Was President Kiir’s Daughter Impregnated before the Wedding?

Posted: November 4, 2011 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Commentary
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By PaanLuel Wel.

Dear Esteemed Readers

With an Editor arrested, and a newspaper shut down; was President Kiir’s daughter eloped and impregnated by the Ethiopian dude before the Wedding?

Of late, we have been inundated with myriads of bad, sometimes tragic, news from the young republic of South Sudan! Just this week alone, we have read about the tragic killing of over 80 people in an attack on Mayom town by the SSLA rebels; the supposedly capturing of Nhialdiew town by the same rebel of SSLA, which again inevitably involved loss of lives; and from Juba, reports were coming in that UDF chairman, Peter Sule, was in the last stage of launching an armed rebellion in Western Equatoria, after he was dropped from the government by President Kiir. Peter Sule is now confirmed to have been captured, allegedly in the forest of Western Equatoria, by the South Sudanese army.

But, the latest news from The New Sudan Vision about the detention of the editor of Destiny Newspaper, Mr. Ngor Garang, “by South Sudan’s national security following publication of controversial opinion objecting to marriage of first daughter to an Ethiopian immigrant” has taken me by surprise, especially by the way it mimic the oppressive traits of the old Sudanese notorious national security . The South Sudan’s national security not only detained the editor-in-chief, it also closed down the English branch of the Destiny newspaper.

As reported by The New Sudan Vision, the alleged “controversial opinion objecting to marriage of first daughter to an Ethiopian immigrant” was a columnist opinion written byDengdit Ayok.

Mr. Dengdit Ayok, in that opinion, wrote this about the First Daughter wedding to an Ethiopian man:

This wedding is a demonstration that foreigners have not only monopolized our market, economy and robbed our integrity after penetrating it, but it is also a demonstration that they have taken over our national pride. What else is left if an alien could penetrate all the hedges and invade the house of our President, eloped and impregnated his daughter? Where were the security presidential personnel when that strange guy entered the house of the President?

Whether the president family and the national security were angered by the alleged elopement and the impregnation of the first daughter by the Ethiopian guy or just by the general condemnation of marrying off the first daughter to a foreigner when there were many suitors within the country, or both, is not clear.

what is clear though is that the national security is (1) behaving like the former oppressive national security of the old Sudan, and (2) by detaining the editor and shut down the Destiny newspaper, the national security is confusing libel case, which should have been filed in a civil court of law by the President’s family, for a national security threat, which fall under their jurisdiction.

Whether or not the opinion article by Dengdit Ayok has any substance has nothing to do with South Sudan national security. In fact, if indeed the president daughter was eloped and impregnated by the “Ethiopian immigrant” and the wedding was hurriedly done to ward off “shame” and embarrassment” from Adut’s action on the First Family as the author asserts, then the National Security should be sued in a court of law for illegally arresting the editor and for shutting down the newspaper.

South Sudanese need to know the truth and no one should be harassed for airing a verifiable fact, should that be the case later. The Editor must be released immediately, the newspaper should be permitted to re-open and be compensated for both the damaged wrongly done to its reputation as well as for as the loss of revenues owing to its closure.

Lastly, the so called National Security must learn national security 101 to appropriately distinguish between what is a national security threat and a civil case, unless they are a privately contracted security firm of and for the president family.

By PaanLuel Wel.

Here is the Opinion Article by DengDit Ayok as posted on The New Sudan Vision

Nyan Bany

By Dengdit Ayok

Juba, the temporal capital city of our new born nation on Saturday, October 22, 2011 witnessed a disappointing social episode that was found disgusting and denounced by many patriotic South Sudanese across the country.

Our revered and acclaimed President, Sir Salva Kiir Mayardit, who is one of the symbols of our long historic struggle and who is also a symbol of our sovereignty, dignity, integrity and source of our national pride, handed over his beloved-beautiful elder daughter (Adut) to a foreigner in a wedding ceremony held in the Catholic Cathedral at Rajaf.

