that should sit and single-handed without consultations from other Dinkas.

Your main purpose of going abroad by then was not something connected with languages ratification or destruction but, you were going there for your safety and later get education. If you are educated enough, you may change something in your own life and leave this particular issue as concerns of all citizens to be done in conference which should be attended by representatives.

We also in South Sudan whom you have left behind during war are making sure that illiteracy is still an uphill battle after a terrible civil war with Khartoum regime and a little knowledge that we have gained is up to par. We have been on up and up, and therefore we should not be neglected when something of that important is at hands.

The reform of Dinka alphabet is as useful as chocolate in the teapot. I am particularly not happy for it. You have to try something else to fare your time. Be warned that, doing something without concerns of others had been one of the reasons South Sudanese have been on loggerhead with Northern Sudanese for a number of years.

I hope people from abroad are very alike-they’re like two peas in a pod, although I am complaining here, I am sure your comments will bear no good fruits. There is no problem; I will still make clarifications because I am always on net for twenty-four-seven.

Be inform that our success had turned the tables on our competitors and therefore don’t use something that will break our unity. I have gone through on how reformation of Dinka Language will look like and it is really ugly as sin! So, it easy for me to put two and two together. It whole meaning is to sideline other Dinka. As the saying goes “you can’t put new wine in the old bottles” we MUST not change our language.

We have seen your civilization which is making our forefathers tradition fad away. We are currently experiencing some of the issues such as wearing short aprons, practicing commercial sexes/loves, marriages on casual contracts, eating in the open market; the list is long with all forms of abominations issues.

We have been seeing it as the same war that has affected us in most cases. If we would have not opted for war, our people would have not gone far and came back with those unwanted behaviors but if we would have not arms ourselves, freedom would have not been there.

So, don’t let this give you an upper hand to change Dinka alphabets without majority concerns. NO, NO, there is zero tolerance on this. We are world apart. I need urgent explanation as to why you particularly came up with reform, so wrap your brain around it very carefully.

The author is a concern Dinka from Yirol East County and can be reach on

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.

Jonglei Government on a Conflagration

Posted: January 23, 2015 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Featured Articles, Malith Alier

By Malith Alier, Bor

January 23, 2015 (SSB) —  After the political and military disaster of 2013, the current Jonglei Governor in the name of John Koang Nyuon was appointed acting governor for the embattled state. Mr. John Koang served as advisor to the President and also held a defence portfolio until July 2013 reshuffle.

Many observers voiced their frustration with the appointment of John as nobody deemed it appropriate considering the prior circumstances to his appointment. Even the 60 day period for organising by-election did not assist the concerned parties who were against the said appointment.

Mr. John Koang administration now experiences upheaval with a peaceful constituency of the State. There are many failures that have led to the peaceful constituency to voice their concern in a peaceful but ominous way.

Today, 22 January 2015 a group of ladies organise a mini-demonstration against what they thought are inconsistencies by John and cronies. One of their demo placards read, “John is a rebel within” among other concerns.

This author on separate occasion in the past thought that it was unfair for Jonglei State Governor to sidelined a peaceful constituency of greater Bor where the seat of State government is located. What is the use of maintaining members of a constituency that has separated from the state? The members of greater Pibor administration who seemed to be stranded are still clinging to their posts by threads.

The administration of John Koang is indeed a strange one compared to other states in this country. No other state in the country where members from a separate state become valued rulers in another State.

Other reasons why John administration is on fire concern their IDPs in UNMISS compound. It is alleged that John forwards their monthly salaries in contravention of the public service rules and regulations. Secondly, John appoints IDPs straight from the camp to the State government while laying off those who held those positions.

A case is the recent retrenchment in the State Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning where directors are replaced for the above reason. This shows that John is less in the service of those who support the government but is clearly in the service of those who opposed it in the form of those in UNMISS.

The voice of women demonstrators is fully supported against the governor by many street people who I talked to, particularly in Marol Market located a few kilometres from where demo took place. They pledged to nominate one of the ladies to become governor of Jonglei State after the departure of John Koang. Voice of women oyee he chanted.

John has lost legitimacy according to constitution along with public confidence and support as well because of being adamant in maintaining Greater Pibor officials to continue on the laurels of the state they don’t call their own.

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.

By Nyieth Agut-thon

riek machar states

January 22, 2015 (SSB) —  The issue of federalism as an alternative governance system compare to decentralized structure of governance by some leaders of this country has been debated, defined and explained in much more details but still there is a stalemate in regard to this same issue.

The proponents and opponents of federal governance structures are accusing themselves thoroughly while debating the subject matter. The opponents of federalism, mostly from government’s side lay blame critically on proponents of the structures and moreover accused them of being champions and engineers of disintegration of South Sudan.

The opponents maintain that no differences between the federalism call by Riek and one call by the proponents of the federalism. The opponents also believe proponents of the system and Riek Machar are two faces of the same coin; and however, working against the unity of South Sudanese in totality. The opponents further accused proponents of being Korora executors and wish to divide South Sudan into three more countries of Equatoria, Bhar al gaz and Upper Nile, which is unwise decision according to the opponents of federalism.

On the other hand, the proponents of federalism all from Equatoria region then few from Upper Nile area put their trade accusations on opponents of federalism. The federalists charged the former of deliberate distortion of the ideology for the reason that they opponents do not want changes, but upholding of current status quo for governance. The later counter- accused the former for fearing the changes thinking that they will be victims of new system. This session of discussion come public when Riek who is on the run places federalism on the top of his agenda for negotiation in Ethiopia.

