Archive for May 12, 2018

The missed truth about African continent by the world

By Daniel Awet Benjamin, Jiangsu Province, China


Saturday, May 12, 2018 (PW) — There are 54 states on the continent, yet the media insists on referring to it as one place or a country. Instead I should’ve written an article base on my home country or some part of her best beauty.

However, I felt it that,  there is a need to educate the masses of misperception about Africa being referred to as a country by some uninformed citizens around the world especially in Asia.  I therefore take this momentous juncture to project the missed truth of this proudly beautiful and richest continent in the world.

“If people are not interested in learning your roots or history by themselves, then teach them yourself” First and foremost, Africa is divided into five regions as follows:

1. South Africa regions

2. West Africa regions

3. East Africa regions

4. North Africa regions

5. Central Africa regions