The wedding raised our eyebrows because we didn’t expect Nyan Beny (daughter of the President) to be married by a foreigner when many national suit her profile for marriage; this without saying that it matters not how long she may stay in her father’s house. A wedding as we all know is a social function that people go to cheerfully with women ululating. However, the wedding of Nyan Beny that took place last Saturday was attended by a small crowd of people with clouds of sadness gathered in their hearts as it was clear from their faces; because they were upset by the decision taken by the President to give his daughter in wedding to a stranger.

The wedding that could have been attended by thousands of South Sudanese with elation and delight, to display their traditional dances and turn it into a national wedding like the British royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, was reduced to a very low morale standard function with the attendance of just a few government officials and a minute crowd.

This wedding has not only shocked and angered members of Kiir’s family, but divided it and turned its peace into quarrels and squabbles, it has also shocked the whole nation; because Kiir is a patriotic leader that fought two wars for the wellbeing of his people, a thing which made him valued and highly respected by South Sudanese. But now that he has given his daughter in wedding to an alien, he has to some extent reduced himself in the eyes of his people.

I am writing about about Adut`s wedding because my heart is in pain like the hearts of many zealous South Sudanese who have opposed it, and I am happy that I have a public platform to air out my wrath and the wrath of many fellow countrymen and women. By giving his daughter to a foreigner, our President has stained his patriotism and turned his leadership questionable in our eyes.

This wedding is a demonstration that foreigners have not only monopolized our market, economy and robbed our integrity after penetrating it, but it is also a demonstration that they have taken over our national pride. What else is left if an alien could penetrate all the hedges and invade the house of our President, eloped and impregnated his daughter? Where were the security presidential personnel when that strange guy entered the house of the President?

This wedding of the First Girl which is supposed to be blessed by all South Sudanese including this author is rejected and the religious leaders who blessed the couple in the house of God regardless of their knowledge that she had conceived, have committed a great sin against God for making unholy matrimony holy!

All South Sudanese dishonored: Should the President apologize?

BY: Chier Akueny, Bishop Stuart University, UGANDA

NOV. 7/2011, SSN; First of all, I am here to register my innermost sympathy to the disappointed population of South Sudan back home and in all other corners whereby everybody feels animated with patriotism.I saw lots of writings which condemn the decision of Mr. President and his entire family for having given the first daughter, Adut Kiir, to a foreigner. Yes, Mr. President might be right at his own conscientious capacity as well as at the level of his family but not to the emblematic echelon of the nation as he is the truly symbolic leader of the nation. His action, needless to say, should lead as exemplary. The population of the new nation has fallen into serious gripe; this incident has become the leading topic since such subjects are never totally forgotten by the people and this subjective deflation was actually originated by the emblematic leader of the nation, Mr. Salva Kiir Mayardit, the President of the republic of South Sudan.  Surely, how can the President mistrust the whole nation to the extent that he gave the First Daughter to a foreigner? Also I fail to understand what our dear President meant at this stage because, for him having not honored and respected the whole population of South Sudan, including all those important and courageous tribes of South Sudan who have been groaning with him since the time of Dr. John Garang and as well as the pains they felt in his rule since 2005 up to date?Mr. President, I think we have very important sons of South Sudan who can take and marry Adut Kiir without dithering.
Apparently, it is very imperative to highlight that the world has seen the problem facing this young nation, South Sudan because our respectful President, the symbol of the country failed to respect and honor even a single person in whole population of South Sudan. It is really so surprising to find that the First Daughter of South Sudan had become a foreigner today, but what caused this disposition is the lack of respect for his own people and the office he is holding because Mr. President didn’t plan and think of what would be next if he acquiesced to give our respectful First Girl to a stranger, an Ethiopian man. At this instant, however, it would be important for the population of South Sudan to request our President to apologize to the Nation at large, leave alone greater Gogrialists, the inhabitants of the native land who lost their closest daughter to a stranger.I can’t imagine their mood now, as we felt humiliated. I don’t know for all his intents and purposes, but does our President want to register a history of being the first President to give his daughter to a foreigner in South Sudan? Where has he ever heard of such a case for him to compare with? It is really so ridiculous and downfallen case.
It is such a bombshell issue to put in memory. This has shown and it has become evident to the citizens that our affairs have been hijacked by the foreigners. Mr. Salva Kiir failed to uphold our affairs. Mr. President, are we really safeguarding our affairs, resources and the respect of a whole nation? We are bogged down culturally. We are really shocked and lack some words to say since we became the nation of no directives and exactly our nation is tainted.  Please we beg you to plan for an apology to the indigenous people of South Sudan. Dear readers, there are many wrong things to consider in President Kiir Mayardit’s action:—
1.       Did Adut Kiir fail to get a husband in South Sudan beautiful tribes enriched with wonderful cultures?
2.       Is it very reasonable for our President to use national resources to make a beautiful wedding to a stranger, who is just an asylum seeker?
3.       As concerned citizens, what can we do and say, for our President to understand these issues, because if it is for me, I can simply say that Salva Kiir should avoid arresting journalists who publish the burning issues of the citizens, otherwise it would be wise for Kiir to abolish what’s so-called Media Laws, so that South Sudan also becomes the first nation without media in the world and this will be a very beautiful history that follows what he did.
4.       Fourthly, we are even worried of your life since foreigners made full involvement in your family affairs to the extent that the First Daughter was impregnated. Does your security organ only know how to arrest citizens who talk and write in the media?Why don’t you train them to be protecting your home too like they are guarding your office, Sir?

