Archive for July 12, 2014

The Fox and The Crane

Posted: July 12, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in David Aoloch

By David Aoloch Bion

the fox came, found the crane
laid five eggs up the tree in nest
the fox went and moulded
an axe of mud
he came under the tree
and tried to cut it down
the crane cried
”please, don’t cut, my eggs’
‘give me one egg and I leave it”
the fox demanded
the crane gave fox one egg
the fox left
the fox came for second time
he tried to cut the tree
the crane cried
”please, don’t cut, my eggs”
”give one egg and I leave it ”
the fox demanded
the crane gave him one egg
the fox left
the fox came for third time
the crane gave him one egg
the fox came for the fourth time
the crane give him one egg
the fox came for the fifth time
he tried to cut the tree
since one egg remained in nest
the crane said’’ YES fox cut the tree ‘’
the fox laughed because he threatened
crane with AN AXE OF MUD
he left
” one good day is worthy four bad days”
the crane said

Note: the origin of this poem is oral tradition of South Sudan

Madam Rebecca Nyandeng and Ambassador James Morgan on the 3rd Anniversary

Posted: July 12, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in History