Dr. Ding Chol Dau was brutally murdered, not death by suicide, says his father

Posted: November 26, 2015 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Letters, People, Press Release

My Dear South Sudanese,

Dr. Diing Chol Dau Diing

Dr. Ding Col Dau Ding with Dr. John Garang in the UK

November 26, 2015 (SSB)  —  My family and myself can hardly find words befitting your sympathetic and compassionate response to our despair on the untimely death of our Son, Dr. Ding Col Dau Ding, on the night of the 27th October 2015.

Ding was a highly competent medical doctor and an exceptional scientist. He loved clinical medicine and he had a maxim of using his medical knowledge to make his patients happy and healthy. In fact, we have not come across any of his patients complaining of poor treatment under his care. Just imagine; when no volunteer was available to give blood to a very sick young patient, Ding volunteered and gave one unit of his own blood to his patient. This is medical over-sympathy and humanity at its very highest!!!!

Our love for Ding is immeasurable. We have buried Ding in the grounds of our new home in Juba. Ding’s spirit will forever still give us an aura of his ongoing closeness and nearness to us.

The South Sudanese Police authorities have now officially stated to us, and are now formally reporting, that Ding’s death was murder and an investigation is now ongoing with international assistance and support. Aside from being South Sudanese, Ding was born in England as a British Citizen.

Unless the perpetrators and facilitators (both foreign and national) are weeded-out and are identified, some of which are within our institutions (the very same institutions meant to provide our people with security), then these targeted killings which are too grave and irreversible will continue. We have entered an undeniable era of unbounded and uncontrollable death and violence in South Sudan that has only gotten worse. We South Sudanese are all now much closer to death within our own country than we are to life.

We, as a family, had already suspected foul-play from the first moment we first heard the devastating news about Ding’s death. We chose to keep our thoughts to ourselves in order to ensure that Ding’s funeral rites and burial were conducted without any politicising or distractions in light of the immeasurable grief and sorrow we felt.

We were also as equally concerned with potential acts of vengeance and retaliation being immediately undertaken against any of the alleged suspects or individuals, and we did not want any further blood spilt in Ding’s name. Now that Ding’s body has been laid to rest, we are fully focused on finding out the truth surrounding our Son Ding’s death.

The Late Ding was staying in our three-bedroom flat in Juba Town at the time of his death. It is directly opposite to the Headquarters of the Central Bank of South Sudan and next to Ivory Bank. This is a location amassed with banks, forex bureaus, police-persons and other heavily-armed security personnel; aside from our very own personal police guards residing at our residence. Unfortunately, no other members of our family were at home with Ding that fateful night of his death. We had all flown back to England two weeks earlier for the spinal surgery of my wife and his mother, Mrs. Zeinab Bilal Lual Ayen.

Ding’s daily routine in Juba was very simple and it involved going to his Healthcare Facility in Kololo (Airport Road Diagnostic Centre) and then back home to the flat in the evenings. He went to the clinic in the mornings, if required by way of an emergency or appointment, but commonly he would report to work in the late afternoon to work till the late evening before returning back home at 10pm or 11pm at night, after having dropped off the clinic staff safely back at their homes.

Sadly, Ding appears to have met his fate between 10.30pm and 11.00pm on the night of the 27th October 2015 once he had returned to an assumed empty and secured flat. A group of assailants (not less than two in number, from the details now emerging from the Police’s ongoing investigation and forensic reports) were in-waiting within the flat. The attackers swooped upon Ding with a heavy blunt instrument and hit him on the top right-rear side of his head knocking him down to the ground.

This, we assume, dazed Ding and he fell down heavily onto his knees leading to the breaking of a couple of floor tiles in the main reception area as you walk into the flat. These broken floor tiles are still very plainly evident in the flat. The attackers then lifted and carried Ding to his bedroom (the assailants clearly knew the intricacies of his routine both inside and outside the flat) and then brutally executed Ding by shooting him fatally in the back of his neck penetrating the great blood vessels (Carotid and Jugular) on the left rear-side of his neck with the bullet ultimately exiting via his oral-cavity (mouth) causing traumatic injury to the suspensory anatomy of the tongue and breakage of several of his front teeth along its trajectory.

The fatal bullet’s point-of-exit caused much beveling with more tissue damage at the front compared with its point-of-entry at the back of Ding’s neck. This is the pathological norm with most gunshot injuries and further indicates that the fatal gunshot was not an accident nor was it suicide. Additionally, Ding’s blood was only found pooled in one contained location directly adjacent to his head and nowhere else within the room or within the flat (i.e. His blood was only found directly next to his head with no evidence of blood anywhere else in the room; again something inconsistent with an un-contained or uncontrolled sudden gunshot injury to the head or neck).

A bullet was found within the bedroom that Ding’s body was found in but it is not the fatal bullet that killed Ding as it had no evidence of any blood on it. This bullet was found shot through one of the doors of the wardrobe within Ding’s bedroom and it eventually nestled on top of his clothing laid down in the wardrobe. Again, there was no blood on Ding’s clothing from this bullet. Furthermore, there was no blood on the bed sheets, furniture or walls in the bedroom which is completely inconsistent with the earlier disseminated public and social media narratives of “Death by Suicide” or “Accidental Fatal Gunshot Death”.