Finally, I would beg to broadly state the culpability of those Hon. Ministers who misused and spent their time to attend the wedding ceremony of Adut Kiir and Nardes. This is really a questionable action against his leadership. If President Kiir fails to respect the whole nation, therefore it was in actual fact unwise to mess-up with him. This wedding would have been beautiful if President Mayardit, First lady Ayen and daughter, Adut and her husband, Nardes were allowed to do their own wedding party without any significant involvement from fellow South Sudanese citizens. 

At this stage, we would simply say, Good bye Adut Kiir Mayardit, you are now an Ethiopian lady and your father is a President of South Sudan, what a disastrous and sorrowful state of South Sudanese!


And a concerned citizen of South Sudan.


President should release journalists

By:Anok Maketh, CANADA

With all respect to our president and his family, it is legal that every body express their opinion regarding that embarrassing marriage, as long as one is a citizen of this great country. Otherwise, there is no need for this family to be the representatives of our nation.
Before I hit the bottom-line of this article, I would like to convey my sincere sympathy to our brothers (Dengdit Ayok and Ngor Garang) for their courageous efforts to express shame and guilt most Southerners have been enduring since October 22nd. It has been almost 3 weeks since, but I felt like it happened yesterday, still can’t get rid of the pain of embarrassment. Adding the salt in the wound, the systematic arrest and intimidation of innocent young journalists outraged many. My advice to them as a daughter of their country is “No matter what you guys may be going through right now in the hands of what so-called presidential security guards, our thoughts are with you, you guys and other brave journalists plus those websites.