As for this author, the debate about federalism is premature because peace should always be the topic of debate in this country as mentioned by some earlier, but not governance system, then follows by reconciliation among the communities. We have already in place governance system; however, lack of peace has currently undermined its implementation. The culture of talking for tomorrow issues while failing to address today problem need to be discontinued in total. Who is going to federalize South Sudan after all when its citizens are dying in their thousand on daily basis? For this reason the author wants presence of peace and its components in place first. The federalism and other proposed systems of governance do not carry at this time Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), to wipe out proponents and opponents over night, leaving them with no time for more debate regarding the subject. For Proponents and opponents, your national duty at the moment is to call for peace and preach it to South Sudan’s communities.

What is more here is that Riek Machar has completely distorted the significant importance and benefits of federalism as system of government. Riek imitates the idea when he was in Ethiopia, and there are two reasons as to why Riek calls for the system. First and foremost, federal system is the one adopted by the Ethiopians’ government, the host country of Riek’s rebel politicians. The main reason why he identified federalism and put it on top of agenda was because Riek wanted to please the Ethiopian authorities and make them believe that the reason he took up arms against the South Sudan government was because of federalism. And that he would like two governments of Ethiopia and his presume government of South Sudan to have shared values of federalism in commonality. Since there are Nuer natives in Ethiopia, Riek would like to balance power by using his cousins in the country to fight Sudan People Liberation Army (SPLA), and without a doubt Ethiopia’s Nuer are fighting alongside their South Sudanese Nuer. Riek is a controversial figure who has never been honest to the people South Sudan and government of South Sudan as well since he joined politic. The rebel leader in question is not realistic about federalism, if ask now for instant what federalism mean as type of better governance? Riek will not answer the question satisfactorily because his mind is currently being occupied by a premiership position, becoming prime Minister that is what he and others dying for.

In fact, this power hungry man is a complete failure and political deceased politician. However, any politician who is interested in joining his camp would likely become a political dead meat alike. After 1991’s split, Riek surrendered himself to Khartoum regime with majority of Nuer leaders and intellectuals because they did not know their head man very well. The leaders and intellectuals first thoughts about their man by that time were that their leader is a man of the people and he successfully led them to the promise land. At that moment, things were easier for the community compare to the bush life that they society deserted. Social services were delivered and provided in full by the centre but in the centre, nothing reached closer to the leaders’ and intellectuals’ rural communities. The leaders were employed by the central government on Riek’s request and ticket; as a result Riek’s employees felt that the reason they went to the bush was all achieved, then no need to negotiate or wrestle for the delivery of political services this might invite other problems and at the same time contradict their main aim for surrendering themselves to Khartoum. However, Riek had his own hidden agenda in contrast; that provisions of both social and political services should be provided in equal measures, why not?

 He insisted but was honestly advised by his friends not to because the centre did not deliver hard power to political short-cutters. When things went into reality, Riek left Khartoum for hiding without even informing his government. This scenario disappointed Nuer Leaders and intellectuals because they felt betrayed. From that time up to date, the leaders disregarded Riek ideas because he sold them off. Interestingly, when Riek was fleeing Juba for bush last year in December 2013, those leaders whom he left with in 1991 did not go with him during the crisis knowing the lesson of those years, only new recruits went with him.

Finally, for proponents’ of federalism who are still living in South Sudan and working for South Sudan government, you need to stop calling for federalism because you are stabbing South Sudanese on the back and bloody Riek in the front  joint one side and fight together with him given your common call for the same ideology.

 Nyieth Agut-thon lives in Jonglei State; Contact:

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.

On the Forthcoming Coverage of SPLM Intra-Party Agreement in Arusha, Tanzania–via SBS Dinka Radio

“SPLM is reunited and old structures will be maintained with President Kiir as the Chairperson for SPLM, Dr Riek Machar as the first Vice Chairman of the SPLM, Pagan Amum as the Secretary General and all cadres across the country who were expelled will be reinstated nationally. SPLM in Opposition and other groups including us G10 will cease from calling for the resignation of SPLM Chairman (H.E Salva Kiir). These are good for reconciliation because we all need the war to stop.” Madut Biar Yel speaking to Ajak Deng Chiengkou on SBS Dinka Radio


President Uhuru Kenyatta: We witnessed the signing of the SPLM Reunification Agreement between South Sudan President Salva Kiir, Dr. Riek Machar and Mr. Deng Alor Kuol which was overseen by Tanzania's President Jakaya Kikwete in Arusha, Tanzania. The signing of the agreement will help the SPLM work together. The framework will reunite the party which many South Sudanese had placed their hopes on. Some of us have been involved in this particular process since the beginning of the crisis, and indeed it has been very agonizing at times to see leaders unable to talk to one another and yet they were the same leaders the people of South Sudan depended on to guide the young republic after struggling for many years. We hope that the instruments that have been signed here will form the basis of bringing about peace in South Sudan which is the hope of the South Sudan and the East Africa region as a whole.

President Uhuru Kenyatta: We witnessed the signing of the SPLM Reunification Agreement between South Sudan President Salva Kiir, Dr. Riek Machar and Mr. Deng Alor Kuol which was overseen by Tanzania’s President Jakaya Kikwete in Arusha, Tanzania. The signing of the agreement will help the SPLM work together. The framework will reunite the party which many South Sudanese had placed their hopes on. Some of us have been involved in this particular process since the beginning of the crisis, and indeed it has been very agonizing at times to see leaders unable to talk to one another and yet they were the same leaders the people of South Sudan depended on to guide the young republic after struggling for many years. We hope that the instruments that have been signed here will form the basis of bringing about peace in South Sudan which is the hope of the South Sudan and the East Africa region as a whole.

