Archive for November 26, 2015

My Dear South Sudanese,

Dr. Diing Chol Dau Diing

Dr. Ding Col Dau Ding with Dr. John Garang in the UK

November 26, 2015 (SSB)  —  My family and myself can hardly find words befitting your sympathetic and compassionate response to our despair on the untimely death of our Son, Dr. Ding Col Dau Ding, on the night of the 27th October 2015.

Ding was a highly competent medical doctor and an exceptional scientist. He loved clinical medicine and he had a maxim of using his medical knowledge to make his patients happy and healthy. In fact, we have not come across any of his patients complaining of poor treatment under his care. Just imagine; when no volunteer was available to give blood to a very sick young patient, Ding volunteered and gave one unit of his own blood to his patient. This is medical over-sympathy and humanity at its very highest!!!!

Our love for Ding is immeasurable. We have buried Ding in the grounds of our new home in Juba. Ding’s spirit will forever still give us an aura of his ongoing closeness and nearness to us.

The South Sudanese Police authorities have now officially stated to us, and are now formally reporting, that Ding’s death was murder and an investigation is now ongoing with international assistance and support. Aside from being South Sudanese, Ding was born in England as a British Citizen.


By Aideed Koryom, Bor, South Sudan

Nhial Majak Nhial

Bor Mayor, Nhial Majak Nhial, addresses IDPs in Nimule – March 2, 2014.

November 26, 2015 (SSB)  —  As of today, I am suspending my campaign against your corrupt practices indefinitely. Whether they are good or bad, my intentions were not to defame you nor was it a character assassination on you as a person but it was the truth about your corrupt activities as the mayor and a politician. I was telling the truth and I will still stand for that and it is up to you to make your statement about the allegations that I have written against you. Then I will get my sources.

As I have said before, in a civilize societies, politicians are not credited for their official duties but their small mistakes are non tolerable. So what ever great things you have done since you became Bor mayor, the only thing that matters and we the public care and what we want to know are bad things. I am a whistleblower that knows every detail of your corrupt activities as Bor mayor Nhial Majak.