I didn’t learn this ordeal from these websites of course, but from friends living in Juba via phone. We should throw our support behind our journalists in solidarity because they are true sons of South Sudan, you shouldn’t regret any bit of that article “Nyan Bany” because it is the truth, we fought for the truth, and the truth should be told. This generation lost everything, all we have left with is the freedom of expression in our independent country. And if any one choice to punish us for the only thing we have left with, by putting those who voice the concern of the people in harm’s way, then make sure all the Southerners are watching around the world and inside the country as well. Soon or latter we the people will make sure someone pays for their unjustified actions against poor young men who are trying to do their job.
To get into the point, parents should not be blamed for actions of their adult children, Adut has to carry her own cross of putting whole country in shame. I think you are just Adut not ‘Nyan-e-Bany’, there is no Nyan Bany who can make two mistake at once (get pregnant out of wedlock and by a foreigner at the same time), that’s why I say this girl shouldn’t be call a first daughter any more.
To conclude my point, THERE IS A ENGLISH SAYiING WHICH SAYS ‘ONE BAD ONION MAKES THE WHOLE SACK GO ROTTEN;’ every family has it one bad onion, same go to President’s family. However, what dismayed the whole South Sudan the most was Kiir’s role in the wedding. It was really disgraceful for Mr. President to walk Adut down the aisle when he clearly knew that it was a wrong marriage at the wrong time. I don’t know what Kiir was thinking, there was no Dinka principle attached to that marriage nor Western world traditional match it, since Dinka father does not hand over her own daughter in marriage, but the bride’s uncle (elder brother of dad or his cousin) does it, not the dad himself. And the Western presidents make sure any decision taken by their kids will not harm the country’s interest in any way, whether physically or morally.
All in all, citizens are concerned about the country’s future and the coming generation who may use Adut’s actions as an example, why they would pursue alienation rather than their own. It seem like we totally forgot that we just came out of war yesterday and still in danger of being engulfed back to war any time.
Kiir should release and stop arresting journalists and address this situation. Otherwise, we the shaab are losing trust in moral and leadership status of the President. Shaab have a lot of questions and these questions will not go away without answers.

Anok Maketh, CANADA


Marriage or intelligence failure?: A case for our president’s daughter.

By John Bith Aliap.

Before I can go any further in analysing the marriage of our president’s daughter to an Ethiopian man, I would like to make myself clear to those who may view this opinion piece as an attack on the personal life of our president as has been the case, resulting in the arrest of journalists most recently.

The republic of South Sudan is a signatory to the United Nations and has every right to uphold its pledge to the international community in which it is a member state.

Freedom of speech is one of the basic fundamental human rights in a democratic system, and I believe that the republic of South Sudan is a democratic country whose citizens should be permitted to express their opinions in public matters without fear of retribution.

The republic of South Sudan in this respect is no exception in upholding international fundamental human rights. Freedom of expression and freedom of speech are basic human rights principles that country’s such as the republic of South Sudan is obliged under international law. 

These principles should inform the basis of our national law to protect all South Sudanese citizens and allow them to express themselves freely.

Article 9 (2) of the republic of South Sudan constitution allows me as a citizen of the republic of South Sudan to express my opinion without being hindered. This article states that ‘the rights and freedoms of individuals and groups enshrined in this bill shall be respected, upheld and promoted by all organs and agencies of government and by all persons’.

Returning to the point of discussion, many South Sudanese citizens including those that remain in South Sudan prison facilities have written considerably about our president’s daughter marriage to an Ethiopian man using different perspectives.

However, I would like to examine this issue from an intelligence perspective where the current and future security of South Sudan’s borders is compromised.

Historically, our fifty-year-war with the Arab nation of Northern Sudan has left us to question any body whose background can be seen or understood as similar to our former foes the northern Arabs.

The purpose of intelligence is to assist those in decision making through an intelligence projection that might suggest change to bring about a better future and avoid potential dangers (quoted from William, 1981).

This definition of intelligence informs us as South Sudanese that our intelligence community needs to be diligent in its role as the eyes and ears of the nation.

Our esteemed president himself comes from an intelligence field background; this is a field where a great deal of emphasis is placed on reducing uncertainty.

It is somewhat disheartening to accept as people of South Sudan that intelligence failure may be inevitable. In most cases as many of us have seen in the past and in our present time, intelligence failures can result in unimaginable, untold human suffering.  

The South Sudanese president’s daughter marriage to an Ethiopian man has recently become a major topic of debate in South Sudan that in turn resulted in quite a number of people being arrested by the security agents.