President Uhuru Kenyatta: We witnessed the signing of the SPLM Reunification Agreement between South Sudan President Salva Kiir, Dr. Riek Machar and Mr. Deng Alor Kuol which was overseen by Tanzania's President Jakaya Kikwete in Arusha, Tanzania. The signing of the agreement will help the SPLM work together. The framework will reunite the party which many South Sudanese had placed their hopes on. Some of us have been involved in this particular process since the beginning of the crisis, and indeed it has been very agonizing at times to see leaders unable to talk to one another and yet they were the same leaders the people of South Sudan depended on to guide the young republic after struggling for many years. We hope that the instruments that have been signed here will form the basis of bringing about peace in South Sudan which is the hope of the South Sudan and the East Africa region as a whole.

President Uhuru Kenyatta: We witnessed the signing of the SPLM Reunification Agreement between South Sudan President Salva Kiir, Dr. Riek Machar and Mr. Deng Alor Kuol which was overseen by Tanzania’s President Jakaya Kikwete in Arusha, Tanzania. The signing of the agreement will help the SPLM work together. The framework will reunite the party which many South Sudanese had placed their hopes on. Some of us have been involved in this particular process since the beginning of the crisis, and indeed it has been very agonizing at times to see leaders unable to talk to one another and yet they were the same leaders the people of South Sudan depended on to guide the young republic after struggling for many years. We hope that the instruments that have been signed here will form the basis of bringing about peace in South Sudan which is the hope of the South Sudan and the East Africa region as a whole.

President Uhuru Kenyatta: We witnessed the signing of the SPLM Reunification Agreement between South Sudan President Salva Kiir, Dr. Riek Machar and Mr. Deng Alor Kuol which was overseen by Tanzania's President Jakaya Kikwete in Arusha, Tanzania. The signing of the agreement will help the SPLM work together. The framework will reunite the party which many South Sudanese had placed their hopes on. Some of us have been involved in this particular process since the beginning of the crisis, and indeed it has been very agonizing at times to see leaders unable to talk to one another and yet they were the same leaders the people of South Sudan depended on to guide the young republic after struggling for many years. We hope that the instruments that have been signed here will form the basis of bringing about peace in South Sudan which is the hope of the South Sudan and the East Africa region as a whole.

President Uhuru Kenyatta: We witnessed the signing of the SPLM Reunification Agreement between South Sudan President Salva Kiir, Dr. Riek Machar and Mr. Deng Alor Kuol which was overseen by Tanzania’s President Jakaya Kikwete in Arusha, Tanzania. The signing of the agreement will help the SPLM work together. The framework will reunite the party which many South Sudanese had placed their hopes on. Some of us have been involved in this particular process since the beginning of the crisis, and indeed it has been very agonizing at times to see leaders unable to talk to one another and yet they were the same leaders the people of South Sudan depended on to guide the young republic after struggling for many years. We hope that the instruments that have been signed here will form the basis of bringing about peace in South Sudan which is the hope of the South Sudan and the East Africa region as a whole.

President Uhuru Kenyatta: We witnessed the signing of the SPLM Reunification Agreement between South Sudan President Salva Kiir, Dr. Riek Machar and Mr. Deng Alor Kuol which was overseen by Tanzania's President Jakaya Kikwete in Arusha, Tanzania. The signing of the agreement will help the SPLM work together. The framework will reunite the party which many South Sudanese had placed their hopes on. Some of us have been involved in this particular process since the beginning of the crisis, and indeed it has been very agonizing at times to see leaders unable to talk to one another and yet they were the same leaders the people of South Sudan depended on to guide the young republic after struggling for many years. We hope that the instruments that have been signed here will form the basis of bringing about peace in South Sudan which is the hope of the South Sudan and the East Africa region as a whole.

President Uhuru Kenyatta: We witnessed the signing of the SPLM Reunification Agreement between South Sudan President Salva Kiir, Dr. Riek Machar and Mr. Deng Alor Kuol which was overseen by Tanzania’s President Jakaya Kikwete in Arusha, Tanzania. The signing of the agreement will help the SPLM work together. The framework will reunite the party which many South Sudanese had placed their hopes on. Some of us have been involved in this particular process since the beginning of the crisis, and indeed it has been very agonizing at times to see leaders unable to talk to one another and yet they were the same leaders the people of South Sudan depended on to guide the young republic after struggling for many years. We hope that the instruments that have been signed here will form the basis of bringing about peace in South Sudan which is the hope of the South Sudan and the East Africa region as a whole.

President Uhuru Kenyatta: We witnessed the signing of the SPLM Reunification Agreement between South Sudan President Salva Kiir, Dr. Riek Machar and Mr. Deng Alor Kuol which was overseen by Tanzania's President Jakaya Kikwete in Arusha, Tanzania. The signing of the agreement will help the SPLM work together. The framework will reunite the party which many South Sudanese had placed their hopes on. Some of us have been involved in this particular process since the beginning of the crisis, and indeed it has been very agonizing at times to see leaders unable to talk to one another and yet they were the same leaders the people of South Sudan depended on to guide the young republic after struggling for many years. We hope that the instruments that have been signed here will form the basis of bringing about peace in South Sudan which is the hope of the South Sudan and the East Africa region as a whole.