Ding’s body was also very carefully placed and laid down between the two beds that occupy his bedroom in such an orderly manner that further indicates that there was third-party involvement in the movement of his body and therefore in his death. Finally, some personal possessions, including money which Ding took from the clinic that evening, are missing when his body was found in the flat.

Ding’s targeted killing and execution is a seminal turning point for many reasons:

1. It happened under the hands of several assailants who knew his daily and nightly movements very well.

2. It happened within his own bedroom, within his own and assumed-to-be-safe-and-secure home.

3. It happened under the noses of at least two armed policemen which were assumed to be guarding over him and the property.

4. It happened within the middle of probably the only other equally secure and well-armed location in the whole of Juba at night, i.e. directly opposite to the Central Bank of South Sudan Headquarters, with the Presidential Residence near J-1 being the other secure location.

We have to all take a very long, hard and real-close look at ourselves as South Sudanese citizens, and our concept of national patronage and its concomitant “right-to-safe-and-secure-

life” for all of its citizens above all others. We have some very serious and grave problems that appear to now be irreversible in nature and are getting much worse. Not even God or prayer will be able to save us from them nor the inevitable fate of death spreading across our country. A big storm is brewing upon the horizon and all South Sudanese are already being lined-up as the sacrificial lambs to the slaughter.

If criminals and bandits (both indigenous and foreign) have now become so free and comfortable to operate with impunity within our new Sovereign nation; and these same criminals and bandits appear to be closely affiliated and complicit with some South Sudanese whose primary job it is to protect the loyal, hard-working patriotic South Sudanese citizens within their country, then we are now living in hell and true Armageddon is upon us.

Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on which side of the table you sit on (i.e. those who want this brutal madness to stop versus those that want it to continue), I have a very strong feeling (just as my Late Son Ding did) that the vast majority of South Sudanese will not give-up on their hard-fought country and their dignity to once again become second-class citizens without a fight. It will not be long now before all South Sudanese once again see and know who their true common enemy once again is.

This “wolf” that is now beating hard and freely upon our door, and whether knowingly or unknowingly is being perpetuated by our very own South Sudanese citizens, will soon discover that my Son Ding’s brutal murder will bring about widespread repercussions and consequences. It, and all the other painful loss of innocent lives suffered by each and every family across South Sudan over these many decades of death, will finally help us all as South Sudanese to regain our identity and its concomitant lost pride and dignity.

Please God, give us all once again the strength, courage and wisdom we need to seek definitive justice for my Son Ding, and for all the other self-sacrificing and selfless South Sudanese Sons and Daughters who have lost their lives within our bleeding Sovereign Nation.

God Bless you all.

Dr. Col Dau Ding, father of the deceased. 

  1. GoodLuck Adam says:

    if the death of Dr. Diing is confirm 100% to be connected to the target killing in Juba, then South Sudan will be worse place to live in on earth. Dr. Diing was saving the innocent life of poor citizens who can’t afford to go to India, Egypt, etc for medical treatment. unfortunately he had gone just like.”We must remember that one determined person can make a significant difference,
    and that a small group of determined people can change the course of history”.Transformation in the world happens when people are healed and start investing in other people.

    South Sudan will be a country without Medical Doctors, Journalists, Lawyers, and so on.the only way to survive here in SS is to become MILITIA. what is happening in Juba is beyond the activities of Boko Haram, Alshabaab, ISIS, Alqaeda groups. this is too much to be tolerated so far. militias are killing innocence life, destroying, and looting their properties and at the end there are reward with positions, and promotions in the government/army. All government officials are stealing money now and then, but no action. God will bless your soul Dr. Diing


  2. Dickson says:

    I think this country doesn’t deserve to be call country due mistreatment of its own citizens, what do you think if you kill a doctor who cure you.


    • This is not that simple! Who is paying people to kill the professionals of this new country? Follow the money and you find the man or the country that stands to gain from these incalculable atrocities — an agenda that keeps South Sudanese impoverished, ignorant, diseased and therefore fearful and tame for either modern slavery or genocide. These “lost children” continue suffering! .


  3. luel yic says:

    It is really very unfortunate that the very security personnels who can provide security for citizens turned to be the killers of the citizens.
    killings of innocent civilians have become rampant in juba town and its environs.

    when i heard the sad news of Dr. Diing ‘s death, i could not believe it simply because a Man like Dr.Diing cannot take his own life with out any genuine reason. i even asked if he had written a note as to why he killed himself but unfortunely i heard that there was nothing to show that he killed himself.

    south Sudan is no longer a save heaven for its citizens . what a country is it? a country of broken rules, a country where you kill whoever you do not like simply because they are successful in their lives. this country is set on auto pilot.