Although discussion of our president’s daughter marriage has risked the liberty of individuals’ personal lives, concerned South Sudanese Citizens such as myself can prepare to face the consequences associated with the debate on this topic.

As a patriotic South Sudanese citizen, I am most concerned for the safety and protection of the president. According to intelligence theory, the notion of lying outside and telling the truth inside may apply in this situation.

It is plausible to propose that we do not know the strategies or tactics of the enemies of the republic of South Sudan. These enemies can make last hour strategies disguised in our sacred traditional marriage in order to dismantle the government of South Sudan and its people into disarray.

Foreigners have now made their way up to the presidential palace.  According to my view, this provides the imminent possibility of South Sudan’s intelligence secrets being leaked either now or in the future.

An intelligence failure in the country can result from cases similar to our president’s daughter being married to a foreigner whose background remains a mystery.

The republic of South Sudan national security is an issue that can not be compromised over anything, and South Sudanese citizens have a significant role to ensure that South Sudan intelligence secrets are maintained without being leaked.

In the case of the current premise of the president’s daughter wedding to an alien man, South Sudanese citizens are urged to voice their concerns respectfully to their chosen leader and question the rationale of this significant marriage.

Surely, this marriage might have been imposed on our president by his daughter.  But according to Dinka marriage arrangements and responsibilities, as a Dinka myself, the president may have escaped criticism if he had delegated his brother to govern the marriage procedures. 

The question now remains as to whether this marriage will continue to be a thorn in the side of the president, a source of pain and mistrust.

In conclusion, I must reiterate that my opinion is informed upon two key concerns. 

Primarily, the president’s safety is our national concern that cannot be compromised by any citizen of South Sudan inclusive of his own family members. 

Individuals such as the author of this work have a significant role to play whether in our homeland or abroad when it comes to the security of our president. 

Secondly, the national security of South Sudan especially the retention of intelligence information is of critical value given the challenges our newly born nation has faced throughout its history, and perhaps continue to face currently and in the future. 

Our security agents must double their efforts to ensure that citizens of South Sudan, including the president and his extended family are adequately protected.

The author of this work is a concerned South Sudanese citizen and can be corresponded at johnaliap2011@hotmail.com


  1. same says:

    fu… u


  2. Ethiopian says:

    As an Ethiopian I am deeply offended by Dengdit Ayok’s article. By the way I am not condoning the arrest of the journalst by the South Sudan government. This is not how you should start life as a new independent country. What does two people marrying for love got to do with national security? If the issue is why she married a foreigner (an Ethiopian) it smells of empty national pride or at its worst racism. Don’t forget the invaluable support you had received from Ethiopians in your long and hard struggle for independence.


  3. John says:

    Just deluded article and what a waste of time to read ! Blaming the security officials for unlawful and undemocratic measures to release the editor AT THE SAME TIME CALLING THE PRESIDENT TO DENY HIS DAUGHTER THE RIGHT TO MARRY WHOEVER SHE LOVES OR give his daughter forcefully to some one who is south Sudanese origin !
    Every with decent mind all call this national inferiority , racism and arrogance except Dengdit Ayok who calls this patriotism


  4. Achai says:

    If such articles are continued to be published in South Sudan i believe we as a nation have a long way to go. If high profile people such as Salva’s daughter are expected to discriminate and stick to their own so called ‘kind’ what does that really say about our morals and values as a nation. Are we expected to only love our own kind and hate those who appear to be slightly different? if people continue to act in this manner, we will be dealing with and even graver problem soon enough.


  5. Dear

    Take it easy, every issue in every society invariably generate opposite poles. That our liberation struggle was born, nursed and raised in Ethiopia is unquestionable. Still, people who have different opinions about the First Daughter marriage to an Ethiopian guy has every right to express their views without blanket condemnation nor summary arrest. And you have a right to make known your opinion, as you did here, without being bullied. That is the kind of Freedom Ethiopians assist us to gain, don’t you think so?