President Uhuru Kenyatta: We witnessed the signing of the SPLM Reunification Agreement between South Sudan President Salva Kiir, Dr. Riek Machar and Mr. Deng Alor Kuol which was overseen by Tanzania’s President Jakaya Kikwete in Arusha, Tanzania. The signing of the agreement will help the SPLM work together. The framework will reunite the party which many South Sudanese had placed their hopes on. Some of us have been involved in this particular process since the beginning of the crisis, and indeed it has been very agonizing at times to see leaders unable to talk to one another and yet they were the same leaders the people of South Sudan depended on to guide the young republic after struggling for many years. We hope that the instruments that have been signed here will form the basis of bringing about peace in South Sudan which is the hope of the South Sudan and the East Africa region as a whole.

Signing ceremony of the Arusha Declaration, ink by Deng Alor (SPLM Leaders), Riek Machar (SPLM-IO) and President Kiir (Gov't), and observe by Madam Nyandeng (SPLM Leaders) on the 21st of January, 2015 in Arusha, Tanzania

Signing ceremony of the Arusha Declaration, ink by Deng Alor (SPLM Leaders), Riek Machar (SPLM-IO) and President Kiir (Gov’t), and observe by Madam Nyandeng (SPLM Leaders) on the 21st of January, 2015 in Arusha, Tanzania

President Uhuru Kenyatta: We witnessed the signing of the SPLM Reunification Agreement between South Sudan President Salva Kiir, Dr. Riek Machar and Mr. Deng Alor Kuol which was overseen by Tanzania's President Jakaya Kikwete in Arusha, Tanzania. The signing of the agreement will help the SPLM work together. The framework will reunite the party which many South Sudanese had placed their hopes on. Some of us have been involved in this particular process since the beginning of the crisis, and indeed it has been very agonizing at times to see leaders unable to talk to one another and yet they were the same leaders the people of South Sudan depended on to guide the young republic after struggling for many years. We hope that the instruments that have been signed here will form the basis of bringing about peace in South Sudan which is the hope of the South Sudan and the East Africa region as a whole.

President Uhuru Kenyatta: We witnessed the signing of the SPLM Reunification Agreement between South Sudan President Salva Kiir, Dr. Riek Machar and Mr. Deng Alor Kuol which was overseen by Tanzania’s President Jakaya Kikwete in Arusha, Tanzania. The signing of the agreement will help the SPLM work together. The framework will reunite the party which many South Sudanese had placed their hopes on. Some of us have been involved in this particular process since the beginning of the crisis, and indeed it has been very agonizing at times to see leaders unable to talk to one another and yet they were the same leaders the people of South Sudan depended on to guide the young republic after struggling for many years. We hope that the instruments that have been signed here will form the basis of bringing about peace in South Sudan which is the hope of the South Sudan and the East Africa region as a whole.

President Uhuru Kenyatta: We witnessed the signing of the SPLM Reunification Agreement between South Sudan President Salva Kiir, Dr. Riek Machar and Mr. Deng Alor Kuol which was overseen by Tanzania's President Jakaya Kikwete in Arusha, Tanzania. The signing of the agreement will help the SPLM work together. The framework will reunite the party which many South Sudanese had placed their hopes on. Some of us have been involved in this particular process since the beginning of the crisis, and indeed it has been very agonizing at times to see leaders unable to talk to one another and yet they were the same leaders the people of South Sudan depended on to guide the young republic after struggling for many years. We hope that the instruments that have been signed here will form the basis of bringing about peace in South Sudan which is the hope of the South Sudan and the East Africa region as a whole.

President Uhuru Kenyatta: We witnessed the signing of the SPLM Reunification Agreement between South Sudan President Salva Kiir, Dr. Riek Machar and Mr. Deng Alor Kuol which was overseen by Tanzania’s President Jakaya Kikwete in Arusha, Tanzania. The signing of the agreement will help the SPLM work together. The framework will reunite the party which many South Sudanese had placed their hopes on. Some of us have been involved in this particular process since the beginning of the crisis, and indeed it has been very agonizing at times to see leaders unable to talk to one another and yet they were the same leaders the people of South Sudan depended on to guide the young republic after struggling for many years. We hope that the instruments that have been signed here will form the basis of bringing about peace in South Sudan which is the hope of the South Sudan and the East Africa region as a whole.



Published on Thursday, 22 January 2015 00:52

Crisis Management Initiative, Finnland

The leaders of the ruling party of South Sudan have agreed to reunify the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) during the Intra-Party Dialogue Process in Tanzania.

The three groups of the ruling party of South Sudan have agreed on major steps in order to reunify the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) during the Intra-SPLM Dialogue Process in Arusha, Tanzania. In a signing ceremony on 21 January, the leaders of the SPLM signed an agreement outlining the way forward for the re-unification of the party, including political, organisational and leadership issues. The parties have also settled on the principles and means of implementation.

The agreement was signed by Cde. Salva Kiir, President of the Republic of South Sudan; Cde. Riek Machar, Chairman of SPLM-In Opposition; and Cde. Deng Alor Kuol, Head of Delegation for Former Detainees. President of Tanzania Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete is the guarantor of the ceremony.

The signing ceremony concludes a new round of Intra-SPLM Dialogue process that has taken place between 8-21 January between SPLM in Government, SPLM in Opposition and SPLM Former Detainees. The meeting was organised by the Tanzanian government and its ruling party (CCM), and supported by CMI (Crisis Management Initiative).

The first round of the Dialogue Process took place on 12-20 October 2014. It led to the signing of the Framework Agreement for the principles, objectives and agenda for the process aimed at addressing the root causes of the internal crisis within the SPLM and the reunification of the party. A second round of the Dialogue was held between 22-24 December 2014.