    My question is, if the flat has guards as Dr. Chol ( the author of the article and the father of Diing has put it ) then where were they when the incident took place?
    I am not an investigator but my conscious tells me that those security personnels deployed at flat at that night must know something. i pray that those behind Diing’s death would be identified and brought to book. i hope the investigations will take full course without manipulation of evidence already in hand.
    my his soul rest in peace.


  4. May his precious soul rest in eternal peace. These are the darkest days of our long history of struggle against brutality of all kinds. The spirits of such great men as Dr. Diing and people like Isaia Abraham (who was also Diing) and many other innocent citizens shall surely not go in vain. The God above would not let that happen for no reason. They are our greatest sacrificial lambs on the way to a just and prosperous country. They will forever be mentioned in our history books as lives cut short before their full potentials are realized for the benefit of South Sudan. May Diing’s murderers live a life of physical affliction and emotional torture forever and ever. Amen


  5. Joe says:

    Salva Kiir’s thugs killed him, no doubt.


  6. Disgusted says:

    I hardly have words for this news. A country desperately in need for dedicated doctors kills one of the few and one of the best ones. Shame on the probably semiliterate murders and even much more shame on the ones sending them off to the kill. You, the murders, are the nemesis of South Sudan, the reason the country cannot find peace and prosperity. You’re responsible for the death of innocent South Sudanese children, not getting treatment when being sick. You are despised by all honest intelligent people in the country. You, the murders, are dirt!


  7. Adau says:

    I was so Sure that DR Diing didnt kill him self , Now we the whole world knows the truth but the truth will not bring him back to us , very painfull and awful . We live in a country where by our life is determin by other human being , I just hope they find who did kill him and may he / she surfer before she/he go to heal … May God be with your family Dr Chol … Rest in peace bro Diing


  8. Daniel says:

    Hi there, may someone answer my question for South Sudan. Do we belong to South Sudan or do South Sudan belongs to us?
    It is surely immoral to see government fighting rebels and failing to protect literates who are also civilian and public servants. Can you imagine all these in the 21st century, where in the world do we have refugees in their own capital city like Juba, and where on the planet do government promote ranks in regions who are deemed suspects of certain fatal incidents in just few days of life lost.
    I think in just few years to come, South Sudanese are going to be the most anti-life worldwide much more than the assumptions about IS and other terrorist groups, unless they learnt to respect and celebrate life in their own given country or else other powers of the world will cover the rest in south Sudan to enjoy.
    It will be disgraceful if one of those city murderers go to South Africa, Egypt, and Kenya or elsewhere on earth seeking medical treatment, why do they deserve to continue to live if they are sick of other people’s life including their own citizenship doctors and civil activists.
    It would be appreciated if the world’s medical doctors ask any suspected rich individuals from South Sudan about how many doctors (medical) are left in South Sudan? They need to answer this quiz as part of their health check before any procedure or consultancy is made. It would be a failure from such doctors if they prescribe medication for a well-known South Sudanese without answering this questionnaire.
    Finally, the earth don’t belong to us, we belong to the earth (world), therefore, we must share it equally and leave it equally throughout generations where one must die naturally, long or short with dignity and blameless.

    May the ALMIGHTY God bless the soul of the poor Doctor!


  9. David B says:

    So very sorry for your loss, i went to school and college with Ding, playing youth football with him for Aylsham Wanderers over several years. He was a larger than life character and achieved more than most of us can ever dream of. Although i can’t begin to understand the devastation and loss you and your family must be feeling, i’m sure your immensely proud of such a caring, dedicated and brilliant son.


  10. Dear Dr Ding can I and my husband Andrew offer you our most sincere condolences, if your son, who we did not know, was anything like you then his loss is a sad loss to the world and the area in which he worked.
    We pray that those who caused his death are found and given the punishment they deserve and that your family find some peace.
    Our most sincere thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
    Katherine and Andrew Wells
    Grateful patients of yours from Cromer


  11. Gary Medler says:

    Dear Col & Zeinab.
    Carole and I are distressed and disgusted by this event and send our sincere condolences. You and your family have done so much for others and while attracting the admiration of most also seem to have attracted the attention of those who only care to destroy. We didn’t know you had returned to South Sudan so now we can add ‘patriots’ to our existing opinions of the Ding family. Your report is an articulate and balanced analysis despite your personal grief. We hope you get justice for Ding and find some peace for yourselves. As for the rest of us: we continue to learn through your experiences. Stay safe.


  12. Dr J Courts says:

    My condolences to you and your family, I have just learnt of his tragic death. I trained with Ding in Bristol and will remember his great smile and warm spirit. A tragic loss.
    Warmest sympathies.


  13. It is a heartbreak and sadness to hear this sorrowful event in the South Sudan. Men who killed this Doctor, they don’t know that they had killed South Sudan. How many doctors are there in South Sudan ?????????????????????????????????. If you are grown up men, and have families, think of your children, wives, mom & dad and the close relatives health care. Where do you think that they get their treatment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Do our people know the importance of doctors in the world ????????????. If this doctor’s death was an act of the citizens, then South Sudan is cursed. This doctor was not limited to his only family but South Sudan and that is the work of all doctors. They are not limited. I’m writing about this tragic but speechless.


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