    That is the nature, and the price, of freedom of expression; it does not discriminate between the wise and the unwise and we have got to bear with it unless we want to revert back to censorship which, i believe, you are not advocating for.

    Freedom of expressing dictates that those who have different views about the marriage have right to air them, though how they go about it is a different matter which is individually driven. What is so outrageous is for the government to take what would go for a libel suit as a national security threat.

    Do you see the contradiction entailed here: that our president who is so liberal to give his daughter the right to choose her man is too dictatorial to entertain criticisms from his subjects that he ordered National Security Apparatus to hunt down journalists instead of seeking legal redress in the court of law for a “libel suit.”

    What does our president want us to learn from this debacle: that his daughter has the right to her freedom as a person which she can choose and exercise however she wishes but that the citizens of south Sudan have no freedom to open their mouths without being hounded and hunted down? Objecting to what the culture says is one thing; detaining someone for airing his/her opinion, whatever the basis of the argument is, is another.



    • Ethiopian says:

      PaanLuel Wel, Thank you for your civilized response to my comment. This is how poitical discussion should be conducted, by discussing the message not by attacking the messanger. If you read my first comment again I was not making personal character attack on the author of the article but I pointed out the fallacy of his thinking. We have other pressing social issues to worry about than arguing over who married who. I said it in my original post and I will say it again the detention and harrassment of the journalist by the government is totally unacceptable. I hope one day both in your country and mine peope will be free to voice their opinion without fear of retribution.


    • MARIAH says:

      you bloggers from sudan are the worst i have ever seen what does her privacy have to do with the public SHAME ON YOU BLOGGERS!


      • you bloggers from sudan are the worst i have ever seen what does her privacy have to do with the public SHAME ON YOU BLOGGERS!

        Dear Mariah,

        We bloggers are only interested in the affairs of the nation, not personal matters. Adut Salva, by virtue of being The First Daughter of the Republic of South Sudan, has a national responsibility to the people/country that her dad lead. Her mariage therefore has national implications, something of which being blogged about by bloggers like myself. If she was not a daughter of the president, no one would be interested in her personal matters even if she were to marry outside the country. As a daughter of the president, she has no privacy in matters by which she would still be referred to as “the daughter of the president of South Sudan has married an immigrant from Ethiopia.”

        In other words, the line between public matters and personal issues is murky when it comes to national figures/officials, their spouses and children. Whatever the children/spouses and even other close relatives like brothers and sisters do is reflected upon the public officials, which, in this particular case, is the president of South Sudan.

        Your email read “Winnie Salva” which could mean you might be related to Adut, or maybe herself…Christian name. There is nothing personal here nyande uncle, just national matters!

        Thanks for your comment though!

        PaanLuel Wel.


  6. Ethiopian Recycler says:

    Republic of South Sudan [RoSS] is abuzz because an Ethiopian “refugee” married President Salva Kiir Mayardit’s eldest daughter Adut. Editor of a local paper is now in jail for writing an opinion page critical of the President for being less than patriotic. Patriotic is a loaded word. According to the editor Agut’s hand could only have been given to a native, not a foreigner. Other writers chimed in with threats and a salacious rumor that Agut is impregnated. Some are angry at the church for officiating marriage of unequals and when the holy matrimony was already violated and consummated. This must be the first in the history of Su
    Read more in Ethiopian Recycler blog


  7. leave a link to your blog sir!


    • hafte says:

      No president of South Sudan or any common citizen of any nation can control love affairs. It is disgusting for anyone to think that the president’s first born or second born cannot marry whoever she loves. I know of South Sudanese who have happy families married to Ethiopian women. Unless the authors of this article are racists, to interfere in love affairs of the president’s daughter, is a futile exercise. Learn to live with people who may not necessarily look like you or speak your dialect. After all, Ethiopia has immensely sacrificed during the struggle for your independence. This marriage has bonded the unity of the two nations even more.