South Sudan, the world’s youngest nation, descended into civil war in December 2013. The conflict has already caused immense human suffering. It is estimated that thousands have lost their lives and approximately 1.4 million people have had to leave their homes.

The draft agreement on the reunification of the SPLM in Arusha,Tanzania.

 January 21, 2015

Table of Contents






The Intra-SPLM Dialogue took place in Arusha, Tanzania, and was attended by three SPLM groups from January 8th until January 19th under the auspices of Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) chaired by the former Vice Chairman of CCM, Dr. John Samuel Malecela and facilitated by the CCM Secretary General, Mr. Abdulrahman Kinana.

The signing of the agreement took place today in Arusha. The following has been agreed to:


1   Implement and comply with the provisions of the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement and use this Intra-SPLM Party Dialogue in Arusha, the report of the AU Commission of Inquiry on the Conflict in South Sudan and the IGAD mediation process in Addis Ababa to expedite the conclusion of the Peace Agreement in order to end the war.

2   SPLM Leadership shall make a public apology to the people of South Sudan for what has happened since December 15th 2013.

3   There shall be established new transitional structures of SPLM.

4   Develop and implement a comprehensive programme for national unity, peace, reconciliation, healing and promoting harmony amongst the People of South Sudan.

5   Commit all the three SPLM Groups to reunification and reconciliation of the SPLM Leadership and Membership.

6   Combating the culture of militarism and sectarianism in the political life and open up a space for achieving a political environment that promotes genuine political pluralism.

7   Embrace the values and culture of democracy, unity and development and commits to undertake and implement urgent comprehensive democratic reforms, reorganization and transformation of the Party.

8   Ensure that the SPLM redefines its ideological direction, developmental path, the nature of its democracy, system of governance and the nature of society it aspires to build.

9   The SPLM shall formulate and provide policies and programmes to be implemented by its Government with the aim of achieving a democratic developmental state.

10            Revocation of decisions for dismissal of party cadres from party membership and leadership positions resulting from the internal conflict within the party. (This because you are establishing new SPLM transitional structures actions prior to this are irrelevant).

11            The SPLM commits to redefine and implement its vision of state and nation building in order to achieve a peaceful, democratic, just and prosperous South Sudan of equality, freedom and respect for human rights and dignity.

12            Any individual SPLM member convicted by a competent court or tribunal of crimes against humanity, war crimes, crimes against peace or gross human rights violations and abuses during the crisis that erupted in the country since 15th December 2013 shall not be eligible to hold public office in the Party and the Government.

13            Ensure exclusion from participation in the SPLM structures of categories such as the armed forces and other organized forces and judicial personnel in accordance with their respective constitutive laws.

14            The SPLM shall uphold the principles of accountability, transparency and good governance and to combat corruption and malpractices in the Party and Government.

15            In order to ensure peace and security in the country and guarantee public safety, the SPLM calls for the implementation of comprehensive reforms, transformation and professionalization of all the security sector institutions and to ensure that their composition reflects national character.

16            SPLM commits to and supports the establishment of a comprehensive system of transitional justice, (the core elements of which are truth and reconciliation, criminal prosecution, reparations and institutional reforms), to look into the issues of atrocities, human rights violations and abuses in the country.

17            The SPLM shall develop mechanisms for resource mobilization and management to ensure transparency and accountability and to combat corruption. Undertake robust mobilization of resources and shall ensure transparent and prudent management of such resources as well as conducting annual independent audits.

18            (Moved to Pending issues)

19            In order to ensure that executive powers in Government are not negatively used to influence or determine Party matters, all decisions affecting the Party shall be taken only through the Party structures;

20            (Moved to Pending Issues)

21            The SPLM General Secretariat shall be restructured and reorganized in order to streamline its offices and functions to ensure efficiency and effectiveness benefiting from experiences of sisterly organizations. In order to implement this, the SPLM leadership shall:

  1. Strengthen and streamline coordination between the General Secretariat and other levels’ secretariats .and provide oversight;
  2. Formulate procedures and guidelines for cadre identification, recruitment, orientation, training and deployment to be used at all levels of SPLM structures. to ensure commitment, competence and effective participation;
  3. Provide guidance guidelines to the SPLM caucuses in the Legislature and the Executive;
  4. Disseminate Party policies;
  5. Ensure formulation and implementation of Party disciplinary procedures and regulations;

1   All processes of holding Party congresses and the National Convention shall be suspended until the reunification and reconciliation of the Party is achieved and the war is ended, so that all members are able to participate effectively and freely.

An Extraordinary Convention may be convened for the sole purpose of passing the basic documents agreed by the SPLM Groups to facilitate its registration in accordance with the provisions of the Political Parties Act, 2012.

The composition of the membership of the Political Bureau (PB) shall be reviewed and expanded to comprise 35 members to reflect the equitable representation of the three SPLM Groups., equitable representation of the States, SPLM Women League, SPLM Youth League and SPLM Veterans League.

The PB shall be restructured in a manner that ensures timely decision making, internal cohesion and collective decision making.

A Working Committee of the PB consisting of the Chairperson, Deputies of the Chairperson, the Secretary General, and his/her Deputy (ies) and any other members of the PB to be selected by the PB shall be established to handle critical and urgent matters subject to subsequent approval by a meeting of the whole Political Bureau. (Such a committee was once established but became problematic and resulted into marginalization of PB)

The PB shall establish a Standing Committee to vet and scrutinize members of the Party vying for positions in the Party institutions and its decisions shall be subject to approval by the whole membership of the PB in official meetings. Each level should have its own committee guided general regulations approved by the party.

The Working Committee of the PB shall vet and scrutinize members of the Party vying for positions of leadership in the Government and its decisions shall be subject to approval by the whole membership of the PB in official meetings.

Establishment of SPLM Political School for Party cadres training and development.

The PB shall develop a Party Leadership Code of Ethics and Disciplinary Procedures to be applicable and upheld by all members irrespective of their positions. Both documents shall be approved and adopted by the NLC.

The term limit for the SPLM National and State Chairpersons of the party shall be two terms of 5 years each only.

Any member of competence and good standing has the right to contest for any leadership position in the party at any level.

In order to consolidate democracy in the party, collective leadership decision-making in the Party structures shall be adhered to and enhanced.

The Leadership of the party at all levels shall be elected democratically in a transparent and fair manner.

A Standing Committee for national candidates’ selection shall be established by the PB based on competence and integrity, whose functions shall be to scrutinize and vet individual members presenting themselves for election to leadership positions at the Party and General Election. Decisions of the Committee shall be subject to appeal to the PB. The national committee selects candidates for National Chair and deputies only the rest is done at lower levels committees.

The Political Bureau (PB) shall establish a Standing Committee at State level Candidates’ Selection Committee, based on competence and integrity, to scrutinize and vet individual members presenting themselves for election to leadership positions at the state level. Decisions of State Candidates Selection Committee shall be subject to appeal to the PB.

The State Secretariat shall establish a Standing Committee at County, Payam and Boma levels, based on competence and integrity, to scrutinize and vet individual members presenting themselves for leadership positions at those levels; Decisions of County Candidates’ Standing Committee shall be subject to appeal to the State Secretariat.

The PB shall develop rules and procedures to be followed by the Standing Committees for candidates’ selection at national, states and county levels. The General Secretariat shall oversee provide support and follow up the work of the Standing Committees on candidates’ selection and report to the PB.

The PB shall formulate policy to institutionalize the care for elderly members of the Party upon their retirement.

The SPLM recognizes the need for the establishment of a transitional government in which the SPLM Groups and other political parties shall participate equitably in order to end the war and establish sustainable peace. The reunified SPLM shall abide by the terms and spirit of the IGAD Peace Agreement.

The Parties to this Agreement have requested and mandated the CCM Leadership to consult with the respective principals on the way forward with regard to the structure of the leadership of the reunified SPLM.

The PB shall establish a Tripartite Committee from the three SPLM Groups to oversee the implementation of this Agreement and the reforms stipulated herein.

Guarantors (further consultation needed)

  2. The Nature of the Crisis and its Genesis (waiting for text from IO)

(moved from Preamble).

1   Accept that all culprits and all those who aided and abetted violations of human rights, including foreign troops must be held responsible and brought to book. (FROM POLITICAL ISSUES) (para 2)

An interim, re-unified and reconstituted NLC whose membership shall be established by the three SPLM Groups (by IO) (FROM ORGANIZATIONAL ISSUES)

Political Detainees and prisoners of conscience (by IO) (FROM Political Issues)

The SPLM takes full responsibility for the crisis in the country and resolved that any individual members of the SPLM who are found guilty for those atrocities or bear the greatest responsibility for those atrocities and human rights violations and abuses during the crisis shall be held accountable for those crimes and violations (REFERRED TO HEADS OF DELEGATIONS FROM POLITICAL ISSUES para 17)

  1. A) Suggestion from (IO):

It is agreed that the National Convention shall adopt a new democratic constitution for the SPLM. The new constitution shall provide among other measures, the adoption of mode of voting by secret ballot and/or consensus. Further the SPLM shall abolish all provisions allowing the SPLM Chairpersons of appointing to the National Convention, Congresses, National Liberation Council (NLC) and PB. The new constitution shall formulate policies and guidelines for the representation of minorities and disadvantaged groups in the National Convention, the NLC and all other structures. This constitution shall be an interim constitution.

  1. B) AGREED Ad Ref

It is agreed that the National Liberation Council (NLC) shall revisit and review the contentious provisions, in the draft SPLM constitution to ensure internal democracy within the Party structures, before its presentation to the National Convention. These issues include, but not limited to the following:

  1. Mode of voting: whether by show of hands or secret ballot, it is agreed that the procedure of Voting in SPLM meetings at all levels shall be by secret ballot if no consensus is achieved; and by show of hands on non-controversial issues.
  2. The provision allowing the SPLM Chairpersons at all levels to nominate five percent (5%) of the membership of the congresses and the National Convention: The following are proposed:
  3. Abolition of the provision on the 5% appointments by chairpersons to the National Convention, congresses and liberation councils at all levels;
  4. Political Bureau to formulate policy and guidelines for the representation of minorities or disadvantaged groups in the Convention, Congresses and Liberation Councils.
  5. The size of the National Convention: It is proposed that the total number of delegates to the Convention be reviewed.
  6. Nomination of Party leaders by The Chairperson: Regarding the process of election or selection of Party leaders at all levels, it is agreed that:
  7. The National Convention shall directly elect the Chairperson of the SPLM and his/her Deputies and members of the National Liberation Council by direct and secret ballot.
  8. The National Liberation Council shall elect the Political Bureau and the Secretary General and his/her Deputies through direct and secret ballot.

iii. The Political Bureau shall formulate regulations governing procedures for the election and selection of candidates for the position of Chairperson of the SPLM and his deputies, members of the NLC, members of the Political Bureau, Secretary General and his/her Deputy(ies), State and County Chairpersons, Payam and Boma Chairpersons





Cde. Daniel Awet Akot


Cde. Taban Deng Gai


Cde. Deng Alor Kuol

Guaranteed by:


Cde. Abdulrahman Kinana,

On behalf of Chama Cha Mapinduzi


Witnessed by:


Cde. John Samuel Malecela

Done at Arusha, Tanzania

On the 19th of January 2015


So Governor Bakasoro Did Say the “Snake Analogy” After All?