  8. Ethiopian woman says:

    Oh dear! it is sad to see that an Ethiopian man’s marriage to the first daughter of South Sudan brings about such controvercy. Marriage is hard work as it is with out all this animousity bombarding it. I will pray for these newly weds that their union will be blessed.

    As for me, the Ethiopian first daughter can be married to a man from Uzbekistan if she loves him and he loves her.


  9. Dounst says:

    We have still a long way to go. There is an embedded racist and gender biased outlook in the article. First, why should it matter whether she(the daughter of the President) marries a Sudanese or foreigner? You should accept that she is an independent human being who can and should make decisions about her life. She is not an object “to b given” to this or that. It is really backward which fits the stereotype that this society considers women objects of family (in this case national) collective decision to think that the presidents decision is wrong.

    I can understand the concern about the SS market being invaded by foreigners. Market, the economy is something “ours”, and object, and we can debate about who should have what. But the issue about wedding is totally misplaced and easily shows a flawed view and attitude about women in general. I think SS men should learn to live with the fact that women are human beings who can make decisions about their lives— after all i have never heard complaint about guys marrying foreigners.

    The journalist exercised his freedom of expression unwisely. He should have promoted the president’s decision to respects his daughter’s decision. The president did something we should welcome and applaud. The journalists view could be considered crime against women, crime of considering women as objects of collective decision–to be given to this or that, — and something unbecoming of a journalist. Yet i don’t think he should have been arrested by security forces.

    I see this issue as purely angry and jealous men — control freaks– wanting to tell women about their lives in the 21century. This can happen only in Africa– I guess. By the way do you know that black were legally prohibited not to marry white women for a long time in the west? Is the journalist any different?


  10. Semay says:

    This is not a good start to a new nation.

    Are you forgetting what Ethiopia has done to you for many many years? Don’t judge a nation because of one of few citizens. Remember: you are in a critical position for years to come and you will need Ethiopia badly for your survival including being a peacemaker between North and south Sudan.
    South Sudan must find her identity rather than being the childish play ground to those brainwashed by the west to destroy the nation. The look like this so called journalist are/will be the danger to a new nation like south Sudan that has loots of problems including Tribal.
    Don’t make us(Ethiopians) judging you and having some negative taught about you We treated you with dignity when you had very bad time. About the Ethiopians attitude towards the South Sudans; Ask John Grang spirit and skeleton and many others too.


  11. Sammy says:

    I don’t agree with the marriage and I’m Ethiopian!

    ts sad how the president actually permitted the symbol of his new nation (his family), to be corrupted. I’m not saying that our brother doesn’t deserve to get married or find love. This girl is supposed to be the symbol of her new found nation and she should have known better and set examples by marrying one of her own. Unless she was pregnant and the family wanted to rush the wedding, her parents are wrong for giving her away. I fear that she did not marry the guy for his preferred Ethiopian look and that he did not take her for power and influence. From my observation, no Ethiopian would enter such a marriage, especially from another culture in Dinkaland. I’m not prejudiced or anything but that’s just the fact. From the photo, i don’t see any joy or felicity in their faces. I wish that is not true. PEOPLE OF SOUTH SUDAN, IF YOUR PRESIDENT IS SETTING THIS KIND OF PRECEDENCE WHICH IS DETRIMENTAL TO YOUR CULTURE, IS HE CAPABLE TO LEAD? He’s supposed to be the George Washington of South Sudan and he just told all male South Sudanese brothers that they are not good enough for his daughter. THINK ABOUT IT!