Posted: January 22, 2015 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Featured Articles, History

Governor Bakasoro’s Response to the “Snake Analogy

“I am the one who called the conference to address the issues of pastoralists in the area. So I requested all the representatives from different communities and their leaders to attend but the MPs of Mundiri said that I should invite them officially to participate in the issues affecting their communities. How can I invite you to come and kill the snake in your own house after you have run away. What kind of leaders are they? They are supposed to be concerned about their communities because they elected them to the Parliament. How can their communities suffer while they are sitting in Juba? We want peace and that is why I convened that conference. My basic aim was to cement the relationship between the pastoralists and the hosting communities because our people are being killed, our crops are destroyed and local roads are being ambushed. So I challenged every community leader to control their youth and promote peaceful co-existence.”

The “Snake Analogy” Attributed to Governor Bakasoro

“Dinka leaders and their community have failed our country, South Sudan. What’s wrong with you people, wherever you go, problems and havocs follow? you ran from danger in your areas and only to come and cause havoc in our state. You don’t like peaceful coexistence of people. Your leaders need to look themselves in the eye and find out why you are not welcomed by anyone anywhere in South Sudan…I blame the Moru Youths for allowing a snake into their house and crying loud for me to come all the way from Yambio to kill the snake….You have to just kill it, why wait for me?”

Will Arusha Peace Document be Honoured?

Posted: January 22, 2015 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Commentary, Contributing Writers

By Moses Kur Daniel, Australia

Signing ceremony of the Arusha Declaration, ink by Deng Alor (SPLM Leaders), Riek Machar (SPLM-IO) and President Kiir (Gov't), and observe by Madam Nyandeng (SPLM Leaders) on the 21st of January, 2015 in Arusha, Tanzania

Signing ceremony of the Arusha Declaration, ink by Deng Alor (SPLM Leaders), Riek Machar (SPLM-IO) and President Kiir (Gov’t), and observed by Madam Nyandeng (SPLM Leaders) on the 21st of January, 2015 in Arusha, Tanzania.

January 21, 2015 (SSB) —  Will Arusha document be honoured this time?

Kiir and Machar to sign another peace document in Arusha but will they stay true to what’s they’ll sign?

To many agreements have repeatedly been dishonoured so far but will the latest Arusha work? Big brothers know when.

“Ink it, then go back fighting. Hypocrisy in the form of man or just signatures on paper for decor?

Why ink? Use a pencil, it is easy to erase – since they will leave the signing table and head direct to their respective command posts to escalate the killings.

And, of course, their families are in prime estates in safe cities as their troops kill and maim in the impoverished South Sudan” Anonymous.

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.

South Sudan Chairman in Nakuru Sack his Advisor

Posted: January 22, 2015 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Junub Sudan

January 21, 2015 (SSB) —  South Sudanese chairman Mading Kuol Awan on Wednesday dismissed his advisor on political affairs.

A decree issued by Mading, which was read out on South Sudanese community meeting in Nakuru, announced that Bol Ajak had been relieved of his duties.

The high-level sackings came just over a year after Mr. Ajak tried to toppled his chairman  and Mr. Chairman act positively

‘Working for downfall of government’

“There is nobody in the world that the constitution allows to have the status of a government and all the benefits you get from the government and you at the same time are working for the downfall of the same government,” Kuol said.

Ajak has been a vocal critic of Mr. Kuol’s administration since the beginning of this year.

Reporting by Makuei Kuir, from Nakuru, Kenya

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.

By Apioth Mayom Apioth, USA


January 21, 2015 (SSB) — Before the present war took us for a phantasmagorical ride, our neighborly East African communities, and especially those of Somali, Ethiopians and Eritreans, who originated from the horn of Africa, were doing exceptionally well in the area of business in South Sudan. The Somali took over a good share of the gas stations; both the Eritreans and Ethiopians were in the restaurant businesses.

Ethiopians used to work from 4am to 4pm; in just eight years, from their first arrival in 2005 up to 2013 when the war broke out, they amassed a wealth which became the envy of our South Sudanese communities. How did they garner such a wealth in such a short time, someone may ask? They reached where they perched through hard work, freeing themselves from cultural constraints, and concerted culture of an entrepreneurial mindset.

From the onset, we can all be lenient toward our people concerning the matter of development of an entrepreneurial mindset; some people may say all these communities had already built an entrepreneurial mindset, centuries or decades before they arrived in South Sudan, and there could be a shade of truth to that.

Our first task to make our present felt in this lucrative field of entrepreneurship would be to free ourselves from the constraints of culture. Our cultures are varied and vastly diverse; however, everyone in the nation put pride before everything else in the nation. A majority of our people think that doing business is beneath their level; in other words, they think people will culturally look down on them if they do those sorts of things. We have come a long way from the earlier times when we were preoccupied with farming and cattle-keeping to our contemporary times where money is the chief obsession.

When the East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania got their independence from their European colonizers; the Southeast Indians came in droves and settled down to do business. Now over 50 years later, they own the most profitable businesses in East Africa. The same episode is repeating itself clothed in different customs: mainly through our horn of Africa’s neighbors.

For those of us who have the biggest pride, let it be told that at the end of the day a pride is only a feeling; and money has the power to keep you afloat whereas the pride can’t help you in solving your personal problems. Why can’t you hide your pride under the carpet for a few years while working your hands to the bones at the shop and see where this might lead you?

You never know your pride might take you further and you might end up one day as the owner of Ramchiel Grand Hotel. Having reached that level, you may never bother with working with your hands; rather you could be doing presentations at the convention centers across town.

Another cultural setback is the baffling occurrence of sharing. In some South Sudanese cultures, there is no distinction between a person and what he/she owns, in this case, business. Friends, relatives and close acquaintances have an easy way to bankrupt the business by taking commodities without paying back a cent.

An age-old saying which goes, “Charity begins at home, rings magnificently here. There is nothing completely wrong with helping out a buddy every once in a while; but the principles of business dictate that proper management of assets must be held in high regard, otherwise you are making way for your own downfall. Those in the business are only in it to make profits; how does insatiable thirst for making profits become compatible with communal charity, especially if you are living in rags?

If you are just in a small business where your income is like those of our compatriots working in hospitals, dentistry, or what have you; why are you freely intentionally giving away the fruits of your sweat when everyone else in the community, like engineers, or geologists, are keeping full portions of their income? Anyone could be a great philanthropist when he/she is wealthy, and there is enough going around to keep his/her life intact.

By first freeing ourselves from the cultural constraints, we are doing ourselves an enormous favor by removing a threatening hurdle. When that is taken care of; everything else will fall into place. Anyone who dreams of living a good life must sacrifice something in order to reach somewhere; hence hard work is not a big issue here, anyone who dreams that big must work hard to realize their capabilities.

An entrepreneurial mindset will develop over time. An entrepreneurial mind involves being economically resourceful and knowing how every pound you invest is going to propagate something profitable.

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.

By David Aoloch Bion

Newly re-appointed minister of finance and economic planning, David Deng Athorbei

Newly re-appointed minister of finance and economic planning, David Deng Athorbei

January 21, 2015 (SSB) — Hon. David Deng Athorbei , I have not congratulated you  on your  new appointment as the Minister of finance  but I welcome you to your new assignment .  After one year I will either congratulate you or I will jeer you depending on the way the economics of South Sudan is going to perform. If the economy perform well and grow by 0.01% per a year, I will congratulate you. if the economy perform poorly and  slow down by one step backward , I will mock you.

Your Honourable , you have been appointed by the time when South Sudan economy is in worst recession I am sorry to use word ’’ recession’’  because  the economy has not been booming  since  independence . The meltdown  of the economy is not blamed on your predecessor, Mr Aggrey Sabuni .  We are  also not celebrating  your coming because we are surest that   you will  not stimulate  economy .

As the new economist in chief, I want you to solve one thing for South Sudanese and their economy, this one thing is the “Problem of Dollar”   Why is the Dollar scarcest in the official market? Why is the Dollar plentiful in the black market? .

These are hypothesis surrounding this problem of Dollar.

The Mythological hypotheses

1 . The black market was created by David Deng Athorbei when he was Minister of finance before he was fired last July ; at his time in office he gave dollars to group of  black marketers  from  Yirol .

  1. The governor of central bank Cornello Koryom Mayik gives Dollars to the group of black marketers from Warrap state who go and sell it  to Ethiopians, Somalians and Durfurians .

Factual hypotheses

  1. The Government of South Sudan has the policy that if the government officials  be the minister , be the director and be other junior officers want a Dollar for school fees of their children , for these medical treatment abroad or their businesses  , the ministry writes to the Bank of South Sudan (BOSS), the central bank to allow such  official to exchange Dollars directly in central bank  at the 2.96 SSP.

2     The central bank has the policy of releasing Dollars to commercial banks and forex  bureaus , which can be exchanged to business men  and the general publics  but  the forex bureau do not sell dollars in forex but take it to the black markets.

3 The central bank is doing illicit business on the government reserve Dollar in the black market. The central bank officials gives Dollars to friends and relatives , who  sell that dollars in black market  And they return the government money back and take the profit the made from transaction .

Am appealing to  you as the new Economist in Chief to take serious measures against unethical economic policies.

You are en economist, the ultimate objective of any central bank in the World is to regulate the interest rates , fiscal and monetary policies of the country  , it does deal with in such things like selling  Dollars to some sections of the society like ministers . All government officials who want  Dollars  must go  to the forex bureau to buy Dollars .  In classical maxim of economy is ‘’ there is no free lunch’’. This means , if there is economic hardship as we are in , no can be given free services like the exchange of dollars  by some people at rate of 2.95 SSP and exchange the same dollar  at the rate of 4.55 SSP.

What is the work of forex bureaus if some people can go to central bank and access dollars ?  you  do justices for all . You either close all forex and all of us go and buy dollar in central bank , you must stop people from buying dollar in central bank ,

You must  write circular stopping giving any government official dollar in central bank  . we are all citizens , stop discrimination and injustices .

The dollars is scarcest in official market because BOSS is doing illicit business on it    ,  the central gives dollars to forex bureaus to be exchanged to general public. On the other hand ,  the central bank is mandated by the government to exchange dollar to government ministries at rate of 2.96 SSP.  Therefore , instead , the central bank exchange dollar to government  officials in  the central bank , the bank send officials who are supposed to get dollar direct from bank to forex bureaus  again  to get dollar  expense of general public  .

Stop central BOSS officials from making profits on national  reserve dollars in the market blacks

Stop government officials from buying dollars in central bank. directly

Stop forex bureau from selling dollars in the black market.

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.