    Sammy in Addis


  12. Tino says:

    With deep sorrow, I condemn in the most dissappointed language; the abusive, segregative, sectarian and wholly discrimintive message passed by the journalists. In the modern world where we live in a global village with imaginary boundaries, I am irked in totality by the inuendo; the unrealistic dream of immoral assumers that the 1st daughter was destined to get married to a sudanese local;God forbid. A week in Juba and you register none of the local boys save for immoral manners and gross indiscipline did not befit taking the 1st daughters hand. God forgive them for the absolute miopic thinking, we are still a new nation with immature natives. Key to this is lets not forget the minor fact she did not choose to be born in family that would eventually become the 1st family of south sudan. In doing what he did, the president respected his daughter, her faincee for the choice having made to raise a happy family forever. It is a lesson every parent in south sudan should be preaching to their siblings.
    Can we learn a lesson from USA; a product of inter marriage and the uncertain future


  13. Senait says:

    I am from Ethiopia and highly respect the culture and national pride of South Sudanese. BUT I think in every comment you make, you have to show the ultimate respect they have for other nations (specially friendly ones like Ethiopians) – as we are proud people as you are.
    This said I would like to congratulate the people of SS daring to start the rough process of democratization (eg able to criticizes the head of state) and hope things will get better day after day.


  14. taylor says:

    Are u guys freakin turds she got right of any one she want to marry


  15. maikey says:

    wow that means freedom is precious when u are the one receiving it but not others!!i can’t believe people who have been stripped of their freedom and who just got it back should be so narrow and in a hurry to strip others their freedom!!i guess u(ayok) ve not still understand the meaning of freedom!! and u also use words like the president sholudn’t ve”allowed”,or should not “give”his daughter to a foreigner..i thought she was a human being who can do whatever she wants and not just a simple “item”


  16. Akuol Alaak says:

    you guys are sad and racist and it is a shame that this is what the new south sudan is


    • Akuol Alaak,

      A New South Sudan in which citizens have the freedom to express their views without being arrested or intimidated is what we all fought for!!! It might feel uncomfortable to our leaders and their family members but the sooner they avoid making blunders the better for them. Alternatively, they can leave public office and be citizen of the Republic and no one will ever mind their business so long as they are not public officials.


  17. robel says:

    I feel the frustrations of some who think that the SS presidency, as a symbol of the nation, has been violated. But I would like to challenge these ideas. I think that by choosing a “foreigner” the daughter has unequivocally demonstrated that SS as a new nation in Africa can break the cycle of false nation hood created by the European colonizers. I was actually elated when I heard the news. This is where it starts…we need to look for a future with unavoidable integrated society in the area. We need to fight (peaceful) the status quo and move forward.
    So what if she marries an Ethiopian…I see very little difference between Ethiopians and SS or even Kenyans for that matter….We need to be very careful with racist under-toned articles…We should actually build on this blessed marriage and further try to strength our relationships.
    I was actually amazed at some people who think that the Father should give her to a South Sudanese….really? May be this is the culture in SS, I don’t know, but she has the right, even if she is the first daughter, to chose her man…..
    Very interesting stuff tho….
    Peace to SS !!


  18. alphadenden@yahoo.com says:

    what a racist people we Ethiopians and Eritreans gave you home gave you food at the bad times and helped you out to get your freedom now you forget everything calling as invaders what is the problem if she married an Ethiopian love doesn’t have requirements or you guys mad coz you didn’t get the chance to marry her ……


  19. Linda wairimu warui says:

    Love is a marvelous thing given to us by God.He loved us all inspite of our differences and He gave his only us to die for our sins.Is God racist or Tribalic?Am sure hez nt like so.So why should we??!
    We call ourselves christians n yet we cnt show love to one another as different pple with diff. Customs n beliefs??!
    SS as a new nation should b open minded n accept foreigners as diff.as they may b,….i quote a phrase from John Garang himself ‘this nation will not grow with tribalism at its peek’
    am a kenyan,kikuyu 4 that matter n i dnt dicriminate south sudaness because they r diff from me ,…my other brothers n sisters


  20. […] Was President Kiir’s Daughter Impregnated before the Wedding? […]


  21. […] Was President Kiir's Daughter Impregnated before the Wedding? […]


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